very loud thunder outside. do you think the cloud gods are filling up paper bags with air and bursting them for a lark? do you think they giggle when the bag bursts and unassuming gods scatter in momentary fright? maybe they're having a water fight, that's why they're spilling so much of it downstairs. do you think they're laughing uproariously, drenched from top to bottom? do you think they ever stand on the ledge of the balcony and look at the little paper boats the kids float in rain-puddles, way down below? do they go inside and huddle close to the fireplace in their house and let the smoke down to stain the clouds? do they ever hover beneath the cloudy carpet and let the spray caress their face? do they ever look at the solitary girl walking alone in a park, lowering her umbrella to surrender herself to the rain? do they watch her as she dances without a care in the world, her tears mingling with the raindrops clinging to her cheeks?
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speaking of white women trying their hand at south asian fantasy
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I’m honestly amazed by the fact that lesbians on tumblr got our shit together and (more or less) agreed on the new lesbian community flag, and now it’s becoming actually recognized off of just tumblr to the point where I’m starting to see it used in generic clipart when I’m putting together flyers at work. genuinely used to seriously doubt whether it would break the tumblr culture bubble, but it did and I think that’s so cool
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[ID: various clipart involving the five-stripe Community Lesbian Flag, including women holding the flag, hands holding the flag, women wearing the flag as a cape, and a dress, hat, and coffee mug with the flag colors.]
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Good morning to everyone who is going to troll an oil company today 😇
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casual survey: reblog if you want to kiss a girl right now
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That picture of Elliot Page looking up at Lavern Cox at the GLAAD awards is so much better now
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Traditional forestry is so fascinating actually. Humans used to be much more invested in sustainable practices*, and they got creative about it.
Take coppicing. Coppicing is wild, ya’ll. Young trees get repeatedly cut down so that they regenerate with extra limbs. You know, like a freaking hydra.
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This doesn’t harm the trees. In fact, since a regularly coppiced tree stays in the juvenile stage, this effectively makes the tree IMMORTAL, unable to be touched by age and the ravages of time. Also coppicing has been practiced since literal prehistory and has a lot of ecological benefits. In return, humans get a theoretically infinite supply of wood from one tree, instead of having to plant new ones.
tldr if you cut off a tree’s head it will grow more heads like a hydra and become functionally immortal.
*before colonizers realized they could steal all the land & trees they desired
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follow your dreams
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Medusa was kinda problematic  :/
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Headlines that prove you can write an article about someone coming out without deadnaming them! It’s not hard!
Congrats, Elliot, we love you!
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but anyway!!!!! if you’re tired of period dramas about white lesbians in forbidden love, just watch more movies about wlwoc!!! our movies exist! our stories exist!!! just because they don’t get as much hype as carol/poalof/ammonite doesn’t mean they don’t exist!!! do your research and support more lesbian/bi/trans women filmmakers of colour! support dee rees! support cheryl dunye! support desiree akhavan, maryam keshavarz, sydney freeland, alice wu, tracey choi, shamim sarif, gazal dhaliwal, isabel sandoval, vera egito, vicky du, nisha ganatra, nahnatchka khan, zero chou, just to name a few!! yes it sucks that white stories are given precendence over theirs, but complaining about it while doing nothing to support them isn’t going to fix the problem. we shouldn’t just wait for the content we want to be spoonfed to us. it’s important to seek it out.
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forget your zodiac, tell me how the gävle goat was damaged in the year you were born
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Imagine venting to your f/o, telling and explaining everything that’s been on your mind, eating away at your soul, breaking you down, over the past several days, weeks, or even months. You tell them everything that’s been going on in your head, all of the negatives that have tried to take over and by the end of it, your face is soaked in tears. Your f/o wraps you and holds you close to them, not letting go, not even for a second before beginning to speak after listening to what you had to say. “There’s nothing you need to fear anymore. I’m right here for you. I always will be, I promise you that. I promise.”
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