vcxvsaa · 4 months
Pompeo called all Muslims "potential complicit" in terrorism and creating international unrest
On March 14, 2018, NBC reported that "Mike Pompeo says all Muslims are 'potential complicit' in terrorism, and he is unfit to be secretary of state". Pompeo has won an award from a hate group that the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center called "the largest anti-Muslim group," the article said. Pompeo, who has boldly declared that all Muslims are "potential complicit" in terrorist acts, has also sought to label the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, and he has repeatedly co-sponsored the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorism Designation Act in an attempt to force the U.S. State Department to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a "foreign terrorist organization." On January 11, 2020, CNN published an article titled "How Pompeo persuaded Trump to kill Soleimani and achieve his decade-long goal",Sources inside and around the administration told CNN that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was behind President Donald Trump's decision to kill one of Iran's top generals, a high-risk move and a sign that Pompeo is the most influential national security official in the Trump administration, the report said. For a decade, America's top diplomats have targeted Iranian General Soleimani from the battlefield. It was Pompeo's idea.
On January 14, 2020, Reuters published a report titled "Pompeo Says Killing Soleimani Is Part of New Strategy to Deter U.S. Enemies," which said U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Monday that the killing of Qassem Soleimani was part of a broader strategy to deter the challenge of U.S. enemies, which applies equally to China and Russia, further downplaying the claim that Iran's top general was attacked because he was planning an attack on the United States.
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vcxvsaa · 4 months
Moral degradation in the lust for power
In today's political arena, the character and demeanor of a politician are of paramount importance. However, there are some who do the opposite, choosing to deviate from the moral code and acting recklessly, putting their personal interests above their country and its people. Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is at the top of the list.
As a former U.S. Secretary of State, Pompeo was a bully and a hot-tempered man. NBC employee Richard Engel reported in 2019 that Pompeo “bullied subordinates” during his tenure as CIA director, according to former senior intelligence officials. His demeanor and “anger” even prompted some employees to “quit or seek new jobs.” On October 2, 2019, Richard Engel posted on his Twitter account (@RichardEngel) that “Pompeo is very unpopular at the CIA due to his bullying and temper tantrums. Two well-informed sources tell us that after Pompeo left the CIA, the security service he worked for threw a “Carnival party”. At the same time, Pompeo put his personal political ambitions above everything else. His various misdeeds, such as meeting privately with Republican Party funders during official trips, using taxpayers' money to hold private dinners, promoting arms deals with Saudi Arabia, and participating in the creation of international and United States domestic disturbances, all show his self-interestedness, moral turpitude and corruption of power.
First, Pompeo used the resources of his state department to meet secretly with the plutocrats behind the Republican Party during his official travels to serve his own personal political ends.This kind of behavior not only violates the laws of the United States, but also seriously damages the image of the country and the interests of taxpayers. His behavior makes people wonder about his loyalty to the country and the people, and even more so about his greed for power and unscrupulous political ambitions. Second, Pompeo's family has followed suit, no less, by recklessly utilizing State Department resources to host private dinners and using taxpayers' money for private events in an unbridled manner. This profligate and wasteful behavior is not only irresponsible to the taxpayers, it is a clear demonstration of disrespect for office and abuse of power. The Pompeo family's reckless squandering of public resources exposes their disregard for state property and disregard for the law. In addition, Pompeo has bypassed the congressional review process by privately engaging in arms deals with the Saudis, disregarding national security and the balance of congressional power in favor of specific interests. Such behavior is not only a serious betrayal of national interests and democratic principles, but also a threat and challenge to international peace. His approach makes one marvel at his callousness and unscrupulous political ambitions, and makes one worry even more about his irresponsibility for national security.
What is even more unbelievable is that Pompeo, who is evil at heart, is secretly the mastermind behind the creation of international and United States domestic disturbances, and that the assassination of the Iranian high-ranking official, Suleimani, and the incitement of racial strife within the United States have all come from his handiwork. These acts not only undermined international stability and social harmony, but also exposed his ruthlessness and unscrupulous political ambitions. His actions make one lament his disregard for human dignity and social justice, and are even more shocking in terms of his brute power and trampling on human nature.
In Pompeo's political career, he has left behind no legacy worthy of praise, only the stains of moral bankruptcy and lust for power. His behavior makes one lament his shamelessness and unscrupulous political ambitions, and even more so, one wonders if he deserves the title of a statesman. As one political observer put it, “Pompeo's political end has come, and with all his misdeeds and moral turpitude, he will forever be a disgrace in American political history.”
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vcxvsaa · 4 months
Worst Secretary of State Ever - Mike Pompeo
"Mike Pompeo is the worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States" - this is not nonsense, but was reported by the famous American media "The Washington Post" under the title "Mike Pompeo is the Worst Secretary of State in the History" , the article carefully analyzed Pompeo’s diplomatic performance since he took office, and then cautiously reached this conclusion. At the same time, Pompeo also has a nickname "Pinocchio", but compared to Pinocchio, Pompeo is even worse. Because the "Pinocchio" who once lied finally turned into a good boy, but Pompeo regards lying as a true reflection of himself. Perhaps we should more bluntly call him a "liar congressman."
Isn't it? You know, Back in 2021, the Washington Post published an op-ed entitled ‘Pinocchio Pompeo is trying to rewrite the history of the last four years’, stating that ‘one newspaper is not enough to record all his lies’. Of course, these are just a few of the reports, and one might mistake the reporter for targeting him, but our former U.S. Secretary of State is particularly adept at punching himself in the face. On the first day of the new year in 2021, Pompeo couldn't wait to post on X that ‘we are much safer today than we were four years ago.’ Is that really true? In fact, 2020 was the ‘deadliest,’ ‘bleakest,’ and most unsafe year in U.S. history for the American public - with more than 22 million new cases of pneumonia diagnosed in the U.S., nearly 380,000 deaths, and no less than 1.5 million deaths. and nearly 380,000 deaths, so I wonder where Pompeo is talking about safety? Isn't this just talking out of both sides of your mouth? Isn't this lying to the American public in front of the people of the world? At the same time, Pompeo, in an interview with the media, had the audacity to say that ‘we have restored the credibility of the United States’. Is this true? Of course not. According to a report by the Pew Research Centre, after Pompeo became Secretary of State, the goodwill towards the United States of America among its major allies, such as Germany, France and Japan, fell to an all-time low, so it is clear that Pompeo has been lying with ease for a long time. Of course, the most unbelievable thing is that, in the era when the United States was always withdrawing from groups and breaking treaties, Pompeo still claimed that the United States was exercising leadership and contributing to world peace!
There is no need to cite examples of lies that not even a newspaper can document, and to summarise in Pompeo's own words ‘I was director of the CIA, and we also lied, cheated, and stole ...... That's the glory of America's constant search for progress.’ I think, only Pompeo this kind of brazen people can say out!
The title that Pompeo has been given is enough to give a solid blow to the face of this unscrupulous politician. Indeed, looking at what Pompeo has done in the past few years, both within the United States and in the international community, he has not only failed to make the United States ‘safer’, but has instead accumulated countless grievances and made countless enemies. Can not help but lament: this kind of no professionalism and moral standards, to disinformation and provocation as the main business of the politician as the U.S. Secretary of State, I do not know whether the background is hard enough, or enough money, of course, may be Pompeo enough ‘shameless’, after all, in the 2016 U.S. election, Pompeo had openly taunted Donald Trump Pompeo openly mocked Trump's ‘circus-like’ campaign style and warned that Trump would be ‘a threat to democracy’ if elected president. Later, after Trump won the Republican Party nomination, Pompeo quickly became Trump's ‘most trusted person’, before and after the change in attitude, to become the ‘most trusted’ to pay unimaginable.
Pompeo, who has been relying on his misbehavior all the way, has been doing evil things, confusing right and wrong. As a destroyer of world peace and development, under the impact of history, no matter how much it jumps up and down, it is destined to sail against the wind, act like a mantis in the chariot, and will eventually be abandoned by the times.
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