vampresssif-blog · 6 years
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Got the Otterbox Defender case for my phone to start the new year right.
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vampresssif-blog · 6 years
Year In Review
Okay, so this year started off great. I had a bf. I refound Jesus and then lost him for 9 months. Then we got back together December 5th.
I also got my first smartphone back in May. I then got an iPhone 6S Plus for Christmas, this year. Might I add, the LG X Style was also my first phone since 2009.
I am sitting here, writing this, listening to early 00′s rock/metal... because I’m feeling nostalgic. I don’t like a lot of new music, particularly pop, rap and country. Whoever gave these new rappers a mic needs to be slapped. And whoever signed these sluts of pop need to be fired. But this isn’t on topic for this year.
Overall, my year was good. But do I agree with who got sworn in as our new president? Fuck no. Dude hasn’t done anything productive. Took way more vacations than any president in the past. And honestly, I don’t agree with his morale. But that is neither here nor there. If you support his cheeto lookin ass, then good for you.
I have started feeling more social anxiety, since my father figure met a new friend. I don’t mind that I get to listen to music, while out... but I wish I didn’t have to start a conversation with her, just for her to talk to me. I legit feel excluded, aside from being invited to have dinner or whatever. And we also went to see post Christmas Christmas lights, then went into DC to see the national tree... I get it that that’s the safest part of DC, because of the fact it’s near the White House... but with all these shootings going on, I am legit scared to leave my own house. I mainly tolerate it, when we go see his friend or me and my mother figure go to the store... but city wise? I am fearful of them.
All in all, it’s been just another year. I don’t make New Years resolutions. I believe that if I wanna set a goal and achieve it, I should do it every day of the year, not just on New Years. So fuck the “new year, new me” crap. I don’t believe that people are new on January 1st. Let’s face it... people are typically weak minded and give up on their goals easier than a slut on Hollywood Boulevard. And yeah...
Gonna end this blog, before I go into a rant... stay metal and keep gaming, everybody.
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vampresssif-blog · 6 years
This is making my brain trip.
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Mod for Left for Dead 2 that changes all graffiti in the game into random Jaden Smith tweets.
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vampresssif-blog · 6 years
Gary, is that you?
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I see you, snail woman
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vampresssif-blog · 6 years
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Got an iPhone 6S Plus for Christmas with an awesome Minnesota Vikings case. Best part? My plan is paid for the first year. Even better, once I do have to pay my plan, I’ll only pay $25 a month. Better than $50, despite that one being unlimited gigs. I don’t mind... my old phone sucked balls and I am happy to finally be on a family plan, even though it’s shared data. Merry Christmas to all you fine folks. Spend the day with loved ones and those near and dear to your heart. Also give to the homeless by giving them nonperishables and a blanket to keep warm with. Or just volunteer at a food center for the homeless.
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vampresssif-blog · 6 years
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Unconventional Allies.
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vampresssif-blog · 6 years
Net Neutrality has been repealed, for those not paying attention. This is BAD. If affects your leisure, applying for a job online, and what you can access, see and say. But there is a little glimmer of hope. The ACLU is going after the FCC, in hopes to restore Net Neutrality. PLEASE GO SIGN AND PASS THIS ALONG.
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vampresssif-blog · 6 years
This is NOT a drill. GO GO GO!! Also don’t forget to sign, before passing this along.
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vampresssif-blog · 6 years
So, I have been back with my ex for a week now. Before y’all say they’re an ex for a reason...  I didn’t want to break up with him in the first place. I just wanted to avoid negativity amongst his inner circle. I then find out he never stopped loving me. We cleared the air with each other, got shit put in perspective and patched things up. If you think you can’t make it work with an ex, it depends on the situation and both parties involved.
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vampresssif-blog · 6 years
Listen in, folks. This man tells you what the repeal means. He goes into GREAT detail how it affects everyone. And if you don’t at least share the knowledge, IMO you’re a piece of scum.
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vampresssif-blog · 7 years
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Since my Tripps are destroyed at the bottom and since they're conversion pants, I now have Tripp shorts. And yes, y'all see Jack Skellington Lula Roe leggings being worn under them.
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vampresssif-blog · 7 years
I love mashed potatoes. If anyone warms their feet in them, I will throw the pie in the face of whoever did it. Screw saving it for the uncle.
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Fun Thanksgiving traditions.
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vampresssif-blog · 7 years
Demonic energy cleansed. But there is still creepy stuff happening in Nowhere.
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vampresssif-blog · 7 years
Intro Blog
So, I used to have a blog on here, using the alias, “DJSylvanas.” I deleted it, as I didn’t use it much. Now I have created gokaisylvanas (to pay tribute to being in House of Gokai clan on Destiny 2 on PS4), and have since added a last name to the alias “Sylvanas”, which is “Laiho”, to pay tribute to my favorite metal lead guitarist/lead vocalist, Alexi Laiho. Now while I am American born and bred, I appreciate all forms of music, from different nations. Now Alexi is from the country, Finland, which I wish I could live, as they have more bands I like than American, in terms of wanting to see live. Yes. I like a crap ton of American bands, but few do I wanna see in concert. And some of the Finnish bands NEVER tour in America.
I am also an avid gamer since 93 at the tender age of 3 with Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt combo on NES. My favorite games are action shooters and some story rich games here and there. Where as a kid, I liked fighting and racing games a lot. I am your typical scrub, as I’ve gotten older and went back to childhood games, I have found I SUCK at them, as an adult, which could be due to the fact I got used to difficulty choosing and doing the easiest on the games I like, due to wanting to enjoy the story, rather than rage quit. However, I am not too scrubby at GTA 4 on Xbox 360 for story (no difficulty choosing), and I am rusty but not scrubby at old school PS2 era Tony Hawk games, especially American Wasteland and Underground, as those 2 I have played THE MOST and still have to this day. Proving Ground I am a scrub on, as I haven’t put near as many hours into. Was a Tony Hawk addict as a teen, so that’s why those other 2 have a crap ton of practice put into them to develop the skill I have with them, as I didn’t get Proving Ground until Ride and Shred were out. And those 2 are the only TH games I have not played. We won’t even go into Pro Skater 5, as it is an ABOMINATION to the series and wasn’t even developed by Neversoft, as they folded the table after Proving Ground was done.
Okay, enough nerding out over Tony Hawk games, the games you will find me playing in recent days are Destiny 2, Ghost Recon Wildlands and Minecraft.
Enjoy the ride here on my blog. I repost stuff I am entertained by or I will post my own blogs. Just one rule of thumb, if you follow me, you’re NOT allowed to complain. I am not about drama and will NOT tolerate it.
Keep it gaming. Keep it metal. Keep it awesome.
~Sylvanas Laiho~
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vampresssif-blog · 7 years
You had one job... get a PS4. You failed that job.
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vampresssif-blog · 7 years
As a cat owner, I use an automated litter box. Only have to empty 1-2 times a week.
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More comics here.
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vampresssif-blog · 7 years
Stoner chicken is too cool for the other side of the road.
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