valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
The only thing he could say about the debacle was that it wasn’t his fault this time. Well, things were hardly ever his fault since he was extremely careful with what he did, but that was besides the point. Coming back to town after the  Gautier Manor had essentially ‘returned to the earth’ wasn’t exactly the greatest thing he wanted to be greeted with. Besides, it was also a terrible combination with the jet lag he was still bogged down with. Great tragedies go hand in hand with bars and the sort since there’s always an influx of people that need to drink their senses or thoughts away. Being busy with work was good. It was always good, but he felt like he was at a constant zero with energy. And that effected him in a lot of aspects. A lot of.. negative aspects. 
Knife’s Edge has been closed for half an hour now. All of his employees had gone home, but he hadn’t realized how late it  had gotten. Marcellus was up to his neck with various tasks he needed to do, but the lack of sleep caught up to him. He had closed his eyes for a second, just for a quick moment to ease the stinging burn that seared behind his eyelids, but then he was woken up by the sound of someone closing the front door of the bar. It was jarring to realize that he had dozed off, but he was quick to get up and walk out of his office to see who it was.
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“We’re closed,” he said with complete impatience and annoyance. A scowl was already on his face, but he soon realized that the open sign hadn’t been turned off. Well, fuck. A hard sigh was pushed out through his nose as he chided himself for falling asleep. “We’re supposed to be closed, but fine- this time only. What’ll you have?” As he spoke he went over to the front window to switch off the open sign so no one else would come in at this hour. 
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                     Lyra was bored and that in itself meant trouble for those whom her gaze settled upon; though, what else was bloody new? It was because of said boredom that the original found herself at the Knife’s Edge which wasn’t all that out of the ordinary considering the amount of time the blonde spent in the watering hole of the hunters of Salem’s Point. Despite the place looking more deserted than usual, Lyra waltzed into the bar where she was greeted with quite the scowl and a pair of very weary eyes. “Should work on that, love.” she quipped as her gaze followed the other as he completed the simple task of turning a sign. “Whiskey, neat and in a clean glass if you’d be so kind.”
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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“Because you think you’re above us? Fine. Maybe you are. I don’t really care about that tonight, I just want to know where my brother is. Wouldn’t you want to know about yours, too?” The Originals couldn’t die, but that did not place them above emotional attachment to one another. At the very least she hoped Lyra could fathom that much. “Where was he?”
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                   “Because I don’t feel the need to know my food; and I already have enough pets, love. Unlike you in this moment, I always know where my brother is; the one that counts.” Lyra replied in an icy tone despite the vulnerable state that the girl before her was in as she appealed to a sense of humanity that Lyra just didn’t have nor had she ever ---- but she wanted to know where her brother was and who was Lyra to deny such information? “Last I saw him he was with the other corpses.”  
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
“I resent that because with me around at least I can keep you crazy kids in line.” He smirked looking up at his sister as she took her seat next to him. “Well you have better judgement since you saw what happened.”
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                “Please. When have you ever been able to keep any of us in line, brother?” she quipped and while Lyra knew why her eldest brother acted the way he did and why he seemed to devote his time to them, it was still beyond her; it would change nothing. “That I did and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it immensely. You missed those witches being incinerated, though you also missed all the bloody crying that went along with the fun.”
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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               “What did one hat say to the other on the hat rack?” The woman let out a small giggle into her hand before turning back to the other. “You wait here, I’m going to go on a-head.”
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                   “That was bloody terrible. I hope you’re not planning on telling me any other little gems, love.”
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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          “You really shouldn’t express condolences, it was only a house.” Many others had lost their lives, the Delore parents and a Knight included. Memories Brennan could look back on could be considered insignificant in comparison to those who would never live to see another day.  
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                     “You know I was doing no such thing, Brennan.”
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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“I’m gone for a week and the whole town goes to shit.” Sometimes Clyde thought he had seen it all but then stuff like this happened. Harming his family. Something that wasn’t okay with him. Rage was bubbling inside his chest but he kept it below the surface until he could get out of town and let out some anger. “What did you guys do open the gates of hell?” He was kidding, well partially. Everyone was calling it hellfire but he wasn’t sure what he believed at this point.
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                 “We both know it was shit long before your impromptu getaway.” Lyra quipped as she approached her brother and the person he had been directing his words towards as she took up the empty seat to his other side. “That was done a thousand years ago and besides, if this is hell on earth; I’m rather disappointed.” 
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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                “You’re fucking irritating,” the witch hissed as she turned on her heel to finally turn towards the original vampire that was behind the blood that was coating her newly purchased white dress, a dress she had kept so neat during the ball until her encounter with the vampire. “Isn’t this a free-for-all for your kind? Keep your fucking voice down, not interested in everyone knowing about my abilities. Is this the part where I ask what you want to keep this a fucking secret or some shit?”
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                   Lyra simply stood there as the witch began to talk and talk some more, causing the original to smirk wickedly as a few facts were made very clear. “Seeing as up until thirty seconds ago I didn’t know your status as a witch was supposed to be a secret, I’d say this is exactly the part where we bargain. Perhaps next time you shouldn’t talk so much, love.”
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
The words would have been enough for Acacia to move on but she paused when the blonde spoke again. Had she not been so focused on being a nurse the hunter in her would have given pause. “Great. I trust you can handle yourself then?”
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                        “I’ve been handling myself for a thousand years, love. Can’t say the same for the rest of the town’s inhabitants; or what’s left of them.”
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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               “Kill it and lets move on from this mess– we’re far too pretty to be walking among the maggots. We need a change of clothes and a drink, preferably someplace that isn’t going to shit itself — what the fuck is happening around here?”
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                     His death wasn’t quick in the slightest as Lyra drank deeply from the human who couldn’t do a damn thing; there was far too much blood in the water and the sharks were circling. “Vervain sounds wonderful right about now, besides; I’m tired of the smell of burned wolf. Someone’s decided to play an entirely different game, my love, and we both know who.”
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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“I’ve lived here my whole life, how do you not know?” Diana never actually expected to be on the Original’s radar, but the stress of the situation had her speaking out when she otherwise might have shrunk away. “Jamie Knight. Have you seen him?”
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              “There’s a very obvious answer to that question, little dove.” one that didn’t need to be spoken out loud as Lyra wouldn’t waste her breath on those not important enough to know; humans were food and nothing more. Funnily enough, she did actually know whom the other was speaking of and had seen what was left being carried out of the wreckage. “Yes.”
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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                 “It’s not mine,” the brunette muttered to the wandering eyes as she pulled her long hair to the left side of her neck, hoping it would be enough to cover up the dried blood that managed to drip down to her white dress she had so cautiously been taking care of that night. “Do you need anything else? I think they have blankets getting passed around,” she whispered as she handed the bottle towards the other, trying to focus on one person at once although her eyes wandered.
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                   Lyra wasn’t doing anything in particular when her last meal’s voice broke through the original’s boredom. Ignoring the comment of whoever had been attempting to talk to her, the blonde waltzed her way over to the witch who had seemed more surprised at her own magic than what Lyra had been. “Go on, love --- show the people my handy work. Not everyone is as lucky as you, witch.”
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
                                             ----- ( @malevolism )
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                     “Now, if that wasn’t a sign for us to throw one of our infamous bashes, then I don’t know what is.” Lyra said to the only person outside of her family whom she could tolerate and despite the fact that Chord could have fact perished in the hellish hellfire, it didn’t bother Lyra at all ----- everyone had their time; everyone except her villainous siblings; which only made this occasion taste sweeter. 
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
Beck was dead. The words the older hunter had spoke to her echoed in her mind as she forced her legs into motion moving about the people that were outside the flame engulfed house. She was looking to see who she could help. The tears had dried in streaks of black down her face and now she was forcing the feelings away. Feel nothing. Feel nothing. The words were a mantra in her head as she came upon someone looking for help. “I’m here,” she assured them as she moved to her knees at their side looking for the worst of their injuries.
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                          “This isn’t my blood.” the blonde purred as some small brunette woman appeared in front of her, all Florence Nightingale in the wake of what had happened. “But I doubt you could help them in the state they’re in right now.”
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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                 His body still shook, tears staining his cheeks and soot clinging to his skin as his hands were drenched in the blood of the woman he came to love with all his damned heart while he grew up, the woman that taught him everything he knew and the woman that became the closest thing he had to a real family he had after the death of his adoptive father and his mothers demise. Body still heated up from the fire that had been in the distance, his arms clung tightly around the dead body of his sister, not a care in the world passing his mind as her blood soaked his suit and ignoring any sense of begs from the EMTs surrounding him. “Don’t —- you fucking touch her,” he hissed to the oncoming footsteps, pulling the corpse closer to his body as his heart sunk deeper in his stomach.
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                         Lyra had been wandering around the bodies for no particular reason whatsoever when an anguished tone had her observant eyes curiously looking to whom this woman was that he was referring to. As the original effortlessly made her way towards the man she didn’t know, her torn and bloodied dress swayed gently in the slight breeze while her gaze now took in the sight of the hunter whom had promised to burn everything Lyra had loved; hunter’s were silly like that. “You must be the brother.” Lyra commented as though stepping into a sentence previously held by the two, despite them never having talked ------ but the dead hunter she was now looking was amusing for the most part and she had only said not more than two hours ago that her brother was worse, would tolerate Lyra less than she had; one was dead, so another person would have to take her place. “She should have taken up my offer for a dance when she had the chance.” 
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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“Has anyone seen my brother? He was right by the bar… Anyone? Please!”
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                 “Love, I don’t know who you are, so what makes you think I know this bloody brother of yours?” 
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valentinelyra-blog · 7 years
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               “ —– little wench thought it would be okay to grab onto me like I was her savor or something; but opps my teeth fell on her neck. Did this party just get better or what?”                  @valentinelyra @cassiusx @callista-valentine @roryvalentine
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                    “Look at my bloody dress.” the original hissed as she approached her sister with a compelled person in toe (to whom the words had been directed towards) “This one thought it was appropriate to throw up on me. On me.”
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