valentineartworks · 2 years
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To Hell with the format.
So, because I don't have enough characters already, here's three more I made.
Their names are Simon (or "Paradox"), Rhinestone, and Wesley (or Wes).
Fun Fact: Simon is based off an oldish Zorua character I had. We don't talk about him.
Another Fun Fact: All of these characters die in a story that I'm planning to maybe write. If I don't procrastinate all that much, lmao.
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(17) Willow
In my last post, I mentioned how Nora had this energetic, nature-loving girlfriend. This is the girlfriend.
Her name is Willow, and she's a ray of sunshine. But, she's also kinda clumsy and naive.
She's the same species as Tessa (who is referred to as a fox, but she's not really a fox, lol), and she grew up in Woodburrow (after it got a bunch of repairs made to it after the Sky Eater incident, whoops). She's actually Tessa's distant cousin (like, maybe once removed or something).
Character(s): Willow
Creation Time: 3 Hours & 13 Minutes (half of the time was spent thinking of a good color palette for her, aaaaaa)
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(16) Nora
A Skylanders OC because I am mega cringe, lmao. So, this is Nora, and she's my pride and joy. She's a Techie (like her dad, Henrey, another Skylanders OC, lol), and she has this extremely energetic, nature-obsessed girlfriend. She also has a ponytail, but I can't draw them, so it looks weird.
She's also Henrey's favorite, purely because she looks very similar to a certain Skylander that he's kind of in love with. 👀 (That's a lie. He likes all three of his kids 😊)
So, the weird thing is, I have no idea what she is. Her dad is a mix between Mabu, Feline, and Fox, and her mom is also a Feline. So she's a Mabu-Feline-Fox mix, which is... whatever you'd call it.
Character(s): Nora
Creation Time: I forgor-
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(15) Tuff Luck
(Spoiler Alert: some of these are gonna be kinda old, oops-)
A Trap Master that I have never used, at all, but I think her design is really neat. Cat kitty cat cat kitty cat cat.
Character(s) Included: Tuff Luck (Skylanders: Trap Team)
Creation Time: 30 Minutes
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(14) PSMD 7th Anniversary
Woah, PSMD turned seven today. I wanted to make a quick something to celebrate (and also because I hardly ever draw Jack and Juni-). These two dorks are probably my favorite team. Anyway, happy birthday, PSMD.
Character(s) - Jack (Riolu), Juniper (Fennekin)
Creation Time - 1:53
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(13) Ezra Espurr Reference
(Disclaimer: This character is, in no way, related to Ezra Miller.)
Here's that second character I was talking about. I'm thinking they're genderfluid, but I dunno.
Ezra, as far as I know, is pretty tired (just like Val). That's all I've got for now.
Character(s) - Ezra Espurr
Creation Time - 0:53
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(12) - Zachary Zorua Reference
Woah! It's another shitty Pokémon OC! Who would've thunk it?
Anyway, I'm thinking of taking a break, since my mental health is absolutely deteriorating right now, lol. To compensate for my long break, I'm gonna post this and another character I made, because I'm mentally ill. Ahah.
Zach is a cocky, optimistic kid, who is full of energy (and also a brat, lol). That's all I have for them for now.
Character(s) - Zachary Zorua
Creation Time - 1:44 (most of the time was taken because i couldn't draw good enough proportions, lol)
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(-1) Old Art Fight Stuff
I actually never posted this, lol. Since I have nothing else to post at the moment, take this really old and really bad artwork I made in July (probably gonna remake it, TBH).
Character(s) - Primrose (@aimer-arts), Storm (@aimer-arts)
Time Taken - 0:50 (fifty minutes)
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(11) Winona/Wren New Reference 3.0
This is the third time I've drawn a reference for my EoS alternate hero. I think I'm gonna stick with this design; I like it.
Maybe if this gets enough traction, or if people wanna know, I might drop some of her backstory, lel. But, a guy can only dream.
Character: Winona/Wren
Creation Time: 1:54
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(10) Sasha's New Reference
Sasha's old reference was looking a little bit crusty, so I decided to make a new one! Sorry for not posting as much, BTW. I'm in my senior year of high school.
Character: Sasha Shinx
Creation Time: 1:24
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valentineartworks · 2 years
(09.5) Meta OC Questionare
Hello. You guys have probably seen some of my characters on my other blog (@oh-shiitakemushrooms), so, ask about 'em.
Here's a quick list, since some have gotten more love than others:
BRT: Rowan (Treecko), Cairo (Cyndaquil)
EoS: Lucas (Riolu), Sasha (Shinx)
GtI: Ophelia (Oshawott), Paisley (Pikachu)
PSMD: Jack (Riolu), Juniper (Fennekin)
And some of my non-canon characters, IG:
The Seekers: Rune (Hisuian Zorua), Flurry (Alolan Vulpix)
Team Castle: Evie (Eevee), Rosemary (Skitty)
This is a decimal, rather than a full number, since this technically isn't an art post, lol. However, I'll try to draw 'em as I go.
Meta OC Questions
Once upon a time, I posted a series of questions asking about thematic/symbolic elements in relation to ocs.
Well now I've decided to create a new set of oc questions, this time touching upon meta elements of them as well as how they interact with the world they're placed in.
I'm mostly aiming these questions at fandom ocs (which is more obvious in some later questions) but these could also apply to wholly original characters.
What inspired you to create your oc?
Why does your oc look the way they do? What are your reasons for their appearance?
What is the origin of the character's name?
Why did you give them the name they have? What is the in-universe reason for their name?
What kind of abilities and power level does your oc have? Why did you give them their powers? What's the in-universe reason?
What are the weaknesses in their power? Why did you give them their weaknesses? What's the in-universe reason?
Does your oc have any notable skills or good personality traits? Why did you give them those traits? Why do they exist in-universe?
Does your oc have any notable flaws or activities they're not good at? Why did you give them those flaws? Why do they exist in-universe?
In a group dynamic, what kind of role does the oc usually fill? Are they a worry wart? A troublemaker? The straight man?
What is your favorite trait regarding your oc?
What is your least favorite trait regarding your oc?
Which canon characters (if any) do the oc have good relationships with? Why those characters?
Which canon characters (if any) do the oc have bad relationships with? Why those characters?
Did you give your oc a love interest? Is it another oc or a canon character? Why?
How does your oc interact with the canon narrative? What about it do they change?
What aspect(s) of the universe's lore are they connected to? Do they change/add lore to the universe?
List/describe up to five tropes that apply to your oc. They could be related to the oc's characterization or their narrative arc.
Imagine meeting your oc. What would you want to say to them or do with them?
How might your oc react to finding out you are the one responsible for their life?
Share a random piece of trivia about the creation of your oc. Examples: scrapped ideas or changes you didn't expect to make.
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(09) Evie Reference
And here's a reference for Evie, the main leader of Team Castle! She works alongside Rosemary. If people are interested, I may post some more info about her and Rose.
Character: Evie
Creation Time: 1:31
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(08) Art Fight Attack
For Sphinxology on Art Fight.
I haven't really drawn human/sphinx characters, so this may or may not look really bad heheh.
Character: Toonie
Creation Time: 20 Minutes
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(07) Rosemary Reference
A reference sheet for my character, Rosemary. She's a Skitty. I'm currently working on a PMD AU-ish type story, and Rose is one of the main characters. More specifically, she's the partner to the human-turned-Eevee protagonist, Evie.
Character: Rosemary
Creation Time: 1:13
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(06) Art Fight Attack
For @lille-scribbles. Had to draw this lil' enby team, lol.
Characters: Luccas, Tree
Creation Time: Thirty One Minutes
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(05) Art Fight Revenge
For MintleafCakes on Art Fight.
Character: Jerm
Creation Time: 20 Minutes
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valentineartworks · 2 years
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(04) Breeze and Ember References
Just some references for my Explorers of Time team: Team Petrichor.
Characters: Breeze, Ember
Creation Time: 1:35 (hour & thirty five minutes)
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