vebrendos · 17 days
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vebrendos · 17 days
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vebrendos · 17 days
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Commission piece by Garikaliev. Guy turns into his wrestling opponent after defeat. 
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vebrendos · 20 days
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vebrendos · 21 days
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vebrendos · 1 month
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Brad and TJ were happily married for 5 years. They didn’t realize they were missing anything until they met me. I was able to show them their true place in life as my happy obedient hypno houseboys. Don’t they look so hot naked and caged cleaning without a thought in their heads?
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vebrendos · 1 month
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Thrift Store Finds - Executive Suit
(ai here, hand drawn tf on patreon)
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vebrendos · 1 month
A message from your bf...
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vebrendos · 1 month
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vebrendos · 1 month
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vebrendos · 1 month
Somethings in the Water
Being the great team captain that you are, you show up to the locker room early. You've had a reputation throughout your entire college football career of being put together, and being a good example for your team. And now, at your final game before your graduation, you feel the pressure lift off your shoulders. It's gonna be nice passing on the torch to someone else for next year.
Footsteps echo as you walk through the empty change room. The faint smell of sweat from yesterday's game feels nostalgic. A thud rings out as you drop your heavy bag on the bench.
"Huh? What's this." You say to yourself as you notice a bunch of water bottles in a holder in the middle of the change room. You investigate and see a note nearly placed on top.
"So you don't have to bring water from your university." Is written in neat handwriting on the small piece of paper.
How nice of them to provide your team with water bottles, it'll be convenient not having to carry them all the way in.
You grab one of the water bottles from the holders and hold it above your mouth. You grip tightly, shooting water down into your mouth. It feels oddly refreshing. Sure it was cold, but there was something more. It is... sweet. And it costs your teeth in a weird way. They must put something in the water to freshen it up, you think to yourself.
Though it doesn't take long for you to realize that there is in fact something wrong with the water. The coating in your mouth gets thicker and thicker, making it hard to swallow. Did they spike your water? You ask yourself, trying to make sense of it. Soon your body starts to feel weird, as if you were high. Only more intense than you've ever felt.
You drop the bottle as you stumble back into the showers. Trying to grab at the walls to stabilize yourself, but your hands feel too weak to grab anything. Though you still manage to lean against the damp tile walls of the shower. You bend down, still leaning against the wall, in an attempt to regain your balance. You've been high out of your mind at every frat party, so you can handle any drug they gave you, you tell yourself.
Little did you know, you couldn't.
As you're catching your breath, you look down in horror. There's a big lump under your jersey. Are the drugs making you bloated? You lift your shirt, and your heart sinks. A flabby stomach bounces as you pull up your shirt, this was no bloat. With every breath it swells, becoming rounder and softer until you can't see your feet anymore. But the worst is yet to come. Your strong pecs, the ones you've built throughout your entire football career, also begin to soften under an ever growing layer of fat. They kept their shape for a while, only looking a bit swollen. But they quickly grew into an undeniable pair of man tits, that pressed tight against your shirt. As your shirt rides up more and more, your nipples also swell, making you involuntarily moan as they rub against the rough texture of your jersey.
You jerk back, recoiling at the moan that just escaped your lips. In a fleeting attempt for control, you desperately tug down on your jersey, hoping it will hide your rotund midsection, but it barely reaches past the top of your gut.
And if you think it can't get worse, it can, and it will.
A pelt of brown hairs grows all over your exposed gut, making your once clean shaven body look unkept. The hair spreads up to your chest, where you can feel the rough hairs rub against your tight jersey. You also feel an intense itch spread around to your back, down your ass, and all over your legs.
Don't worry, you'll get used to the itchiness eventually. Because shaving it will only make it worse.
The defined muscles on your back disappear under a layer of pudge and your thin waist bulges out as love handles spill over your waist band. Making even your silhouette look fat. Next your arms begin to sag slightly under their own weight, making your hard earned biceps look old and flimsy. And the hair on your arms grows much thicker than everywhere else, growing even over your hands. Which are now massive, with thick calloused fingers, perfect for catching and throwing a football.
That means you can convince yourself you haven't let yourself go old man. Oh right, I forgot to mention. Your hairline has started to recede, exposing the top of your head. And the hair that's left is not fooling anyone, you've maybe got a couple of years before even that becomes too thin. The wrinkles on your forehead and around your eyes are not helping either. Maybe some moisturizer would help. But I doubt you would use that, considering you're a crusty old man. Also, don't worry about that double chin that's forming under your softened jawline, your scruffy beard totally hides it. Trust me, no one can see it.
As you can probably tell by now, you are completely out of it. You are holding onto the wall for dear life, trying to make sure your hefty body doesn't fall. Your skin feels weird, your eyesight is fucked, and there is voice in your head narrating all of the horrible, I mean wonderful changes that are happening to your body. Those aren't done by the way.
Next, your ass begins to plump up. Your cheeks start to strain the fabric in your shorts, letting out a few ripping noises. The front gets just as tight, as your dick doubles in size, begging to escape your tiny jockstrap. Your thighs continue to strain against your shorts, becoming thick and solid like tree trunks. That's at least something you never lost from your football days in college, though they're much hairier now. And your feet burst out of your tiny size 11 shoes, now only fitting in a manly size 18.
It looks like all those drugs you took in college really paid off, as the high starts to wear off. The familiar heft of your body returns in full, and your memories start to come back. You became a full time coach at your college after graduating. Of course you put on some weight over the years, but that's only natural for a man in his forties. At least that's what you tell yourself. Your team used to make fun of you for growing a spare tire, but you're the one laughing since you've got them on a new diet. Besides, a man isn't complete without a bit of meat on his bones, and your team knows that now. The pussies on the other team aren't gonna know what's gonna hit em.
You finally regain your composure, acting like nothing happened. You fold the collar on the polo tee that has appeared over your body, and you loosen the belt on your jeans to give the belly some breathing room. The water tends to leave you with a bit of a bloat, so you've gotta leave some room.
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Being the great coach that you are, you stand up tall and walk out to greet your team. You first see Colin, your team captain. He's been doing great since he took over, but he's stubborn. He questioned your judgment when you wanted to put them on a new diet, but realized his mistake and followed his coach like a good captain does. He's a little behind the other boys but he's getting there. His buddy Stephen is making sure he shapes up well before this game, thanks to that diet powder you put in the team's water.
Historians would say Colin and Stephen have become 'really good friends' recently, so it's no surprise Stephen has been helping Colin with his dieting. They always seem to shower together, and you even love to join them after a long hard game just to blow off some steam.
"Stephen! I want Colin twice that size by the time we get in the field." Your voice echoes around the room.
"Yes coach!" Stephen responds as he sprays more of your water into Colin's mouth.
Next you pass George. He's been a great offensive lineman. He was always one of the bigger guys in the team, but your diet has done wonders for his waistband. Now no one can get through that wall of a man. Looks like Brenden is feeding him his pre game dose of diet powder to make sure he's nice and plump before the game. Those two are shaping up to be done real men, the thought of them growing more only makes your jock tighter than it already is.
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"Don't forget to take some too Brenden, don't let George hog it all." You shout unnecessarily loud in your deep gruff voice. And just like the good player he is, Brenden takes his dose. Looks like he's ready for action.
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You stop by every player, making sure they're sticking to their diet. And if you need to force feed them spiked water to make them grow into the big football players they're meant to be, then so be it. You also make sure to slap each player on their ass as you pass by.
Finally you stop at Peter. He's kind of the runt of the litter, more of a bench warmer. You've been trying to train him to be the man he could become, but all the diet has done is made him extremely fat.
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He thinks that stretchy sports shirt hides anything, but everyone knows it doesn't. You grab him by the wrist and drag him into the showers with you. You press your heavy hand down on his shoulders, and he knows his job. You pull off your shirt and drop your jeans to the ground. Peter drops to his knees, his fat rippling as he does so, and he looks up at you as if to ask for further instructions.
"Coach has gotta release his stress before a tough game." You command him.
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vebrendos · 2 months
Pappy Bear Outbreak: Chapter 1
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Who the hell was this guy? You looked around but nobody else seemed to be paying much attention to him even though he was sitting at the very front of the lecture room… Since when was some old fart suddenly attending one of your classes? He looked like he was at least sixty! And with that unwashed, torn open denim vest and the sweat-yellowed cap on his head you'd have expected to see his type hopping out of some massive big rig semi at a truck stop rather than sitting right there and waiting for an engineering lecture to start!
You seriously couldn't believe that you were the only one in the entire room whose eyes were pointed at this guy. Not only was he sticking out like a sore thumb, but then he also started flexing his muscles in front of everyone! You had to admit, he was surprisingly ripped for an old fart, but that seemed to be as surprising to him as it was to you, like this was the first time he had a good look at those pumped up biceps himself! He then pulled his vest open and began fondling his pecs, the meaty, calloused fingers digging deep into the ridiculously thick and bushy grey hair that covered them.
A pleased, content smile appeared under his big mustache as he squeezed them with his equally hirsute hands, letting out a sound that almost sounded like a turned on moan. Suddenly you felt someone striking the side of your arm with their elbow. You turned to see your buddy Eric looking at you like you were the real weirdo here.
“Jeez dude, quit staring at Robin like that! If Tyler sees you he's going to totally kick your ass!”
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Robin? Did Eric smoke something before the lecture again? Yeah, this old guy was sitting in her usual spot but… you didn't have much of a chance to ask him what he was talking about as Tyler strutted inside the room. He was by far the hottest guy in your study group and as usual, the full attention of a good handful of girls was immediately centered on him. His however rested solely on his girlfriend, or rather the old, brawny guy sitting at her desk.
“There's my sonnyboy! Pappy's been waitin’ fer ya!”
Huh? Did Tyler actually know him? You've asked yourself before you witnessed a sequence of events that completely broke your brain. You watched as Tyler winked and blew a kiss in his direction without missing a beat as he walked towards him. Almost as if he really was looking at his girlfriend at that very moment!
“C’mere give yer pappy bear sum sugar, cub…”
“Oh yeah, sure baby!”
The contrast between Tyler's tender voice and the old man’s rough, husky drawl would have been just hilarious, if not for what happened immediately afterwards. Tyler dove in for a kiss but then abruptly stopped only a few inches away from the bearded man's face, as if it was only then that he could see it wasn't really his girlfriend that he'd just tried to smooch together with. But the bearded trucker didn't seem to care about your classmate's sudden reluctance. In the snap of a finger he had his furry hand at the back of Tyler's head, pulling him close enough to shove his whole wet tongue into the helpless jock's mouth. 
There was no way people around couldn't hear Tyler's muffled cries for help as he flailed back and forth trying to wrestle his way out of the muscled trucker’s grip. So why did the only reaction you saw across the entire lecture room come from Eric as he looked at you in confusion when you suddenly jerked backwards with a startled look on your face?! Could nobody else really see this?!  It almost made you think that maybe there was something wrong with you because what came later was even more unbelievable.
Initially Tyler was still giving it all he had while trying to get away from the guy, but then after a couple moments it seemed like he was quickly running out of strength… or maybe rather starting to enjoy it. His face flushed red and at first only reluctantly, but there was no denying it, he totally started to make out with the old man! His lips disappeared deep in the trucker's bushy white beard and mustache. He grabbed Tyler's ass and pulled him even closer towards his beefy, hirsute chest to which the helpless jock only responded with a drawn out, slutty moan.
“Aw yeah, now yer startin’ to put some meat on them bones sonny!”
Snickered the trucker as he squeezed Tyler's ass cheek, resulting in an even deeper and more submissive moan from your classmate. Oh fuck! He was right! Tyler's ass, no, his entire body looked much bigger than normal! You could see him swelling in size right before your eyes!
“Uhhhh… Robin, what's going on… what happened to you…”
Tyler managed to moan out with great difficulty in between their sloppy kisses. Did he seriously still think this old guy with a huge, white beard down to his chest was his girlfriend?!
“Aww sonny… better if ya call me Pappy Rob from now on. Yer ol’ pappy wanted to get his nails done this mornin’ but he had no idea his favorite salon would have turned intah a barbershop full of huge, rugged pappy bears overnight! They gave pappy one hell of a makeover, but I sure as fuck don't mind anymore! And I bet that soon enough yer not gunna mind havin’ a horny old fucker like me as yer pappy when I take yer sexy ass on a long haul in mah truck, ain't that right cubby?”
Robin, or now rather Pappy Rob didn’t wait for Tyler to answer, only grinned and unzipped his fly hauling out a huge, thick, veiny cock and pair of massive, low-hanging balls covered in grey hair! Then he grabbed the back of Tyler’s head and thrust his cock deep inside his mouth with an excited grunt. Even now nobody else was reacting to any of this at all, but even that didn’t freak you out anywhere as much as when you took a closer look at Tyler and realized what he was doing. You fully expected him to try to get away from that old bastard, especially now that he could finally see him for what he was. And maybe at first he was still considering it, his face looking so unbelievably frightened and confused, his nostrils flaring up as he rapidly breathed in and out. 
But with each next inhale you could see all that stress melting away as a giddy, helpless look swept across his face, as if the trucker stank so badly it was enough to make Tyler's head swim! Except you didn't quite get that part right, it wasn't only making him feel lightheaded, but also ridiculously horny because after a moment you saw his lips closing tightly around the old fucker’s cock with a moan and he immediately started sucking on it like it was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted!
Holy shit… and that wasn't all, something else was happening to Tyler in that same moment as well… you saw hair falling out from his head in huge clumps and almost as if to compensate for that, even more of it was sprouting all over his face, forming a shaggy, brown beard! He started to grunt in discomfort and you immediately found out why as his letterman jacket started to rip under the pressure of his rapidly swelling body. First coming apart at the seams, but shortly after you could see its sleeves straight up being torn apart by a pair of ridiculously wide, hirsute arms! 
The college logo on its back began to fade and its fabric was getting paler and paler until somehow it just straight up morphed into a dirty, rugged denim vest almost exactly like the one Pappy Rob was wearing himself! Tyler had already been wearing jeans but even they were looking so much more worn out and definitely did not previously have that huge hole torn open at the center of his ass! Then with a final rip his shirt had given out, letting a huge and extremely hairy beer gut flop out in front of him. Jesus Christ! Within mere moments Tyler was like a completely different person but was still so zoned in on servicing his pappy's thick, swollen cock that he probably hadn't even noticed it himself! 
The old trucker was reclining in the classroom chair that looked just so tiny underneath his hulking body while Tyler kneeled between his legs, the pair occupying almost the entire aisle without anyone batting an eye, but somehow at this point, it had long stopped to surprise you. Pappy Rob had one of his hands behind his neck and was snorting at his ridiculously hairy armpit with a horny grin while the other one rested on top of Tyler's smooth dome. When he first placed it there and pressed it down, the former jock went completely wild as more of the throbbing cock was forcibly pushed deeper down his throat.
He'd grown so bulky and massive that at this point he might have even been bigger than his muscle-bound trucker daddy but that wasn't stopping him from acting like the biggest cock slut you've ever seen! He was playing with his nipples buried among the thick salt and pepper chest hair and beating off like a madman, all while lapping and slurping at the huge fuckstick filling his mouth. He clearly wasn't doing a half bad job because his pappy's deep, horny groans were quickly growing louder and more intense…
“Aww fuuuck! Watch out sonny, year pappy's gunna nut!”
You could hear him saying through the gritted teeth as he shoved Tyler's head even further down and started cumming down his throat. Each load making his entire beefed up body contort and hunch over with powerful, rumbling grunts. You didn't even dare to imagine just how much spunk he'd just deposited in your former classmate's stomach, but it was more than enough to make Tyler's own cock to unload, spraying globs of thick, white cum under Robin's desk and even as far as halfway across the other aisle! 
After a moment they both collapsed backwards in exhaustion, Pappy Rob almost knocking over the empty desk behind him. Tyler panting loudly and still hungrily licking up the few ropes of cum that got stuck in his shaggy beard.
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“Oh dang, yer milk always tastes the best daddy!”
“I know sonnyboy, now, c'mere and give yer ol’ Pappy a taste before ya swallow it all!”
Immediately Tyler was right on top of him, pushing the poor creaking chair to its limit with their combined weight as they wildly made out together, seemingly not even an ounce less horny than before!
If you liked the story and would like to read more bear themed transformation fiction, consider subscribing to my Patreon!
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vebrendos · 2 months
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vebrendos · 2 months
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vebrendos · 2 months
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vebrendos · 2 months
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vebrendos · 2 months
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