valorousowl · 22 seconds
obsessed with mass market paperbacks. their pleasing rectangular proportions. how they fit badly in a hoodie pocket so you can drag them around everywhere with you like a temporary little buddy. the way they fit in your hand because they're MADE for human hands and not as bookshelf decoration. the way the pages feel when you riffle them gently with your thumb. How pristine and crisp they look when you get them and how creased and folded they look when you're done, even if you try to be nice to them. how that wear is okay, how that's correct actually, because they're made with the philosophy that books aren't meant to be PRETTY, they're meant to be read. that little ripple new ones get on the left side from where you hold them when you're reading, the way the ripple only goes as far as you've read, because u change stories by reading as they are changing you. how you can find thousands of these creased and folded and loved little dudes in every thrift store and used book shop and neighborhood library and you can instantly see the ones that someone carried around in a backpack for weeks or read to pieces or gave up on halfway through because they wear being read like fresh snow wears footprints. I love these poorly made, subpar little rectangles so much. truly the people's books.
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valorousowl · 39 seconds
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When they’re girlfriends
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valorousowl · 44 seconds
pssssst hey. hey. free and expansive database of folk and fairy tales. you can thank me later
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valorousowl · 56 seconds
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Shes so hot, Transformers One is peak and Transformers fandom stays winning
//dont use my art
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valorousowl · 3 minutes
did you know theres a automatic clutch in helicopters that connects the blades driveshaft to the engines driveshaft made of tiny little bones that sit diagonally at rest but when the engine starts spinning it the centrifugal force makes them point toward the blades driveshaft and engage with it allowing the engines rotation to transfer to the blades and when the engine fails or starts spinning slower than the blades are spinning the clutch automatically disengages purely thru the physics of the bones inside of it not having the force needed to bite down meaning the blades will continue spinning without getting slowed down by a malfunctioning engine and theres a way u can land a helicopter whos engines failed by nosediving on purpose so that all the air rushing past makes the blades naturally start spinning and then pulling up at the last moment to get the now sped up blades pointed at the ground again to make a cushion of air to land safely with and did u know each blade on the helicopter rotates freely on its own on a ball joint like they dont all just move around as a single unit theyre literally all doing their own unique pivots and shit to get the helicopter to move in any possible direction
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valorousowl · 4 minutes
Whole-heartedly BEGGING writers to unlearn everything schools taught you about how long a paragraph is. If theres a new subject, INCLUDING ACTIONS, theres a new paragraph. A paragraph can be a single word too btw stop making things unreadable
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valorousowl · 5 minutes
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rejected thumbnails for client
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valorousowl · 5 minutes
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Shen Qingqiu as The Onion's headline
Character owned by mxtx and picture I found on pintrest edited by me
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valorousowl · 7 minutes
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valorousowl · 7 minutes
So at work there is a soda delivery guy who comes in almost everyday to restock and though we’ve barely said a word to each other, we definitely Know Of each other. Well this morning I finally got a shift where I could sleep in but my dad was like Hey the cable guy is coming at 7 to replace the cable boxes and I was like alright whatever I’ll just sleep in but forgot there was a cable box in my room. So it’s 7 in the morning I vaguely hear my dad let the cable guy into my room to just swap the box and I wake up to see??? Soda Delivery Guy???? in my room???? Turns out his second job is working cable but wow here Soda Man is standing in my doorway and I’m wrapped up in a pink bunny blanket surrounded by stuffed animals like
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valorousowl · 7 minutes
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this is what i imagine the default mage attack looks like in dragonfable
ft. sunny <3
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valorousowl · 11 minutes
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I keep seeing this meme today so I wanna make my own version!
San Lang’s moms 🤭
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valorousowl · 9 hours
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valorousowl · 10 hours
happy birthday undertale!! thank you for changing my life
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valorousowl · 10 hours
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Simplified bird #10 - balaur bondoc
( requested by @iamthekaijuking )
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valorousowl · 11 hours
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Typical tasks for bishops
Also old, but still beautiful xD
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valorousowl · 11 hours
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Cozy Alphys arts for Autumn! 🍵🦎
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