vausings-blog · 9 years
Quinn actually looked up at the brunette’s words, shocked. Marlon would have never replied that way to her a few years ago. She would have just apologized and told Quinn whatever she wanted to hear, reassuring her. But things had changed, and once again, she was reminded of that. And of the part she had played in these changes.
“Whatever..” She mumbled under her breath, her fingers playing with the burning cigarette as she tried to regain her composure. Her eyes stayed locked onto the brunette, as she allowed herself to actually look at her former best friend. Marlon had changed too, even though it was less drastic than Quinn’s pink hair. It was subtle. She looked more free, more confident somewhat, in her own way. And as she realized that her eyes had been lingering a bit too long on the brunette’s body, Quinn quickly looked away, shaking her head as she took another drag.
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“Brunette suits you better.” She said softly, not daring to look at Marlon again as the words passed her lips, this time without unecessary sarcasm.
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vausings-blog · 9 years
Quinn could feel Marlon’s eyes on her and she took another drag instead of thinking about it. Marlon had always been different. She hadn’t been fake with her like the girls in middle school who gossiped about her behind her back, or like the boys. The boys and their obsessive looks, eyes always running along her figure like she was offering herself on a platter. But not Marlon. Instead, the girl had always looked at her with admiration, with sympathy, with everything she had and Quinn had taken it all. Without giving back anything.
She nodded at her former best friend’s words, pushing away the idea that still, they looked for the same things and found themselves in the same places as each other, like nothing had changed. But so much had. She chuckled as Marlon voiced what she already knew: she wouldn’t get her peace and quiet today. Sighing, she moved to sit at the bottom of one of the poles holding up the bleachers, facing the sofa, crossing her leather boots.
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“Shame. You’re usually good at leaving.” She replied lowly. She knew it was unfair, petty and that Marlon had had enough reasons to leave and never speak to her again. Yet the words passed her lips before she could stop them, and she exhaled slowly, letting the sting of the smoke burn her chest instead of the painful memories.
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vausings-blog · 9 years
Quinn almost choked on the take she had just inhaled as she heard a familiar voice. So much for fucking peace and quiet, she thought, taking a breath to force herself to remain indifferent, like she hadn’t heard Marlon’s voice. Marlon. She hadn’t spoken to her in years. Literally. Yet they had been best friends, trying out for Cheerios together and knowing everything about each other. But things had changed, like they always did. Well, Quinn had changed. She had become Sylvester’s puppet, the perfect all-American-blonde cheerleader, with a thirst for ambition and no regards for other people. And so she had lost Marlon. It hadn’t seemed that big of a deal at a time when she was the most popular girl in school. Yet now, as Quinn glanced up to the brunette, she realized that she missed her. Always had.
“Trying to smoke in peace.” She replied in a harsh tone, to fit the looks and personality she had decided to don from now on. Marlon could probably see right through it but it didn’t matter. She was fucked up, maybe, but she wasn’t weak. She was still Quinn Fabray. “Didn’t think you hung around this place.” She added, before taking another drag, looking at her chipped nail polish to avoid looking at the girl sitting on the sofa a few feet away.
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vausings-blog · 9 years
Quinn kept her head down as she made her way outside, not wanting to bump into any familiar faces like she always seemed to do. She wanted to be alone. Like she always wanted, these days. She just wanted a smoke, maybe a swig of the vodka bottle in her bag and just some time to be on her own. No stupid Puck, or Rachel trying to talk her down or whatever. Just her, and her thoughts, and a couple of cigarettes. And since there seemed to be people everywhere today, only one place was left for her where she knew she would be in peace, under the bleachers. It was too early for the other Skanks to be around, and she liked it better that way. 
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As she arrived to her favorite spot, she rummaged through her bag, lighting up a cigarette as she carefully avoided the metal bars to make her way under the bleachers. Finally, some fucking peace and quiet.
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vausings-blog · 10 years
Quinn hesitated in ordering another drink, biting her lip and instead looking back at the guy who was telling her about his band. He still had some kind of passion in his eyes as he talked about it, and that made her raise an eyebrow. It was rare for people around that club to have any passion or life left, so the way his lips curled up and his eyes sparkled felt.. nice, somehow. She nodded at his words, briefly glancing over at the guys shouting from the corner before she eyed Sam again. "That's cool. Sounds like quite the rockstar life." She chuckled.
"I wish. That would be way more fun and I could mess with people that way. But no, I just hang out with people who usually tell me where there are supposed to be good parties or gigs happening. So I don't end up alone here causing yet another fight. Not that it's not fun, but it loses its charm after the third one in an hour, y'know?" She replied, shaking her head at the memories.
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red lip classic [punk!fabrevans]
Sam laughed into his drink at Quinn’s response, nodding his head in understanding. There was always a point with drugs and alcohol when remembering things was essentially impossible, and Sam knew all too well that people didn’t go to places like the club they were in now seeking a night of safe and responsible drinking. No, too wasted to remember anyone’s name was pretty much the standard around here; if he hadn’t busied himself with trying to earn Quinn’s time and attention and had instead stayed with his friends, he knew he’d already be well on his way to reaching that point, too.
Once he’d downed another mouthful of beer, Sam settled himself back against the bar. “We travel a bit, play gigs around the state where we can get ‘em,” he explained, gesturing to his bandmates and the groupies around (and on) them. The guys saw him looking and hollered over at him; he laughed, flipped them his middle finger, and turned his attention back to Quinn. “We’re local, so we hang out here when we’re home, but it’s been a while since we last got up on that stage. You probably wouldn’t remember us even if you had seen us perform before.
"Anyways, how do you know if it’s gonna be an old drunk night or a decent people night? Do you have psychic powers or somethin’?"
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vausings-blog · 10 years
She almost let her surprise show at his persistence but caught herself before he could pick up on it. She had expected him to back off, to give another sad puppy look and head towards the other guys and girls, some of who were already busy making out on the couch. Yet, here he still was, and biting back a smile at his attempt at a compliment, she scoffed instead.
"Not really. But then again, people around here are usually too drunk or high to remember it more than two seconds. It's alright, I guess." She replied, forcing herself to stay upright on her stool and not just shrug a shoulder like she usually did when people she mentioned her name. Not that anyone really did. She was 'Fabray' at school, when she went there. And her mother's only name for her seem to always be a sad sigh of disappointment and an "Oh, Lucy..". But this guy made it sound okay. Or maybe she was becoming one of those stupid groupies easily won by a smile, damnit.
Looking up at his next question, she glanced around, playing with her glass. "Now and then. When there are decent people around and not just a few old drunks. What about you? I don't think I've seen you play before." She replied, cocking her head as she observed him with clear hazel eyes.
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red lip classic [punk!fabrevans]
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vausings-blog · 10 years
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Who are you and what have you done with my sexy, badass girlfriend?
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Sweaters, babe.  Bright, red, tacky, light up sweaters.  Always with an annual theme.  Last year’s theme was Teddy Bears, and the year before that?  Puppies.  I have to say, I’m curious as to what this year’s sweater theme might be…perhaps…gasp!  Kittens!
You, me, Rex and Marie should all pose for a card photo.  What do you say?
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vausings-blog · 10 years
Mm, sounds perfect.
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I'm not sure I'm any good at distractions, but I'll try. And believe me, I haven't, not when I've had to deal with her cravings and throwing things at me, all that before she even gave birth..Ugh. Right. Well, it'll be tough.
Terrible sounds like the right word. Sweaters? Remind me again why i've agreed to all of that instead of going some place warm for Christmas and sip cocktails on the beach?
It’s settled then.  A nice shibari session to soothe the nerves tonight…
You’re welcome to try but I think distraction might be a better tactic, Kitten.  Goodness, I’d forgotten that Quinn had a child.  I know we have time—I’m not the one you need to convince of that.
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If by terrible you mean terribly enjoyable.  Just you wait until Dad breaks out the annual Clarington Christmas sweaters.
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vausings-blog · 10 years
Oh. I'd like that, it would be..efficient.
I have my ways. Maybe telling him the horror stories of how Quinn dealt when she was pregnant will put him off the idea for a while. I.. You don't know that. And I don't either. I'm only twenty one, babe, we have time.
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God, our first holidays and at your parents? This is going to be terrible isn't it?
Perhaps we should set up a schedule…and a list of things we need to do…to each other, before we leave.
Best of luck convincing him to be patient, Kitten.  He might demand a grandchild as payment for the guest house.  And while yes, that’s entirely unrealistic, I can’t help thinking how wonderful of a mother you would be.
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Acceptance is always good—I’ll have to find a way to outdo myself on the sappiness come the Holidays, Kitten.
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vausings-blog · 10 years
Mm, I would like that very much, Miss. And to make sure to worship every inch of that gorgeous body on this amazing bed while we still can.
I know. You didn't want to scare me away, but it's alright. Oh God, grandchildren as in our babies and-yeah, no, I'll let him know that it's not on the agenda for now.
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Exactly. Nope. I love you, and the sappiness is something I accept because of that.
Someone’s in a playful mood…would you like to tangle me up in yarn, Kitten?
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I…might’ve sugar coated things a bit for a while, babe…  As for Dad, I don’t know about that, I think you might get sick of him after awhile.  He’s already started not-so-subtly hinting at grandchildren, you know?
You’re right.  No use wasting the days on the couch, pouting over pints of Ben & Jerrys.  We have a life in Seattle to plan.  And shh, you love it when I’m sappy.
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vausings-blog · 10 years
I think we should.. And maybe make sure to make use of those bedposts to tie each other up before we have to move.
I didn't think it was that bad, but..like I said, I've handled worse. And we're two now, so we can make it work together. He loves me now, but I'm not sure how he would feel about me actually living in his guest house with his daughter though.. But I'm up for it. It's good that we have that option, I didn't have it when I moved so..we might as well do that.
Hey now, don't get all sappy again. We need to start working on saying goodbye to this place if we want to be done on time before December, Miss.
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Should we, now?  Well, Kitten…I want to hear what you have in mind…
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Things are…not great.  I lost a lot of money in closing the club…in severance pay to our employees, paying off the investors, and prematurely ending our lease with the real estate company that owned our building.  If I can land a job almost as lucrative as my old position quickly, we’d be able to stay here longer…but I’m not joking about how little we have right now.  We don’t have to leave right away but…Seattle is an option…a rent free option.  I already know that Dad loves you and would adore hosting us.  If you’re not comfortable though, I would never force you—we can try a different plan…
But all of this aside I just…I truly am blessed to have you in my life, Sarah Fabray.  I love you, and cherish you.
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vausings-blog · 10 years
Mm, I agree. Especially since it's still quite hot outside, we should do something about it.
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I.. Yeah, but it's not on the other side of the country or something. Oh. So we would stay at your parents' guest house? .. I didn't think things were quite that bad but..It's okay. If that's what you feel is best for us then yeah. I'm okay with that.
We’ve really yet to put the balcony through its paces, wouldn’t you say?
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It’s actually…very far, Kitten…about 20 hours by car.  My parents own a guest house, and it’s currently empty…I’m sure they’d let us live there while we get back on our feet.  But baby, if you’re not okay with that…we can figure something out closer to LA.  You’re my top priority…always.
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vausings-blog · 10 years
Of course we can. I told you, I'm not going anywhere. Mm.. that's a good point, probably not a lot of them but..we can always make sure we've said goodbye thoroughly.
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Seattle? I.. Yeah, why not? I mean, it's not that far and..it'd be nice to have a really fresh start somewhere different. Do you miss your hometown then?
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…yes, yes, we’ll work.  We can do this…and break in our next home together.  We’ll have to bid adieu to this home with finesse as well; there might be a few surfaces we’ve missed.
How do you feel about living in Seattle, Kitten?
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vausings-blog · 10 years
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I... Tess, I don't care about what kitchen counter it is. I just meant.. We'll work it out. We'll both work and it won't be that bad.
You do? What is it then?
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Even if it’s a new…old kitchen counter?  Kitten, our financial situation isn’t that good…
Though I have one solution but I’m not sure if you’ll like it.
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vausings-blog · 10 years
Mm, come on. I know something that'll help. Imagine that when we move to a brand new place, it'll mean a lot of new spots to christen. A new shower.. A new kitchen counter..A new bedroom floor...So, feel better about that now? I know I do.
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Oh to have your enthusiasm, Kitten…
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vausings-blog · 10 years
Well, you'll handle it, and I'll be around to help you. This way, we'll both learn new things, and..it'll be a fresh start.
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I'm not the type to just leave when things get hard. Well.. I am. But not with you. We've already made it through tought time, and we're fine. And exactly.
I.. Oh. That makes sense. We can do that. We'll pick some place to live together, something we can afford for now. Believe me, I've lived in crappy places, so no matter what we find, it won't be that bad. Plus, it'll still be our home.
God, baby, I just…have no experience in handling this helplessness.  Not even way back when I first arrived in Los Angeles with scarcely a penny to my name.
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You’re my family now, and I’m so…grateful you’re remaining with me despite my failure.  The road ahead of us won’t be easy, you know, but maybe it won’t be as difficult as it has to be if we’re together.
Babe…there’s a very good chance we’re going to lose the apartment.  We might need to cut our losses and find a new tenant before December begins if we want to save as much money and find somewhere more affordable to go…
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vausings-blog · 10 years
"Thessaly.. Tess, look at me. I didn't mean it like that, I just.. I know this is a mess, okay? It wasn't what we expected and now things are awful. But I don't care. I have you, I have a stupid giant playfully dog and a sassy cat, I have posters of countries I want to see up on our walls, and I have a home. That's all that matters to me. I'm going to find a job, and you are too, and we're going to fix this. We're going to make it, because we're together, alright? I love you. And it's going to be okay, I promise."
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"Are you doing this to upset me?"
…Sarah…Kitten…it’s not like I asked for any of this to happen.  The club has failed, I’m drowning in debt, I’m at a loss over what to do next.  Please, the last thing I ever wanted was to make things difficult for you.  I love you.
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