[Kohane sits back up, feeling a little dizzy. Her body shivers as her face is noticeably pale. She looks up to meet An’s gaze.]
[Kohane crawls closer to An, giving her another reassuring smile. She feels weak, but she still wants to offer comfort.]
it’s alright. i’m just glad you’re okay.
[Kohane glances at the unconscious hunter, her eyebrows furrowing.]
we should go now… i don’t know when he’s waking up.
[Kohane slowly stands up, picking up her hammer as to not leave it behind. She offers her hand to An.]
you brat, get back here-!
[Kohane slams the door shut, locking as fast as she can. Kohane is practically out of breath, taking a moment to recover. Her grip on the hammer remains firm.]
[The search took too long. So long that Kohane is frightened she may already be too late. But she came all this way for her, she can't give up now. With a shaky sigh, she straightens up and begins wandering around the warehouse.]
…! this… is…
[Sickening, she wants to say. Bird cages surround her everywhere she goes. If this is where she is… Kohane can't even begin to imagine the pain that must've been through…]
an! an, are you in here?
[She calls out her name. Kohane continues searching. She searches, and she searches… but when she does find exactly who she's looking for.]
[Kohane's hammer drops.]
… an…?
[An’s vision is blurred. She shifts slightly at the voice that she swears she recognizes, but can’t quite place. It seems to take every ounce of strength in her to push herself up from the ground enough to look at the person in front of her.
The hunters hadn’t bothered to learn her name, or at least she thought. She blinks up at the figure with glossed over eyes, still struggling to keep herself upright.
She can’t ignore the instinct burning in her chest. Were the bars not in her way…]
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it's okay, an, i've got you...
[Kohane is as gentle as she can be, helping An out of the cage. She smiles reassuringly, unaware of what is to come.]
come on... let's leave before-
[Kohane doesn't get to finish her sentence as she's shoved into the ground. She's about to question An, looking confused before she feels An's fangs sink into her neck.]
[First, there's a wince. It registers to her that her blood is being drained bit by bit, unable to move. An has Kohane in her hold. Kohane doubts she'll be able to get away.]
[But how she's responding is completely different from when the hunter tried to grab her and drag her away. For An, she'd rather stay than put any effort into escape at all.]
(you must've been starving so much, an... i'm sorry i didn't come here sooner. i'm sorry i made you wait.)
[Kohane is feeling tired. Kohane is turning cold. It's unpleasant, but she doesn't mind.]
(it's okay. take as much as you need. hopefully it'll make up for me taking so long to find you.)
[With what little strength she has, Kohane weakly lifts her hand up to caress An's hair.]
(... not gonna let anything bad happen to you again...)
you brat, get back here-!
[Kohane slams the door shut, locking as fast as she can. Kohane is practically out of breath, taking a moment to recover. Her grip on the hammer remains firm.]
[The search took too long. So long that Kohane is frightened she may already be too late. But she came all this way for her, she can't give up now. With a shaky sigh, she straightens up and begins wandering around the warehouse.]
…! this… is…
[Sickening, she wants to say. Bird cages surround her everywhere she goes. If this is where she is… Kohane can't even begin to imagine the pain that must've been through…]
an! an, are you in here?
[She calls out her name. Kohane continues searching. She searches, and she searches… but when she does find exactly who she's looking for.]
[Kohane's hammer drops.]
… an…?
[An’s vision is blurred. She shifts slightly at the voice that she swears she recognizes, but can’t quite place. It seems to take every ounce of strength in her to push herself up from the ground enough to look at the person in front of her.
The hunters hadn’t bothered to learn her name, or at least she thought. She blinks up at the figure with glossed over eyes, still struggling to keep herself upright.
She can’t ignore the instinct burning in her chest. Were the bars not in her way…]
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oh, an... what did they do to you...?
[Kohane can't hide the way her voice breaks at An's current state. She can barely get up.]
[Those hunters were horrible. How could they?]
i... i'll get you out! just give me-
[The door swings open. Before Kohane can react, the hunter is quick to grab her.]
what do you think you're doing?
ah- no! let go!
[Kohane kicks her feet, struggling to get out of the hunter's clutches. Unfortunately, she's not going to break free that easily. She tries to think of something, anything-]
[Kohane's gaze lands on his hand, quickly biting into it without a second thought. She bites as hard as she can, sinking her teeth deep enough to draw blood.]
[Finally, Kohane gets her chance. The hunter falls to the ground, writhing in agony. But just before he can get up, Kohane knocks the hunter out cold with her hammer.]
[She can taste the blood. Not great.]
[Now with the hunter out of the way, Kohane swings her hammer at the cage's lock repeatedly until it breaks. She opens the metal gates.]
an, quickly!
you brat, get back here-!
[Kohane slams the door shut, locking as fast as she can. Kohane is practically out of breath, taking a moment to recover. Her grip on the hammer remains firm.]
[The search took too long. So long that Kohane is frightened she may already be too late. But she came all this way for her, she can't give up now. With a shaky sigh, she straightens up and begins wandering around the warehouse.]
…! this… is…
[Sickening, she wants to say. Bird cages surround her everywhere she goes. If this is where she is… Kohane can't even begin to imagine the pain that must've been through…]
an! an, are you in here?
[She calls out her name. Kohane continues searching. She searches, and she searches… but when she does find exactly who she's looking for.]
[Kohane's hammer drops.]
… an…?
[An’s vision is blurred. She shifts slightly at the voice that she swears she recognizes, but can’t quite place. It seems to take every ounce of strength in her to push herself up from the ground enough to look at the person in front of her.
The hunters hadn’t bothered to learn her name, or at least she thought. She blinks up at the figure with glossed over eyes, still struggling to keep herself upright.
She can’t ignore the instinct burning in her chest. Were the bars not in her way…]
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i should... take this hammer with me.
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she is. Gone. (<- vampire hunters took her)
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so remember that super sweet vampire you met [checks notes] yesterday
what happened to her?
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bbg we got some bad news
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[Kohane pays attention to An the whole time, finding herself more fascinated by the town. She found herself uncertain at first, but An somehow managed to make her feel more comfortable. An radiates this sort of warmth… similar to the sun, she would describe.]
[… Probably odd to associate a vampire with the sun, but that’s what she thinks.]
yeah…! i like it here… i would like to come back someday, if that’s ok.
[Kohane was supposed to walk home, but the route she normally took was closed. Because of that, she had to take a different route… which is exactly how she got lost.]
[Kohane looks around nervously in an unfamiliar town, taking cautious steps. She feels as if she's a fish out of water, practically out of place in a lively area.]
[Kohane spots a crowd in the distance. She doesn't know what they're huddling around for…]
[Out of curiosity, she walks towards the crowd, hoping to get a view of what their attention is set to.]
[An had decided to go out and perform again today, after having not done so in a while. Seeing the crowd gather around her always fires her up even more, so she projects her voice even more to reach everyone.
As she moves into the next song, she catches a glimpse of an extremely cute girl with blonde pigtails staring at her in wonder. She’s a new face in town, and she almost wants to stop right then and there to show her around. Instead, she keeps singing, making sure to make direct eye contact with the girl while flashing her a quick grin.]
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i see…
[Kohane nods as An explains the situation.]
huh? oh… it’s ok… i’m not worried. you seem nice, and i’m sure your family is too…
[Kohane was supposed to walk home, but the route she normally took was closed. Because of that, she had to take a different route… which is exactly how she got lost.]
[Kohane looks around nervously in an unfamiliar town, taking cautious steps. She feels as if she's a fish out of water, practically out of place in a lively area.]
[Kohane spots a crowd in the distance. She doesn't know what they're huddling around for…]
[Out of curiosity, she walks towards the crowd, hoping to get a view of what their attention is set to.]
[An had decided to go out and perform again today, after having not done so in a while. Seeing the crowd gather around her always fires her up even more, so she projects her voice even more to reach everyone.
As she moves into the next song, she catches a glimpse of an extremely cute girl with blonde pigtails staring at her in wonder. She’s a new face in town, and she almost wants to stop right then and there to show her around. Instead, she keeps singing, making sure to make direct eye contact with the girl while flashing her a quick grin.]
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[Kohane lets herself be led around town, taking a look at her surroundings. Now that she's paying attention, the scenery is rather pleasant. Welcoming too.]
oh...? vampires...?
[A question pops up in Kohane's mind.]
... were you born a vampire?
[Kohane was supposed to walk home, but the route she normally took was closed. Because of that, she had to take a different route… which is exactly how she got lost.]
[Kohane looks around nervously in an unfamiliar town, taking cautious steps. She feels as if she's a fish out of water, practically out of place in a lively area.]
[Kohane spots a crowd in the distance. She doesn't know what they're huddling around for…]
[Out of curiosity, she walks towards the crowd, hoping to get a view of what their attention is set to.]
[An had decided to go out and perform again today, after having not done so in a while. Seeing the crowd gather around her always fires her up even more, so she projects her voice even more to reach everyone.
As she moves into the next song, she catches a glimpse of an extremely cute girl with blonde pigtails staring at her in wonder. She’s a new face in town, and she almost wants to stop right then and there to show her around. Instead, she keeps singing, making sure to make direct eye contact with the girl while flashing her a quick grin.]
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the vampire we told you about! :D
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[Kohane's heart is beating ten times fast and it is Scaring her.]
y-yeah! i'm new...!
my name's... kohane azusawa...
[Kohane fidgets with her hands, unsure of how to proceed.]
... eh? um... yeah, i'd like that...
[Kohane was supposed to walk home, but the route she normally took was closed. Because of that, she had to take a different route… which is exactly how she got lost.]
[Kohane looks around nervously in an unfamiliar town, taking cautious steps. She feels as if she's a fish out of water, practically out of place in a lively area.]
[Kohane spots a crowd in the distance. She doesn't know what they're huddling around for…]
[Out of curiosity, she walks towards the crowd, hoping to get a view of what their attention is set to.]
[An had decided to go out and perform again today, after having not done so in a while. Seeing the crowd gather around her always fires her up even more, so she projects her voice even more to reach everyone.
As she moves into the next song, she catches a glimpse of an extremely cute girl with blonde pigtails staring at her in wonder. She’s a new face in town, and she almost wants to stop right then and there to show her around. Instead, she keeps singing, making sure to make direct eye contact with the girl while flashing her a quick grin.]
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[Right away, Kohane notices a girl singing with a voice so strong that it's unbelievable. And god is she beautiful.]
[Kohane's heart skips a beat when she notices the girl is staring right at her. She's Done For.]
[Kohane was supposed to walk home, but the route she normally took was closed. Because of that, she had to take a different route… which is exactly how she got lost.]
[Kohane looks around nervously in an unfamiliar town, taking cautious steps. She feels as if she's a fish out of water, practically out of place in a lively area.]
[Kohane spots a crowd in the distance. She doesn't know what they're huddling around for…]
[Out of curiosity, she walks towards the crowd, hoping to get a view of what their attention is set to.]
[An had decided to go out and perform again today, after having not done so in a while. Seeing the crowd gather around her always fires her up even more, so she projects her voice even more to reach everyone.
As she moves into the next song, she catches a glimpse of an extremely cute girl with blonde pigtails staring at her in wonder. She’s a new face in town, and she almost wants to stop right then and there to show her around. Instead, she keeps singing, making sure to make direct eye contact with the girl while flashing her a quick grin.]
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it’s ok!! she’s nice!!! most vampires don’t just attack people indiscriminately unless they’re like. literally starving
oh... then...
alright, i'm going to find her...!
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yea :3
she looks... really pretty...
wait, but she's a vampire... um...
is it really safe for me to come find her...?
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watch out girl. cute vampire in your area
huh?! vampire...?!
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blog runner: @dreamblues
uhhh i literally just made this blog on impulse i dont have much lore for her. i will update this soon i swear
edit: ok despite the blog's url shes actually not a vampire yet. she will be soon tho prommy
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