vasilevdrew · 5 years
“They don’t kill mob sons like they used to these days,” she commented to no one in particular but God he was getting on her last nerve. She hopped off his lap, choosing to take off her sweatpants because what did she look like walking around in ripped pants? At least her underwear was cute and her ass was cuter. “Oh, I’m gonna need more than weed to get through this night,” she said, as she picked up two shots lying on the table and downing them one after the other before heading up after Andrew. Once she got into the room she closed the door and took off her tank top. When she’d said she’d needed something stronger to get through the night she wasn’t fucking around, but now she just needed to find a flat surface. “Make yourself useful,” she said as she straddled his lap while unscrewing the bullet necklace around her neck that contained cocaine. “I need a flat surface to do this line.” 
Andrew would have been surprised by her taking off her sweatpants and walking around in her underwear if it was anyone but Victoria. Maybe if she had been some lesser woman, she would have been more modest, but he appreciated the fact that she didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought. If only he had seen the back before he walked upstairs. He did so love watching her walk away. That didn’t mean she didn’t look good from the front though. Once she was fully in her underwear stood in his room, he almost snapped to get her on his lap faster, but she had already been one step ahead of him. And then the bullet necklace came undone and he was sure she was reading his mind. Pulling his shirt over his head, he tossed it onto the floor next to the bed before grabbing her ass and pulling her closer to him. “I think you need to be more adventurous with your drug use, Princess. I could do a line on your ass if I wanted to. Or those pretty fucking tits. So be a little creative here.”
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vasilevdrew · 5 years
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Berk Cankat as Aras in Yıldızlar Şahidim (Episode 3) 1/3
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vasilevdrew · 5 years
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vasilevdrew · 5 years
She snorted, rolling her eyes at him. The fact that he really thought this was where she belonged, well, it made her want to laugh. And truthfully maybe it was, maybe she was every bit as shit as everyone in this room and her thinking highly of herself didn’t change that. Maybe. A smirk graced her face at his words. It was always like this with them, a fight till the death basically, and that was part of what kept her coming back constantly. Infuriatingly, Andrew was so fucking good with his dick. The sight of a pocket knife really should’ve made her more nervous than it did but as it was, she merely raised an eyebrow at it, a shiver shooting down her body at how dangerous this was. Not that she thought he’d hurt her, at least not physically and with that knife, but the whole situation screamed danger. She was glad she’d at least put on underwear today, something lacy and small but it covered what it needed to. Victoria waited, anticipating the moment his rough hands would touch her skin but absolutely not willing to beg. Not in public. “Oh, suddenly you’re well mannered and would like me to say please? Should I have gotten on my knees beforehand, you know, to beg?” She turned her face just slightly, breathing the words near his ear. “You are not fucking me in front of all these people. Take me to your bedroom if you wanna see me beg.” 
“Well mannered? Bitch, I ain’t ever been well mannered in my life. I don’t give a fuck if you say please or beg. You’re gonna be on your knees by the end of the night anyway. I don’t think it really fucking matters, do you?” Andrew couldn’t help but laugh at the suggestion. Did he care if all of these people saw him doing nefarious things? Absolutely not. But he guessed he could put forth the effort to make her comfortable with the entire situation. He was doing this for her sake really. She was here to get fucked and he could take some time out to do just that before kicking her out and moving on to someone else. “If you so insist, Princess Victoria.” He moved her off of him so that he could get up. He tapped his nearest ‘friend’ on the shoulder and pointed at the mess on the table. “Clean that up before I get back down here.” Then he looked at Victoria. “Well, let’s fucking go. I don’t got all night to make you feel better about yourself,” he said as he headed up the stairs to where his room was. As soon as he got in there, he sat down at the foot of his bed, leaning back on his hands as he waited for her to get in the room with him.
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vasilevdrew · 5 years
“Not anytime soon according to the hot poli-sci major who bailed on me to study,” she huffed, still a bit peeved at that. Had those plans not fallen through she wouldn’t be here right now dealing with Andrew. Victoria watched him speak, her face devoid of any expression, though his words definitely had an effect on her. She hated him so damn much but the offer of fucking public sex made her blood sizzle with excitement. She wouldn’t go through with it, at least not fully, but just the idea made her neck flush. Her breathing deepened with the descent of his finger down her body, chest collapsing as he situated her on his lap the way he wanted her. A big part of her wished she was stronger and could just get up and walk away, but another part of her damn near shivered at his words. “Oh baby, I didn’t know you were so eager to let everyone know you can’t make me cum.” She taunted, rolling her hips forward as she hovered her lips over his. She wanted a specific reaction from him right now and she knew she’d get it. 
“You’re clearly situating yourself with the wrong people. It’s okay though. You found where you belong,” he said as he took a gander around the room. It was a party filled with the normal debauchery that would come from kids rich enough to not get in trouble for it and others that didn’t care if they did. Yeah, it was his kind of party and he didn’t care how many people were there as long as he was having a good time. Who gave a fuck about the rest of the people there then? Nevertheless, his focus was on Victoria right now. Everyone else was a non-factor. His hands trailed down her body as she spoke, a smirk gracing his face. “I think we both know you’re a lying ass bitch that knows damn well why she came here.” With a flick of his wrist, he took out the pocket knife he had on him and slit down the seam of the sweats she was wearing, being careful not to knick her in the process. He pulled her hips to a stop as his gaze moved down to the proximity they were at now. Then he looked back up at her, his mouth close enough to the point where they were breathing the same air. “I told you this pussy was mine,” he said as his hand fell down between them to slide into the hole he had made in the sweats. “And I think it’s time it gets fucked. Just say the word.” There was no way he would give her the satisfaction of thinking she had gotten him to do anything. Oh no, she was going to ask for it. Better yet, she was going to beg for it.
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vasilevdrew · 5 years
“Oh sure, I even wore a tight little dress, ready to entertain tonight,” she deadpanned, pointing to her outfit which consisted of a white tank top tied in a knot right under her boobs and a pair of loose grey sweats which on second thought, she’d probably stolen from Andrew. She scowled as the slab of meat she was currently situated on pushed her off, running like a good little fucking lapdog that he was. Disgusting. Andrew really knew how to make her blood boil, but god she needed to destress tonight. No way she was going to get any sleep wound up the way she was, anxiety for tomorrows audition coursing through her veins. Once the smoke cleared up she wrapped a perfectly manicured finger around his neck, tightening her hand as she stood. “I get off thinking of the slow and torturous ways I could kill you. A personal favorite is the one where I stab my stiletto heel straight through your windpipe so I don’t have to hear you speak ever again,” she said, nails scratching against his skin as she plopped herself down on his lap. 
His eyes drifted down her form to look at her outfit of choice for the night. It was barely anything special. Then again, it wasn’t like he bothered either. A regular white T-shirt and ripped jeans with boots were what he threw together. His hoodie was lost somewhere now due to the heat emanating from all of the bodies in the room. “How nice of you. When does it come off?” Andrew lived to infuriate her. If she wasn’t absolutely incensed by his presence, then he wasn’t doing his job right. Her fingers wrapping around his neck before she sat in his lap sure did something to him. HIs tongue snaked out to wet his lips for a moment as he eyed her. “Oh, I love it when you talk dirty to me. It’s like you want me to fuck you in front of all these people.” A finger went to twirl a tendril of her hair before it trailed down the back of her neck and then down her spine until it got to her ass. Before there was time to react, he lifted her so that she was straddling him. He wasted no time grabbing her by the back of her neck and bringing her face to his. “Tell me how you really feel. I would love to hear all of the things you want to do to me before I take these sweatpants off of you and bury my cock deep inside of you. So please continue.”
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vasilevdrew · 5 years
Victoria flashed a bright smile to her friend, whose name was lost to her as she downed another shot. She hadn’t actually planned on coming tonight but her plans with the hot poli-sci senior had fallen through and well, she had been near Andrew’s house. The second she heard Andrew speak though, she regretted it. Tonight she felt stupid and stupid meant sucking Andrew’s dick in the bathroom and then fucking him on someone else’s bed. She rolled her eyes and planted herself on one of his friends’ laps. Some guy named Josh or Joe or whatever the fuck. Plucking the joint out of the guy’s hand, she took a hit and looked at Andrew through the smoke. “I’m good here, thanks. Shit turn out tonight, huh?”
“Well, we know the party don’t start ‘til the party favor gets here.” Of course he was referring to her, but if he had anything to say about it, he would be the only one enjoying that tonight. “Johnny, how about you go get me a beer, hm?” Being the son of a mobster gave him some clout. Like being able to tell whoever he wanted to fuck off when he so damn well please. As soon as the other man had all but tossed Victoria off of his lap, Andrew watched the guy walk away and then turned his attention to her. His eyes were piercing into hers as he spoke. “Didn’t I say I saved a seat for you? I can’t have one of the best looking things in here treating me like shit, now can I? So why don’t you come over here and stop fucking around.” He snatched the joint out of her hand to take a hit himself as he stared her down. Leaning closer to her so that their faces were barely inches apart, he blew the smoke into her face. “We both know why you’re here, Vicky. Let’s not pretend that pussy’s not gonna be mine later.”
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vasilevdrew · 5 years
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Berk Cankat as Aras in Yıldızlar Şahidim (Episode 3) 3/3
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vasilevdrew · 5 years
As per usual, Andrew Vasilev was throwing a party. And, as per usual, the pickings were looking pretty damn slim. He wasn’t going to say he was looking for Vic, but he also was. From his post on his couch, he leaned forward to inhale the little line of white powder that was on the table in front of him. As soon as he lifted his head up, he saw that little flash of blonde hair that he had texted earlier. “Vicky Vic, my main bitch. What the fuck is up?” He leaned back and patted his lap. “I saved a seat for you.”
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