valourless · 8 years
Ravio is a lot of things, but he’s never been stupid.
He’d been capable of surviving for so long in Lorule because of his extreme resourcefulness, so when he once again finds himself in the Hive, he busies himself with what he knows best--merchantry. If he starts out selling small things that are cheap but quite high in demand, he’ll garner the cash and customer base he needs to branch out. Oh yes, he knows all about trade, perhaps more than Link knows about swords and sorcery.
What he doesn’t know is that he’s picked the wrong person to sweet talk. Ravio’s not exactly a liar, but any shopkeeper knows how to hawk wares.
“Hey. Hey, you! Yeah, you buddy. C’mere a sec. Got something to show you. Some prime stuff you can only get in Sector One at just the right hour.”
Ravio looks left and right as he speaks, hood pulled low over his eyes. Sheerow flutters around his head like a tiny winged feather duster.
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“So, you ready? Don’t know why I’m asking. Even if you’re not, I’m gonna show you anyway. See these?” He opened his purple robe to reveal rows of familiar red and brown boxes hanging therein. “Some high quality stuff, and it could be yours! Whaddaya say, pal? I’m willing to haggle. Support your local businesses!”
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valourless · 8 years
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“Wait...I’m really back here?! It’s been two years! I thought I’d hallucinated the whole thing due to some criminally expired milk...it’d not be the first time...and apparently I’m not the only person dealing with hallucinations. H-Hey, you there! Do you have a sec? What kind of experiment’s going on now? There’s a guy over there screaming about Pariahs, and there’s an awful lot of nothing there, if you catch my drift!”
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valourless · 10 years
Fresh from being freaked out himself by a frightening kid that was half his height and twice his weight, Ravio's confronted with another panicking individual.
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"H-H-Huh?! What?! O-Oh..." Blink. "M-Me? I'm a Lolian! N-Nearly gave me a heart attack, y-y'know...Sheesh; this place sure doesn't pull any punches..."
Despite working with ghosts and other scary beings on a constant basis, and, well, being a half-ghost herself, Youmu is frightened incredibly easily by ghosts and even the smallest things. Sometimes it can be rather pathetic, really.
It’s of no surprise that when she sees Ravio, she flips.
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"Eek—! What are you—?!"
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valourless · 10 years
Wait, he never said...what--?!
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Okay, he takes it back, he's absolutely terrified of this kid now. "H-Haha..ha...oh no..."
He dresses like a gypsy, and calls himself a traveler? That wasn’t right. Lying like that wasn’t very cool.
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"Mm, you’re right, Ravio my friend. I wouldn’t want to lose my other eye while I’m awake…I’ll see you again when you’ve set up shop."
And so the boy wanders off.
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valourless · 10 years
Kid's an evil genius waiting to happen! If he hadn't already! Ravio was glad his face was hidden because he was grimacing something fierce. Bad vibes.
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"Name's Ravio! A humble...traveler, at your service. You really should look into that R&R time, y'know."
"As I said, friend, it’s a simple fancy. I never would have been one to be for heaven, I must admit. I have always felt more at home with sinners than with saints.I wouldn’t be surprised to find God a madman.
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Might I ask who you are?”
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valourless · 10 years
And Ravio thought he liked to talk...Fearful as he was, he was brave enough for a chat.
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"I did, as a matter of fact! People believed in that sort of stuff due to being hopeless! What's got you so glum, chum, to want to watch the world burn?"
"Don’t worry, friend, I’m enjoying every moment of it.
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In that case, I hope you didn’t make acquaintances with such vulgar people, did you?
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valourless · 10 years
He's scouting out places to open a shop actually, but he's not telling this creep that and giving him an excuse to come visit!
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"I dunno, it looks like you've made it your 'purpose' to spread doom and gloom across the Hive! I've heard it before from Lorulean cults, pal..."
"But you don’t have things to do, or places to see…
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A testament to our existence, to our will…you weren’t listening?”
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valourless · 10 years
"I-I'm really not so sure about that! You know, things to do, places to see..."
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"You could say I've heard my fill of nihilistic rants back home, hmm?"
"My leporid friend, I think you have just suggested a fantastic compromise…"
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"…We should have a chat, you and I."
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valourless · 10 years
A villain speech if he's ever heard one.
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"...You feelin' all right there, buddy? Sounds to me like you need a looong rest."
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"Why own the world…?…I find it more pleasing to play in it…than have to take any responsibility for it…I quite like that there are rules…there are few thrills greater than breaking them…that we alone built our civilizations…we alone will destroy our civilizations…with our own hands…and the means by which we will destroy it…will be beautiful."
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valourless · 10 years
Ah. Hmm.
Sad kids. Sad kids weren't good.
Ravio could hear the little guy just sniffling away--looked to be in some real Class-A grief too--and man, nothing made him sadder than weeping kids.
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Sheerow wheeled through the air on his little wings, alighting delicately upon the boy's head. Ravio sighed, knowing that he pretty much had no choice in this now. He strode forward and put on his most animated guise, waving his hands and hopping from foot to foot.
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"Hey, hey, now! Why don'tcha turn that frown upside-down? You don't look hurt...seems like that little trinket's really bursting down the floodgates though."
Ravio stopped his antics and put his hands on his hips. His face was hidden but the kid would get the feeling he was smiling.
"So why don't you tell me what's wrong, huh?" He asked softly.
Courage Badge (CA Open)
Ever since the conclusion of Lucas’ day of silence, he’d felt it—the power within his heart, something this city had suppressed, was quickly starting to well up. He recognized it immediately—the unique, destructive PSI, something shared with no one but his twin. PK Love.
It took some effort for the boy to suppress it when his PSI suddenly felt as though it’d been “uncorked”. Bottlenecked, yes—it was diminished, the same as it had been when he’d first awakened it—but it wouldn’t’ve been very kind to simply loose an explosion of psychic power in the middle of a crowded area all the same.
But it was hard to focus. The sudden release of power was in tandem with a sudden release of emotion. The young psychic had felt a sudden weight in his pocket while walking down the street, and from it he withdrew a small and priceless object.
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His father’s courage badge.
Ever since the gravekeeper had delivered it to him months and months and months ago back home, he’d held tightly to it, a lifeline to the small amount of family he had left. Odd that Lucas’ resentment towards his father hadn’t kept him from clinging to that token of his.
It had come as a blow to the boy when he’d arrived in this city with the item nowhere to be found. He’d panicked, thinking he’d lost it—not knowing whether it was at home, here, missing, stolen.
Lucas recalled a recent festival where people had tied their wishes to bamboo plants. Himself, too. He’d wished for a sign, something to know his family, his friends, his world was all right—was this meant to be it? Turning the small, weighty object over in his hands, he mulled over it. He could only hope that was the significance of gaining back the badge.
It had protected him many times, this little trinket. Why it reflected electricity, he hadn’t the slightest idea. Not that he about to take such an oddly useful property for granted, but… too bad it had ultimately been an avenue through which he’d suffered great grief.
The last thing he’d done with the thing back on his island had been to frantically attempt to rip it off himself, after all. It had felled his brother—no, his brother had felled himself with it. In a way, Lucas almost resented the little badge for the deed. If he hadn’t worn it…
The boy tried to push the thoughts to the back of his mind and remain stoic, but the item just held too much emotional weight for him. As he brushed his fingers over its lightning-bolt design, he fought back tears springing to his eyes, mentally straining against his own PSI.
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"Dad," he choked out, talking to himself. "I wish… I wish I could give this back to you…"
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valourless · 10 years
Ravio had learned very quickly that people made all manners of a fuss in this city. An endless parade of angry shouting and heartbroken crying assailed his ears on a daily basis, especially in the Sector where all the newbies flocked out of. It was distressing. A lot like Lorule's darkest areas.
This guy had wandered pretty far but was clearly new. And angry. Hmm. Sheerow chirruped at his side, encouraging him to help the fellow, but Ravio wasn't so sure.
"He left a dent in the wall!" He hissed to his avian companion, poking his head gingerly around a building in order to survey him. The guy's frustration was at a boiling point now it seemed.
Sheerow flew into his head and flipped through the air until Ravio huffed and waved his hands. "All right, all right! I'll see what I can do...Gulp..."
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Edging half a step toward the rather angry guy, Ravio cleared his throat aggressively until he caught his attention. "Though I am in no way stopping you from punching these buildings down if that's what you really want, I feel I could interest you in the tantalizing offer of information! You seem lost friend, in more ways than one." 
He’d arrived on his birthday. 
Already, he felt he was being made fun of. Half his strength? This stupid bat? He could crush it if he wanted to… Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to do that and ended up just letting the dumb thing hang off his shoulder. How long was it going to hang around? Who knew. Either way, he’d already spent hours in the city right until it was already hours after his supposed Special Day… Not that he cared about it that much or anything but…! It didn’t help that it’s been hours and finding his way around was impossible and he was far too stubborn to just ask for help. 
His frustrations build up to the point where there was soon to be fist to wall impac—- “DAMMIT." There it is. Even at half his strength, damage was done to the side of the building. The area around his fist had cratered a bit except… Yuma flinched. That hurt. More than it should have. Probably due to the lack of strength in his hit. He couldn’t help it though! He was angry. Being dragged into something like this? It meant he was farther from his dream.. No.
Boss’ dream.
Becoming Adam…
And to top it off his hand now hurt like hell! 
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"What the hell am I supposed to do?!" 
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valourless · 10 years
Down the Rabbit Hole! (Intro/Open)
Through the haze of nearly overwhelming panic he was experiencing, Ravio became aware of several things. First and foremost, "scientists" were apparently something like magicians and researchers put together, and for whatever reason, they chose him of all people for their city experiment.
Okay. Sure. Secondly, the technology level here was much higher than Lorule and Hyrule. Not too hard to grasp though. A bit surprising but by far the least of his worries.
Third and most important fact? He was separated from Hilda again and oh, did that sting like a dagger to his very heart! What if she thought he deserted her once more? He couldn't bear the thought!
Something soon became apparent to Ravio during his despondent musings. His pet bird Sheerow had gone! Turning frantic circles, he soon located his old pal as he flew circles around an individual on the streets. Heedless of how the person was taking it, Ravio jumped up and caught Sheerow between his hands, safely pulling him closer. The bird possessed no shame for his actions. What a scoundrel!
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"Right, right, sorry about that! Looks like ol' Sheerow's pegged ya as a special one! Doin' okay though, aren'tcha?" Last thing he needed was someone with a bird allergy.
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valourless · 10 years
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valourless · 10 years
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Oh, Ravio, what are you up to now? XD Original Spoiler version is here!
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valourless · 10 years
“Inanimate object? Well now, that’s an easy one!”
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"Rupees of course! More valuable than life itself I always say!"
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"What do you mean I’ve only said that once?!"
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valourless · 10 years
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valourless · 10 years
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