veinlite-blog · 6 years
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🙏🏻 Our deepest condolences and loudest prayers are being sent to a friend and her family during the most difficult time in their lives. We civilians take for granted what our Law Enforcement Officers, and First Responders experience, and witness on a daily basis.
The heartache they live with while trying to be the best husband/wife and father/mother they can be. No one deserves to suffer in silence. We challenge everyone to do something kind for an officer, and EMT, a firefighter. Something as small as opening a door, buying them a coffee or covering their lunch will instill even the slightest hope in this world full of anger that they experience every day. To those fighting their inner demons-
You are not alone, and you will not be perceived as weak if you need to talk. There is help available. Please reach out. 
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
Join us at EMS TODAY 2019 - Booth #1112 and visit us at the “Hands-On Experience” lab. The Hands on Experience is an interactive learning lab where you can try and see the EMS PRO at work.
Exhibit Hall
Wednesday Feb. 20, 2019 | 3 PM – 5 PM
Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019 | 11 AM – 1:30 PM
Looking forward to meeting you at the conference.
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
Happy Veinlite User:
"After personal experience and that of my fellow chemotherapy infusion patients, it was painfully apparent that it was increasingly difficult to find veins for infusion. It even caused some to cancel chemo appointments and others to experience intense discomfort as they were stuck repeatedly with no success. Nurses also became stressed as they searched for elusive veins. Two weeks ago, the blessing of Veinlite came into our lives. Nurses were thrilled and patients were excited to see that Veinlite exposed veins easily and quickly. Thanks to Veinlite for making infusion more tolerable for both staff and patients!"
Learn more about Veinlite products at: https://www.veinlite.com
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
Veinlite joins the world community to raise awareness and make cancer a global health priority. www.veinlite.com
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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Happy Veinlite user:
"Had first stick success on a client with difficult veins. My clients just love that I own one!" – Susan Kaye, Homecare Nurse
Learn more about Veinlite products at: https://www.veinlite.com
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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At Veinlite, we are inspired by all the hard work and dedication that nurses put into patient care, day in and day out.
Learn more about Veinlite products at www.veinlite.com
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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Happy Veinlite User: “I have given all the staff a chance to use the Veinlite and they love it. We are so thankful to have this amazing tool!” - Kelly O, BSN, RN, OCN
Learn more about Veinlite products at www.veinlite.com
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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At Veinlite we are honoring and celebrating the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., a man who showed us how to care for and stand for one another.
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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#Happy Veinlite User
"I purchased a Veinlite for our #clinic and it has been amazing. It is easy, fast and reliable. – Nancy Aedy Learn more about Veinlite products and how they can change your life at www.Veinlite.com  
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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Veinlite – supporting #nurses with innovative vein access devices like the LED+, PEDI and our newest product the Veinlite Neo, for neonates. Learn more at veinlite.com/vein-access
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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Customer Testimonial:
"Since I have gotten the Veinlite, my percentage of first try sticks has skyrocketed. I have been able to use the Veinlite EMS PRO on patients that others couldn't find a vein, on patients with skin trauma that contraindicated tourniquet use, and on pediatrics that I would not have even attempted prior to having the Veinlite." -Shane Copps
Learn more about Veinlite products at: https://www.veinlite.com
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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As you set your new year goals, make sure you identify the right habits that will support you on the path to success. Motivation can only take you so far.
Learn more about our products at: https://www.veinlite.com
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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Customer testimonial: "I manage a Cath Lab for a 198 bed facility. We are a Chest Pain Accredited facility and tend to get extremely fragile STEMI patients. Veinlite has been instrumental in getting access for those patients." – Shelley Shellenbarger
Learn more about Veinlite LED+ at: https://www.veinlite.com/vein-access/veinlite-led-plus
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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We’re grateful to everyone who has supported us in 2018, and uplifted by the many powerful success stories you’ve provided about how @Veinlite devices have helped you be more effective. Here’s to a great 2019! www.veinlite.com
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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Customer testimonial: “I purchased a Veinlite for my own personal use for my part time job. I began taking it to work and allowing my fellow nurses to use it. Before you know it, our venous access rates were improving on the first stick.” – Tamela Callahan,RN,BSN
Learn more at https://www.veinlite.com
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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Hard work and success go hand in hand. You can't  achieve your goals without determination and the discipline to get things done. Learn about our products at veinlite.com
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veinlite-blog · 6 years
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Customer Testimonial: "The Veinlite gave me the opportunity to offer my patients a treatment with greater credibility and confidence!" – Dr.  Jose Alfredo De Souza Ribeiro
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