vcn-vet · 1 year
[Closed starter for @r0b0tb0yband.]
One of the most interesting things to Ensign about being in a different world was that powers worked much differently than in her own. In hers, powers only activated in a person upon exposure to music and under circumstances of extreme emotion. In this one, which was host to the Nobles instead of the Jasmays, powers could seemingly be used all of the time. While most times she was there visiting, she wouldn't feel the need to use her powers, this time, she would.
She's already been in the mansion's gym for a while, training with her blood. A wound on her forearm is open... Some of her blood has been expelled and, still connected to the wound, fashioned into a blunt-ended rope dart. She swings it so that it wraps around her limbs and gains momentum before unfurling it and launching it towards the training dummy before her with a roll of a shoulder, a quick flick of her arm, or a swift kick.
She occasionally mutters praise or advice to herself. While her expression is mostly neutral, she smiles whenever she lands a solid hit to the head or the chest. She's clearly enjoying being alone in there.
...Or so she thinks. She's in such a deep flow state, she doesn't notice anybody walking past or stopping by the door she had left wide open... especially not 5 androids.
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vcn-vet · 1 year
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"Well, I'm another year older today. I've had a busy day at the hospital today, but some of my coworkers surprised me with a little treat on my break. I'm so thankful for working with such kind people."
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vcn-vet · 2 years
what was it like arriving in metro division for the first time? with all the lights and music and tall buildings its very different from your homestead
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“Definitely quite the shock, and different from what I had seen so far. Tall buildings and lots of lights weren’t foreign to me at the time since I have to go into the city center constantly for my profession...
“...But Metro Division is much different than the places I work. The first time I had went to Metro Division with the intent to visit Neon J, it was daylight, but when I left, I was practically blinded because of how bright all of the lights just outside of the mansion are in contrast with the night sky. I remember when it was just an industrial zone pre-NSR like it was yesterday. It's a completely different beast.”
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vcn-vet · 2 years
@vcn-vet​ || ♥‘d
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   Growing up in the Blackjack Quarter of Vinyl City, Craig was no stranger to the bright flashing neon lights that dominated such urban areas. However, the excessive light pollution meant that he’d never really seen stars before. At least, not in person. Of course, he’d seen plenty of pictures of them. Photographs taken of the night sky, displaying an atmosphere alight with twinkling white lights. But how accurate were those photos, really?
   Maybe that’s why he was making his way out here, beyond the concrete jungle he knew so well. Okay, it wasn’t actually that far out, but still. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d even seen a farm, or any of the kinds of animals that lived on one. The closest he’d ever gotten was probably a petting zoo or something. 
   When he finally arrives, he knocks on the front door of what he presumes to be the main house and waits. The doctor who lived there was already expecting him, of course. He wasn’t just going to show up to a stranger’s house unannounced. But part of him was still somewhat nervous.
Ensign has been waiting for the young man at her door for a while by the time he makes it. No fault of his—she just has a habit of waiting way early for things she’s anxious for. When she hears him knock, she practically flies out of her seat towards the door, and recomposes herself before opening it. Once she sees his face, she smiles, and, in her thick accent that he would have heard over the phone earlier, proclaims, “Ah, there’s the man of the hour! You must be Goldie.” She extends her hand for a shake.
“It’s nice to see you after only hearing your voice on the phone. DJ told me that you wanted a more organic stargazing experience than the planetarium would offer.” The DJ in question being Cast Tech’s own charter, DJ Subatomic Supernova, of course. “And you made it just in time. Not too early, not too late. I hope it wasn’t too much of a hassle to get all the way out here from Blackjack Quarter?” She was aware she was bombarding him with information and questions while he was probably still pondering over her appearance, but she can’t help but make a fuss over guests. She’ll give him a moment before she goes off on where exactly they’ll be on her property.
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vcn-vet · 2 years
[Continued from here.]
"Aheh! Only if you really want that. I'm just programmed to check in with folks hanging out near reconstruction sites, y'know? Tensions are high and all that after the whole B2J debacle."
She grips the strap of her crossbody bag tightly. ‘Hanging out’... she worked here. Granted, she was on her way out of work, but...
She was getting too riled up and was too on-edge. Yeah, no shit tensions are high, is what she wants to say. She’s already gritting her teeth at her even saying that acronym. She doesn’t want to disrespect this officer just checking up on her, though...
“I’m... really sorry, officer. I don’t want to be arrested. I have a very, very important patient to fulfill house calls for...” Her walking out of the cybernetics hospital a few moments prior should give a hint to the spry officer before her who definitely knows who she’s talking about.
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vcn-vet · 2 years
“Just Vinyl City? Well, Inkopolis isn’t that bad of a place. I lived there for years before moving to Vinyl City. And things were pretty alright.” Minus, their own war that they had in the past. But that’s behind most people that live there.
There are a few grumpy old folks about it. But she tries not to let it bother her.
“I’m a bit of both. I stick to people I like and well chill. And sometimes I try to step out of my comfort zone if I see someone that looks like we can make a decent connection over interests.”
"Hm. I wish I could say the same. It’s... hard. Even right now, just talking to you.” Anxiety. One thing she hasn’t gotten over since the war. Though this was something she felt like she needed to do.
“I only have my family and a couple of people who I would consider my friends. I usually get plenty of social interaction through people I come across as part of my work, but...” She just shrugs.
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vcn-vet · 2 years
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from @dadj​
👗Submit an outfit to my muse and they have to wear it💃 | CLOSED
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“This feels like something I would wear to a gala... maybe the next one NSR hosts, if I’m invited?”
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vcn-vet · 2 years
“Oh?” The doctor cautiously takes the rose from Alpha and holds it gently in one hand. “Thank you very much... quite an unexpected surprise...” She holds it up to her face and takes a gentle breath. “Gorgeous scent, too... you must have gotten this from a very good florist. In Natura, I assume?”
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Handles you……… a rose.
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vcn-vet · 2 years
“Good thing you got your wheelchairs ready, then. Though if I were here yesterday, I would’ve gladly helped you move around or bring you things you needed.”
He watched the computer closely, though truly had no idea what he was seeing. “Did you make this? The brace and the software, I mean.”
He looks briefly startled when the brace starts moving. He didn’t expect it to move on it’s own. Once she seems to approve of the movements it’s making, he settles down. “Is there anything I can do to help test it out? I wouldn’t mind going for a bit of a walk.”
She seems flattered at him describing what he would have done to help if he was there. When he asks his question, she sits for a bit to think. “...Yeah, I did. Both of them. W-Well, granted, some of the stuff like the straps and joints and the parts for the computers inside of the housing were pre-made and I just took them from the lab I was using, but everything else... molding the plastic, programming the computers, making the test software... that was all me.” Once the brace completes its cycle, she unplugs it from the cord and undoes the straps.
The movements she makes in her wheelchair are awkward and make it very clear she’s attempting to put it on. She holds what she can of her affected leg up horizontally and moves the limp bottom half of her leg into the brace with one hand as she’s holding the completely straight brace with the other. Once it’s in, she refastens the straps tightly around her leg. With one press of the power button, the knee joint of the brace moves to vaguely mirror the angle of her good leg’s joint, and the foot settles awkwardly into the chair’s foot rest. “It knows I’m sitting down,” she comments, unprompted by him.
“...And yeah, I should walk in this anyway, make sure I won’t fall...” With her feet now on the floor, she cautiously pushes herself out of her wheelchair into a standing position. “Good so far.” She moves forward a few paces, and even though she’s walking successfully, her face is in a critical-looking expression. “Feels weird. Not sure if it’s something that can be fixed, though maybe...” She trails off nearly inaudibly, muttering about changing values in the programming. Eventually she just stares at the floor. It’s clear she’s lost in thought.
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vcn-vet · 2 years
“Yeah! I got really good at finding out how to take robots apart and use them to move around. They are pretty big but luckily I’m flexible.” He stretches to fill a wider space as if to punctuate his point before returning to normal.
“It felt clunky at first, especially going from freeform ooze to rigid shell, but I got the hang of it. Plus, there’s so many different bots to choose from! I haven’t figured out how to get the flying ones to work and honestly a bunch of them aren’t very good on stairs… But learning to circumvent those issues made me find new ways to traverse the city. Having to pick between having arms and having legs is kinda tedious though. Who knows? Maybe one day the Captain will let me make a custom shell that has both.”
He perks up when she mentions Jay defending him. “You think he’d do that? Would he yell at people for hurting me? Would he hurt them back? Would he kill for me?” He thinks about it for a moment before resting his head on his hand and sighing. “While it is nice of him to help me out, I don’t think I’ll be venturing outside without a shell any time soon. I just don’t like crowds. I like watching crowds, and I can handle being in a crowd as a security bot, but going out just as I am is too scary…”
“Well, at least the limbs of those camera bots can function as both arms and legs. Quite versatile, if I do say so myself... but I’m an orthotist and prosthetist, not a roboticist.
“Now, the most I can see Jay doing is reprimanding whoever’s bothering you. My world’s Neon J would not hesitate to smack a bitch. I’ve seen him do it before. Jay is... far nicer in his methods, haha. But, yes, he’d keep you safe. You shouldn’t have to worry when you’re around him. And as far as being more comfortable in a shell, I kind of get that... maybe you can start out with smaller crowds? I mean, J and I have seen you just fine, I’m pretty sure you’ve met 1010 and DJ... it might just be a matter of people getting used to seeing you... and on DJ, he might be able to help you or at least offer some support. Hell, in this world, he’s half-alien. I’m sure his full-alien mother’s been around more than a few times, so some people have gotta know that non-humans are around the city.
“...Sorry. Just kind of snowballing ideas right now.”
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vcn-vet · 2 years
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@hermitthehermit @dadj​
“Listen, I’ll have you know I slept just fine last night! I mean, I crashed as soon as I got home and slept through the night until the next morning, but...”
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vcn-vet · 2 years
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“Happy birthday to me, I guess. I’m so fuckin’ tired...”
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vcn-vet · 2 years
“...It just hit me today at work that my birthday is in a few days. Fuuuuck I’m old.”
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vcn-vet · 2 years
[Continued from here.]
Hermit watched as Ensign fiddled with her brace. He always enjoyed watching people work on their craft. He sat on the counter, kicking his legs back and forth until she needed to pass by him. “Oh, sorry.” He pulled his legs up onto the counter and followed her to her PC.
This, he understood less. He never really had the brain for programming. Everything he did with robots was almost purely mechanical. Even then it was more about taking things apart than it was putting things together. He loafed on the counter, craning his neck to see the screen.
“It’s ok. I like watching you fix things. And don’t beat yourself up too much, about it. You’ve got your wheelchair and you know how to get your brace back in working order. I think. I hope? You seem like you know what you’re doing.”
She smiles at his comment about watching her, and then chuckles a bit. “Well, you were lucky enough to visit while I was down here... you wouldn’t want to have seen me fall flat on my face upstairs yesterday, or see me have to crawl up and down my own stairs like a creature. And this is why I have a wheelchair in here and a wheelchair upstairs.”
Once her computer has booted up, she opens up a program that boots up to a screen of commands. She’s already got a cord at the ready, and plugs it into the one port on the computer housing. “This should be good to go...” she holds the brace with one hand and presses a button on her keyboard with the other. 
The computers in the brace whir as the joints start going through a methodical series of movements. Her hair is covering her eyes, but it’s clear to see she’s watching and concentrating on her brace very hard. First the knee joint moves, in extremely small increments, and then the ankle joint. “Looks good so far. Just gotta put it on to give it a bit of a road test once this cycle’s done.”
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vcn-vet · 2 years
[Continued from here.]
     Loosened musings have suddenly filled the atmosphere through a subtle whisper. Was it a reflection made by her own ? Some melodious composition she’s previously heard ? It was--- hard to figure out.
——❝Yeah, we all fall down... but when we get up, NOTHING in the world can ( stop ) us...❞
  Head turned at the listener, & then she offered a humble smile.
——❝It’s what I believe.❞
“You can say that again. Uh... well... you don’t have to. Human figure of speech.” She gestures her hand with her arms crossed as she’s seated, looking down at her own lap. “I got here... uh, where I am career-wise... with my own will, with limited help. My upbringing taught me to stick to things, even if I’m in pain, even if I don’t want to do it... most other people in this country don’t have that kind of privilege.”
She leans back where she’s sitting. “City life’s hard. It’s mentally and emotionally taxing on people... even if some don’t want to admit it. That’s why I don’t live in the urbanized areas... it’s too much.”
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vcn-vet · 2 years
     Despite her enormous size, she was harmless. Rather than the destruction machine Starborns tend to be, she herself in particular, was more intimidated by the blinding lights enveloping the structures around her than how anybody else could truly feel about her. Possibly, her companion included.
  ——❝The… tour… performance…❞
  She was getting ( too much ) information at once, which made her to stay stuck into processing the data obtained & get a definition of it. There wasn’t much of what she could get. There were pieces of information which didn’t reach her like a meteor shower— unlike the basics regarding this pale blue planet.
     ——❝So they… are they fast ?❞ The luminary enquired, unsure if what she understood was the same of what was told to her. 
   ——❝If that is true, then they might be like me. I am a star too. I come from space.❞ Confidence tinted the last part of her sentence. 
Yep. She was not from around here. Still, she’d try to be nice. “O-Oh! By quick I meant that the limited supply of tickets to their shows are bought in a short period of time. It’s a given considering that they’re NSR artists...”
...And then that last piece of information. She just stands there, not quite sure what to say. What the fuck is up with these alien encounters she’s been having? Between the knowledge that Jay’s world’s DJ was half-alien, his mother was an alien, and Hermit being of possible alien descent given the fact that he was unlike anything anyone had ever seen before, she was going a little crazy. She’s not even sure if she’s in her home world or not anymore. If she was, then the widespread knowledge in her worlds that aliens do not exist is clearly no longer true.
“Ah... ah. Well, I can tell you first thing that 1010 would not be like you, unfortunately... They’re artificial beings. Robots, made by human hands. Sentient, yes, but still artificial.” What the fuck else am I supposed to say? “I don’t know how you even got here, then...”
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vcn-vet · 2 years
“Yeah surviving competitors isn’t too hard now that I know myself well, but it was tough learning all that stuff in the first place. There were just some that were more numerous or just straight up stronger than me. Learning to use shells was a real lifesaver.”
The shells saved him flocks of seagulls when he was fishing on the beach, and from rowdy stray dogs out scavenging for trash at the same time as him. Plus it gave him a change to be around people without actually being seen. But she did have a point. Staying out there was… limiting.
“I’d definitely grow bigger than this now that I’m staying in the mansion now. I’d probably stay small enough to keep using robot shells but I honestly don’t know what the limit to my height is. Who knows, maybe I’ll be as tall as the Captain some day.”
The talk of the shells piques her interest. “Shells... that’s right, I’ve heard Jay talk about those. So you just gut decommissioned security robots and use those? A few of them are relatively large but I’d doubt someone of Jay’s size would be able to squeeze into one of those when it’s gutted...
“...Must be quite odd to walk around in those, too. I understand it’s for your protection what with the competition and with not being human... but if you’re staying with Jay, you probably won’t need to use them much at all even for the latter. If you’re living with him, people know you’re a friend of his. They probably wouldn’t go around bothering you for being different, either... knowing my world’s Neon J, this world’s one probably has his ways of getting people to shut up and stop.”
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