vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
have you ever looked at an authority figure in your life and thought “wow i respect a well-grilled hot dog more than i respect you”
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
My character is under a truth serum, ask them anything.
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
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“Well, I’m right here.”
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
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i don’t want to be your girl, i want to be a gun. blow the jaw right off that handsome face: a .44 magnum. i’ve been cruising ‘round these parts been looking for some fun. i was born way back in ‘58, don’t belong to anyone. lean in close and whisper to you  “let’s go for a ride, big guy, let’s cruise”. look you in the eye and know  what i’m gonna do. baby, i am beautiful and bad and i’ll destroy everything you have.
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
          for @withbullets​  /  continued from  here.
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     WORRY SETS IN WITH HER SILENCE   ,    did  he  go  too  far   ?   was  that  too  much   ?   whatever  the  situation  may  be   ,   he  stands  by  it.  his  words  were    pure  truth   &   he  was  happy  he  said  them.   even  if   it  caught  her  off  guard   ,   which  he   assumes   is  the  reasoning  behind  her  quietness.  but   ,   he  also  can't  help  but    wonder    if  she's    so  silent    because  she's   never  been  told  anything   like  what  he's  said.  but  that's  not  possible   ,   is  it   ?    admiration    is  in  his  eyes  even  though   PANIC   is  in  his  chest   ,   as  she    FINALLY    speaks   ,   he  simply  smiles.  even  laughs    just  a  little  bit    as  he  shrugs  broad  shoulders.      "  honestly   ?   i  wouldn't  really  know.  i've   never   tried  it   on  any  other  girl.  "    maybe  he   inherited   his  fathers  ability  at  smooth  talking    (   &   that’s  where  this  is  coming  from  )    but  he's  also   ,   again   ,   just  being  honest.    "  so  you'll  have  to  tell  me  yourself . . .  did  it  work   ?   "
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
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he’s out his head, i’m out my mind. we got that  l o v e, the  crazy  kind.
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
                                      +  withbullets.
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       it’s a long shot, but it’s one she’s gonna take because someone from new vegas has had to come this way before! however, she’s got that feeling in her bones, her mom used to call it intuition or something, that tells her this bar does not have it. it’s even more evident that she happens to be right, and while she’s a little disappointed with such a myriad of options she is in a position where she shouldn’t be complaining. (  alcohol was never her thing though.  )        ❛ do you have nuka-cola? not much of a drinker. ❜
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        HE NODS HIS HEAD  ,   what  kinda  bar  would  he  be  helping  run  if  he  didn't  have  a   stocked  cooler   of  nuka-cola  ?       "  really   ?   you're  not   ?   "      it  was  a   innocent  question   coming  from  him  being   surprised   due  to  the  fact  that  he's  never  really  met   anyone   who  isn't  much  of  a  drinker   :     just  like  HIM.  but   ,   then  he  realized   ,   it   kinda   sounded  like  a   S H I T    thing  to  say.      "  not  that  you  look  like  an   alcoholic   or  anything  of  the  sorts . . .   that's  not  what  i  was  saying   ,   i  meant       you  know  what   ?   i'm  just  gonna     stop  talkin'     &   get  you  that  cola.  "     he  tells  her  as  he  crouches  down  again   ,   shaking  his  head  at  himself  while  he's   momentarily   out  of  her  view.  he  comes  back  up   ,    cold  drink   in  hand  as  he  sets  it  on  the  counter   ,   handing  her  the  bottle  opener  just  in  case  she  needs  it.     "  if  you  don’t  mind  me  asking   ,   what's  got  you  up  at  this  hour  ?  “     this  is  his   weak  attempt   at  trying  to  get  her  to    forget    about  how  much  he'd  just   embarrassed   himself. 
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
┏┓ in ┃┃╱╲ this ┃╱╱╲╲  house ╱╱╭╮╲╲  we ▔▏┗┛▕▔     love & respect ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲       SENTIENT GHOULS  ╱╱┏┳┓╭╮┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏┗┻┛┃┃┗┻┛▕▔
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
“ i want to dance with you. ”
          rp sentence starters using lines from HERE.    /    status    :    accepting   !
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          SHE  WANTS  TO  DANCE  ?  WITH  HIM  ??      of  course   ,    p a n i c    is  the  first  feeling  that  he  gets  from  her  words  due  to  the  fact  that  he's    NEVER    danced  a  day  in  his  life   ,  but  once   panic   subsides   ,   a  sense  of  calm  sinks  in.   maybe   it's  because  his  eyes  meet  hers  and  all  he  can  do  is  smile.     "  do  you  now   ?   "    he  questions  with  a  raised  brow  before  he  stands  to  his  feet.  he  takes  a   deep  breath   ,   he  even  shakes  out  his  arms  as  if  he  were   PREPARING   himself.  which   ,   he  kinda  was.  extending  his  hand   out   to  her  ,  his  warm  smile   never falters.    “  how  about  we  do  that  then   ?   “ 
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
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rp sentence starters using lines from r.h. sin’s work , whiskey words and a shovel I  part one / part two / part three
“ you’re always coming back. ” “ you fear you’ve been replaced. ” “ it was your love that caused all this. ” “ it was you that made me this way. ” “ suddenly, being heartless was better than being heartbroken. ” “ we have found ourselves. ” “ i wish changing my heart was as easy as changing my mind. ” “ and they wonder why the good know so much pain. ” “ the snow makes the cemetery look alive. ” “ the heart takes too long to figure out what the mind already knows. ” “ i learned to live without you. ” “ just a funeral held in memory of the person i was. ” “ you deliberately destroyed me. ” “ what was there to love? ” “ i now know that i was in this alone. ” “ i find myself pretending to be fine. ” “ my smile is usually a mask. ” “ you’ll think i’m weak. ” “ it’s easier said than done. ” “ you’re always alone whenever real shit occurs. ” “ all of this is all of nothing. ” “ you’re full of pain, but filled with fight. ” “ the idea of getting married scares me. ” “ i have nothing more to offer than myself. ” “ i don’t really recognize the person i’ve become. ” “ a year can change a lot. ” “ you no longer deserve my thoughts. ” “ i am ashamed for having given in to your pleas. ” “ i want to dance with you. ” “ my spine has been weighed down by a life of despair and disappointment. ” “ how brave it is, to love completely. ” “ i’ll try for you, because you’re worth it. ” “ sometimes nightmares are people. ” “ being alone brings me closer to peace. ” “ you’ve become like a prison. ” “ i’m planning ways to escape you. ” “ i remember everything i don’t want to. ” “ i struggle to comprehend your inability to love me as much as i loved you. ” “ you’re relying on a broken mirror. ” “ i’ll rebuild without you. ” “ loving you meant that i didn’t love myself. ” “ tomorrow will be even harder. ” “ i’ve accepted my fate. ” “ you took what you wanted. ” “ i am trying to find myself under the rubble of my own heart. ” “ i’m tired of pretending it doesn’t hurt. ” “ i was wrong about you. ” “ the truth always rises to the surface. ” “ they’ve gotten what they wanted from you. ” “ heartache made me so fucking unforgiving. ” “ in you, lives a love that most people won’t be able to comprehend. ” “ they’re no longer good for you. ” “ you can’t find love in places filled with hate. ” “ who will understand my scars? ” “ i just want to stop thinking about you. ” “ i hope those lies burn your lips. ” “ i barely recognize myself anymore. ” “ my most dangerous habit is overthinking. ” “ this was never meant to work. ” “ i’d like to learn you. ” “ i’d like to love every part of you. ” “ you struggle to fit in places where you don’t belong. ” “ you’re only here because your friends wanted to go. ” “ love me when things are bad. ” “ love me through my imperfections. ” “ never apologize for burning too bright. ” “ i was willing to drown for them. ” “ shallow compliments have no meaning. ” “ i yelled because i actually cared. ” “ i only argued with you because i gave a fuck. ” “ i should have been a bit clearer about what i was asking for. ” “ no one wants to be alone. ” “ there is loneliness in being with the wrong person. ” “ and i continue to burn. ” “ it hurts like hell. ” “ i accept you as you are. ” “ you’re still beautiful to me. ” “ you were only meant to be temporary. ” “ slowly, death crept up behind me. ” “ holding onto you was killing me. ” “ i nearly lost my damn mind. ” “ i can love you, but only from a distance. ” “ some people are more lovable when they’re not around. ” “ you’re a sinner, i’m your accomplice. ” “ a moment of weakness doesn’t define your strength. ” “ i won’t miss you. ” “ one day you’ll understand. ”
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
Do you want a valentine, Salem?
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   “  well  ,  i  wouldn’t  be   OPPOSED . . .   who’s  asking   ?   “
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
                                    + zwhacking.
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    ❛ i heard like, valentine’s day was some kind of… cult… thing. ❜ of course, addy wasn’t from a vault, she wouldn’t know. ❛ supposedly the hearts were a representation of tearing some poor victim’s heart out. ❜  // @vaultbuilt
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     HER WORDS GET A COUPLE DIFFERENT REACTIONS FROM HIM  :   surprised   ,   confused   ,    &  ultimately  just   SHOCKED.  but  as  he  laughs  softly   ,   almost  in  disbelief  at  the  story  he  just  heard   ,   he  looks  over  at  her  with  a  small  smile.     "  quick  question   ,   &  really       i   do   mean  this  in  the   kindest  way  possible . . .   who   the  hell   taught  you  about  valentines  day   &   are  they  ALRIGHT ?  
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
                                         +  withbullets.
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    megaton’s  ———  interesting, but not in the way that’s bad. the atomic bomb in the center of town and the church that surrounds it catches her interest because it’s so… odd. sure, alex had her share of cults back in the ncr and in the mojave, and even traveling through to here. what was once the crown jewel of politics in a nation that died so many years ago. those that dwell here seem decent enough, and nice enough to point her in the direction of the watering hole. even at this late hour, two o’clock in the morning. maybe it’s early. whatever it maybe, the young woman finds herself a little lost as she sits at the bar.                  ❛ you probably don’t have this but i’m giving it a shot: sunset sarsaparilla? ❜
@vaultbuilt: sc.
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       THIS MIGHT’VE BEEN HIS QUIETEST SHIFT YET.    usually  he'd  have   at least   two  or  three  people  that  hung  around  until   even later hours   of  the  am  than  it  already  was   ,   but  as  he  sits  alone  at  his  stool  behind  the  bar  counter   ,   his  eyes  shift  up  from  the   deck of cards   he  held  in  his  hands  to  the  door  of  the  saloon.  he  greets  the  female  who  entered  with  a   welcoming smile   before  standing  to  his  feet  and  giving  the  counter  a    q u i c k    wipe  down  with  the  rag  he  pulled  off  his  shoulder  as  she  sits  in  front  of  him.  brows   momentarily   furrow  in  confusion.      sunset  sarsaparilla  ?     he  thinks  about  it  for  a  moment   ,   but  yet  can't  remember   one  time   he's   ever even heard   of  the  drink  until  now.  but   ,   he  still  checks      just   in  case.     "  i'm  not  sure . .   give  me   just   a  second.  "     he  tells  her  before  he  crouches  down   ,   shuffling  through  the   variety of alcoholic drinks   occupying  the  refrigerator  before  coming  up  with  a  look  of  somewhat   defeat   on  his  features.  he  shrugs   ,   "  i’m  sorry  about  that . .   i'd  be  happy  to  get  you  something  else   ?   we've  got  vodka   ,   beer   ,   scotch   &   wine   ?   if  i'm  being  honest  though   ,    none   of  that  sounds  as  good  as  what  you  were  asking  for.  "
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
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In response to the staggering number of RP blogs who reblogged our previous, general masterlist call, I’ve decided to create an RP masterlist for those who wish to easily  find others within the RP community. There are a couple regulations, of course, so read on below!
Naturally, you need to be a Fallout roleplayer. You must run an indie roleplay blog. Groups and 1x1 rp blogs will not be added.
Our RP directory will be categorized as efficiently as possible. In order to help us do that, you will need to reblog this post and add tag what is applicable!
     Canon, OC, or Player Character           ( If your character is canon: tag their name as well! )           ( If your character is a PC: tag their title (Lone Wanderer, Courier, etc). )      Main Verse ( Which Fallout game are they from? )      Faction ( If applicable. )
Please do so as simply as possible—this way, we can quickly add your blog without having to rummage through your blog. Those who don’t tag their reblog with at least the type of character they play and their main verse will not be added to the list.
Likes are NOT counted!
The masterlist will be updated throughout the week. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, shoot us an ask and well get to it as soon as possible.
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
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             LIKE  THIS  POST  FOR  A  STARTER !
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vaultbuilt-blog · 7 years
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