variouzfictivezanity · 3 months
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variouzfictivezanity · 3 months
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all the gidget week art ✨
i had a ton of fun coming up with the different memories for these
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variouzfictivezanity · 3 months
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for some inexplicable reason i started making playlists of music i felt each char would listen to. then because i was having so much fun with them, i decided to draw some little playlist cover images and polish them up a bit. maybe people might get a kick out of them i don't know lsakdjfads
(note that these are still works in progress so i'll probably keep adding to them, especially gidget's; also i still need to make bucks's)
spotify embeds under the cut:
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variouzfictivezanity · 3 months
Yami: Luck, I’m gonna ask you not to do anything violent while we're at the festival.
Luck: What are you talking about, captain? I only use violence as an appropriate response.
Magna: Hey I'm back—
Luck: [stands up, spins around, then clocks Magna with a right hook to the jaw]
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variouzfictivezanity · 3 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 4: 𝓦𝓮𝓪𝓴 𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓽
Ah, the stinkies 😍
Loving these writings so far :3
Sorry I’m late y’all! A bitch needs some beddy time every now and again.
Tags: @rachi-roo (THANK YOU FOR THE HELP!!!) @chrimsss @giggly-squiggily
—this do have tickles below the cut ngl—
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Out of all of the fighting that Magna and Luck did, it was a bit shocking when the hyperactive blonde had suggested a day off from battles between the two. Instantly, Magna was on his case like a detective.
“Who are you, and what have you done with my friend?” The mohawked mage asked with a cocked eyebrow.
“Still me! Still Luck, just Luck with an ouchie.” The boy replied, holding his shoulder and turning his arm. The grimace on his face couldn’t be ignored, and Magna frowned.
“An ‘ouchie’, eh? What’d you do?” Magna stepped toward the blonde, only to have him jump back with an angry look. “What?”
“No! You’re gonna be mean to me!” The lightning mage replied with a pout.
“I’m not gonna-“
“No! You’re gonna come twist my arm and call me a baby, so just go away! It’s not that bad, we can fight again tomorrow,” Luck whined.
Magna laid a gentle hand on the boy’s shoulder and applied a quarter ounce of pressure. Luck instantly opened his mouth with hitched breath as his hand shot up to grab the latter’s.
“Hey, ow!” The boy hissed.
“Not that bad, my ass,” the flame mage sneered, placing a hand on Luck’s back. “Come on, let’s go get you some of Charmy’s food, and get you resting up.”
The cheery berserker followed in defeat, not knowing how to handle being out of commission.
After listening to his teammate and taking a nap, and eating a dish made by Charmy, he was feeling a lot better. The boy woke up with bright eyes and a big smile as he heard a knock on his door.
“How you holdin’ up, bud?” Magna entered with a patent grin, sitting down next to him on the bed.
“Much better! My shoulder must’ve just been in a weird place when I slept or something. Go ahead and test me, I’m cured!”
A brilliant idea of vengeanceto check on his friend’s shoulder brought a smile to the mohawked boy’s lips. “Healed, eh? You want me to test it? Here, lay down flat.”
A prideful grin tugged on Luck’s face as he flopped into his bed, face down. “Give me your worst, I can take it!”
“Oh I’m planning to…” Magna muttered menacingly as he cracked his knuckles. “Let’s see how much you can handle, big shot.” He sat atop of Luck’s bottom, just shy of the boy’s lower back.
“Wait! That’s not what I-” The blonde whined as he tried to kick his way upward. “Hey! Come on- EEP! Mahahahagnahaha! Nohohoho!”
“Oh? I thought you wanted me to do my worst! I’m just checking on your shoulder, that’s all.” Magna cooed as he pinched a “massage” over Luck’s shoulders.
The lightning mage whined as he buried his head into his comforter, trying hard to ignore the ticklish shockwaves being sent through his shoulderblades. “Cohohohome ohohohon! Nahahat fahahahair!”
“Are you sure your shoulder’s better? What about the rest of you?” The flame mage teased, grabbing one of Luck’s arms and holding it over his head. “You think that’s not fair? Try this.”
Blue eyes widened when the lightning mage felt a sudden, unbearable feeling in his lower ribs. “WAITWAITWAIT MAHAHAHAGNAHAHAHA! HYEHEHEHAHAHA!”
“Ohhhh! Magna found a good spot, huh? Gonna getcha, Lucky!” Magna sing-songed as he tweaked his teammate’s ribs. “Now I know a way to put you in your place when you piss me off!”
The flame mage stopped in shocked awe. “Dude! Did you just snort?!”
Luck whined as he buried his head further into the blanket. “L-Leheheave mehehe alohohohohoooooone. Dohohohont behehehe mehehehean.”
“Mean? Oh Luck…” in a quick move, Magna had stood up and flipped the boy onto his back, capturing both wrists in one hand and holding them above his head. “I’m your worst nightmare.”
Little pops of lightning flickered through the room, accentuating the young mage’s frantic giggles as his teammate went in for the kill.
With face flushed and eyes squeezed shut, Luck threw his head back and snorted like a madman as Magna blew raspberry after raspberry all over his torso, infatuated by the adorable sound.
But if you asked him, Luck didn’t seem to mind at all.
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variouzfictivezanity · 3 months
Your Soothing Heart (And Cats!)
WHAAAT? I’m alive? Yeaaaaaah
“Luck! Luck!” Magna yelled as he walked through the woods, visibly irritated. ‘Gah… Where the hell has the brat gone now?’
This was supposed to be a quick mission… Find a stupid cat and you’re done. It was as simple as that. But no. Luck just had to go run off on his own. Magna swears, Luck will never change. Magna thought about how far he was from the village the cat comes from, could a cat really wander this far? They checked everywhere else…
Magna only had the patience to look for one animal.
With each step, Magna became more frustrated than he was before. Luck really knew how to get on his nerves sometimes… “Luck! This isn’t funny, come out. You’re pissing me off.
That’s when Magna heard a quiet ‘meow’. He snapped his head over to the sound and saw a little white cat with golden eyes. A cat they (AS A TEAM) we’re supposed to find. At least this was a plus.
Magna stepped forward to pick it up, that’s when it started to go the opposite way. “Oh, you little—“
As they went through the forest, Magna couldn’t help but get the feeling that the cat wasn’t necessarily trying to get away from him… Since it kept waiting once it was far enough away from Magna… That or it’s just that mean.
That’s when it hit him. This mana. It was strange, and it had bad vibes all over it. Following the cat more, the mana got stronger.
The little cat went into a cave. That was suspicious in itself, but a mission is a mission. When Magna got in, he was hit with a wave of warmth and purple light came from around the corner. And the more he went in, the more of this purple gunky, charcoal looking stuff there was.
Then his heart dropped. Reaching the end of the small cave, he saw where the cat was leading him. On the ground, completely passed out, was Luck. Magna ran over in an instant. “Luck! Luck, hey! Are you alright?”
Magna began to feel nauseous. He put one arm under Luck’s knees, the other on his back as he picked Luck up (the cat on Luck’s stomach). Magna could tell this had something to do with this gross mana. So he got out of there with Luck as fast as possible. “Goddamn it, Luck… You’re so reckless… You’ll get yourself killed one of these days.” Magna muttered with discomfort in his tone.
Once Magna believed they were far enough, he laid Luck’s unconscious body against a tree and tried to shake him awake. He looked pale and filthy… ‘What did the brat get himself into?’
Luck started stirring awake, his vision was blurry… There was a strange sinking feeling in his chest as he looked around.
“Luck? Are you okay? You look pretty out of it…” Magna places a hand on Luck’s cheek to turn his head towards him. The feeling was strange. It’s like Luck was freezing and burning at the same time, there was definitely something wrong.
As soon as Luck realized he was awake, his breath hitched and it began to pick up. He slapped Magna’s hand away and scoot back.
“Don’t touch me!”
Magna looked shock as his face covered itself with worry and confusion. “Woah! Luck, it’s me… You’re okay…”
Luck groaned in pain as he looked around frantically, clearly very panicked and confused. He began to shake and his heart wouldn’t stop pounding in his chest. “It hurts! Make it stop!” Luck clenched his head, tearing up.
Magna could feel his anxiety go through the roof. He’s never seen Luck like this, and it scared the shit of him. He hated seeing someone he cared about so much in pain. The worst part was that he didn’t know how to help. “Luck, hey… What‘s wrong?”
It was like Luck was in a different world, seeing things that weren’t there. “I’m sorry… It’s my fault…” Luck muttered in his nonsensical gibberish. He reached his hand out to nothing… or something…
Magna was getting real sick of whatever game this was. However, he was much more concerned than he was annoyed. Magna pulled Luck into a tight embrace and whispered softly. “Hey, it’s alright… I’m here… just calm down…”
Luck’s voice got quieter as he took time to listen to Magna’s heartbeat. The pounding was calm. Luck rested his head and became silent.
“Jeez… You scared me… What’s wrong?” Magna pat Luck on the back in a comforting manner. When Luck lifted his head, Magna couldn’t help but notice how dizzy and delirious he looked. “You look terrible… Can you see me? Hey.” Magna waved his hand in front of Luck’s face. Luck was only to move his head in confusion. ‘Clearly not…’ Magna thinks to himself. On the bright side, at least Luck had calmed down…
Magna takes a deep breath and picks Luck up. They get onto Magna’s crazy cyclone and head back to the Black Bulls Hideout.
The moment Magna enters with Luck in his arms, most eyes turn to them. Vanessa gets up and walks over with a worried look. “Luck?! Is he alright?”
Magna shrugs. “I don’t know. I found him lying in a weird cave and then he started freaking out and crap…” Magna says with an annoyed tone, but in reality he’s the person most worried about his dear friend.
Vanessa sighs. “I’ll call a doctor over, take him to his room for some rest.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Magna nods as he continues on.
“Hm, I see… It seems your friend here has mana poisoning.” Doctor Owen states after finishing his examination.
Magna tilts his head. “Mana poisoning? The hell does that mean?”
“In some areas, mana builds up and becomes toxic. The more mana one has, the more they’ll be affected. Meaning if a royal was in Luck’s place, they’d be in much worse shape. I suspect you were only able to get Luck out so easily was because of your lack of mana.” He explained. Magna groaned in irritation. Every time! It’s always about mana every time. Though, in the case it was a good thing… Magna supposes it’s not so bad if it’s the best way to save Luck.
Magna takes a deep breath. “So what exactly is wrong with him?”
“There’s a lot of symptoms. The mana tends to use one’s memories as a method to scramble the brain. Sometimes it causes hallucinations, mood swings, and emotional distress. It should go away within a few days, so be sure he gets lots of rest and that his temperature doesn’t get too hot or cold. Another thing I should add, victims of mana poisoning shouldn’t be left alone under any circumstances.” After the explanation was given, Magna took a few moments to process.
“Oh, ok… I’ll guess I can take care of him. It’s not like I want to or anything… It’s the manly thing to do!” Magna glances at Luck who was fast asleep. After Doctor Owen took his leave, he sat beside him.
“Seriously, man? Getting yourself mana poisoning? I’ll never let you live this down.”
That’s when Magna heard a meow and he saw none other than a little golden-eyed cat lay on Luck’s stomach. That’s right… Magna completely forgot about him.
Magna clenched his teeth as he walked over to Luck for the 3rd time in the last 10 minutes. “Whaaaaat?”
Luck giggled and waved. “Hi!”
“Seriously?! That’s all? Hi! Next time there better be an actual reason…” Magna knew taking care of Luck of all people would be a pain, nevermind a Luck that’s delirious like this!
“Magna, I’m hungry.” Luck says with a bored expression. The cat meowed, it was probably hungry too.
“Great, do you want a reward?” Magna jokes. However, it seemed Luck didn’t get the joke because he looked sad now. “It was a joke. I’ll get you something… What do you want?”
Luck rolled over, ignoring Magna. Magna scoffed and walked over to the side Luck turned to.
“Hey! You can’t just ask me to get you something and not tell me what it is!”
“Huh…? Do you know where she is?” Luck asked out of the blue.
Magna’s expression turned to confusion as he sighed. “You know what? I’ll pick for you.” Magna walked out and downstairs to bother Charmy.
“Charmy! Make something for Luck to eat.” Magna demands.
Vanessa tilts her head as she sees Magna. “Magna! What are you doing? Did you leave Luck alone?”
Magna froze for a moment and coughed. “Oh yeah… It’s only for a moment though.”
“Get back up there! Charmy will bring it up for you.”
Magna rolled his eyes and turned around. “Fine! But you’re not my mom!”
Upon entering Luck’s room, Magna noticed something wrong. Something is missing…
Magna looked around. “Luck? Where’d you go?” It didn’t take long for him to figure out Luck had left the room. He walked through the halls, trying to find out where he could’ve gone. Magna spots a furry white tail from around the corner. And surprise, it’s the cat. Magna followed it around and saw it go upstairs.
‘Guess I can check upstairs more…’ As soon as Magna reached the stairs, something— someone crashed into him. They both hit the floor, causing a thud. “Ow! What the… Luck? The hell are you doing?”
Luck got up and looked around, confused. Magna tried to turn Luck’s attention towards him, slightly concerned.
“Luck, hey… It’s me. What are you doing?”
Luck made eye contact with Magna and answered simply like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I’m looking for my mom.”
Magna took a moment to process. “Your… mom?”
“Do you know where she went…?”
Magna’s heart ached seeing Luck so confused and vulnerable. Magna didn’t know much about Luck’s mom, but he knew enough to know he didn’t like her. Magna couldn’t possibly tell Luck the truth with him in such a state. “Um… Your mom… she just went to the shop to… get some medicine because you’re sick. If you aren’t in bed, she’ll worry…”
Luck tilted his head. “She’ll worry about me?”
Magna nodded in confirmation. “That’s right, so come on… back to bed…”
Luck agrees and goes with Magna to his room once again. Once he’s safely in bed again, Magna checks his temperature. “Jeez, you’re like a stove.” Magna grabbed Luck’s empty glass and filled it up while also getting a wet cloth. “This outta help you cool off.”
“Magna… why do you deal with me?”
Magna raises an eyebrow, what kind of question was he trying to ask? “What do you mean?”
“I’m always ruining your things and making you mad… don’t you ever want me to go away?”
Magna felt mad again, Luck really knew how to get under his skin. “What the hell are you talking about? Who told you I wanted you to go away? Who else would I spar with? And my things? Who cares…? I’ll just get new things, and it’s not like other people would deal with me as well as you. Plus, we’re best friends, I’m used to you by now.” Magna admits he got a bit worked up, but it was Luck’s fault!
Luck stared at him for a moment and started to whine.
“What the…?” Magna scratches his head. What did he do? “Luck, why are you crying?” Magna sat down beside Luck. Luck leaned against Magna, Magna’s face heated up.
“You’re a loser.”
Steam came out of Magna’ ears. “Wh— Hey!” Luck started to laugh at Magna. “Psh, whatever… I don’t care.”
The cat crawled into Luck’s arms. Magna had to admit, Luck cuddling with a furry kitty was pretty adorable.
The next few days were a real pain for Magna. From Luck making fun of him like usual to whining like a baby. Luck is too hot! Luck is too cold! The cat is hungry! Magna swears, he’s never gonna let Luck go near toxic mana again if it means having to not deal with this.
“How are you still sick? The doctor said you should be fine after a few days…”
“Hey, Magna.” Luck sat up, letting his gaze fall onto Magna. Magna looked up at Luck.
“What now?”
Luck scooted closer to Magna. “How do you feel about me?”
Magna froze in place. “Huh?”
Luck smirked and repeated the question. “How do you feel about me? You’ve been taking care of me for the last few days, it’s like you like me or something…”
Was Luck making fun of him?!
“What are you saying?! Me like you? Psh…” Though when Magna thought about it… Luck had a point. “I mean… You’re not bad or anything… uh…”
“Is your face red?”
“No!” Magna shouted. Luck just smiled and started laughing at him. That’s when Magna became silent for a minute. “Hey! You’re not sick anymore! You’re faking it!”
Luck acted all confused. “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about~!”
“Luck, seriously… Why would you ask me that?”
“I thought I could make you say it.” Luck explained vaguely.
“Say what?!” It was Magna’s turn to act clueless. The cat meowed, Magna never thought he’d see a cat more unimpressed than that one.
Luck shrugged his shoulders and ran out the door. Magna immediately chased after him. “Hey! Where are you going!?”
“Catch me if you can!”
Magna gladly accepts the challenge and charges after the little devil.
Running outside, Magna has completely lost Luck. Magna glanced around on high alert… If he knew Luck then he knew… From behind!
Magna stepped out of the way and Luck came at him. “Ha! I—“
Magna was caught off guard when Luck grabbed his face and kissed him. When Luck stopped, Magna stood there for a whole 2 minutes. “Magna? Are you alive?”
“That was… cheating.”
Luck’s smile rises back up on his face as he cheers. “I win!”
A meow interrupted them as they both looked over at the little white cat. Luck picks it up and turns back to Magna.
“Hey, Magna! Let’s go return him together. It can be our first date!”
“You want our first date to be finishing up a boring mission?” Magna questioned him.
Luck nodded happily.
“Sounds good.”
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variouzfictivezanity · 4 months
❛⠀⠀⠀**__na__me**⠀﹠⠀**na_me_**⠀﹗ e
e⠀⠀⠀⠀⟡ prn/prn † prn/prn
⤷⠀⠀age y/o⠀ₒ⠀gndr⠀ₒ⠀orient 𝜚
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variouzfictivezanity · 4 months
simple pk template
**┈┈ N A M E ┈┈**
◜ prn ⸝⸝ prn ⸝⸝ prn `e` age
﹕**r**ole ⸝⸝ role ⸝⸝ flags
◟ extra ⟣ extra
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121 notes · View notes
variouzfictivezanity · 4 months
simple pk template
**┈┈ N A M E ┈┈**
◜ prn ⸝⸝ prn ⸝⸝ prn `e` age
﹕**r**ole ⸝⸝ role ⸝⸝ flags
◟ extra ⟣ extra
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variouzfictivezanity · 5 months
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variouzfictivezanity · 5 months
Hi!! First off I wanna say how absolutely amazing literally all of your work is I keep coming back to it. I was wondering if you'd be willing to do 80's themed dividers with the rock theme those years had going on? Maybe something with like records (I know you did vinyls with the 70s but it such a different vibe to me) or whatever you feel like honestly, assuming you feel the inspiration <3
hi! that is so sweet - thank you so much! the 70s series was so fun! And definitely, I picked a range of colors - red and grey and black for the rock and roll, but I also like the bright color pallets of the 80s. If you’d like any edits please let me know!! 💖
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
Please consider liking or reblogging if you use 💕
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variouzfictivezanity · 5 months
"oh btw, i like Stone too, he's my favorite" - my friend
me (a Stone fictive): thank you!
*internal screaming*/pos
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variouzfictivezanity · 5 months
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variouzfictivezanity · 5 months
systems being able to shapeshift wld be SO FUCKING COOL
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variouzfictivezanity · 5 months
My best friend made the comparison of co-fronting to having a youtuber react in the corner and I can’t stop thinking about it
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variouzfictivezanity · 5 months
6 physical ways to show affection in In-System Relationships!
Brought to you by Medic and Heavy, as well as some very helpful folks on Discord
#1: Partner Pillows
Have a pillow that's a similar size and shape to your partner's body type. Partner Pillows are a good way to cuddle with your sweetheart and have a better bodily connection with them.
#2: Transferring kisses
Try kissing the palm or the back of the body's hand and then pressing it against the body's face, similar to blowing kisses.
#3: Wearing sweaters
Wearing sweaters and clothes that are tight around the torso can give the feeling of a warm hug. It's even better if the sweater was bought as a gift.
#4: Mirror kisses
For deeper kisses, try using a little pocket/makeup mirror so you can see them when you kiss them, even if it's the body you're seeing. Alternatively, for fictives, you might be able to find a piece of merchandise of them (like a plush or poster) for you to kiss.
#5: Surprise them with things they like
For systems that don't overlap too much with consciousness and memories, try setting up a romantic gesture while your partner isn't in front so you can surprise them later (example: a basket of treats, or something they've wanted/needed to buy for a while).
#6: Sensory associations
Try having a sensory object (something with a particular scent, a fidget toy, a piece of cloth with a nice texture, ect.) and using it while you and your partner are being romantic, so you associate it with those experiences. It's nice to have a sensory association to remind you of your partner when you're upset.
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variouzfictivezanity · 5 months
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Spoiler CGs Takumi Part 2
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