validxs-blog · 9 years
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Omfg I made it in after all these years!! I can’t believe I forgot my email and password omg I’m so stupid
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validxs-blog · 9 years
◤ ♘ ◥                       Almost instinctively, he bent down more than he already was to allow her to touch his hair. It was a normal feeling, one he had long forgotten about since Loretta grew up. When she was smaller than she was now, she always used to tug at his hair. Granted, she did have to be told to be gentle when she once tried to rip it out, but he still liked the feeling.
                                  ❝ I think you’d need the drink more than me, ❞ He chuckled slightly, a half smile crossing his features. ❝ You care about Twilights a lot more than most people do, and you worry about them like they’re your children. You remind me of Loretta and her father. ❞
                                  The kindness was still appreciated however. Only god knew how much the Twilights had a hard life. Galahad was lucky to get out when he did, but he still remembered the friends he’d left behind. He had to wonder how they were doing, if they even were still alive.
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                                  ❝ Hey, wait a second. Are you bringing those extra bandages because you think I’m gonna get in trouble again? ❞ He placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. ❝ I thought you had faith in me. That really hurts, you know. . . ❞
She took it lightly, legs kicking in front of her as she stared at the ceiling.
“I did, as you say we can’t mix our personal life with our job but…deep down it was making me upset! I have to become used to it however, I know I can’t stop all the anti-Twilights.”
She admitted with, despite her words, a real smile that showed how positive Nina was while facing the situation. Galahad worried way too much over such petty events, nobody would ever believe him to ruine the place all by himself, and even then it would be to avoid any damage on PEOPLE. Wanting to stop him from getting any more worried, the nurse pulled one of his locks playfully to get his attention.
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“What about I make you a nice drink and then we go to the club? We ordered way too much bandages for the clinic so I will bring some just in case, it’s always useful!”
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validxs-blog · 9 years
◤ ♘ ◥                       Galahad’s gaze was directed back towards the other, much smaller, man. He let out just a small laugh, though in truth it probably sounded quite loud. He wasn’t that good at lowering his voice, especially when he was excited. While his credentials were something else, he was only among the few. It was always sad to think about, but was always somehow managed to distract himself.
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                                  ❝ Eh, you’re alive, so I think those are pretty decent credentials. Is there anything else I can get you? We’ve got a few ladies that I think may be your type, ha ha. ❞
Sheesh, those loud noises don’t get anymore surprising the second time in comparison to the first. Although, paying attention to the way that this mans booming voice traveled did aid in giving the blind man a general idea of just how big this room might be. If asked to navigate it surely things would progress a lot more slowly for the blind man, however he could at least infer that Bastard certainly had a large base of operations. 
“Well, while I can say with certainty my credentials aren’t anything impressive by comparison, it’s nice to meet you Galahad, I’m Chris Grant.”
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validxs-blog · 9 years
is this your first time roleplaying a canon character??
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Does it seem like it? Orz, I’ve roleplayed canon characters before, but not quite like this. I have a Sumia, and Rafiel blog for the Fire Emblem fandom, and a Ultron for the MCU fandom. But I guess my most popular blog is an OC blog, though. . .
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validxs-blog · 9 years
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Oh wow, I realized now I’ve never uploaded this headcanon here oops.
But I imgaine Galahad to be as fluent as he can get in Latin. It’s one of his favorite languages. He learned all he could about it, and he can speak it quite clearly (though he does like to hide that fact haha)
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validxs-blog · 9 years
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◤ ♘ ◥                       Galahad stopped for a moment, allowing himself to be shoved off. He completely forgot about work, in all honesty. But he could say that, or else Loretta would somehow find out. ❝ I’m on break, of course. Don’t you know my work schedule? Geez, what kind of friend are you! ❞
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     This asshole…. He continues to shove at him. “Don’t you have work to do?” He was going to tell Loretta on him at this point. 
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validxs-blog · 9 years
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◤ ♘ ◥                       The big man groaned as the others hand was suddenly in his face, but he didn’t budge. He refused to move. ❝ At least all my shirts fit me! Yours make it look like you’re way too wide! ❞
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   “Funny you should say that since you are the one with shirts XX sizes bigger than me.” Hand reaches up to shove Galahad away. 
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validxs-blog · 9 years
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◤ ♘ ◥                       ❝ I’m just trying to get a better view, ❞ He complained loudly, frowning just a little. ❝ Maybe if you weren’t so wide, then I’d be able to see better. ❞
validxs started following you
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    “Galahad… Why?” He complains as the massive man leans over him, “Your chin is hurting my skull.”
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validxs-blog · 9 years
◤ ♘ ◥                       A half smile came onto his face when his head was pat. That wasn’t so bad, he just couldn’t believe Loretta wouldn’t allow him to go to the clinic. How awful. . . He’d have to tell her that later, and see what her reaction would be. She’d probably smack his head harder than Nina did. Well, if she could reach him, of course.
                                  ❝ Ah, that’s too bad. I am assuming you did your jobs, though? Even if they were bad, they still deserve to be helped yeah? ❞ Though maybe taking all their money wouldn’t be so bad. ❝ I’d hate it if your own personal opinions made you turn away clients. . . ❞
                                  Though in truth, he also wouldn’t hate it. They somehow managed to make him bleed, which was admirable in a way. It was funny, though. Seeing their faces when his tags slipped out from his shirt.
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                                  ❝ Even with Alex, I worry that the place will get a bad title because of me. Just imagine it, ‘Bodyguard gone wild, how a single twilight ruined a great place.’ If that happened, I don’t think Loretta would let me leave her side, ❞ She probably would though, he’d just be told quite firmly that he wasn’t allowed back there. Even if he was a somewhat decent manager. ❝ It could happen, at least.  ❞
Listening to his little story she pulled a drawer to take a large band aid that would cover the large slit. Sticking it to his cheek, the concerned little lady’s lips stretched in a grimace once he finished.
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“Of course I do, I’m actually almost sure the two troublemakers came here yesterday…”
The doctor was the one who had taken care of them, and upon hearing that they attacked ‘Bastard’, the doctor was more than happy to make them pay the double of the initial price. Remember that night, Nina muffled a giggle with her hand, soon patting the top of Galahad’s head to tell that all was done.
“You are an amazing bodyguard and it is thanks to you that most tags can feel in security inside. You, Marco and Loretta. And let’s not forget that Bastard’s reputation is doing even better with the presence of Alex, she’s such a fantastic singer.”
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validxs-blog · 9 years
◤ ♘ ◥                       He couldn’t imagine how slow it really was. The way Worick talked made it seem like they were constantly busy, but maybe it was only one of them that was. If she wished to help around Bastard while Benriya was being slow, then Galahad truly didn’t mind.
                                  And that was exactly what she asked. A smile came over his face as she offered to help with something. There was actually a few things he needed her for, like how she wanted to stage to look and such, so he figured he might as well let her in.
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                                  ❝ Only if you want to, ❞ Came his answer, as the larger man stepped to the side to allow her to enter if she so wished. ❝ I was planning on making some changes to the stage. Not make it bigger or anything like that. But it is your stage, so you can decide what I do to it. ❞
Being cooped up in the apartment was beginning to drive Alex mad, especially since today was slower than normal. The woman was looking forward to singing later tonight, which led her to the conclusion of heading over to Bastard earlier than usual.
When she got there Alex was surprised to find the front door was still locked. Great, did she have to walk all the way back to the apartment? As if on cue the door suddenly swung open causing Alex to jump back startled. However, her expression quickly changed as a small smile formed on her lips at the sight of the giant twilight.
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❝ things are a little slow at Benriya, so I figured I’d stop by, ❞ the woman explained then quickly added, ❝ uh, perhaps there’s something I can do to help out? ❞
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validxs-blog · 9 years
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◤ ♘ ◥                       ❝ It does look nice, doesn’t it? ❞ With a raised brow and crossed arms, Galahad spoke. He did his best to mask any poison in his voice, but it was quite hard. He just worried about the state of Bastard, he didn’t want it to be ruined. ❝ I helped build it all. It would be such a shame if someone were to destroy it. ❞
“We’ll always be friends…no matter what.”
◤ ♘ ◥                       A brow quirked at the statement that came from the blond’s lips. There was truly nothing that would call for such a thing to be said, unless, of course, he was planning on doing something outrageous.
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                                  His face turned serious in an instant, his eyes going to glare down at the smaller man. ❝Whatever you’re planning on doing, I’d advise you not to do it.❞
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validxs-blog · 9 years
◤ ♘ ◥                       The taller man clasped his hands together, the sound coming from them almost sounding more like thunder than anything human. His smile only grew as the man ordered a strong drink. He was going to like him already. ❝ This one wants a Zombie, ❞ His loud voice echoed throughout the main hall, and the bartender all the way across the room nodded.
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                                  ❝ You don’t know who I am? Ah, that hurts my feelings, ❞ He joked, his face falling slightly when he spoke. ❝ I’m Galahad, the manager of Bastard. Also Loretta’s bodyguard, and I am the best, if I do say so myself, haha.  ❞
Tonight was a night to be brave, he had planned that out after all so why would he go through the trouble of being timid about something like a drink? Lips curling into a smile, Chris would nod his head while almost eagerly giving the go-ahead. “A strong drink sounds just fine.” Didn’t even really have to be a mixed drink for things to be fun, he just didn’t need to know exactly what it was. “Who’re you by the way?” Might as well put a voice to a name while he was at it.
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validxs-blog · 9 years
➟ Pull on their hair/clothing
◤ ♘ ◥                       Not his freshly cleaned suit. Even after he was finally able to repair it and make it smell like cinnamon again, everybody seemed hellbent on ruining it. Nobody seemed to have any respect for a finely tailored suit it seemed.
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                                  ❝Watch where you put those filthy things,❞ Galahad growled, turning his gaze to the much smaller individual. ❝You shouldn’t touch things that aren’t yours.❞
Send a symbol to have your Muse touch my Muse in a certain way and see how they react
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validxs-blog · 9 years
➧ //yolo
➧ Massage their shoulders
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◤ ♘ ◥                       The sudden affection made the large man jump slightly, standing from his chair to see who exactly was touching him and why they were doing that. But of course, his face softened at the sight of Alex.
                                   ❝I know I look stressed out, but is that necessary?❞ He asked as calmly as possible, offering a kind smile while trying to hide the fact that he just jumped. ❝Not that I’m complaining of course, it’s just a little startling getting touched randomly by someone you can’t see.❞
Send a symbol to have your Muse touch my Muse in a certain way and see how they react
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validxs-blog · 9 years
◤ ♘ ◥                       The smile on Galahad’s face clouded his vision. He barely even noticed it when Nicolas walked away, but when he did he was very clearly surprised. Not wanting to lose the smaller man, he leapt from the balcony to catch up.
                                  He not so quietly followed behind him, looking the opposite direction he looked. A tabby cat, how hard could that be to find?
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                                  ❝ I don’t think he came this way, ❞ He placed a hand on Nicolas’ shoulder before speaking, just to make sure he had his attention. ❝ He normally comes from the right part of the building, not the left. ❞
▂;;♞;; ▂
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Oh, wonderful. He was going to join in on the search. This was exactly what i needed and asked for, Nicolas thought sighing and dropping the paper back to his side. Maybe if he just walked away the other wouldn’t follow. So on his way he went, without so much as a wave to Galahad. 
If the cat was seen around it might still be in the alleys right? Maybe he’d start there. 
The alleyways of Bastard were unexpectedly cleaner than Nicolas had expected or remembered, and there were plenty of places for a tiny tabby kitten to hide. He began looking inside dumpsters and under boxes, hoping to find what he needed.
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validxs-blog · 9 years
◤ ♘ ◥                       Upon getting closer Galahad could tell there was something wrong with the kid. Not exactly what that thing was, but just his reaction to things were different then most people. If he could talk to him further, then perhaps he could find out what.
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                                  ❝ Well that’s the first time I’ve heard anyone say they’ll take some strong stuff without sounding scared about it, ❞ A hearty laugh erupted from his mouth, and he was half tempted to slam his hand on the others shoulder, but decided not to. ❝ Unfortunately, though, we don’t mix all the drinks together. That would be too much, even for me. But if you want a strong drink, I can get you that. ❞
Oh, this person had taken notice of Chris’ reaction and taken the opportunity to speak at a lower tone? Well at that volume it was just the slightest bit easier for the blond to pinpoint at what height this man might be speaking from in order to ‘look’ in the general direction. With hazy blue eyes directed upwards he’d tilt his head curiously to the side at the mentioning of being given a drink.
“You don’t have to give me anything light, I don’t particularly mind receiving a surprise when it comes to drinking.” ‘Surprise’ as in the small blond often times just told a bartender to give him anything or everything and more often than not the concoctions given to the blind man were most certainly one of a kind. To him, at the very least that is.
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validxs-blog · 9 years
“We’ll always be friends…no matter what.”
◤ ♘ ◥                       A brow quirked at the statement that came from the blond’s lips. There was truly nothing that would call for such a thing to be said, unless, of course, he was planning on doing something outrageous.
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                                  His face turned serious in an instant, his eyes going to glare down at the smaller man. ❝Whatever you’re planning on doing, I’d advise you not to do it.❞
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