vault752-blog · 5 years
here’s a little writing prompt to get the creative juices flowing! for this prompt, all you have to do is send a quote said by ‘DWELLER 1′ (written in bold) to someone who has reblogged this meme. the recipient will have to choose one of ‘DWELLER 2′’s responses, and write a drabble around their chosen response depicting a conversation between your muses. the sender’s muse will be ‘dweller 1′ and the recipient’s muse will be ‘dweller 2.’
although there is a set of responses you must choose from, feel free to expand as much as you want on the idea behind your chosen response and the interaction between your characters. share your muse’s thoughts and let them express their feelings. you can also use the drabbles you write as starters ~
DWELLER 1 -- knock knock. DWELLER 2 -- no, NO. please, no more knock knock jokes... -- aggh! somebody’s knocking on the vault door! it’s a raider! he’ll kill us all! -- nobody’s home. see what i did there? -- come on in. -- who’s there?
DWELLER 1 -- what’s up? DWELLER 2 -- oh, you know. a ceiling made of steel. with a copious amount of asbestos, by the looks of it. -- not much! just happy that i’m here in the vault, and not out in the wasteland! you know... dying. -- well, i’m busy. what about you? don’t YOU have somewhere else to be? hint hint.
DWELLER 1 -- want to play a game later? checkers or something? DWELLER 2 -- checkers? what are we, ten years old?? we will play chess. -- oh, maybe. i’ll check my duty schedule and get back to you. -- sure! that sounds like fun!
DWELLER 1 -- can you help with my crossword? five-letter word, ends with “t.” - “often terrible, always uncomfortable.” DWELLER 2 -- sorry, i’m more of a math person. -- that’s easy. bigot. no, wait--theft! yeast? -- vault.
DWELLER 1 -- i wish i had a pet. what about you? DWELLER 2 -- i wish i had a chameleon. but i bet the radiation would make it all... weird. -- you know, i always wanted a dog. -- nah. but a robot servant would be pretty great.
DWELLER 1 -- don’t get too close. i think i’m coming down with something. DWELLER 2 -- don’t worry. that was never on my agenda. -- oooh, what is it? black death? typhus? super ebola? the blue flu? -- yeah, looks like you’re coming down with an acute case of hypochondria.
DWELLER 1 -- is it true what they’re saying? about... you know who? DWELLER 2 -- sure is. and he seemed like such a nice guy. -- what? no! of course it isn’t true! really, you can’t believe everything you hear... -- i really hope not. i hate the idea of living in the same vault with a person like that.
DWELLER 1 -- i’m reading this great book. it’s about a school teacher who falls in love with a mechanic. DWELLER 2 -- "rulers and wrenches”? yeah, that’s a good one. -- oh! i read that one! she dies at the end. it’s so sad. -- i read that, too. seven times. we really need more books.
DWELLER 1 -- who would win in a fight? a radscorpion or a yao guai? DWELLER 2 -- you’re kidding, right? radscorpion. all the way. -- hmm... scorpion against bear... gotta go bear. -- who cares? super mutant behemoth vs. deathclaw. now that’s a REAL fight.
DWELLER 1 -- want to listen to the radio later? DWELLER 2 -- maybe. so long as you don’t start dancing. it’s kind of embarrassing. -- okay, but no sad songs! i need to stay positive. -- sure! maybe we can pick up a frequency from someone on the outside...
DWELLER 1 -- is it night or day? i’ve lost track. DWELLER 2 -- night. i think. -- day. definitely day. -- i lost track. does it really matter?
DWELLER 1 -- how many other vaults do you think are out there? DWELLER 2 -- other vaults? there are other vaults? -- i bet... two others. maybe three. or five hundred. -- you know, i’ve never thought about it. our vault is so amazing, why would i?
DWELLER 1 -- i’ve been reading about the creatures of the wasteland. they sound frightening! DWELLER 2 -- i know! flies the size of dogs! scorpions the size of cows! glad i’m not out there. -- i’ve heard there are lots of animals with two heads. apparently it’s a theme. -- i don’t know. some of them sound kind of cute. like “yao guai”---how bad could that be?
DWELLER 1 -- if raiders attack, can we count on you in a fight? DWELLER 2 -- you know it! i’ll gladly lay my life down for this vault. -- yeeeeeaaaahhh... see, i’m more of a ‘lover not a fighter’ type. -- absolutely. i’ll be there right next to you. well, maybe behind you...
DWELLER 1 -- we’re safe here in the vault... right? DWELLER 2 -- of course! the overseer would never let anything happen to us! -- compared to what exactly? -- safer than we’d be outside, that’s for sure!
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vault752-blog · 5 years
reserved until 08/24 —
( 1010 ) kim jiyeon/bona – wjsn nulear reactor canon
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vault752-blog · 5 years
that’s all the applications we have! with that, we’d like to officially welcome everyone to vault 752. let’s all have a few days to settle in. feel free to roam around the vault, post your intros, plot & start interactions. 
as we are a community that has limited spots, there will only be a maximum of 20 muses active at a time, so we encourage everyone to welcome each other and plot in-depth & meaningful relationships with each other’s muses! you’re also free to make up npc’s for other vault residents or even people that your muse has met in the wasteland. the irradiated sky’s the limit!
we’ll be posting writing prompts here and there, but ultimately, we built this space to be a small, relaxed writing community where you can go as fast or as slow as you want. we will have activity checks when the admins see fit, and they will always be announced at least a few days in advance. feel free to build on the lore and the plot ~
and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send them into the main blog.
welcome home!
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vault752-blog · 5 years
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WELCOME HOME, KIM JIYONG -- assigned to the radio studio
jiyong was just like the rest: a project to populate the vault by two unlikely dwellers with no romantic interests no plans to call for family dinners. after all, how much can a father provide if his dinner seat was brimming with excuses about missions and IOU’s? on the other hand, his mother took the opportunity to let the vault echo her name – have a child with better-looking clothes and a hardly empty stomach just to name a few. the socialite knew that is she had to raise one, then at least make it another eye candy for dwellers to gossip over hot meals at the diner. over the years, jiyong takes on the image of a charismatic boy who knew how to take up the whole room just by existing. some say he’s a natural, while others argued that it was a facade to mask his childhood’s lack of genuine attention. either way, dwellers could tell he was just in the next room by his fits of laughter and improvs. at seventeen, his father was reported missing and his mother remarried. jiyong knew what was bound to happen next, and soon enlisted himself to replace his father a week after the missing explorers were assumed dead. his first steps outside felt liberating and daunting to know that death was just right around the corner. will it be feral ghouls or raiders? jiyong didnt’ want to know. it’s just seven hours outside, right? the first mission soon birthed to several feats of success and bounty for jiyong’s taking – all stashed by his bedside with all the quirky details to tell. his favorite loot was a book (which never bothered reading) that had a leather cover. during a situation where is exploration team got separated, jiyong took it upon himself to make a stew out from the leather into something edible. to this day, he never shuts up about it. at twenty-three, death visited in the form of an infected arm due to a radscorpion bite during a rescue mission. the last thing he remembered was his voice pleading for RadAway before the silence and unconsciousness. jiyong woke up, almost miraculously,  back inside the vault and under the care of the doctors. the story outside was slowly unfolded: the team’s supplies ran low and had no other options but to sever his forearm as the last RadAway could only cover as much. the infection had stopped, but it was the blood loss that put his life into danger. hearing the news, jiyong knew he was good as dead. how else would he be of help if he had one arm left? he felt useless and had so many questions inside his head. later on, jiyong was excused from exploring and had given a new job at the radio station as it didnt require any lifting. loss and heartbroken, he rediscovered the book from his bounty loot after boxing the only memories he had left. since then, his life changed once again. today, jiyong is still a radio station jock and a preacher of the book he called The Bible. dwellers say he really lost it with the invisible man who claimed to have created everything. others simply said that he never changed – just a more annoying jiyong.
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vault752-blog · 5 years
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WELCOME HOME, SON JIWON -- assigned to the diner & the garden
Jiwon’s got heartaches by the number. Not that it makes her any special — all dwellers have their problems, some are just wiser for not tearing themselves apart for them. Whether it’s her inability to maintain relationships of any kind, or the soul-wrenching realization that she will never be more than she is, her “Things That Piss Me Off” list keeps expanding the older she gets. So far, she’s twenty-two and still trying to wrap her head around as of why she was born with no luck.
The Son family always saw her as someone who needs to be restrained. Every action she took was frowned upon and according to them, there was nothing appropriate about the way she was. The first red flag was her curiosity — how she stuck around after school hours to read or take extra lessons from her favorite history teacher. A child’s fascination with the outer world can be a wonderful thing — if that child is a boy, of course. Risking “the future of the vault” (her family’s words, not mine) so she could look at the sky for once didn’t only seem selfish, but dangerous. Nobody ever knew about her silly little ambition anyway, as her mother made her believe everyone would despise her for it.
Coming out didn’t exactly improve her situation either. Try telling your already disappointed parents that you do not plan on having children and that in a way, you are technically the post-apocalyptic version of Sappho, except you don’t have any talent… or a girlfriend. There were multiple attempts made in hopes of helping their disobedient daughter get over this “phase”, none of them successful. From that point onward, she no longer had the chance to repair her relationship with her family.
The rest of the vault didn’t exist in her eyes before age sixteen. To her it was always mom and dad, dictating every step she took. Honesty didn’t come to her naturally, neither did self-expression or trust. In a way, she had to reinvent herself — this primarily refers to the way she viewed life around her and, well, above her. What a rude awakening it was to realize the cruelty of her parents wasn’t healthy, or that the giant steel door separating them from the wasteland was there for a reason. The surface merely ever interested her because she wished to do as she pleased, and fortunately, she found a way to achieve that underground instead.
After taking the G.O.A.T. and being offered a few jobs most people would find boring, she took the liberty of trying out each and every one of them. The thing is, boring was exactly what she desired. Something of lesser importance, a position anyone could fill up, with the goal of further fueling her rebellious teen angst. She worked in the storage rooms full-time for about two years, dropping boxes on her own feet and once even getting knocked out by a falling ladder. A concussion later she was ready to move on and taste the world of culinary excellence.
The cook at the diner, who was bound to retire soon, taught her everything she knows about food. He even introduced her to the “magic of gardening”, as he called it. Not that she ever thought she would enjoy growing her plants and spending her days by the stove, but it sure was a pleasant change in her life. Her clumsiness was a bit of a setback at first — however, her genuine interest in cooking kept her going. It was the same amount of challenging and relaxing, the variety of recipes providing her with just the perfect amount of excitement. Not to mention it made her feel important and between you and me, even a little proud of herself.
At the present time with a few years of experience under her belt, she feels invincible. Sure, being a cook isn’t as mind-blowing as being a brilliant scientist, but it is a stable job she grew to love, so that must count for something. Jiwon’s expectations are always low, yet this might just be the sign that luck finally caught up to her.
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vault752-blog · 5 years
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WELCOME, JUNG HAESUNG -- assigned to the storage room & the wasteland
every single night, haesung relives that day.
he considers it ‘the day his entire world was up-ended, leaving him utterly messed up in the head’; the overseer, during his screening interview, more concisely calls it ‘a traumatic experience’. the middle-aged man scrutinises him like he’s an interesting specimen in a lab. haesung shifts uncomfortably under his gaze, feeling his own heartbeat thrum in his chest.
what if he doesn’t pass this screening? haesung’s mind drifts towards mijoo, who’s probably going through a health checkup at the moment. what if she doesn’t? he quickly decides he’s far less worried about himself when her prospects are on the line. she’s just a child. surely they’ll let her in? never mind if haesung gets kicked back out into the barren and toxic landscape of the wastelands. he’s survived this long. despite the small voice in his head urging him to drop dead at the feet of the next death crawler he may encounter in this hypothetical scenario, he’s determined to stay alive.
as it turns out, haesung passes the initiation process, as well as the g.o.a.t. he gets handed a yellow jumpsuit, told to dispose of the only set of clothes he has on his back. the shade looks terrible on him. mijoo, dressed in a kid-sized version, quietly notes that he looks like a giant banana. the two of them smile for the first time in forever.
vault 752 is… different, compared to the unfinished vault his family had inhabited for generations before. the pool and casino seemingly taunt him as he passes by, his cousin’s smaller hand in his. (it makes sense now, why his first generation family members had been rejected after taking the d.r.i.p.) all around him are strangers, obviously trying too hard not to stare at a couple of newcomers fresh from the wastelands. later on, haesung looks hard into the mirror and thinks he’s looking at a stranger himself. his face is scrubbed clean for once, and his teeth aren’t so grimy anymore. but why does he still feel so dirty?
the nightmare that visits him when he manages to fall asleep in his new bed answers that question.
it starts the same way every time — with his parents, and the others he calls his family, at dinner. canned food gets passed around and everyone shares, because that’s the rule in the bunker they have, for decades now, made into their home. it’s the closest thing haesung knows to a picture of a happy family that may have existed pre-war.
and then, it all shatters.
yongjoon comes back, not looking quite like himself (haesung’s beloved baby brother, once upon a time) anymore. more than the obvious physical mutations on his being, the feral glint in his eye is the most terrifying change. that, and the fact that he has a pack of raiders with him, similarly wild-eyed. the dwellers of the bunker, caught completely off-guard, were no match for the bloodthirsty wolves, who pillaged and plundered to their hearts’ desire.  
the last image haesung sees before he wakes up, panting and drenched in sweat, is his father choking on his own pool of blood. he spends the rest of the night awake, with a sick feeling in his gut and the urge to scream out his lungs. he used to be able to do that, when he and mijoo were still traversing the wastelands after their escape from the massacre. just walk off somewhere farther from their campsite for the night and yell his frustrations out. now he has to suppress the urge, figuring it’s a socially unacceptable thing to do when he has civilised humans living in the rooms adjacent to his.
as the days pass, haesung learns to settle into his new life in vault 752. he takes up a job as a storage worker at first, finding the methodical work of sorting through the items and cataloguing them somewhat therapeutic. the overseer decides his prior experience and knowledge of the wastelands is better off utilised with him as an explorer. so he takes that job up, as well. he thinks of both his occupations as ways to while the days away and keep him from his intrusive thoughts.
mijoo, at least, seems to be happier now, taking classes with those in the same age bracket as her. she’s made at least one friend, too, which haesung can’t say he’s proud to have done himself. most importantly, she’s safe.
maybe it’s selfish, the way he obsessively checks in on her to make sure she’s doing alright — she’s the only remaining relic from his past long gone, after all, and he’ll be damned if he lets anything happen to her even in the insulated, cushy environment of vault 752.
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vault752-blog · 5 years
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WELCOME HOME, KANG CHUL -- assigned to the storage room
it's easy to live under the earth when it's all he's ever known, but it's not easy to miss the sunlight when he has never seen it before.
so, chul longs for the sky. his father tells him it's something he will never see. we're workers, entertainers, we were movie stars. we're not laborers, and explorers, and wanderers. so, he replaces glimmering stars with awestruck stares and laughter and applause. he replaces his dreams with attention, chooses to live in the now than the yesterday, and he finds that he likes things this way.
so, he twists strings and plucks melodies, instead. he tells jokes and pockets smiles, because he thinks they're just as bright as sunshine might be. he's sunkissed, this way. even when he's buttoned behind a large trench coat and a large hat, and his face is hidden behind a mask. (it's tradition, says his family. and much like the rest of his family before him, he loves tradition and family.) he's loud and he's happy, and he hopes it's as infectious. he's irradiated, this way, and he laughs about it.
so, he never takes anything seriously, and he extends a hand where it's needed. he stretches as far as he can pull himself, like a silly string, like an old rope. he stretches as far as the eye can see, like how the sun might.
now, he wonders if the sun is still out there. he has no doubt that it is. now, he thinks the sun shines brighter than ever.
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vault752-blog · 5 years
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WELCOME HOME, PARK MINJI -- assigned to the garden & the wasteland
second and third degree road rash, minji learns through a haze of exhausted moaning and the frantic sound of medbay carts slamming around the room, is just a really mild way of saying fuckfuckfuck her skin is gone!!! she knows her skin is gone, though, so not saying it out loud doesn’t really make it feel better.
still, maybe the sentiment is nice.
the pain is so severe she can’t cry, or speak, or do much but think about astral-projecting her soul into a different dimension. it creates an out-of-body dichotomy. on one hand, someone is peeling away the pieces of her skin that didn’t get cheese grated off, and on the other, she’s fully immersed in a garden full of basil and soft honeybees. they’re bigger than the bees she learned about in her botany books, which makes them somehow even more unlikely to be flying in the first place.
someone abruptly pops her femur back under muscle and minji loses the bee, promptly throws up an impressive amount of bile, and blacks out.
the injury, it turns out, was the easy part.
the road rash is the domino that sets it all off. first, her body is broken beyond anyones expectations of broken. it sucks, but bodies heal, and skin grows back. it isn’t the end of the world, though everyone and their mother informs her that she’ll never be the explorer she once was as if she didn’t already know that.
but then she starts forgetting things and sometimes, when she’s real exhausted and sad, little honeybees fly in and out of her vision. they vary in size. sometimes they’re no bigger than little seedlings. the only reason they become a problem is because of one of them decides to come out of her shower the size of a goddamn human being and minji screams so loud her neighbor comes crashing in, sure that she’s dying.
it makes recovery slow and tedious. she consults for the explorers now, but they invite her to strategy meetings less and less.
minji knows what she must look like to them, knows that she’s like an omen from the future, reminding them of the risks they take. no one wants to see what they could become.
the gardens, though.
plants have not a damn thing to say about her limp or the ugly scarred skin that covers most of her left side or the spacey look she gets in her eyes whenever someone drops something. as far as occupations, gardening is pretty much the exact opposite of exploring. it’s about creation and care and finesse and it unlocks something in minji. to know that her body isn’t just a malfunctioning weapon, a tank that got tanked. she can create things.
sometimes she reads to her vegetables, or sings. the gentle murmur of her voice helps them grow bigger.
it’s not exactly a safe space, nor is it particularly accessible, but minji makes do.
“minji?” the medbay assistant assigned to her case sounds apologetic and a little afraid. minji understands the feeling, and gets the sentiment, but she’s not really minji anymore. the real minji got turned into parmesan cheese thirty minutes away from base. this not-minji person is just a hollow replacement.
so when the assistant breaks the news, looking terrified and like not-minji will start crying and screaming and begging for reprieve, not-minji just shrugs.
she knows there’s no such thing as a rock bottom, has learned this from the number of times she’s been at the bottom of the ocean crying, is this rock bottom? is this?
it’s a combination of the radiation and the injury that’s turned her uterus into a wasteland of it’s own kind. not-minji giggles through the explanation the assistant gives her because it’s funny, it is. minji jumpstarted her adult life to trek through barren waste- of course she had to bring some of it back with her.
in retrospect, she wishes the assistant hadn’t told her in front of the basil leaves. they’re sensitive and now minji can’t sing to them anymore because the whole area gives her an anxiety she doesn’t really understand.
so she can’t have kids. big fucking deal. what kind of monster wants to start a family in concrete, anyway?
if she could go back in time, she’d bypass the accident and ignore the cocksure attitude she had on her first mission and go straight to day she was conceived, murder her mother, and fade from existence so thoroughly this bullfuck of a life never would have happened.
it’s a fantasy to get her through rough days. she doesn’t tell her plants about it.
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vault752-blog · 5 years
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WELCOME HOME, JEON HYOJIN -- assigned to the medbay & the wasteland
every night before he disappeared into the wasteland, hyojin’s father would send him to bed with tales of his forefathers. embellished or not, these stories became hyojin’s history. the story of the jeon’s. jeon taehee, a brilliant architect of the pre-war times, and her husband jeon minhyun, a high-ranking general. she was in charge of the construction of vault 752, in exchange for guarantee her family had a space within the vault during the eventual fallout. taehee and minhyun brought ten family members into 752. taehee’s sister, brother-in-law, niece and father. minhyun’s two brothers and sister-in-law. and of course, the pair’s two sons. hyojin’s father and uncle. the jeon family was set to thrive in vault 752, a history to be remembered for generations to come. but of course, life hadn’t worked out as dreamed. taehee and minhyun died from cancer in the lymph nodes within ten years of the fallout. taehee’s father passed away in his sleep within a week. taehee’s sister and brother-in-law succumbed to radroach bites, and their daughter to irradiated water. minhyun’s brothers both died out in the wasteland on the first explorer expedition. his sister-in-law died of grief. of the two sons, the eldest (hyojin’s uncle) decided to test his luck in the wasteland and ran off the first chance he could. all that remained was the youngest son, who fell in love with a medbay doctor. the two had a beautiful son. jeon hyojin. hyojin’s mother met her end when hyojin had only been three years old. a patient experiencing a psychotic episode got hold of a scapel in the medbay and went after every worker they could. hyojin’s mother had fortunately been the only casualty. the only memory he has of her is the lullaby she sweetly sang into his ear whenever the boy was restless. his father had a locket carrying her photograph, but it had been for his eyes only after she passed. he was an explorer, just like his uncles and brother had been. when hyojin was eleven, his father was killed by raiders out on a mission. the locket never made it back to the vault, but at least hyojin had memories of his father’s face. according to the older dwellers, all hyojin had to do was look in a mirror to view his mother’s image. the g.o.a.t proved hyojin carried his parents with him. he scored with a high aptitude for explorer and medical. hyojin was a curious child, despite his introverted nature and waifish looks, so he takes up the primary mantle of explorer at age sixteen. whenever he returns to the vault from a mission, he spends most of his time in the medbay acting as nurse for the doctors. hyojin doesn’t have much to show for brute strength, so his skills in the wasteland include stealth and charisma. he’s a recruiter, young and sweet with bambi eyes filled with promises of an easy life. he carries a sawed off shotgun on his back and a pistol on his hip. he does not hesitate with either whenever danger presented. on one of his first missions, hyojin came across a solo wanderer’s camp, with the corpse of the wanderer laid right outside. within the camp he found a fresh litter of pups, pure in lineage and resilient in stock. he had slipped on of the pups into the inner pocket of his coat and raised her as his own. meonji grew and grew and grew until she stood nearly at his hip. she’s a stocky dog, with corded muscles and a large skull with a powerful jaw. a pitbull, he’s been told. fearsome and savage. his meonji is an angel to hyojin of course, always by his side. and she serves as a wonderful fear tactic when encountering strangers in the wasteland. hyojin himself doesn’t paint an imposing image, but meonji is enough to make people skittish. she’s his best asset outside of the vault, as well as his greatest companion. so loyal she doesn’t need a leash and intelligent enough to intuit hyojin’s wishes. with no family left hyojin had granted her the title of the youngest jeon, the princess of the clan and his only family.
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vault752-blog · 5 years
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WELCOME HOME, LEE YUJIN – assigned to the medbay & radio studio
You never knew the life of those who lived outside in the wasteland, all you’ve known your entire life is vault 752 and the comforts it offered. Your mother was more like you, coming from the right lineage that didn’t have to feel what it was like to be stranded on the outs while war was all around. Like you, she didn’t know the first thing about living on the outs after humanity ran undercover. On the other side, your father knew it all too well. Spending his early years out in the wasteland with his parents, he’s already lived a fair share by the time the three were guided by a radio show into the comforts and safety that was vault 752. The endless gratitude your father felt after being offered safety had him swearing on his life and the life of his unborn children, to give all that he had back to the place that offered them a permanent place to call home. You were raised under the patriotic belief that everything you do must be in service of the community, of the vault. You, much like your father, swore to do everything that is in your power to do, in gratitude of the vaults. These metal walls are the only place you know, proudly calling them your home. Everything that lies outside the safety of the vaults scares you more than you’d like to admit. Your parents always prided themselves in their exceptional kid, and that you were. After passing the G.O.A.Ts you started your training in medicine, which your parents were very proud to spread. So much so that they never forgot to mention this to you, the weight of your father’s endless gratitude for the cause grows heavy on your shoulders. You swore to yourself, but most importantly you swore to him. You will live to try and do the most with the skill you were graciously granted to learn.
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vault752-blog · 5 years
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WELCOME HOME, SON SORA – assigned to the water purification plant & the wasteland
she was born wild, too curios and powerful to spend her whole life underneath dirt and ashes as yet another waste of space and fresh air - a true vermin she didn’t not wish to be. her mother knew it right from the very start, the very first cry. the bright spark in sora’s eyes foretold it all; she was a true flame in the making. she grew up listening to stories about her family, of people she would never get to meet or see with her own two eyes, the creme de la creme of the high society, the people that had once lived like kings and queens in their little iron castles, and people that among many others made life possible for her and her parents. it was an inspiring tale truly, one that had the potential to turn into a legend over the span of a few generations, but still for sora they were only ghosts, too far out of her reach. sometimes she had the tendencies to grow envious too - they had known what it’s like to be sun-kissed. her curiosity never really abandoned her, on the contrary, with each new year it only grew stronger, pushing sora toward new places and turning her life into a hellish daydream; a constant battle between the bad and the good days. but life took a much darker turn for sora when her father died in a small radioactive accident. the two had been an inseparable duo, forever clinging to each other, and really he had been the first one to notice her potential, her raw intelligence and brilliance. thanks to him she grew to love science and medicine, but then her left her so quickly. she never really forgave him for abandoning her so soon, never really managed to move on, but instead she turned colder, simply meaner to the world around her. her beloved mother, only a few years later, betrayed her too as she followed her husband into the land of the dead, leaving the seventeen year old sora all by herself. however, the worst was yet to come. just a few short months after her eighteen birthday, sora found out about her pregnancy. it all happened too quickly and she was too young, uncertain and afraid, and she didn’t want the baby, didn’t want to raise a child when she too was only a child. and so, upon giving birth, she gave up her rights as a parent, left her pretty baby girl in the arms of a stranger. the second time it happened, it was easier. the vault needed her, needed her children or at least that’s what she told to herself when she took the test. a night of passion with a colleague turned into nine months of slight worry, but once again, she gave birth to a healthy baby, this time a sweet son. but the third time, oh the third time was the hardest. not because of pain or worry, but because of all the lies and secrecy. she didn’t want her then-boyfriend to know, didn’t want him to rope her into marriage or any sort of commitment just because of the baby in her belly. so she lied, used all sorts of tricks and schemes to cover up herself, and before her belly grew too big, she broke up with him. and so another baby joined the vault, unnamed and bound to live without her true parents. and so life went on for sora and her ex-boyfriend, and she found no reason to dwell on the past too much, nothing good awaited her there. she simply focused on her jobs, on books and history and science, because those were the only things that she was actually good at. besides drinking. sora loves her jobs. they’re among the few rare things that actually bring her happiness. just the very thought of going out, of following explorers on their missions and seeing the big wasteland makes her blood rush with excitement. in a strange way, the wasteland is beautiful, there’s beauty in disarray, in chaos and she wants to see it all. she lives to have fun and she lives by her own rules, never worrying too much about what others think of her. she rarely listens to anyone but herself and she can often come off as an arrogant and temperamental bitch, a far cry from her parents, but sora is simply untamed, a wounded beast that the walls of the vault can barely hold. but she is intelligent and resourceful, and really not many women would be able to give birth to three children and then get back to work so easily. not many women, only sora. truth be told, she rarely thinks of her children, but still, from time to time she imagines the life she could’ve had, an awful life, and so she doesn’t regret her decisions, she knows it was for the best. or at least, that’s what she always tells to herself.
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vault752-blog · 5 years
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WELCOME HOME, RHEE DAHYE – assigned to the science lab & outfit workshop
her story starts before her birth. her great-grandparents are not the citizens the drip is looking for: no wealth to speak of, no extraordinary talents. instead, they get in through one well-placed connection, and a promise to devote their skills to the vault no matter what may come. and so they pass this on to their children, and their children’s children. they owe their lives to the vault, and they will repay it in the same way.
rhee dahye grows up quietly, carefully, studiously. she lives up to the principles and ideals her parents have set for her, keeping them in her heart and through her hands. her family has taken on many jobs in the time that 752 has kept them, and she will be the same – she learns from each sector, each lab, in a bid to be as useful as she can to the vault. she keeps within the lines and learns each one by heart, to better serve the vault.
her heart is as soft as her hands, and soon she finds she spends most of her time in the medical bay. she wants to heal and to help, and she admires the doctors and nurses who keep the vault healthy. but her g.o.a.t score fails to make the cut-off, and instead she chooses to fill a spot that was needed. the science lab is in need of researchers and she’s got a bright enough mind, deft enough fingers, to be useful. she takes on the task of improving and producing the radaway that keeps so many of the dwellers safe and healthy, and she feels fulfilled.
she falls in love once: a girl, with whom they can be of no use to the vault and their residents. she chooses to be less than useful, chooses her heart over the vault for the first time in her life. she is her first love, and despite that. the vault wins out in the end, demands loyalty and duty over everything else she has given it. so she does, she bites the bullet for the both of them and ends the relationship. but she falls in love twice: a boy, one she never expected to. she just wanted a safety blanket, at first, someone to hold on to to prove to the vault that she is useful, that she will fulfill the duties that were set out for her before her birth. and he is kind, and gentle, and she is more than just useful with him. she is worth something, and for that alone, she thinks she could love him.
now there’s a life growing in her, and a new story that comes with that. she splits her time between the science lab and the outfit workshop, the vault dwellers who come knocking on her door for haircuts and favours. dahye is kind-hearted and open-minded, an attentive and listening friend; she can only hope it makes up for her indecision and impulsiveness, her dependency on being depended on. the vault has given her life, and so will she.
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vault752-blog · 5 years
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WELCOME HOME, IWADATE NAOKO -- assigned to the weapon workshop & the wasteland
iwadate naoko is one of the lucky ones.
first, her great grandparents managed to get their vault application approved thanks to possessing urk citizenship. unfortunately, that made her mother tongue about as familiar to her as a normal earth.
second and more importantly, her parents never fretted over her, never shielded her from their war torn history and the wasteland that came to be because of it. even if some of the other dwellers weren’t too big of a fan of how her parents so carelessly ( in their words ) raised their daughter, they couldn’t care less. apparently, that’s how it was for the two of them as well.
so she grew up with more freedom than some of her friends weighted down by their parents’ paranoia, allowed to explore and let her curiosity run wild while they could not. a fervent girl with ambitions too big for the vault, a subject of envy.
her father worked in the weapons workshop of vault 752 and had no qualms with letting naoko observe and learn. she eventually found herself replacing him a handful of years down the road, despite the obstacles that would be thrown her way.
but calling them—her—an obstacle would be a little tasteless when she is everything but that.
is? was? naoko doesn’t really know anymore.
just like how you can’t really forget the first person who stole your heart, you can’t really forget the first person to break it. naoko’s lucky. the same person did both.
as these stories often go, they started off as friends, childhood friends, until it became something more. something she thought would’ve worked out, because there was no reason not to. well, no reason that naoko could’ve predicted until it hit her right in the face.
with such laidback parents, it never occurred to her that they would be like the others in that sense—insistent on maintaining tradition, insistent on securing the next generation. stuff like that doesn’t work out with two girls. but naoko didn’t care for what others thought of her, even if the disappointment from her parents stung. so long as she was with dahye, everything would be fine.
obviously, that wasn’t how things turned out to be, otherwise we wouldn’t be here, now would we?
naoko took the grief dahye left, converted it into energy, and decided to prove them all wrong. that she wouldn’t be a waste of potential. waste of space. it didn’t take long for her to make a name for herself as not only a talented weapons specialist, but a promising explorer as well.
if she can’t have her, at least let her have this.
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vault752-blog · 5 years
hey all! i had to run out today and just got home, so opening is a little delayed. we’ll be up and running at 7 pm kst. 
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vault752-blog · 5 years
applications received —
IWADATE, NAOKO — accepted ( 1114 ) hirai momo – twice weapons workshop canon
JEON, HYOJIN — accepted ( 0318 ) kim jungwoo – nct
JUNG, HAESUNG — accepted ( 0608 ) kim jonghyun/jr – nu’est
KANG, CHUL — accepted ( 1213 ) lee seokmin/dk – seventeen mysterious stranger canon
LEE, YUJIN — accepted ( 1206 ) kim younghoon – the boyz medbay canon
PARK, MINJI — accepted ( 5534 ) kim jisoo – blackpink
RHEE, DAHYE — accepted ( 9900 ) cho miyeon – (g)i-dle science lab canon
SON, JIWON — accepted ( 8009 ) park chaeyoung/rosé – blackpink
SON, SORA — accepted ( 1788 ) jung soojung/krystal – f(x) water purification canon
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vault752-blog · 5 years
we’ve reached our target 8 accepted applications for opening! as such, we’re happy to announce the roleplay’s official opening date: AUGUST 21, 6 PM (KST). we’re beyond excited to open this little community and start exploring the wasteland, fighting radroaches and wading through vault life with all of you wonderful writers. feel free to send in your applications at any time, as acceptances will be done on a rolling basis. see you then!
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vault752-blog · 5 years
reserved until 08/20 —
( 0202 ) byun baekhyun – exo
reserved until 08/22 —
( 8009 ) park chaeyoung/rosé – blackpink
applications received —
IWADATE, NAOKO — accepted ( 1114 ) hirai momo – twice weapons workshop canon
JEON, HYOJIN — accepted ( 0318 ) kim jungwoo – nct
JUNG, HAESUNG — accepted ( 0608 ) kim jonghyun/jr – nu’est
KANG, CHUL — accepted ( 1213 ) lee seokmin/dk – seventeen mysterious stranger canon
LEE, YUJIN — accepted ( 1206 ) kim younghoon – the boyz medbay canon
PARK, MINJI — accepted ( 5534 ) kim jisoo – blackpink
RHEE, DAHYE — accepted ( 9900 ) cho miyeon – (g)i-dle science lab canon
SON, SORA — accepted ( 1788 ) jung soojung/krystal – f(x) water purification canon
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