valshaped · 30 days
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valshaped · 1 month
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valshaped · 1 month
guys I think everything is going to be okay
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valshaped · 1 month
what a beautiful day to not be in high school
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valshaped · 2 months
"we have to accept trump is going to win" blah blah yeah yeah. French medias and politicians were saying the same about our own far right a month ago. They ended up 3rd.
@americans don't listen to your local idiots. They don't know what they are talking about. Go out and vote, help your community and keep hope alive yourself
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valshaped · 2 months
Somewhere I saw a post that was like, "any state can turn blue if enough people vote."
This is very true. And with so much at stake here, you shouldn't assume that people won't turn out in droves to vote blue even in red states.
Project 2025/Agenda 47 isn't the kind of thing that normal, everyday Republicans actually want. Trumpers are a weird bunch. As we raise more awareness, your Republican swing voter types are going to be like, "hey uh, wait, this isn't what I want" and a lot of them are going to start eyeing Harris.
So even if you live in a red state, don't assume that your vote is meaningless. Do not. For one minute. Assume this.
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valshaped · 2 months
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me when I'm 33
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valshaped · 2 months
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I’m really tired of seeing people broken up into labels of absolutes.
People are not just “good” or “bad”.
People are not a list of labels. 
People are complex, situations are complex.
I know, that makes it a lot harder when you want to just write off everything someone’s ever done as bad – but that’s not how people actually are, and it would do everyone good to stop pretending they are.
I am tired of hearing about the fear people have in putting themselves out there. And it is a scary thing! Putting yourself out there means subjecting yourself to people who want a really good reason to tear you down, who will jump at the first chance to feel “good” by labeling someone else as “bad”.
I reject this. I reject the idea that there should be fear in speaking up and talking about experiences and trying to reach an understanding of a situation.
I’m unhappy to see people spitefully urging others to cut off ties with their friends under the guise of “well, that person’s just inherently bad, so if you talk to them you’re bad too.” That is fucked up. You definitely have the right to let the friend know you don’t want to hear about whoever troubles you, but you do not at all have the right to decide who their friends should be. This includes guilt trips.
Anyway, just try to be more aware of others. Everyone else is a person like you. They might not have the same experiences as you. They might not understand how their words are harmful, or how what they’re doing is wrong. They certainly won’t if you never tell them.
Most people are trying to be good, but they’re going to mess it up sometimes. Try to keep that in mind. Even when people do really fucked up shit, sometimes they are trying to do good. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” and all that.
Nothing gets solved, no growth happens when you put people into a box from which you’ll never let them escape.
Yes, you absolutely must be careful about people who have tendencies and patterns that are harmful to you. Sometimes people try to overcome those patterns and they fail, and you have to distance yourself from them: that is the sad reality of life. Sometimes though, they can overcome it. But they certainly won’t if the first thing you do is write them off after a fuck up. 
Be sincere. Use your best judgment.
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valshaped · 2 months
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valshaped · 2 months
people say folks with adhd struggle with "delayed rewards" aka long term goals and as such we tend to focus more on short term rewards. what they don't talk about is that at when we Do accomplish long term goals we don't actually feel anything proportionate to the amount of work we did to achieve it. In my head I suffered for a while and then money spontaneously appeared in my bank account.
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valshaped · 3 months
NPC "AI": Actor controller
Scientific "AI": Statistical model
Non-generative "AI" tools: say what you mean
"Generative" "AI": Plagiarism engine
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valshaped · 3 months
When it dies in Netflix, it dies in real life. Fuck Netflix.
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seriously FUCK netflix and most other streaming services!!!! i miss physical media so much!!! behind the scenes footage, bloopers, interviews, cast/director/producer commentaries etc… bring this back, damn it!!!!
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valshaped · 4 months
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valshaped · 4 months
Just a thought for the night, but remember in 2016 there were all these accounts that seemed really really telling you all the ways Hillary Clinton was some kind of demon woman, just the worst, and really Trump wouldn't be worse and maybe he'd even be better?
and then it turned out they got banned for being literally Russian agents and never came back because spoiler they were?
does it feel like that all over again? just a thought.
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valshaped · 4 months
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valshaped · 5 months
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valshaped · 5 months
i think everyone leaving "reblog dont (just) like" notices on their art needs to think about youtubers and their calls to action and how often it actually works, how often it only serves to irritate, and when exactly does it work and why that might be and what makes those calls different to all the other ones that just get ignored or frustrate people. because you are doing that, and you're doing it badly, and youre losing subscriber
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