vcight-blog · 8 years
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a momentary apologetic look.   it faded, however; man deserved it then.   she let him lead her onto the mats.   “ yeah, yeah. you know how long it’s gonna take me to find another damn tea cosy like that? ”   yarn was beautifully stitched…   an original pattern.   a raise of her brows.   “ you not done yet? ”   ( tiny smirk )
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“ oh you’re complainin’? you’re not the one gettin’ hit in the face. “  an exaggerated nod.  “ yeah, yeah, we’ll find ya another tea cosy. now c’mon. once you’ve laid one right to the guy’s nose you’re gonna wanna make sure the scumbag won’t catch up to ya. i want you to hit me again but this time kick me in the back of the knee like this, “ he demonstrated against her without making contact. “ c’mon. “  he grabbed her arm once more. “ think of the tea cosy. “ 
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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three seconds.   no warning.   no wind up twist.   a solid stare of disbelief before palm made contact with his nose…   HARD.   she huffed.   “ you can be a real pain in the ass, eh? ”
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hank was forced a step back, letting go of her wrist.  “ whoa---ohho. now that’s what i’m talkin’ about. “  he stepped in to take her hands and urged her with him to the middle of the mats.  “ you are a tough guy.  never doubted you for a minute. “ 
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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“ would i kid about this? “    he laughed. oh she was pissed.   “ and that fruit bowl you bought last week?   i knocked it off the kitchen table by accident gettin’ in late after that raid... “   it’d also been dumped in the Jonson’s trash.  “ that teapot you loved?  yeah it wasn’t the jones’ cat who knocked it off the table...so what you gonna do ‘bout it TOUGH GUY? “ 
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or maybe it wouldn’t be just one time…   “ you did WHAT? ”   eyes narrowed in on him.   “ i’ve been looking for that damn thing for a month. you’ve watched me — ”   from a straight line to a purse.   “ real funny—tell me you’re kidding. ”   for his sake he better hope so.   they weren’t an easy find & she’d quite liked hers.
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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“ —— one time! it was one time. ”   they’d told her the day previous that the candles would still be there.   “ & so’s this. ”   said under her breath.   then, cami moved as though to twist away again, only to turn back toward him just as quick.   her palm meeting the bridge of his nose…
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he shook off the hit with a chuckle, still clutching her arm. “ is that all you got?! “  it was good, but not hard enough.  “ you know speakin’ of your candles... might have a little confession.  that tea cosy you been searchin’ high n’ low for?  might’ve accidentally set it on fire. “   it had been an accident.  hank had then covered up the crime by burying it in next door’s trash.  
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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“ get your mind outta the gutter, lady. “   he had to laugh.   wouldn’t be laughing so much in a minute or two, he bet.   “ yeah? prove it. or are you jus’ a wise guy unless you’re bein’ told they’ve sold out of scented candles at store you love so much? “
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the way she turned into him upon his grasp would’ve made the clear shot…   camille withheld.   a small smirk budding at her lips.   ( opposite effect )   but eyes conveyed a different message.   “ i can think of a few other things i’d do to you, ”   arm were twisted.   “ & i am a tough guy. ”   suddenly not doubting his ability to wind her up…
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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“ c’mon? you c’mon. i’m not gonna hit you. ”   a pfft sound escaping her lips.   hit him?   yeah.   that sounded thrilling.   may of been a few times she wanted to smack him but…   how effective could hitting him be?   “ let’s go back to the wrist thing, hm? do it til it feels natural. ”   wrist held back out to him.
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“ what if he ain’t holdin’ your wrist, uh? what if he’s got you by the arm. “  he gripped her left arm tightly. “ you smack him clear in the nose. “  among other things... eye gouging and a kick to the back of his knee... but he’d cover those after she’d nailed the smack in the nose.  one thing at a time.  “ what’re you waitin’ for, tough guy? “ 
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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didn’t he know it.  hank had put a lot of time & effort into making sure she wasn’t angry or afraid of him.   she was one of maybe three--four people who weren’t scared of what the man could do, and one of very few people who weren’t angry at him for one thing or another.  “ you did good... but alright i’m sure i can piss you off.  another talent of mine. “ he held out his palm and lightly pressed it to the bridge of her nose.  “ striking a guy like this is more effective than any punch you’re gonna land. try it, uh. hit me. c’mon. “ 
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serious——hank were serious about this.   so for that reason, she would put in an effort.   sure, chicago was a rough city but she still hadn’t the thought of ever attending a self defense class.   his instruction were then followed.   with a twist of her wrist, eyes moving down to their hands, cami yanked back as told.   she felt his grip ‘round her wrist loosen.   “ y’know, this would be— ”   okay, wrong line of thought…   wouldn’t be easier at all but,   “ i’m not angry & i ain’t afraid of you. ”
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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“ you gonna let him do this? “ one yelled out to a passive olinsky.  “ SHUT YOUR MOUTH. “   hank roared a warning.   “ PLEASE MAN! “   from hovering in front of the third junkie’s face the bat was slammed into the pleading one’s ribcage.   again & again.   the thought of cami’s bruised & battered torso... the pain she’d endure as she healed... suddenly the bat was dropped and hank’s hands were around the guy’s throat. 
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Al didn’t so much as flinch when the junkies started yelling. He shifted away from the door, sitting down, leg crossing over the other. It wasn’t something he necessarily enjoyed watching, but it didn’t BOTHER him like it used to. That had passed a long while ago. One was down fast. He ignored the panicked looks the other two men were giving him, adjusting his cap and leaning back, crossing his arms.
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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         so i decided to move the giveaway to a different post so people didn’t have to reblong the follow forever also and i should have done so the first time i did this but since i’m dumb you guys have to understand me.
              NOW FOR THE GIVEAWAY .:
   the rules are simple.:
you need to be following me here.
you need to be a roleplay blog.
reblogs and likes count and you can reblog as many times as you want.
the giveaway will end at april 18.
    the prices are.:
i will select 2 winners for the giveaway and so both of them will get a pack of 100 icons for an fc of their choicing and a promo.
the 3 winner will get a pack of 150 icons of a fc of their choicing.
    promos.: X ; X ; X ; X .
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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eyes met his for a few long moments.   his hand on her wrist.   didn’t wanna place her husband & a man like that in the same place.   a deep breath.   ( gut instinct, right? )   state of mind…   with a jolt of her arm she yanked, half expecting his hand to budge in the slightest, with a step away.   bare in comparison to were the situation have actually arose, but again, it were her husband.   it’d take some getting used to. 
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hank’s grip did not falter. not till he took hers and placed it over his wrist like he had, demonstrating as he spoke. “ there’s a little trick to this one.  we’ll do it so many times it’ll become natural.  jus’ twist your wrist so your thumb lines up with my fingers, uh. then jerk your arm by bending it by the elbow.  “  with a sharp yank her grip was rendered loose. “ try that. “   he once again took her by the wrist. 
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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“ yeah they’ll sell it. junkies’ll do and take just about anythin’ for a pay off it’ll lead to a score.  believe me i’ve seen it. “  hank stepped into her, then.  “alright some guy grabs your wrist like this.   what’d you do to get out of it? “   he took her by the wrist.  instead of telling her how, he wanted her to try.  he wanted her to try so that if the scenario ever did arise, she’d remember better what NOT to do.   because it hadn’t worked. 
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“ i don’t think MY wedding ring will be any use to anyone but me. ”   hated thinking about the prospect of any of it but…   hands were wrung out.   it were all in the ( if ) —— “ i hear ya. ”
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vcight-blog · 8 years
if karma doesn’t hit you, I gladly will.
Chattiest (via chattiest)
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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“ well, i’m thinkin’ the purse ain’t so expensive to replace, ”   ( true )   maybe not the answer he was looking for.   though naturally, one would assume they’d attack & flee for help.   a shrug.   “ kick ‘em where it hurts & run. ”
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& he suddenly wonders if he should’ve worn a cup for this.... “ your gut instinct. always go with your gut.  you throw that damn thing at him and run.  give him whatever the hell he wants. purse. keys. phone... and it pains me to say it but even your wedding ring.  you hear me? “ 
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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hank took to laying out a couple mats.   as soon as he’d recovered from the recent assault, he’d made sure she agreed to learn how to defend herself.   “ alright---some clown’s got a knife.   you’re alone and it’s dark and he wants your handbag. what’dya do? “   
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“ nice—real nice, ”   a small roll of her eyes.   some of them deserved it, what with the things they did.   considering how the ones who’d gotten into their house had put hank on the floor…   it couldn’t hurt.   and she weren’t against it either.   more so the idea of whacking her husband a solid one.   “ yeah, yeah. i’m comin’. ”   the inside door to the garage were pulled open & the few stairs descended.
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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he realized she wasn’t too excited to learn self defense but - it was a necessity.  “ i happen to be an expert in puttin’ dirtbags on the floor... “  & breaking their jaws... “ n’you will be too, so you ‘bout ready, tough guy? “ 
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did she understand why they were here?   yeah.   did she want to be here?   well, she could certainly think of a few other ways they could pass the time.   hank was a little more adamant about it   but hey—put her workout clothes to good use.   it were quality time spent together nonetheless.   ( still didn’t quite sit right )   “ you sure you’re qualified for this? ”   a smirk tugged at her lips.   might as well try & bring some light air to it while she could.
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vcight-blog · 8 years
growl at the people u dont want to talk to
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vcight-blog · 8 years
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“ yeah yeah, laugh it up chuckles. “  ( there was still time )   truth be told?  he were the only reason the two they’d be sitting with weren’t in jail.   they all had richard voight to thank for that.  “  let’s get some drinks.. “   it was about that time.  he steered her toward the bar, where he came face to face with none other than his childhood partner in crime ( one of them anyway ) don.  “ hank, my man. there you are. wasn’t sure you’d be comin’.   cami--lookin’ beautiful as always. when you gonna leave this clown and run away with me? “  he pat hank on the chest as he teased him.  
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the latter of his statements drew her eye in on the table.   each signed glazed over—a raised brow upon landing on hank’s, though lips tugged into an almost sly grin.   “ most likely to go to prison, hm? ”   she’d tried to withhold the small chuckle…   it slipped pass ‘er lips anyway.   it weren’t quite as camille expected but nonetheless managed to amuse her.   “ well, well, detective —— ”   under her breath, just for him to hear.   maybe tonight would be fun.   more fun than either of ‘em knew.   “ looks like you puled a fast one on them. ”
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