veevenudd · 2 years
Entertainment Spotlight: Tetsurō Araki
We sat down with director and animator Tetsurō Araki to explore the world and making of his most recent film, Bubble.
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veevenudd · 2 years
Hello, Grishaverse. Here's a lil Shadow and Bone cast Q&A to prepare you for season two <3
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veevenudd · 2 years
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(+) Kabedon - Where someone has someone up against a wall. The “don” sound is the sound of hitting the wall. [not all of them falls exactly under this category BUT I ama count them anyways] 
KinnPorsche (2022) Cutie Pie (2022) Semantic Error (2022) Kieta Hatsukoi (2021) Fish Upon the Sky (2021) Life: Senjou no Bokura (2020) Ossan’s Love (2018) Mad Dog (2017) The Lover (2015) School 2013 (2012)
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veevenudd · 2 years
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the most beautiful moment is…yet to come
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veevenudd · 2 years
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YET TO COME (2022)
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veevenudd · 2 years
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veevenudd · 2 years
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yet to come (the most beautiful moment) teaser : parallels
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veevenudd · 2 years
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Mama Gogo - Premiere 12. June 2022
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veevenudd · 2 years
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something sweet~
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veevenudd · 2 years
The pool scene we all want it!
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What the pool scene we got :
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veevenudd · 2 years
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kinnporsche sketchdump + sorry i left some lil commentary..
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veevenudd · 2 years
VegasPete Episode 7
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It all starts with that first torture scene. Previously Pete had kind of this weird mix of scared/crushing when it came to Vegas. Vegas knew it and liked to antagonize it. I don't think it would have come to anything though. Except this scene made them aware of each other.
When we first see them, Vegas is completely relaxed just chilling. Pete on the other hand is closed off. Through the course of the torture he repeatedly changed positions. It felt to me like he was excited but trying to hide it.
When Vegas tells them to leave so he can try. Pete looks Vegas up and down. Like he just now noticed something.
During the entire torture, Pete doesn't look away. When Vegas walks up to the bars we can tell he enjoyed himself but he doesn't appear to be excited. Is he just hiding it well? When he says "he spoke" him and Pete share a look. I think it's at this point that Vegas notices Pete's interest and excitement.
Then we skip a few scenes to Porsche showing up with Pete and Arm. Vegas looks over Porsche's shoulder to Pete. Arm was right there for him to look at as well. He doesn't though.
I found this next part really interesting. When Pete mentioned grilled pork, Vegas immediately stops and got it for him. Vegas had Porsche right next to him. Porsche his supposed "unrequited love" and the one he should be paying attention to. Yet he heard Pete who is a good distance back and whispering to Arm. How could he unless his attention was already on Pete.
When Pete stopped to pray, Vegas notices and immediately stops as well. Why? Again Porsche is right next to him. He could easily keep it moving but he doesn't. He stops and waits. To cover this he asks if they want food. When Pete says they'll wait Vegas tells him "I'll get you food." He glances at Arm and Porsche but says this to Pete.
The next scene is when they've trapped the guy at the warehouse. Pete and Vegas are now on the same side of the bars. Vegas is excited as he scares the man. Is it the fear? He isn't even trying to hide his freak. Arm and Porsche both notice it but Pete is right there enjoying it with Vegas. They are amping each other up.
When Vegas catches Pete in his domain. He isn't angry but instead amused. He is fully aware of Pete's lie but instead of calling him out, he softly and coaxingly guides him away. Pete doesn't know what to make of this. He jumps when Vegas touches him and softly says sorry.
I find it interesting that Vegas chose Pete to go with him. Does he want to spend more time with him? When Vegas kills everyone, he wears a smile the entire time. For a change he isn't hiding himself. He is who he is and Pete sees this. We can't see Pete's face clearly its blurry but his body has never turned away from Vegas. His body language says he's not excited but he isn't bothered either. He looks at the body and then Vegas.
Did you notice that for Vegas being so "attached" to Porsche, he took him into the thick of danger. While Pete was slightly protected in the truck. Now he did cover Porsche with his body. Once he looked at Porsche though, he was turning to check on Pete. That's when he sees the guy and shoots. After both he and Pete shoot the guy, Vegas looks at Pete again. At this point we see Porsche trying to look behind him and then look at Vegas as if to figure out what Vegas is still staring at.
It might have started before but it really began with that torture scene.
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veevenudd · 2 years
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The nave of Notre Dame, Paris, France (photo by Lauren)
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veevenudd · 2 years
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Apo & Mile
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veevenudd · 2 years
KinnPorsche Ep09 Lines of Power, PART 2
Continuing from PART 1.
More LoP posts: [Ep05] [Ep06] [Ep07] [Ep08] [Ep09 PART 1]
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FIRST SHOT: In Part 1, I mentioned the importance of lighting. Well, it's still important for Part 2.
This entire scene is powerfully lit in Porsche's character color: blue blue blue. Vegas has stepped into Porsche's territory. The lines of the pool also point toward Porsche.
Porsche's face is lined with blue light, but even more than that, he's backlit so we can only just barely see his expressions. Meanwhile, Vegas in this scene has his face well lit, and his expressions are exposed (not shown).
Go back and rewatch this scene. Porsche barely says anything. He's holding his cards really fucking close to his chest here.
SECOND SHOT: Kinn, honey, you're lurking. Notice the 2/3rds split of the screen, with Kinn on the dark 2/3rds. He's practically a shadow. It's simple, but I like the uneven split.
THIRD SHOT: Vegas is framed by the vertical pool lines, but look at Porsche. Porsche is actively leaning out of that frame. Porsche's shoulder and head are escaping and essentially wrecking the picture that Vegas is trying to create. That's some pretty clear body language.
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For just a heartbeat in this scene, Kinn looks in a direction that allows him to meet eyes with the audience through the mirror.
I was able to catch this mainly because my bestie @moerusai had already pointed out the amazing way Kinn breaks the fourth wall near the end of the episode. (Go read that. Go read it right now.)
I consider this moment a hint, a little foreshadow, of that bigger and more important moment later on. Here in this scene, what I see is Kinn asking the audience, "can you believe the way this bitch is wasting my precious time?" 😂
Kinn, I know you have better things to do. Namely, Porsche.
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Credit to @kates-sweet-escape for pointing out this shot already. (Go check out her amazing meta and theories on this episode.)
NOT the same shot as my previous one — the big difference is the characters' gazes. To us, it looks like Mirror Kinn and Tawan are meeting gazes, but in real life they wouldn't be able to meet eyes like this. In effect, it looks like there would be two Kinns, the mirror Kinn as well as the real Kinn, and both would be staring at Tawan so damn hard.
Tawan. Kinn is watching you from all angles. And he's not pleased with what he's seeing. (And neither is the audience, you shifty little bastard.)
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Split screen, and yet both sides of the split look pretty dark to me. Dramatic lighting looks cool. Man with a resting bastard face does NOT look cool.
Best move on before I burst a blood vessel.
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This is a really good frame job.
Get it? Frame job? (Too soon?)
I try not to dig too much into colors, but this shot is startling monochromatic (even Ken falling into monochrome?!), except for Porsche's face. His pleading face. Oh my heart. Porsche, I promise it's gonna be okay, but maybe not right away.
Porsche's colorful face being centered in those vertical black lines surrounded with gray boxes makes this such a powerful shot.
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I literally cheered for Porchay when he confessed his crush, but I did not except Kim to pull the perfect kiss on the cheek. Hello? What? This episode dashes my heart and then fills it full to overflowing?
Meanwhile, the audience is looking at them from the sound booth, giving this moment a bit of of a voyeuristic flavor, while also making it feel a bit like sitting in a movie theatre and watching a screen.
BUT. One more thing. Check out the brand on the sound booth. It's blurry, but I zoomed in and was juuuuust able to make out the words.
I don't know anything about sound equipment, but I do know how to google a brand, and the brand is...
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...are you fucking kidding me?
Duality delta? DUALITY? In a show that's all about dual natures and keeping secrets?
Oh fuck you, just stop messing with my head already. 😭
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Emperor Korn is holding court again. I love that no matter how they set it up, he gets the emperor positioning, this time by giving him the entire wide couch to himself.
And yes, hello chess metaphor, I see you're back again! Interesting that the chess board positioned for Korn to engage an invisible opponent, but Kinn and Tankhun are NOT positioned to play against him.
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X marks the Kinn.
Those Xs in the background are pretty dramatic. To me they're saying that Kinn has to be careful because he's in a precarious position. Just about any move he could make might end up being the wrong one, with disastrous consequences. He needs to tread very, very carefully right now.
More LoP posts: [Ep05] [Ep06] [Ep07] [Ep08] [Ep09 PART 1]
For more great meta from folks across the KP Tumblr fandom, please visit the Damn Good KP Meta doc.
Also, for this episode, @moerusai's post, How Kinn breaks the fourth wall, is a must read. Be sure to check it out.
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veevenudd · 2 years
KinnPorsche Ep09 Lines of Power, PART 1
I'm here, as usual, to talk about lines of power, staging, and framing in KinnPorsche... but I sure as hell can't fit it all into one post this time. SO much going on, folks, SO much.
More LoP posts: [Ep05] [Ep06] [Ep07] [Ep08] [Ep09 PART 2]
Special shout out to all the amazing lighting in this episode. It's usually not my focus, but I won't be able to avoid it this time because of the way it interplays with everything else.
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Shadow puppet time!
In most stories, the new lover is in the shadow of the past lover, metaphorically speaking.
Here, in this scene, we're told the opposite story: Tawan is already in Porsche's shadow, both literally and (in my opinion, at least) metaphorically. Tawan cannot possibly compare with Porsche.
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Such interesting with the staging here. Of course we have Emperor Korn in his tall chair presiding over the meeting, but Tankhun is also placed higher than Kinn on the vertical level, which I didn't expect. Tankhun stepped into SO much power in this episode, which is a critical revelation at this stage in the show. He's not just a comedic character — he's a real player in the game (excuse me, the war).
Then we need to factor in the clothing choices (Tankhun white, Kinn in white and black, and Korn in black), plus Kinn being in the middle between the two of them. All of this is working together to emphasize that what happens with Tawan comes down to Kinn's decision. Meanwhile, I chose this particular shot because Kinn's body is angled toward Tankhun while his gaze is turned to his father, once again emphasizing the split.
I also just really, really like this shot.
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The curtains in the foreground frame this scene as a theatrical stage.
Is it a comedy? Tawan looks like a mad jester. Creepy mofo. Meanwhile, our happy-go-lucky Porsche has turned deadly serious with a stone-like face.
Is it a tragedy? Will Tawan bring down not only our couple but also the main family's kingdom? Bitch, don't even.
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You guys. You GUYS. This moment is so short and shadowy that it's easy to pass right by, but DON'T sleep on this.
Look at Porsche. He's reflected on his own. (Harken back to my earlier mirror meta for more on Porsche vs Mirrors.) But what's especially interesting is that his reflection is obscured — there are tall vertical lines running through it, but there are also gray splotches, like the mirror is dirty and unclear, which is something I don't think we've seen before.
Porsche's reflection here is incomplete.
He doesn't really have a handle on this mafia world yet or how to navigate it, but he's gradually starting to build his persona. He demonstrates that in this scene where he takes control and doesn't fall prey to Tawan's subtle taunting but instead just owns him with a few small words and actions. And yet...what he accomplishes in this scene isn't enough in the long run.
Also, small note, but Porsche has the darker half of the screen, and Tawan the lighter half. Porsche is the aggressor in this scene.
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There's just the SLIGHTEST tilt to the left in the long vertical lines, so slight, but it gives Porsche the extra gravity/weight. He's in control in this scene, but NOT by a lot. His margin of power is narrow.
Meanwhile, all those swirly boxes in the background are practically hypnotic. They play nicely into the mind games going on between Porsche and Tawan.
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Vegas stands in a frame of red outside the temple. Dramatic bitch.
Pete isn't in Vegas's frame, at least not yet... but it feels like Vegas is slowly, gradually reeling him in.
Vegas is a persistence predator for sure.
Also notice that Vegas is on a higher step, giving him more power, AND the lines of the steps are significantly tilted toward his half of the screen, lending him more and more power.
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Tawan, you said you care about your life, and yet you turn your back to Kinn and close your eyes? Kinn is NOT pleased with you. Did you even pay attention to the fact that he was about to lose his temper this entire scene? Wow, my dude, just wow.
Great framing with the mirror. Tawan thinks he has the upper hand, but Kinn knows he's full of shit (and so do all of us in the audience). Kinn is a looming presence and a threat to Tawan, even if Tawan thinks he has some measure of control (for the moment).
And Kinn, if that bitch won't give you the info, just stop giving him protection! Ugh, yeah, I realize the info is valuable, but still...
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Back in my Lines of Power post for the Official Trailer, I called out this shot and said that the two thick lines and vertical framing "give a feeling of rising power."
So, check-in time: Is Porsche's power really rising?
It's so tempting to say "no" just based on how this episode ends, because it ends so, so badly. But. But. That would be short-sighted.
Porsche has risen a lot. Think of where he was in episodes 1-2. He had very few supporters (just Jom and Yok really), his bodyguard skills were crap, and he was barely scraping by in his life in general. At this stage, he has numerous supporters, a dramatic increase in his skill level, and motivation and goals. He's also gradually learning how to fight in this new and different political battleground.
Does he have it all together? Nah, not yet. But his progress is both significant and, importantly, earned.
CONTINUE to Lines of Power Ep 9, PART 2
More LoP posts: [Ep05] [Ep06] [Ep07] [Ep08]
For more great meta from folks across the KP Tumblr fandom, please visit the Damn Good KP Meta doc.
Also, for this episode, @moerusai's post, How Kinn breaks the fourth wall, is a must read. Be sure to check it out.
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veevenudd · 2 years
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MileApo x SoCool Magazine
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