veganschizolady · 10 years
reminder to myself that I’m just as worthy of support as somebody with an “acceptable” mental illness
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veganschizolady · 10 years
do you support trans women in feminism?
trans women are not female and thus do not have a place in FEMinism. they can, however, be feminist allies.
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veganschizolady · 10 years
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veganschizolady · 10 years
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veganschizolady · 10 years
What's the difference between vegans that consume honey and vegans that don't?
Vegans that consume honey aren’t vegans and vegans that don’t are. 
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veganschizolady · 10 years
#yes labeling this character with mental illness is stereotyping
yes to this tag...the whole film I kept thinking her powers were a metaphor for mental illness and being so all about it
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veganschizolady · 10 years
"animal abuse is so terrible!" i say as i take another bite of my fast food burger
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veganschizolady · 10 years
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which fucking fedora wearing friendzoned nerd made this thing
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veganschizolady · 10 years
When I went vegan my mom acted as if I was trying to destroy our family. "What about our traditional holiday foods?" she said. "Are you trying to ruin family get togethers?" and other such things. Other people have said as much to me, saying that my veganism made me offensive for existing, that my meatless meal at the lunch table was a way of spitting on their beliefs about how it is ok to treat animals. This shit really happens.
People saying vegans like to shove their beliefs down everyone’s throats…as if nobody put carnism in our heads to begin with.
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veganschizolady · 10 years
Rappin’ History of the Wonderbolts
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veganschizolady · 10 years
People saying vegans like to shove their beliefs down everyone’s throats…as if nobody put carnism in our heads to begin with.
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veganschizolady · 10 years
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veganschizolady · 10 years
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veganschizolady · 10 years
More people are concerned with why women stay in abusive relationships than why men are abusing women
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veganschizolady · 10 years
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TAKE ACTION - Please contact Legislator Schneiderman now! Last week, LION joined the Humane Society of the United States, the ASPCA, and local advocates at a meeting with Suffolk County pet dealers and legislators to discuss pending legislation that would help puppies and kittens in Suffolk County and their parents living in cruel mills.  Please call (631-852-8400) and email ([email protected]) Legislator Scneiderman, positively thanking him for caring about puppy mill dogs, but also and politely urging him to make the legislation strict. Most specifically, we’d like to see a law passed that bars Suffolk County pet dealers from using breeders who’ve had USDA violations in the past 3 years.
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veganschizolady · 10 years
she was special and unique because unlike other girls she read a book and drank a tea and didnt talk about a clothes
young adult authors everywhere 
#she wasn’t pretty like the other girls but she was skinny and white and conventionally attractive 
#she was also hetero and she liked to look at the stars at night
#she was clumsy and awkward but not in a determental way only a cute way#she didn’t like to talk to other girls bc they liked frivolous things that she was above
#And she was an old soul who raised herself, also her eyes were deep pools
#And she didn’t wear makeup but it was okay because she had flawless skin anyway
(via ugly-girl-problems)
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veganschizolady · 10 years
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