vampyrs-blood · 5 months
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OOOOOOUUHHH!!! Who is this silly individual!!!!!
AAHHH i just logged into this blog to post on a sideblog, i almost lost this forever THIS IS SO PRETYTY THANK YOU SK MUCH!!
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vampyrs-blood · 5 months
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vampyrs-blood · 5 months
fantastic mr fox says something about fatherhood that’s batshit insane and I don’t think the movie actually knows it’s saying it. it just takes you by the shoulders and makes you look square in its eyes and goes “some men should never have been fathers. they are. and they love their children deeply. and they try so very hard. but that doesn’t mean they should have been fathers.” and then just gets up and leaves you with that like you’re meant to be okay afterward
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vampyrs-blood · 5 months
every UN vote is like
“Do all children deserve to eat?”
USA: No.
Israel: No.
Some random country: I don’t know.
Everybody else: Yes.
The UN: Gee, so much disagreement. I guess we will never know.
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vampyrs-blood · 5 months
That post about death note being "everyone's first anime" (untrue statement) made me curious and now I want to gather data for science
Can you reblog this and tell me where are you from and what was your starter anime?
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vampyrs-blood · 5 months
it’s always so fucking funny to me when terfs are like “how can you say trans women and women are the same thing! being born as a man makes you different!” because like. yes. trans women and cis women are different. so are black women and white women. and straight women and queer woman. and women from different countries and different socioeconomic statuses. there’s diversity in the experience of womanhood? what a wild concept
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vampyrs-blood · 5 months
Happy birthday!!!!! (I’m two days late)
thank you!!
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vampyrs-blood · 6 months
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vampyrs-blood · 6 months
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The Israeli army is just shooting anyone they think is Palestinian, much the same way that Israel is indiscriminately bombing all of Gaza, including the “safe zones” where they have directed noncombatant civilians to go right before they bomb them anyway. It’s war crimes, plain and simple.
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vampyrs-blood · 6 months
szpd culture is being really annoyed that language is too emotional based. for example HOW can i describe that i don't want to do something (because i Don't have any wish or desire for things) but instead randomly start doing some shit without needing a long explanation or weird ass sentences. every time i try to explain it to someone but they either completely miss the point and point out my previous words or they find it weird. my lack of emotions that closer to not have any isn't fucking weird and it would be cool if i could show it when i talk
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vampyrs-blood · 6 months
what makes Snow such a formidable villain within THG universe is that nothing he does was set in stone. there was no sense of inevitability about his actions and his brutality. Snow had enough perspective of poverty, capital cruelty, district hunger and not to mention his own arena experience’ and yet he actively chose at every moment to stray from natural goodness. its even more terrifying in the sense that he had the ability to care. Snow is not a mindless sociopath, he displays feelings to others such as sejanus, lucy grey and tigris but ultimately he will always choose himself. his ability to betray those he cared about in order yo advance himself makes him so much more than the stereotypical villain who is forced into his actions.
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vampyrs-blood · 6 months
all the people sympathising with snow and saying they can't hate him anymore after watching tbosas... y'all let awful white men get away with ANYTHING as long as you find them attractive and it SHOWS
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vampyrs-blood · 6 months
all the people sympathising with snow and saying they can't hate him anymore after watching tbosas... y'all let awful white men get away with ANYTHING as long as you find them attractive and it SHOWS
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vampyrs-blood · 6 months
all the people sympathising with snow and saying they can't hate him anymore after watching tbosas... y'all let awful white men get away with ANYTHING as long as you find them attractive and it SHOWS
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vampyrs-blood · 6 months
all the people sympathising with snow and saying they can't hate him anymore after watching tbosas... y'all let awful white men get away with ANYTHING as long as you find them attractive and it SHOWS
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vampyrs-blood · 6 months
all the people sympathising with snow and saying they can't hate him anymore after watching tbosas... y'all let awful white men get away with ANYTHING as long as you find them attractive and it SHOWS
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vampyrs-blood · 6 months
Happy birthday!!!!
thamk you!!! :]
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