vargakona · 2 years
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vargakona · 2 years
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She's born with it and it makes me jealous
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vargakona · 2 years
Besides this he also finds a ‘wolf’, that is to say, a dark world of instincts, savagery, cruelty, nature unsublimated and raw.
Hermann Hesse, from 'Steppenwolf', tr. David Horrocks
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vargakona · 2 years
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vargakona · 2 years
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The Void by banished-shadow on deviantART
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vargakona · 2 years
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Prey — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/D0qcJPO
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vargakona · 2 years
Never ask a girl if she wants to become a werewolf because she’s always going to say yes because girls love tearing things apart with their teeth and ripping people to shreds with their claws, it’s a foregone conclusion, an immutable fact of our universe really when ya think about it.
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vargakona · 2 years
“The pack of wolves inside me spent a year in silence. I studied the corpses of flight. I studied the architecture of wind, the ships breech birthed on surprised shores, coasts with chronic insomnia, facing always the wet suffocation of the great black fish with no face. The wolf pack gnaws on a manuscript of organs, each with a hood, each harboring its own verses.”
— — Sun Yung Shin, from “The Wolvish Forage,” The Wet Hex
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vargakona · 2 years
“I could be a wolf for you. I could put my teeth on your throat. I could growl. I could eat you whole. I could wait for you in the dark.”
— Catherynne M. Valente, The Bread We Eat in Dreams
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vargakona · 2 years
In their leadership of the Wild Hunt Percht and Holda are brought into relation with the woodland beasts, though as hunter rather than as guardian. We know that such a transformation often takes place in the development of the demons of wild nature. Cats and dogs, goats or grunting pigs sometimes belong with the Wild Host itself and show the Lady to be surrounded by her animals - the image pointing, possibly, to her more ancient role of guardian. Dogs especially are noted in the retinue; since dogs are closely related to wolves we might understand the alliance of the Lady with her pack as a vestige of her more archaic form as Wolfshirt ('shepherd of wolves'), a figure of Germanic and non-Germanic tradition
[…] Wolves and wolf disguises are especially prominent in midwinter. The Wolfshirt, mentioned earlier, gathers his 'flock' at the time of the midnight mass to tell each of the wolves what he is allowed to seize and devour in the coming year. Olaus Magnus informs us that in the Baltic regions men are transformed into wolves in the twelve nights of Christmas; the turning of a man into a werewolf belongs in many areas of Germany to this time of year. A wolf mask, called Isengrind, haunts some towns of Switzerland on New Year's Eve. In some areas of Germany the name of the wolf is not to be pronounced in December, while in others December is designated as Wolfsmonat - month of the wolf.
- The Winter Goddess: Percht, Holda, and Related Figures, Lotte Motz
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vargakona · 2 years
...wolves are not simple and primitive creatures but complex and many-sided.
Hermann Hesse, from 'Steppenwolf', tr. David Horrocks
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vargakona · 2 years
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by Ivan Meshkov
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vargakona · 2 years
The modern lore of the werewolf, considered in the popular imagination to be a separate canon altogether from witchcraft, actually has its roots in the shapeshifting traditions of our art. In the medieval period, hunts for werewolves took on the same mass hysteria as the witch-hunts, and those convicted were often believed to have possessed talismans or knowledge of charms for transforming into the wolf form. Scot (1584) recounts the common belief that witches “speciallie transubstantiate themselves into wolves” in order to devour innocent Christians.
A Broom at Midnight by Roger J. Horne
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vargakona · 2 years
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Rohan Eason
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vargakona · 2 years
...that wolves suffer too, having dark depths within them.
Hermann Hesse, from 'Steppenwolf', tr. David Horrocks
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vargakona · 2 years
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Some cute ulfhednar 🐺
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vargakona · 2 years
My excitement for the closeness I feel with the Unseen inspires me to heroism and villainy alike. Like a wolf, people might find my sight and my song beautiful, but hate my predation.
- Letters from the Devil’s Forest
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