vastushastras · 1 year
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Numerologist experts analyze the significance and symbolism of numbers in an individual's life. They use numerology, a belief system that assigns meaning to numbers, to gain insights into a person's personality traits, life path, and potential. Numerologist experts can provide guidance and advice on various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and finances. Here in Madurai we are providing Best Vastu Consultancy Service for that contact us on our website https://vastushastras.com/
#Vastu Service for Home in Madurai
#Best Vastu Consultant in Madurai
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vastushastras · 2 years
Best vastu service in madurai
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vastushastras · 2 years
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vastushastras · 2 years
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vastushastras · 2 years
What is a brief summary of the differences between the Vedic and Western astrologies?
Every ancient civilisation developed its own branch of astrology, which is the study of how the planets and signs of the zodiac affect human history, historical events, and individual lives.
It has been around for countless years and has shaped and influenced some of the greatest civilizations in recorded history.
To name a few, it was used by India, China, Egypt, Rome, Babylon, Greece, and the Mayan empire to plot their futures in accordance with the motions of Earth’s celestial neighbours.
The Vedic astrology of ancient India, also known as Jyotish, or the “science of light,” is one of the oldest of them and unquestionably the oldest still in use today.
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vastushastras · 2 years
How do I get an astrologer?
Astrology has been around for thousands of years. It was used for both practical purposes and to predict future events.
Today, astrology is being practiced mostly because people believe that there is an order to the universe and that everything happens for a reason.
If you want to learn more about the zodiac signs then keep reading.
What Are The Zodiac Signs?
The zodiac sign represents where a person’s personality lies. Each sign has its own unique characteristics. Aries are known to be optimistic while Taurus are known to be practical.
Gemini’s are known to be social butterflies while Virgo’s are known for their hardworking natures.
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vastushastras · 2 years
What is the effect of Jupiter in 1st house in astrology?
On the first floor
Body type and self-expression are represented by the first house. You have been gifted with extraordinary vigour, a long life, and a bright future. You are loved by others and appear attractive. You're considerate and happy.
A second house
Wealth and cultural traditions are represented by the second house. You have a lovely voice and are an effective public speaker. You have a comfortable lifestyle and give generously from your wealth.
Within the Third House
The third house represents literary works, courage, and siblings. You frequently travel, and you get along well with your cousins and siblings. You have artistic talent. You dislike making purchases.
Within the Fourth House
The mother, home, and fundamental beliefs are represented by the fourth house.
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vastushastras · 2 years
What exactly is Vastu Shastra?
 The traditional Indian architectural system known as vastu shastra
 is well-liked throughout the nation. It is a synthesis of Buddhist and Hindu concepts. By utilising geometric patterns, symmetries, and directional orientation, the design focuses on fusing architecture with nature, the relative functions of various components of the structure, and ancient beliefs.
Build your house with blue jadeite and Vastu Shastra principles.
Most buyers of homes today look for properties that follow Vastu principles. Since the only place where each design decision is likely to have a particular psychological effect on a person's subconscious is at home.
Vastu strives to remove negative energy from your home and increase the flow of positive aura through design, layout, space arrangement, and directions.
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vastushastras · 2 years
Do you believe in astrology, and why or why not?
 Astrology challenges the most fundamental notion of God.
Give yourself over to God if you truly believe in him. It is disrespectful to God's trust to double-check what He has in store for us in the future.
Your believing in God is false if you believe in astrology. Someone is misleading you if they claim that paying for particular poojas will satisfy the gods. Are you that cheap to wait for bribes from god?
It's as if God gives you bad luck to get you to bribe him! God is the owner of the entire cosmos.
Astrologers claim that one can buy God's will by giving him some cash. All things are God's. When astrologers claim that God is swayed by a few rupees from India
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vastushastras · 2 years
Are Numerology and Birthdates Connected?
According to numerology, our birth dates are determined by the experiences we had in previous lifetimes. Your Life Path Number is crucial in numerology because of this (which is based on your birth date). 
It can assist in illuminating the basis of your life and the kind of person you were supposed to be. It provides understanding of your abilities, talents, capabilities, shortcomings, obstacles you'll face, and, ultimately, your calling.
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vastushastras · 2 years
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 Best vastu Consultant in Madurai
A home is where the heart is. It’s a place of safety, security, and comfort. The energy in our homes can have a profound impact on our wellbeing.
That’s why it’s important to consult with a vastu consultant when designing or renovating your home.
Our best vastu consultant in madurai can help you create a space that is in harmony with the natural world, promoting peace, health, and prosperity.  For Read more.....
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vastushastras · 2 years
Why we choose the Space for Office in the Vastushastras?
Space for Office in the Vastushastras?
Do you want to succeed in your career? Most people will respond "yes" to this question, but very few of them will be able to succeed in their occupations to the required degree.
Despite your greatest efforts and honest wishes, you must have realised that you are unable to find the success you desire. It seems sense that this aggravates you.
On the other hand, there are those who achieve greater success despite having less talent or zeal than you have. 
The truth is that not everyone with talent is also successful, and not everyone with talent achieves success.
So what really is the key to success? There is not
Vastu Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What Vastushastra is it, exactly?
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Complete Vastu Guide For Offices, Shops, or Factories: Office Vastu
An adult's office or job can be considered a second home because it is where they spend at least 8 hours every day, or more than 200 hours per month. 
Most significantly, how you work and how well you do during those 8 hours affects the kind of life you will have for the rest of your life.
Therefore, it is crucial to adhere to Vastu principles in order to improve the workplace, reap its benefits, and successfully complete our tasks.
Building Design
Let's start with the construction of the building for the office, shops, or factory. As we all know, square or rectangular form plots are typically regarded as being good according to
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vastushastras · 2 years
What is the use of Astrology in Madurai?
What is the use of Astrology in Madurai?
Every morning as the light comes up, birds awaken and begin to chirp. 
We are not shocked because we can clearly identify a causal relationship between the rise in ambient light and the effect it has on arousing the birds. 
But the Ispat Express also departs from Howrah station as the sun rises. 
Even though there is no evident correlation between the ambient light and the engine's behaviour in this instance, we are not shocked. 
We provide a causal explanation for the first phenomenon and a correlational explanation for the second. 
We might be able to identify a causal mechanism explaining why the Ispat Express only runs at the crack of dawn, but to be honest, that's unlikely.
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Astrology dates back to the beginning of time. Though the originator of the concept is unknown, 
Greece was among the first nations to make Astrology widely accepted among its citizens. 
Most people find the idea that there is a link between the position of the stars and a person's fate to be alluring. 
As you may already be aware, Greek culture and history have had a big influence on western society.
This effect, which includes astrology and horoscope readings, is significant, and astrology is still being researched in the United States and other nations.
Due to its enigma and its eerily precise predictions, astrology is a concept that will endure forever.
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vastushastras · 2 years
What is the Purpose of Numerology ?
Over the past few decades, Numerology has gained popularity. The branch of astrology that deals with self-discovery and predictions is numerology. 
You learn about the world's hidden importance as a result. It will act as your unique life's road map and provide information about your chances, strengths, and weaknesses. 
Numerology expresses the idea that the universe is made up entirely of numbers and is governed by them. One of man's oldest sciences, Numerology of history has a long history and is currently regarded as such.
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Describe numerology.
A numerological study of your life is all that numerology is. You can learn information about the universe and about each individual by employing numerology. 
A global number language is thought to exist in Numerology.
Numerology is the study and interpretation of various numbers, to put it simply. Such numbers can be interpreted by a skilled numerologist, who can then direct everyone in the right direction. 
I assume that numbers are present everywhere. Since the minute we are born, numbers have been a part of our lives.
More Info On Numbers Decoded
One area of astrology that focuses on self-discovery and forecasts is numerology. 
With the use of Numerology, you can determine your lucky numbers, colours, directions, and advantageous dates. It may also clarify the origin of your name. 
Three key numbers regulate every individual. The name number, the whole birthdate, and the precise day of birth.
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vastushastras · 2 years
What is the purpose of Vastushastras
Currently, Vaastu Shastra is well-liked all over the world. This is due to the fact that everyone needs peace and harmony, 
which Vaastu Shastra application in home design and building is meant to bring along with assurances of good health, riches, and happiness in life.
Vastu Shastra benefits
You can get a better understanding of the benefits of adhering to Vastu Shastra from this article. Continue reading about the fundamentals of vastu.
Vastu Shastra regulations
Vastu can be used in many different ways for one's benefit. The primary Vastu Shastra guidelines concern the natural orientations and elements. According to Vastu Shastra, each direction has its own set of guidelines. eight major directions 
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What makes Vastu essential?
Man and nature are connected through vastu. There are five fundamental components to everything: FIRE, WATER, EARTH, SPACE, and AIR. 
Only the Earth contains each of these elements. It is the only planet that can sustain life and nature because of this.
How could the residential and commercial structures provide any benefits if they were constructed without taking these factors into account? 
We are given a weird, priceless gift from each of the fundamental components of the cosmos because of its boundless power and authority.
No of their size, form, colour, physical makeup, or chemical composition, all substances in the world have their origins in one of the Panchbhootas. 
They have extraordinary vibration levels that humans' intelligence cannot comprehend.
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vastushastras · 2 years
Numerology Service in Madurai
The science of numbers is this. This is a subset of astrology, the divine science. Numbers are the sole foundation of this mysterious study of numbers. 
This is a comprehensive mathematical problem that is also not too difficult. This is not as challenging as conventional or western astrology. 
In numerology, there are only nine fundamental numbers, and all other numbers are their derivatives. When you refer to numbers, you only mean those between 1 and 9, such as 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
 However, when you mention a number like 29, 16, or whatever else, it indicates that it has two digits, 2 and 9, which come from the same sequence of integers.
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vastushastras · 3 years
How to decide Vastu for home?
What is Vastu shastra?
Vastushastra is a technique to align the energy of our house to a universal energy source. By which the persons which are staying, can be benefited in all aspects.
It not only useful for new vastu but provides guidelines for existing vastu energy conditions also. And by performing certain remedies the member can achieve positive amplitudes.
What is vastu purush?
In MATSYA PURANA & other granthas you can find the story of Vastu Purush. The son of lord Shiva, who tries to eat the whole universe, however 45 devtas we can call as energy deities sit on the whole body of Vastupurusha from the back side, and try to entrap him.
On the basis of the position of these energy deities (45 devtas), an energy grid is formed by 45 devtas which is called as “Vastu Purusha Mandala”. Considering the same, guidelines are made for selection of land, construction of house, placement of rooms etc. We can get reference for the same in ancient Granthas like Vishwakarma Prakash, Mayamat, Mannsarm, Matsya Purana etc. Accordingly East direction & north direction is a source of positive energy. While this energy get dissolve in west direction & south direction. Hence East & North direction are very important in Vastu.
What is Vastu Doshas?
“Further placement of things must be aligned with this energy.
Now in current construction practices cuts or extension is a common scenario. But final results of this leads to loss of that energy deities or hyperextension of energy deities in a vastu. By simple phenomenon of low & high voltage of electricity we can see what results we get in day to day life. And if the same happens in case of mass universal energy, what will be the outcome, can we think? And that is nothing but Vastu doshas.
The loss of energy or hyperextension of energy act on human beings which are staying in such vastu may face various difficulties or hurdles in life.
To balance the energy level (low or high), various techniques are used. These are nothing but add or remove relevant equivalent substances which neutralise negative aspects of energy & enhance positive energy.
Starting of construction
After layout generation it is recommended to start construction work on auspicious time, because it could give a positive push for work. Click here for Muhurta. Perform Bhoomi Poojan, NabhiSthapana.
Direction of construction:
Once Selection of Muhurta is done we need to take care while construction a house. As per vastu shastra, the sequence of construction plays a very important role. It should be in a clockwise direction starting from SE to SW to NW to NE likewise.
Placement of door, windows:
Main entrance is the important aspect. It should be taken care while layout generation. If any issue can affect our desired output. As well, opening windows should be avoided towards the south & west.
Placement of Rooms:
As per energy matrix particular zones are decided for each family member. Hence placement of rooms should be designed in such a way that the respective member should automatically stay in the respective energy zone & get bliss.
Floor level:
As we have seen, the wrong slope direction can cause negative energy impact. So avoid slopes towards South & west.
Colour therapy is utilised well in this context. Use red agra for SE. White marble for NE, South we can use Yellow marble and for NW use kota stone
Wall colour:
As far as possible avoid dark colors on the wall. Use off white colors to the entire house. Pink may be used for SW bedroom
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