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Magic portals are an important form of transportation within the Vault Universe for both those with and without innate magic. Able to be summoned at will a trained witch or warlock is able to bring forth portals to and from any location on Earth they can visualize within their mind unless said location is warded. In warded cases, a specific spell is either required or one may only be able to travel outside of the location’s grounds. 
Dimensional portals, however, require a greater amount of magic and typically require specific origin locations and fixed gates where the veil between worlds is thinner. 
Non-magic beings are also able to summon portals to specific locations with focused, pre-created spells which have been imbued with magic for said purpose. This is typically seen with travel to and from a Point A and Point B as in the cases of travel to and from organizations or schools such as the Vault or Cabal to their member’s home and back or to and from the Vault Academies. 
Where as typical portals summoned by those with magic take a more circular shape and can vary in color, these type of portals usually take the shape of a doorway or gate with the spell being recited in front of a door, path, or passageway and the intended location recited along with the words of the spell.  
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Traditionally, hunters are usually broken up within three groups: those that have normal jobs outside of hunting and typically reside in and protect a certain area, those who are nomadic, fully dedicating their lives to hunting, and those who work for hunting organizations. In respect to Seattle, the first is the case with the Swan Family currently serving as leaders of the faction itself. Under their direction, the faction holds true to the established accords which state the city as neutral territory for vampires but also require any vampires within the city to either feed from blood bags or willing donors at blood dens and furthermore that area hunters will not harm those who do not harm innocents. That said, there are some within the faction which do not see eye to eye with these regulations and who create tension with the faction's leadership. 
Tensions, in general, are especially high following the newborn army which wreaked havoc upon the city, killing many in the vampire leader’s efforts to get to the faction leader’s daughter Bella. The aftermath of this event has left some questioning where the family’s true loyalties lie. That said, while the Swan family does have a close connection with the Whitlock and Olympic Covens, that does not impede their willingness to do what must be done if the situation calls for it. 
If someone is harming innocents they will act against them. However, the same goes if someone goes after innocent supernaturals. All in all, the Swan family is, above all else, just-- regardless to if some within the faction agree with them or not. 
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Originally a single coven, the Olympic Coven, consisting of the vegetarian vampires: Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Emmett, and Edward Cullen, as well as Rosalie and Jasper Hale (Whitlock), the coven later divided shortly after leaving Forks and Alice and Jasper’s break up. With Jasper Whitlock leaving the coven, he traveled to Texas before settling in Seattle, Washington where he is presently attending college. In the wake of reuniting with Bella Swan and engaging in a battle against the vampire Victoria’s army, Jasper established the Whitlock Coven-- which branched away from the Cullen’s diet and typically feeds on blood bags-- which consists of himself, his adoptive sister Rosalie (having left the Cullens after the death of her husband), Rosalie’s adoptive vampire daughter, Bree Tanner, and unofficially the witch and relation of Jasper, Mina Whitlock, and human Bella Swan who also is part of Seattle’s human faction. 
With the Olympic Coven remaining in the Washington State area and the two covens still remaining close allies of each other-- even considering each other family-- they remain, when united, the second largest and most powerful coven of their type of vampire, with only the Volturi ranking higher in number and power. An extension of this, while not Washington based, is the fact the Olympic Coven holds strong allies with other covens across the globe, with the Denali’s being of special note as they consider it’s members as extended family and the Whitlock Coven holds ties to the San Antonio Coven through Jasper’s connection with Maria Ramos and his relative, Mina, who is her adoptive daughter. Both have an ally in the hunting Swan family who hold to a code of only hunting those who harm innocents.  
Because of this, while typically large cities are neutral territory for vampires, most vampires who make the choice to settle in or travel through Washington State inform the covens out of respect and are not allowed to feed on any unwilling persons within the confines of the territory lest the Washington Covens will act against them. Though it should be noted the aforementioned is generally a default accord for large cities which has been in effect for years. That said, a terrible exception to this was in the case of Victoria who recently (2018) created a newborn army who killed many innocents in a quest to attack Bella Swan and the Cullens. This event ultimately led to a battle in Forks and tensions with Seattle’s Human Faction and for it’s leader, Charlie Swan, and his daughter, Bella with their faction.
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“Wait, that’s it!” Bella exclaimed, dark hues moving from her injured hand to meet her father’s gaze. She had been preparing some of the weapons from the hunter’s chest when one had slipped in her grasp and cut her.
“Think about it, Dad. If Jasper’s been able to learn control through moderated blood bags, the newborns are the complete reverse. They’re frenzied, constantly attacking people. They can’t handle the slightest bit of blood. We know I’m Victoria’s target. So if we spread a little of my blood in the woods, we can lead them exactly where we want them without them coming through Forks.” That was it, that was the key.
Their whole plan had been for this battle to go down in the more rural Forks area instead of Seattle in order to keep the blood count lower, and, at least in part, to keep the rest of the Human Faction focused on the big city instead of on the Cullens and the Pack. (Her father had a hard enough time making sure certain members of the faction stuck to the accords as it was lately.) But here was the answer to keeping the whole of the town out of relative danger as well. Bella never thought she’d be thankful for her clumsiness, but there was a first time for everything.
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