vanessatex · 15 days
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Sonny Rollins (born: September 7, 1930) Jazz nightconcert in Concertgebouw Amsterdam, 1959
photo: Eddy Posthuma de Boer
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vanessatex · 15 days
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vanessatex · 15 days
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multi-instrumentalist Makanda Ken McIntyre (born: September 7, 1931) "Way, Way Out" recording session for United Artists, NYC, 1963
photo: Makanda Ken McIntyre .Com
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vanessatex · 15 days
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vanessatex · 15 days
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Ezequiel Farca
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vanessatex · 15 days
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Poolhouse #architecture www.diegoenriquefinol.com    
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vanessatex · 15 days
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vanessatex · 26 days
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vanessatex · 26 days
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vanessatex · 26 days
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redo by edmond blue marilyn  marilyn
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vanessatex · 29 days
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In villages, monasteries, caves, and such places – wherever we might stay – let us not look for close friendship. But with whomever we become acquainted, become neither too intimate, nor too hostile. To remain self-reliant is my heart advice.
~ Longchenpa
Thirty Pieces of Heart Advice
If you are ever tempted to look for outside approval, realize that you have compromised your own integrity. If you need a witness, be your own.
~ Epictetus
“You do not have to find yourself at the expense of others. This is wrong. But be by yourself all you can. Realize that this is your life. It is not your husband’s life. It is not your wife’s life. It is not your children’s life. It is not your relatives life. It’s your life. You exist here now. What are you doing with it? How can you allow other people to control your emotions? How can you allow people to tell you what to do, to make decisions for you? All the answers are within yourself. You have to sincerely turn within, with great passion, and find yourself.“
~ Robert Adams
“Stop, looking outside for scraps of pleasure or fulfillment for validation, security, or love – you have a treasure within that is infinitely greater than anything in the world can offer.”
~ Eckhart Tolle
Do not associate with those who are in love with the sense objects of this world, for if you have less they will disregard you, and if you have more they will envy you.
~ Imam Ali
Just Dharma
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vanessatex · 29 days
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At the moment that everything goes dark, the sunset in front of us becomes the whole story. But if we find courage enough to wait until tomorrow morning, we will suddenly come to understand that in reality yesterday’s sunset was only half of the story.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
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vanessatex · 29 days
Love is not different from truth. Love is that state in which the thought process, as time, has completely ceased. Where love is, there is transformation. Without love, revolution has no meaning, for then revolution is merely destruction, decay, a greater and greater evermounting misery. Where there is love, there is revolution, because love is transformation from moment to moment.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
The First and Last Freedom
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vanessatex · 29 days
Our thoughts are not to be relied on. They just come and go. Are they important? No, they’re not important. But until we know our thoughts a little bit, we believe them.
— Charlotte Joko Beck, Ordinary Wonder: Zen Life and Practice
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vanessatex · 29 days
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Jiddu Krishnamurti
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vanessatex · 29 days
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vanessatex · 29 days
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