vasichandvasich · 5 days
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ROSEWOODTAROT coming to kickstarter April 25th!
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vasichandvasich · 2 years
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Today is the full moon - known as the Cold Moon. It is the month when the winter cold fastens its grip and the nights become long and dark. The Cold Moon is an ideal time to start visualizing what you want to bring into your life. Use the Cold Moon as a metaphorical guide to freeze and hibernate as well. Slow down and be fully present in activities that truly bring you joy and pleasure. Before you know it, Spring will be here so enjoy these quiet moments of rest and solitude.
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vasichandvasich · 2 years
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Card of the day: Six of Pentacles
Giving and receiving
This night scene tells about giving and receiving. But you could be the one giving today, and the one receiving tomorrow. Maybe it is not money you have to give, but love, support, time or energy.
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vasichandvasich · 2 years
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Focusing inwards
Detail from Four of Cups, Tarot of the Divine Masculine.
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vasichandvasich · 2 years
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It is your time Sagittarius!
This is a silent scene. The boy is pouring the water from one ewer to the other - a symbol  that we can transform any situation into something different by tempering our thoughts. This is the card of Sagittarius. Your optimism, intellect, and ability to form many friendships, makes you able to bring different people together. Urge for exploration, philosophy and religion interest, ability to amplify life horizons and adaptation to others. Use all this energy of love, represented by the triangle hanging on the boy’s neck, to bring balance and patience to you and others.
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vasichandvasich · 2 years
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Today is the full moon - known as the Beaver Moon. This was the time when beavers finished preparations for winter and retreated into their lodges. November’s Full Moon means we say goodbye to the past year and start to turn our focus inward toward self-reflection. It’s a time to let go of the past and move forward toward new dreams and intentions. And enjoy life’s pleasures without any guilt. 
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vasichandvasich · 2 years
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Card of the day: King of Cups
Balance between action and instinct
You manage the situation logically, controlling your feelings, but at the same time take other people’s needs into consideration. You understand the Divine Masculine.
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vasichandvasich · 2 years
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The sunset symbolizes the completion of a day's work and shows the passage of time. As the sun sets, it is time to end the day and take a break. The awesome beauty of the setting sun is also symbolic of the beauty and mystery of life itself… While sunsets are a literal end to a day, they've also become symbols of peace, harmony, and the promise of renewal. The number Nine means ending and completion, just like Nine of Cups is the ninth card in this mandala, you should prepare for the night’s rest. You have deserved it.
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vasichandvasich · 2 years
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The cuddling hunter
Detail from Keeper of Wands, Tarot of the Divine Masculine.
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vasichandvasich · 3 years
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It is your time Scorpio!
Pale light illuminates an unknown handsome warrior….. is the battle just over, and he took a moment to relax, and ponder on the meaning of life and death?… he is smelling a rose… Where something ends, something new begins. This is your card of the tarot, Scorpio, the card of transformation and rebirth. So handsome, so provoking, use your talents and intuitive power to build a close relation to friends and lovers, leave your ego skeleton on the ground, and see your magic shine at it’s best.
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vasichandvasich · 3 years
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Today is the full moon - known as the Hunter’s Moon.  This year, it is in October! Most years it is in September, but around every three years, it is in October. Every three years, the Hunter's Moon is also the Harvest Moon. Traditionally, people in the Northern Hemisphere spent the month of October preparing for the coming winter by hunting, slaughtering and preserving meats for use as food. This led to October’s Full Moon being called the Hunter’s Moon,
low. It is all about the final challenge, before reaching your objective. Keep pushing, your goal is at hand.
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vasichandvasich · 3 years
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Card of the day: Two of Cups
Secret encounter on the bridge
Where Ace of Cups represents the flow of love from within, the Two of Cups is the flow of love between two people. Whether with our lovers, friends, family, partners, or co-workers.
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vasichandvasich · 3 years
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Complementary forces
Yin i yang, day and night, active and passive, feminine and masculine. We need both to be complete. When we balance both of our sides, we can fulfil the symbolic of the number Six.
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vasichandvasich · 3 years
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At the feast
Detail from Keeper of Pentacles, Tarot of the Divine Masculine.
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vasichandvasich · 3 years
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It is your time Libra!
Look how Justice balances over the life and death of the defendants on the marble floor beneath. You can be the sword of justice, when you manage not to be a self-indulgent. Use your being charming, beautiful and well-balanced to help create compromises.
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vasichandvasich · 3 years
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Yesterday was the full moon - known as the Buck Moon. The name refers to the new antlers that emerge on deer buck's foreheads in this time. The Full Buck Moon is also known as Thunder Moon because thunderstorms take place quite frequently during this period.
Ready to bring your dreams and intentions to fruition. The masculine buck energy brings spiritual themes of strength and ambition into this season. Now is not the time for procrastination.
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vasichandvasich · 3 years
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It is your time Leo!
Who can tame the beast inside, when the beast is my own pride
It is no surprise here though, Strength is the card that embodies the Leo. Like our lion man, tame your impulses and hard instincts. Use the compassion instead. The strength you will need comes form inner fortitude and personal energy.
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