varrosur · 5 years
Hello, I went inactive for a while mostly due to depression, but my close friend said she wants to interact with nyx so I brought her back for a few folks temporarily uvu Id love to say I'm getting back into the full swing of things but lort I just don't have all that motivation yet!!! I will accept messages to nyx from anyone but interactions will be limited at least until after the new year and I I don't have to be sad anymore LMAO
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varrosur · 5 years
The prognosis is good! I got back from the doctors earlier and I was diagnosed with a noncancerous tumor on my uterus aka a fybroid. But other than it heavily affecting my time of the month doctor says I should be fine uvu Tysm to everyone who sent me good vibes, kind words or silently liked my posts! Mvp!
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varrosur · 5 years
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                          I’m fading, I dissolve into the ghost                     I’m waiting for the earth to be my host
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varrosur · 5 years
My cats name is squanchy and we adopted him 2 years ago from the animal hospital I used to work at, that's where he got his name but he also goes by stinky, stupid, buggy or buggies, and munchies. His favorite snack is potato and he will do anything for them uvu
I only posted this cause discord doesn't let me send videos ):
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varrosur · 5 years
RANT //// Not surprised but I'm having a harder than usual morning, I'm on the verge of a breakdown that's been pending for months, but now what I'm seeking diagnosis and treatment I'm FEELING worse. New pains are showing their face among a handful of other things, and I have to wait until Sunday to talk to my doctor again to see if anything I'm even worried about is cause for concern or are these truly just the side effects of my new medication? There are things I personally find important, and an ideal life path that I picked for myself. If be really disappointed if I found out those things were no longer possible for me. I think my sanity at that point would be stretched so thin I don't know what I'd do????
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varrosur · 5 years
💓 Aes board for nyx?! From you? Too BLESSED!! Please go wild !!!! 😍
send 💓 for an aesthetic board for your muse !! ( accepting. )
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varrosur · 5 years
I really need to drink 32oz of water in the next 20 min because I have an appointment in an hour and a half and I need to drink a lot of water or else it won't go well!
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varrosur · 5 years
It’s 6am and I’m still pretty sleepy but verses I’m working on for nyx? 🤔 These will be further fleshed out on her verse pages later!! But they’re okay for interaction as of now!! uvu 
 B&B verse - nyx opens the doors of her large old home to fellow monsters while they vacation in the area of Salem, a supernatural hot spot. She’d offer various breakfast services depending on dietary habits, and she’s quick with a spell so don’t act up. But always feel free to stop in for a stay and a story!
 Bloodlust verse - rather than focusing on her main witch verse / family verse for this I wanted to focus solely on the living dead! going back to her physical body headcanons I made earlier I decided that her craving for human flesh which is something she hates about herself I wanted to give her a verse where basically she’s very hard to control when exposed to human horror presented to her. For this reason she had been held captive while they pushed her limits but shes definitely not as fun loving in this verse as she is often finding her hunger consuming her.
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varrosur · 5 years
It's 6am and I'm still pretty sleepy but verses I'm working on for nyx? 🤔 These will be further fleshed out on her verse pages later!! But they're okay for interaction as of now!! uvu 
 B&B verse - nyx opens the doors of her large old home to fellow monsters while they vacation in the area of Salem, a supernatural hot spot. She'd offer various breakfast services depending on dietary habits, and she's quick with a spell so don't act up. But always feel free to stop in for a stay and a story!
 Bloodlust verse - rather than focusing on her main witch verse / family verse for this I wanted to focus solely on the living dead! going back to her physical body headcanons I made earlier I decided that her craving for human flesh which is something she hates about herself I wanted to give her a verse where basically she's very hard to control when exposed to human horror presented to her. For this reason she had been held captive while they pushed her limits but shes definitely not as fun loving in this verse as she is often finding her hunger consuming her.
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varrosur · 5 years
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    “Sorry to break it to youse, but no.” Damn, she was bad with directions? Judging by that look on her face she had been quite certain, up until now, that she was in the correct location. Oh well, everyone had their strengths and while she might be the last person to be picked as a navigator she could make potions ( and who knew what else ). “Yeah I can do that.” 
    Not like it was a hassle. Part of Loni’s ‘ job ‘ was helping out those around the city and that included visitors aiming to help those living within. “Just make me one of those rain things and that’ll work. I have a lot of plants back home and that would help out a lot… Uh, that is, if youse don’t mind that one. I can pick something else too.” 
☾ - nyx seriously had one job, a simple delivery but she couldn’t help but mess it up somehow. what would she do without people like loni in this world, nice enough to even help her out for a moment. 
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“ you keep plants too ? it seems we’ve got something in common there at least. “ she smiled at her easily, before pulling another paper out of her bag. it was a to-do list of potions she needed to make, she scribbled down loni’s name and what she wanted. 
“ the potion does take a few days to make so i’ll have to get it to you soon , i use the rain potion at home , it also looks good as jewelry . “ getting distracted again she put all of her things away and waited for her to lead the way. 
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varrosur · 5 years
Zack was laughing loudly when his blade tore through her chest. The rush was putting him on such a high that he didn’t even notice the lack of blood or screaming. The sounds of a body being sliced was enough distraction, lasting until she lied dead on the floor. Only then did he slowly calm down, frowning when he thought about the words she said. A minute? Yeah she would need more than just a minute to get up from that. 
   “Eh? The fuck is that?” 
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There was black slime on his hand. At first he thought it was just blood that looked dark in the shadows of the alley but once the moonlight illuminated the area, he noticed the difference. With a disgusted face Zack wiped the stuff off on his hoodie and took another look at her body. He even went as far as to squat down in front of her to see if she was still breathing.
            Dead as can be. 
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“Tch! Stupid, as if she would just get back up.” He shrugged his shoulders, rested the scythe on the right shoulder and started making his way back outside … 
☾ -  lets face it, of course it took more than a minute for her to get back up. nyx had a gigantic hole in her chest where that damned heart of hers is supposed to be. thankfully its at home comfortable and safe. her body was slightly slumped forward with her hands at her sides, she hadn’t even bothered to block it but that would risk loosing an arm and those are expensive in this market. 
by the time she was already stirring, he had called her stupid and started to walk away. as she went to speak she found herself coughing heavily, blood rising up in her throat. it was thick and slimy, truly an unpleasant feeling. it was probably enough to draw his attention back to her. 
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it splashed onto the floor and all over her shoes, oh fantastic now her chest was wide open and her whole outfit was a mess. she was feeling a bit dizzy as she tried to stand up, her arms shaky from he loss of blood, but she managed well enough. 
“ at least you didn’t try to rob me . you think dying once would have been enough right ? some sick joke really . “ for the second part of her words she was definitely not addressing the man who just murdered her, her tone was more of a curse towards the goddesses meant to be protecting her. cause these days they sure were lacking. 
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varrosur · 5 years
8, 18, 21, 22 headcanon meme B)
lmao and part 2 of ultimate gf ! ty again ur the best truly !! uvu
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8: Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
…. raw meat ? also indulging in raw meat isnt as bad unless the flesh is from a person, then its bad and those are forbidden indulgences uvu also she likes to indulge in affection and is greedy about it so its a good thing. 
18: Favorite beverage?
coffee actually, she prefers iced coffee since sometimes if its too hot it’ll burn her and she wont notice due to her poor pain receptors. 
21: Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
ons:  sharp teeth, when someone runs their fingers against her skin esp her shoulders, she’s real submissive tbh, when you smell good (this could be her instincts thinking you’re tasty but they roughly trigger the same feeling unfortunately)
offs: just don’t make her cry honestly, also she’s dead its not very often she gets intimate so the lack of it has really lowered her relationship / intimacy expectations, the list of ons is far bigger than the list of offs because she’d be happy if someone wanted to hold her at all.
22: Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
probably try to think up some new potion mixes, when she has time on her hands she’s constantly noting down different plant properties and potion / topical results. don’t worry she doesn’t test on anyone but herself uvu 
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varrosur · 5 years
Love me, love me, love me        More, more.                Love me, love me, so much it’s maddening
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varrosur · 5 years
He was still in awe of her home. If he wasn’t the traveling type, perhaps a place like this would be nice to return to every once and awhile. But, those thoughts couldn’t sink into him for long. Time was ticking and even homes like this were subject to change.
“Got it.” The thought of what hot chocolate was going to taste like got him curious. Candies and chocolate were usually labeled as sweet, but perhaps if it were hot it would taste better? He’ll find out soon enough.
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Now he reaches out for the lighter she’s spoken about. Hands grabbing it and head tilting to the side. Humans had used this before, he’d seen it but hadn’t really figured out how it worked. There’s a brief pause as he scratches his head and thinks- ‘wouldn’t it be easier if I just flamed the wood?’
With the lighter in one hand, he raises his other, index finger pointing upward. A small flame comes to life thats an unusual shade of purple. It grows just a bit before it’s tossed into the fireplace. The wood catches the fire and it burns a normal color. With that out of the way, now he’s left to just figure out how this lighter works.
☾ - curiously she watched him play with the lighter from her spot in the hallway it seemed he wasn’t quite sure how it worked. it brought a smile to her face seeing him looking a bit confused, he sure was an interesting character. he seemed to ponder something as he scratched his head. 
nyx’s eyes widened as he lifted his hand and a purple flame emerged at the tip. was he, a witch too ? he tossed the flame easily into the fireplace and went back to playing with the lighter like it was nothing. however before nyx could say anything she turned to see the milk at a low boil, it was perfect and ready for the chocolate to be added in. 
soon enough she came back into the living room with a tray and two cups full of hot chocolate, also on the tray were marshmallows and whipped cream two things she added copious amounts of onto her own drink. she set down his cup in front of him gently before settling into one of the arm chairs surrounding the fireplace and table. 
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“ i had a feeling this ominous storm was going to bring something curious my way , purple fire ? i feel like a fool for even offering you a lighter . “ 
snow fairy | akai
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varrosur · 5 years
2, 6, 17, 27 B)
ty for this i love talking about ultimate undead gf uvu !! 
2: Do they have any daily rituals?
oh of course, every morning she has to slather creams all over her skin to prevent herself from rotting in the sun! she also likes to do a daily fortune reading for herself, usually its something general like, whats the vibe of the day or something. 
6: Eating habits and sample daily menu 
she doesn’t loose her control around raw meats or humans as much as she used too when she first turned into a zombie, thanks to her still maintaining steady brain activity she’s learned to heavily curb her appetite ! she can eat cooked foods, but they don’t have nearly as much flavor as raw meats, throughout the day she’ll drink water or coffee and then at home she’ll indulge in raw / rare meats, otherwise she just eats a vitamin mixture she made herself. 
17: Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
when she’s working in her personal shop she does have a standard outfit style, which consists of modernized hanboks. it allows her to keep in touch with her culture and respect for her mother as a mudang. otherwise in a more casual setting she’ll wear grunge style outfits, skirts, creepers, fishnets & various accessories ! 
27: What is their biggest regret?
id love to say its the moment she went on a date with a cereal killer he met on t/inder but in reality she wishes she spent more time with her oldest sister before she passed away. since they were years apart, by the time nyx was old enough to really get along with her she was off starting her family and then getting murdered. so it seems to run in the family for now, we’ll see abt the middle sister tbh :p
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varrosur · 5 years
i finally got my printer to work and i got my hands on my insurance application !! so i’m going to fill that out and it’ll take a while because my hand writing is not cute LMAO 
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varrosur · 5 years
My paranoia is slamming me hard today I need a moment to distract myself so I'll play skyrim for an hour or two and then hop on my laptop to hopefully answer anything I was sent and do my replies / starter I owe!
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