valentinethorn · 1 year
"Ah, work. The never ending game that we all continue to play." He nodded once more, thinking about his own work for the University that he would do after this shift was over. The kind that he enjoyed, yes, and the kind he found easy, but anything that was necessary automatically felt like something he wished he didn't have to do. It was a new feeling to Valentine. Something he couldn't remember experiencing until just a few short days before.
He glanced at the tables surrounding her. "Would you like me to make a request that the tables nearby remain clear? If you need discretion, we'd be happy to provide that for you."
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"You'd be right there," Nadia replied, taking another sip before placing the glass down. She would've been content at that restaurant table set for one all night. A delicious meal, a decadent dessert, all washed down with a bottle of wine some couldn't even dream of being able to afford.
But she was shaking her head. "Unfortunately not tonight. I've got some work to do." A pirate's business never ended, let alone a captains. She had deals to make, stupid men to flatter and swindle of their money. A whole bottle of wine, no matter how expensive, wouldn't be wise.
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valentinethorn · 1 year
"I'd accuse you of flattery, but I think we both know by now you aren't one to give idle compliments." He didn't know if that was overstepping some kind of boundary that existed between a patron and their water. If somehow he was breaking a rule of the universe that he didn't even know existed. All Valentine knew was that he didn't mind in this circumstance. Not when he could feel the bloom of pride in his chest.
Especially at Nadia's smile. The one that felt so rare and hard to capture. How many times had he seen it? Were other people given the same kind of opportunity? "Sounds like I might be better off leaving the entire bottle for you. Better than waiting for me to come along to pour. Unless you'd prefer that." He knew he would.
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The movements that came next could very well be called a pretentious performance. The taking of the glass between two perfect manicured fingers. The gentle swirling of the liquid around the glass before she brought. it up to take its scent before, eventually, bringing it to her lips for a sip.
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Nadia believed good wine was an art, and art deserved to be consumed properly. Appreciated. Savoured. She let the taste sit on her lips for a moment before looking up at Valentine and letting a smile spread along her lips. "It's perfect, as always."
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valentinethorn · 1 year
Valentine made it back in record time, a kind of hop to his step that wasn't uncommon, just out of the ordinary for the day that it was. Nothing truly special had occurred, he just found himself being more excited than he realized for whenever Nadia sat in his section. Like her sitting there was proof that they really were friends. Whether that was true or not didn't necessarily matter, not when he was already convinced of it.
He poured the glass of wine with the kind of precision that felt more machine than person, and that was because he practiced. The flair. The movement. The glass in his hand. Being a waiter was about putting on a kind of show, and this was the only one he ever intended on performing.
"Please, try it. I'd rather you tell me you hate it now than when you're trying to enjoy your meal. Nothing could be worse than a wine you dislike. It sours everything else for you. Your entire palate."
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Nadia gave him her upmost attention, a rarity in an establishment like the one they were in, with the type of people who felt that because they had more money than sense that meant they didn’t need to have manners either. Nadia had money, and the class of those around her, but she had humble beginnings. She fought daily for what she had. Her lips curled up slightly, nodding just once. “A perfect choice, thank you.”
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valentinethorn · 1 year
Astrid felt her smile growing wider the farther her mind was left to wander away from the empty chair across from her. By the time he’d explained the sparkling hypothesis to her, Astrid’s sister was already forgotten. 
Taking a delicate sip she tried her best to keep the ladylike composure that had once been drilled into her, but as always she failed and the tip of her nose gave a twitch before one singular hiccup disrupted the performance. “It happens every time,” she explained to him, laughing. Three-fourths of the prosecco was gone before she remembered she was supposed to be thinking about it. 
To take the job seriously, she closed her eyes and with a wiggle straightened her back. “Alright. Ah-hem. It’s very…” The same loud thoughts rattled around her head that came any time she tried to meditate. Astrid shook them out physically. What she was left with was a melody. “It’s more like a sound I hear.” Carefully now she let the last of it settle on her tongue, “Maria,” she said, and opened her eyes. “That’s the song. Tárrega and Madariaga. Do you know it?” She thought probably not by name, and started to hum the tune for him, conducting herself by waving her index fingers around until she thought she’d probably made enough of a fool of herself and he either recognized it or didn’t.
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Valentine was never put off by anyone who was enjoying themselves, especially when it came to wine. As far as he was concerned, laughter solved most of what ailed people, though he had to admit, he couldn't quite remember the last time he openly laughed. As though maybe he were just now finding out that there was a piece of him broken that he hadn't even felt until this exact moment. No expression on his face change, just the same amused look that served him well.
"I like that," Vale stated. "A sound. That's part of the joy in tasting something, isn't it? We don't always know what will surface to the top when we do. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but it's such a visceral reaction no matter what. Like it opens up some part of ourselves that we never knew existed before." He wasn't sure where all of that came from, but he was more than willing to run with it. No, he knew. He didn't know the song at all, something about it not triggering any response in his brain.
He pointed to the next option. "Next is a Sauvignon Blanc, as it's important you travel from Sparkling to White." A gentle pour signaled the beginning. "This is Dutcher Crossing. You may notice a few interesting notes here, including shishito and bell pepper. An acquired taste, but I always admire someone willing to push the limits."
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valentinethorn · 1 year
Vale's smile was genuine and warm, knowing, after serving Nadia enough times, that she was never one to take recommendations so easily. Though he couldn't claim to know everything about her, he could say quite decisively that she was someone who rarely let others lead. It meant all the more that in this instance, he was being given the reins and being entrusted with a very important decision. No one should ever under appreciate a good wine pairing.
"I think you'll enjoy the Chateau Montrose, it's a Cabernet Sauvignon, and you already know how perfectly that plays with chicken." He bowed, no one in the restaurant ever needing to write an order down. This was a fine dining establishment, not a fast food joint. Service was a part of the atmosphere, too.
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valentinethorn · 1 year
With almost supernatural precision, Valentine placed four wine glasses down before her. He couldn't very well pour the wine beforehand, and instead had brought with him a cart, the wine still chilling in a bucket of ice. There were few things in this world that he appreciated more than popping open a new bottle. Some in the restaurant even sought him out for the task, given the fact that he could perform the task in record time. With all of the practicing he had with it, that shouldn't be a shock for anyone.
"I'm happy you asked, since I'm much more knowledgeable in this area than if you started peppering me with questions about the dessert that should be coming out in a few minutes." Really, he was almost relieved. Valentine loved wine, yes, but he loved sharing what he knew even more.
To start, Vale showed off the La Marca Prosecco. "The first should always be a sparkling. It's a great way to kick start your palate, and everyone loves Prosecco." He poured a small amount, though he might've added more than was strictly protocol for a tasting. "You'll have to tell me what you experience as you taste, but this particular Prosecco reminds me of the beginning of summer. It's citrusy, and light, and it makes me feel warm, as though I've been outside all day in the sun."
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"I do so love a sample. There's something very satisfying about trying very many little somethings rather than getting sick of the one thing halfway through." That might explain why she liked most nights to order her dessets first and have appetizers as the main.
In his absence she found she had to let her mind and eyes wander back to the empty seat across from her, only her imagination filling it. It wasn't as though she had been particularly looking forward to seeing her sister. On the contrary, she’d been dreading it for several days now. Still, she’d had the decency to show up. Astrid couldn’t help but feel, yet again, the butt of some joke between her siblings for no reason other than the cruel whims of their boredom. At their age! However did humans manage to grow out of it in their short times? She wondered if maybe they didn’t.
It was a train of thought she’d rather not board, and resolved to threaten her moral compass with a little iron to point it askew. All so that she might find herself asking the poor waiter questions that might keep him there once he returned, and thus free her mind from dwelling too much on itself.
“Is there an order you think I should have them in?”
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valentinethorn · 1 year
He shrugged, the idea of being stood up sliding off his back as though it were water. Vale had never experienced emotion the same way that other people had, often accepting things that were usually unacceptable. He couldn't help it. His brain was used to processing complex equations. Everything else felt secondary. Like it was more of a relief to be saved from that kind of interaction than actually have to go through with it, no matter how much he may have been looking forward to the moment.
"Sounds to me like you could use a wine tasting, not just a singular bottle. It's an excellent way to waste time. Even better if it means leaving here a little wobbly." Not that Vale knew, but still, the point stood. Most people that came around here didn't mind their heads swirling around a little. But he took the thanks, and he left, his mind already coming up with possible wine combinations that he could offer her. There was nothing he hated more than an unhappy customer, except, perhaps, a problem that couldn't be solved.
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In a polite way that didn't reach her eyes, Astrid smiled at the lovely little spiel. "I think so too." It was nice to savor something. "Only, I prefer taking my time when it's something I enjoy. And though I'm sure the food will be outstanding," --her hands reached for her heart-- "being stood up is not quite so delicious. Something you'd really rather get on with, you know?"
Finding herself in the midst of oversharing with strangers wasn't a rarity, but she did try her best not to do it when the person was financially obligated to pretend they wanted to listen, so she soon and with effort shut herself up and left it simply at thanking him.
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valentinethorn · 1 year
Nadia loved dining alone. Where many people struggled, or if they did dine alone they’d occupy their time by burying their heads in their phone, or a book, or have a laptop open as if they were actually working. But for Nadia it was an indulgence. Away from the ship, from her crew, she could savour these times and truly indulge. So here she was, seated at her favourite table at one of her favourite restaurants, with her favourite waiter waiting to take her order. It was not surprising at all that it was his quietness that lead to that, and therefore lead to this being her favourite table – it was in his section. 
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Whilst a creature of comfort, when it came to dining she was not one to always order the same thing. Which is why she was taking her time scanning the menu, despite being a regular. Nothing was really jumping out to her however, so she moved her gaze from the menu to Valentine and asked, “What are the specials tonight?”
There were many familiar faces that walked with a purpose into L'Arpège. Few restaurants in the middle of Obsidian City could boast the same high marks when it came to not only the decor and atmosphere, but most especially the food and wine selections that had people coming back for more. There was a sense of entering a new world here that Valentine, too, could understand. Most people might not have found any particular calling with food service, but he enjoyed the work. Was it his passion? No. But it allowed him the kind of practice that he wasn’t sure most people would understand.
One of his favorite faces would always be Nadia. Something about her countenance had him standing up straighter, as though in an effort to impress her all the more. Or maybe the way she held herself was enough of a desire of something to achieve. Like the world might very well bend to her exact will. “The lobster bisque, chicken coq au vin, and rack of lamb. All, as you know, sourced farm to table. Our chefs only use the freshest ingredients.” He had said the same thing to her time and time again, the repetition feeling more like a game than an actual job.
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valentinethorn · 1 year
Valentine shook his head resolutely, which means it was one singular motion that punctuated the words he spoke. "Absolutely not, ma'am. One of the most important aspects of this institution is that our patrons should always feel welcome, and we never intend on forcing anyone out. In fact, I think there's something nice about taking extra time for a meal. So many people intend on rushing through it without properly resonating with what they're actually doing." Did he believe what he was saying? Vale couldn't know for sure, only that it seemed right coming out of his mouth.
He nodded, a happy, warm smile on his face. One that was a permanent fixture on a face that couldn't always contort itself in the right manner, no matter how long he stared into a mirror. "You're leaving a lot to my own discretion," Vale said with another bright smile. Anyone else might have considered it some kind of challenge, where he simply felt honored that someone trusted him with such a decision.
"I'll be right back with the wine, and I'll place the order in for the dessert."
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“No,” Astrid sighed, long and somewhat forlorn. “No questions. I don’t mean to hold you up. You probably wish I’d hurry up and order and go so you could turn the table.” Quickly, for the hundredth time, her eyes flashed to the clock behind his head and back again to the menu. 10:45, it read. Astrid had sat down at 9:30 on the dot.
Okay, fine. 9:32. 
“Oh, alright, this is pathetic. Clearly no one else is coming. I want an entire bottle of whatever wine you like best and the most indulgent dessert on the menu, times two.”
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valentinethorn · 1 year
WHEN: July 2nd, 2023 WHERE: L'Arpège WHO: Open
Valentine stood poised, his hands behind his back as he waited for the patron to make their decision on what they'd be having for lunch that afternoon. He had no issues with stillness, always finding it more comfortable than the exaggerated movements that seemed to happen around him. As though most people couldn't handle remaining frozen. Like something in their coding forced their little twitches and nervous habits. Valentine had none.
"If you have any questions," Valentine ventured, more than happy to provide his expertise despite his own lack of consistent appetite. Food rarely brought him any real pleasure, but he did have a kind of penchant for wine. He could drink it continuously, without feeling a thing. Was it normal? Valentine simply believed some people were more predisposed for tolerances, and he had been blessed with excellent genetics.
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valentinethorn · 1 year
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heyo losers. as you can see, henry is long gone, and valentine now reigns supreme.
valentine, sometimes known as vale, or v, works as a waiter at L'Arpège, which is a super swanky restaurant in the middle of obsidian city. he's also getting his masters degree in mechanical engineering, with a focus on aerospace sciences. loves looking up at the sky, but mostly just loves learning how things work.
he's a little awkward, and stiff when it comes to his expressions/interactions. valentine also deals with memory loss at times, and therefore has a hard time remembering people's names and faces, though when it comes to his studies, it's inherent to who he is and he never forgets.
vale's parents, cyrus and lisa thorn, are scientists and engineers who work for velari inc., and have been a part of the company since it was initially founded. as such, his family is decently wealthy, and his parents would be fine if he never worked at all, just so long as he kept living at home.
extremely picky about food, and can drink anyone under the table without feeling anything at all.
regular - do you come into this restaurant a lot? do you want the same table every single time with the snap of a finger? anyone with enough money definitely does, and valentine is likely the man for the job. you know each other, not well, but enough to be friendly.
coworker - maybe your character worked here for a little while before finding something new, or maybe they need a job, and this was the best option available. either way, you're in food service together, so put on a nice suit, have excellent posture, and let's get going.
university pals - when vale isn't working, he's at school, and he is extremely focused on his studies. but that doesn't mean he's against the prospect of friends. maybe you study side by side at the same table. maybe you've had a class or two intersect. even with how horrible he is at making friends, he takes kindness to heart, even if his mind sometimes doesn't allow him to remember who you are.
romantic interests? - vale might be the worst partner of all time, because there's no telling what he will or won't remember. this could be something quick and dirty, or something more long term that ended in disaster. or, maybe, your character just has a bit of a crush on the quiet waiter who doesn't make a fuss. either way, Good Luck.
licherally anything else - enemy, person who has a connection with his parents or velari inc., suspicious of him, hater of pink hair.
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valentinethorn · 1 year
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