True friendship never questions what it costs you.
Stephen Richards
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Bruno Mars - Count on me Domenico Capasso Published on Apr 2, 2011 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMsvwwp6S7Q
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The Story of Betrayal
To a teenager, friendship means everything. Friends are often the family that we choose ourselves. We often view them as an extension of ourselves, someone who we can laugh with and also cry with. We normally trust our friends with our deepest and darkest secrets because we know that they will never,in a million years think that they are capable of betraying our trust. Just like every other friendship, me and my best friend will talk about everything. I still remember the first time I met her; it was my my first day of fifth grade in my new school. She was the first person I met, and the very first friend I had. With knowing her her only a little while, I became very close to her. We did everything together and she would tell me everything relating her life. With staying in same homeroom class, we would the whole day together. Every evening after school, I would also go to her place to chill around. On weekend after class, we would also find activities to do together until one day in eight grade that we started to drift apart. It was the day that both of us were separated in to two different classes and did not spend as much time as before. We both had different crowds of friends and I did not have any close friends in the class that I was placed.  However, to join a new crowd and to be accepted, I decided to act cool by betraying my best friend, someone who had always been supportive towards me. I told everyone her secrets that she trusted me with and no one was suppose to know about. Rumors started spreading around school and whole class started to have grudges towards her. I turned my new friends including her own friends against her. It was kind of betrayal that was done on purpose just to be accepted by my new friends. Back then, as a kid, it was considered cool if you were a bully. I blamed her for things that she had never done and put her through direct line of fire. Whenever I had to talk to her or she needed to talk to me, I would come up with hundred excuses just to avoid her. It was very evil of me doing this because deep down in my heart, I know that she was always nice and caring towards me. To look back at this incident, I am really ashamed of myself for doing that. If I were to to relive the situation or have second chance towards our relationship, I would never do that. I betrayed my best friend ruining our friendship and her confidence just because of my own selfishness.
Growing up as young adult, and looking back in that incident, to reflect myself, I was a means spirited person. Despite being friends with her for many years, I broke her trust. I lose one friendship that meant  a-lot to me. For one moment, she was the best person for me and I lost her because of my stupidity. I have learned a lot through this incident as my new gang had somehow left me. I came to realisation point on who my true friends were and it was too lave. Real friends or true friends are loves you thew ay you are and they accept you no matter what. They are the one who makes you feel needed, confident, and happy. This incident also helped me grew up as a person. In life, I am going to come across many different type of people in different types of form. Some are going to be nice with good intention while others will only be nice to you because they are expecting some benefits from you. The people you meet will always add something yo your life, whether it impacts you negatively or positively. Regardless of impacts they leave on us, we will learn a valuable lesson from their presence.
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Image by Sarah Keys Via Pexels
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Image by Mike Koch Via Pexels
Sources: https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/what-friend.
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Noticias Teocraticas Published on Sep 27, 2013 What’s a Real Friend? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5IRfU2CDSk&t=1s
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A Friend
Friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life. It is type of relationship where no blood relation exist but yet still one of the best relationship anyone in the world can have or been given to. A friend who you can always count on, who will always support you no matter what in your joys and sorrows when you’re facing difficulties, who teaches you to smile when you’re in pain or someone who you can just call in the middle of night to talk to. As I grew older, I can truly say that true friends are hard to find and I consider myself very lucky to have someone who will always support me through thick and thin and will have my back no matter what.
Friendship played an extremely important role in our life, my life especially .They are the ones who had been with us through tough times and who always saw the best in us despite any of our shortcomings. Not only are they there for emotional support, they are also the one providing us with good memories and a lifetime of laughter and fun. When spending time with them, it is always more adventurous and fun. Good friends complements our lives in so many ways. Through a remarkable compound of resemblances and differences, friends offer us the opportunity to know ourselves as we are and help us grow into who we want to be.
Part of the joy in friendship are the feelings that we are accepted by just the way we are, with no judging and feeling judged. It is a gift that has been given to us, and one we can give in each and everyday. Through problems and difficulties, friends help us find the laughter. Friends, those wonderful companions that walk with us through life, help us define and refine who we are and who we choose to be every day.
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Image by Alex Emanuel Koch Via Pexels
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Image by Alex Emanuel Koch Via Pexels
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A strong friendship doesn’t need daily conversation, doesn’t always need togetherness as long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends will never part
Auriq Ice
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A Friend
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