valiantmorale · 3 months
Maya used running as a way to clear her mind. When Jana started at the station, that is where the two of them got to know one another more. They ran together. When things were on their mind and when things were looking too bad to come out, they talked as they ran and it helped. Jana had become one of Maya's best friends and this morning was no different, she could tell Jana needed to talk and both of them talked in the form of running.
"Oh trust me, I know that better then anyone at this point with this station and people." Watching Jana take off, Maya knew it was something and she was running quicker then normal, and Maya caught up and ran the same pace as the other woman. "Want to tell me why you are sprinting right now?"
𝑩𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒕 𝒐𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 ; a friendship like no other.
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When Jana joined station 19, she made a quick friend in @valiantmorale​. They bonded over running and their love for sports in general and became quick friends. Jana turned to Maya about her abusive ex and Maya was the first person to meet her daughter when she had her. Now her daughter was seven years old and unfortunately, she was being bullied.
Arizona had tried to fix the problem by hosting a sleepover for Sofia and Aria but then something happened and Aria was rushed to the ER. Everything seemed to be fine now but Jana needed to clear her head. It was messy and full of thoughts about how she could do more to protect her daughter so she headed to the station gym before shift, needing to blow off steam.
As she walked in the door, she saw the one person she needed to see. Maya. She was warming up, possibly just about to start her workout when Jana walked over to her and smiled. It was obvious on her face that something was going on, but for a moment, she wanted to forget about it. “Hey,” she said. “I know you’re probably about to work out before our shift starts, but do you want to join me on a run? I could really use a friend.”
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valiantmorale · 8 months
Maya just wanted the best for everyone around her. Even Bristol who thinks she doesn’t deserve much. Maybe it was the way their dads were, and being her father was her dads brother, she can see how they were alike in many ways. But she didn’t want Bristol to hide anything from her. She didn’t want her to thinks he didn’t care or understand, when she understood better then most, and she meant that.
“That is all I ask. If anyone knows about it, it is me, and I don’t want you to hide that from me or think you are alone in all of this.” Tilting her head, she could tell Bristol needed this as much as she did. “Of course, we all need someone and I will be that person for you. I don’t want you to know what it is like to do all of this alone.” Nodding her head with a smile, Maya may take her up on this and talk to her when she was ready to talk to about things.
“New kids aren’t a bad thing. Just, don’t let them see you as weak. Especially if you think they don’t like you. You got this.” Maya was taking the roll and wanted to know more about Bristol and how school was. “Anything interesting happen? Or you just there like you have to be? Just make sure you do decent so you can do sports okay?”
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 1 year
Maya has been through so much, even with these people at station 19. It has been a love and hate relationship with them with Maya. But she was trying to change her ways. Lately she has been keeping to herself. But one person who never judged her and she didn’t judge was Jana. She had a young kid and she knew he was going through somethings, and that is when Maya wanted to step in. Not tell her what she was doing, but just help guide her in the right direction. And once she did Maya knew she was in a better place.
But lately, Maya has been in the gym a lot more at the station, avoiding everything else that was going on. No one really spoke to her and she was kind of alone, except for Jana. But once she seen Jana she knew something was wrong and they needed to talk about something. So she just nodded and understood she didn’t want to talk about it until they were out of the station and talk.
“Don’t thank me. I just know how it is talking about things in this place, people listen and spread rumors.” Once they got to the front of the building, they seen Vic standing there. “We will be back, going for a run.” She just looked at them as Maya led Jana out and once outside she looked at her motioning for her to get ready to start their jog.
𝑩𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒕 𝒐𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 ; a friendship like no other.
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When Jana joined station 19, she made a quick friend in @valiantmorale​. They bonded over running and their love for sports in general and became quick friends. Jana turned to Maya about her abusive ex and Maya was the first person to meet her daughter when she had her. Now her daughter was seven years old and unfortunately, she was being bullied.
Arizona had tried to fix the problem by hosting a sleepover for Sofia and Aria but then something happened and Aria was rushed to the ER. Everything seemed to be fine now but Jana needed to clear her head. It was messy and full of thoughts about how she could do more to protect her daughter so she headed to the station gym before shift, needing to blow off steam.
As she walked in the door, she saw the one person she needed to see. Maya. She was warming up, possibly just about to start her workout when Jana walked over to her and smiled. It was obvious on her face that something was going on, but for a moment, she wanted to forget about it. “Hey,” she said. “I know you’re probably about to work out before our shift starts, but do you want to join me on a run? I could really use a friend.”
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valiantmorale · 1 year
Growing up, Maya didn’t get a chance to really just be herself. To be a kid and do things her friends did. Her father put so much pressure on her. It had eat at Maya up until recently when she faced that. She knew her cousin might have been going through the same thing and she didn’t want to see her go through it all. It was hard enough for her, let alone Bristol.
“I mean, you can talk to me as well. I don’t want you thinking I don’t understand. I think I understand more then what people think. I know it is difficult moving away and starting new, so that is what I am concerned about for you.”
Maya just didn’t want Bristol to think she was alone and she wanted to check on her, because she has been busy and she has been just doing her thing but she wanted to check on her. “You aren’t going to fail. If you were the captain there, you will be that here. Just have to prove to them the new girl can do it. But school is good?”
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 1 year
Maya wasn’t someone who made friends easily. She was super rough around the edges and just didn’t really let herself open up to anyone so easily. But when Jana joined the 19 family, they had become quick friends. They ran together and their love for sports was another bonding moment. But when Jana had her daughter, Maya was there the day it happened and she has been a huge part of Jana’s life and Aria’s as well.
Maya clears her head by just being by herself, with her AirPods in and she is usually at the gym in the station. She has been having issues just clearing her head, and the one person she wanted to talk to had a lot going on and Maya knew she would come here when she was ready to be back. Until then, Maya has kept to herself, because she was done letting the attention be all on her for right now and she was sitting there looking over a few things and stretching before she started her workout.
But as she was finishing up her stretching she seen Jana approach and she couldn’t help but smile, but she could tell something was on her mind, and like Maya, running cleared their head and they were able to talk about things, and just allow the other to vent and try to understand and help the best they could. “Lucky for you I just stretched. But I am down to run if that’s what you want to do. Thought I was going to have to get lost in my own thoughts today. But just know if you need to talk on the run, I am your person.”
𝑩𝒖𝒊𝒍𝒕 𝒐𝒏 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 ; a friendship like no other.
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When Jana joined station 19, she made a quick friend in @valiantmorale​. They bonded over running and their love for sports in general and became quick friends. Jana turned to Maya about her abusive ex and Maya was the first person to meet her daughter when she had her. Now her daughter was seven years old and unfortunately, she was being bullied.
Arizona had tried to fix the problem by hosting a sleepover for Sofia and Aria but then something happened and Aria was rushed to the ER. Everything seemed to be fine now but Jana needed to clear her head. It was messy and full of thoughts about how she could do more to protect her daughter so she headed to the station gym before shift, needing to blow off steam.
As she walked in the door, she saw the one person she needed to see. Maya. She was warming up, possibly just about to start her workout when Jana walked over to her and smiled. It was obvious on her face that something was going on, but for a moment, she wanted to forget about it. “Hey,” she said. “I know you’re probably about to work out before our shift starts, but do you want to join me on a run? I could really use a friend.”
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valiantmorale · 1 year
Maybe it was all the pressure that was put on Maya is why she put pressure on other family members. Bristol had a lot to look forward to and she was the one who could do better then her. But she didn’t want her skipping school. Maybe it was what would have happened to her is what she thought about when it Bristol skips.
“Thank you. Just, I guess you can say I care and want you to do the best you can. Maybe it is how I’m wired. I don’t know, but just, if something is going on, you can talk to me. I hope you know that.” Maya was new at this as she worried about herself for so long but she was getting better at helping others and being there when they need her.
“Speaking of, how are you settling in here? You haven’t said much. You’re okay?”
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 1 year
“You think so? Even with the bangs?”
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“Did a little photo shoot. Felt good.”
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valiantmorale · 1 year
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“Did a little photo shoot. Felt good.”
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valiantmorale · 2 years
Not being able to hold back a chuckle, Maya knew she did a lot wrong, and had to take responsibility for that. But it was too late, Carina was gone and she was just trying to really make things work in her life. Things weren’t as bad as they were, but she knew she needed to change things if they were going to be different this time around with someone else.
“I could have, but I push people away. That is just who I am. I have always pushed people away when I was feeling something I couldn’t control. It is not even about who it is, it is just who I am I guess you can say. So, I am working on that and I am working on myself as well. I can’t keep doing that and ruin something else that will be good for me.”
Maya knew she had to take her own advice and hoped that Bristol took her advice as well, because they don’t need the both of them screwing up. “Just don’t skip school. You need that if you are going to do something bigger with your life. So, please, just you can stay as long as you want as long as you’re going to classes and staying out of trouble, I work a lot so barely home when I am working.”
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 2 years
Maya understood, she has been there the last time that Carina actually left, and left Maya there alone when they were trying to build a life together. “I mean, I get that, I have been there too. I have been upset and cried, screamed, punched a wall and went to work and didn’t care what happened.” Maya knew how her anger was, and that was the whole thing that happened.
“I mean, I could have broken up with Carina too when I slept with someone else, but I didn’t. Instead I let her yell at me and be hurt and we worked it out. It just happens, but it doesn’t mean it is right. You deserve someone better then that and I don’t want you to ever forget that, just like I am trying to get used to me being with someone else and not Carina.”
Maybe Maya should be taking her own advice and just try to find something better and she was trying, she has a date and she was nervous but it was just something she needed to do. “Well you’re welcome here, just don’t question anything I do, and I won’t you, unless you’re not going to school, then that is when I will have an issue.”
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 2 years
Maya still wasn’t used to Carina not being there, but she was getting better as she was starting to see someone else. She was hoping to find happiness and she was just trying to really understand why things happens. But hearing Bristol and what she said she raised her eyebrows and was shocked to know that. Shaking her head with a slight chuckle and she couldn’t help it, because dating was hard.
“That is a lot to take in as well. I am sorry that happened to you. What makes people do that? Which, I should answer that, because I did cheat on Carina but we got back together and fixed it. So I really can’t be mad as I have done it before. But that is rough. How did you handle it?”
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 2 years
“Oh, you mean your girlfriend dumping you and leaving the country isn’t normal? Seemed to happen all the time.” The sarcasm in Maya’s voice was evident and she couldn’t help it. She wasn’t mad at anyone but herself for letting someone in.
“That trust is going to be really hard to gain back, but baby steps is all it takes; that’s exactly what I’m doing. But thank you Bristol, it means a lot to hear that from you. I’m nervous if I’m being honest. I’ve been working too much and isolating myself so going out has been the last thing on my mind.”
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 2 years
Laughing a little at the comment. Not that Maya would ever find anything like that funny about Carina, but coming out of Bristol’s mouth, it was funnier then she intended it to be. Though, Maya did screw her, many times but that was another story.
“Well, I thought it was her so it is hard to come back from that. I wasn’t about marriage, or anything until I met her. So I just need to find someone who is in the same place as I am and willing to just be patient. Because this isn’t easy. I want to be happy, but I am just going slow and hope I find someone who respects that as well.”
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 2 years
Rolling her eyes playfully again at her cousin and just couldn’t help but smile at the fact she was trying to make her feel better about this. And the way she was dressed which wasn’t every day she got dressed like that.
“I can hope. Thought Carina was and she left, without looking back. So, here’s to hoping this one doesn’t run for the hills either. I don’t even know what I did to Carina but she couldn’t get out of here fast enough. I even offered to go or marry her to help her stay her and she said no.” Her shoulders slumped but she needed to be happy for this date and make it work.
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 2 years
Rolling her eyes. Maya was not about to cave in. This was a big deal and she had to make sure she looked good for her date. It hasn’t felt like this since Carina left.
“Well thank you. I haven’t really put myself out there since Carina left. So this, it means a lot to me and I think it should go okay. I’m nervous because I don’t know who I am dating anymore.”
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 2 years
Rolling her eyes with a chuckle. Her cousin was one to help her forget just how nervous she was when she made jokes like that and she smooths her hands over her outfit.
“So this is what I’m really wearing. Different from me being in uniform. Kind of nervous if I’m being honest. It’s a huge step for me right now.”
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“Date nights are my favorite with @directvibrancy.”
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valiantmorale · 2 years
The Fall Hurts More When You Are On Top
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Maya Bishop came from a Homelife where if she wasn’t winning then she wasn’t good enough. That was where she came from. Training for the Olympics made her dad hard on her. Maybe it was some type of abuse, she wasn’t sure, but it built her into wanting the best for herself, and that meant being the best fire fighter. Not that it was something she thought she would do, but it was just something she felt she could do better when it came to running, saving people and being the person everyone depends on. That is just who she was. That is why she tried her hardest when it came to getting ahead at work and being in charge. But it didn’t always work that way. She loved having Pruitt Herrera in charge because he was the best and he was good. 
She learned a lot from him and knew she could learn more. But the only thing different from the both of them was that he was good with other people. He was good with the news stations and Maya thought they didn’t need to be there for everything and just allow for them to do their job. She wanted to save as many people as she could and that meant not talking to the news. But Pruitt, he was good at that and everyone thought they did well and everyone was on point when it came to news and the station. It all started when a building blew up and the news was there. He was good and that is one thing Maya wished she was better out. 
But all that changed when he got sick and they got caught in storage units and couldn’t get out. They lost their way when it came to finding the exit. They needed ventilation from the roof, and no one could bust through. But that is when Pruitt sacrificed himself and fell through. After that the station was different. They all felt the loss and that meant they were looking for a new captain. Maya was vying for the spot and she got it. Not that anyone asked her to have it, but it just happened. Everyone thought for sure it was going to Andy, as she was the daughter of Pruitt, but when Maya got it, there was hostility towards her. But that didn’t stop her. She wanted to prove she deserved the spot more then anyone. She kept pushing the reporters away, because what they were doing was more then a news story it was saving lives of others. 
But her life got thrown another curveball when her girlfriend Carina was on the verge of getting deported. So Maya asked her to marry her and that was a bust. She still left and since then, Maya has been on a downward spiral. She was on a call and things weren’t going as planned and that caused her to defy the rules and the protocols for a call and that caused a lot of issues at the station. Between Carina leaving and now Maya not being captain anymore, it was hard for her. She had to let some steam off and that meant drinking. That was the only time she didn’t feel anything. So she started drowning herself in alcohol. That is when she looked over and noticed @directvibrancy was sitting beside her. 
Maya doesn’t know what gotten into her, but she started spilling her guts. “Do you know I asked my girlfriend to marry me and she said no and got deported? Like — who does that? Who asks someone to marry them to stay in the country? Oh that’s right me! My whole life is a mess. I got demoted at work too and now we have a new captain, and I don’t know, something about her is just not sitting right with me. It should be me. Not her, not anyone else. But me. I have worked so damn hard to be where I am at you know?”
Maybe Maya was saying too much, but she was just hurt at the fact everyone let her slip from the position and not even stand up for her. Why was she like this, but what does she have to lose now. She owed her a drink if she was going to blab everything. “Another drink and I will tell you what happened. What do you say?”
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