velaralilas · 2 months
"unalive" should just mean the opposite of undead. if undead means a dead thing thats alive, unalive shuld mean an alive things thats dead. no i dont have any examples. ☝️yet
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velaralilas · 4 months
things im ashamed to admit
i want to participate in this trend, but i want to elaborate more than what would fit in a tiktok slideshow.
i hope if this stumbles across your feed, you can resonate and know someone else is struggling with- possibly- the same things you are. :)
i just got diagnosed with autism back in september '23, which has helped with my anxiety and depression a bit, but i feel like i've regressed so much. i used to be able to mask all day and feel "normal" around others, but now im quickly irritated.
i got married when i was 20 (my husband was 21) and i question my love for him on a regular basis. i know i do love him- dont get me wrong- but its not the same butterflies in the stomach, blushing, high school kind of love ive been used to for all my life. we've been married for 2 years (3 in october), we dated in middle and high school (on and off, not all those 7 years).
my plan when i graduated high school was to go to college and get my masters in social work. i dropped out in 2020 due to my mental health and outside situations. i feel like a failure whenever i look back on my plans, but i dont regret the decision i made.
i struggle with "adulting" more than i'd like to admit. i inherited my dad's house when he passed away and i've never felt ready for the responsibility. i pay bills late, i forget about the mortgage, maintaining the house is a chore, and i always eat out instead of cooking something. i just made up a budget sheet to try and fix my pattern of behavior.
speaking of my dead dad- after finding out the reason behind his and my mom's divorce i've come to resent him a bit. i still miss him, and wish he was still here, but knowing what he did has put me off so much.
i've gained a lot of weight since i stopped competitive swimming and i dont know how to feel about it. with my eating habits i think its redundant to start swimming again, but i know if i were to pick it up again i would be more inclined to start a better diet.
i love streaming as a vtuber, but its so draining for me. i love the interactions with viewers, some of the people i've met though games/twitch, and many more things, but maintaining a decent schedule that works for me is hard. i feel bad every time i abandon my followers for months to come back like nothing happened.
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velaralilas · 8 months
OP disabled reblogs but i think this needs to be out there
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velaralilas · 8 months
you ever listen to a song 47 times in a row and every time you’re like wow what a good song. I’m gonna play it again.
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velaralilas · 8 months
"kill them with kindness" wrong. SAW BATHROOM TRAP. 🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚 🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚 🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚🪚
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velaralilas · 8 months
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velaralilas · 9 months
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He’s so messy i love him
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velaralilas · 10 months
me when the emotionally repressed character is revealed to have had something happen in their childhood that was completely out of their control but changed them in a way they can never come back from
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velaralilas · 10 months
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raizo sama
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velaralilas · 10 months
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velaralilas · 11 months
an onryo main talks about the onryo rework
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(behavior interactive)
the time has finally come! Sadako finally got an update in DBD and im here to talk about it.
overall, these changes are amazing. i think after this update is released, Sadako will finally move up the killer tier list (though she will always be S tier in my heart ♡ ). though i dont play killer all that much anymore, i still find myself going back and making sure i still got it.
i will be going over each point from behaviors blog post individually to ease confusion- also, they talk about reworking her add-ons as well but didnt disclose which ones they were working on.
Projecting to a TV now applies ¾ of a stack of Condemned to all Survivors not carrying a Cursed Tape (was 1 stack to nearby Survivors).
this is the only one i don't understand why they changed it. i think keeping the projecting stack at 1 is fine- as it doesn't affect survivors unless you're projecting constantly. i do like that now it affects all survivors instead of those around the tv you project to.
The time a TV is disabled after The Onryo Projects to it has been reduced to 70 seconds (was 100 seconds). This can be further reduced using Add-ons.
THANK YOU BHVR OMG. this has been a needed change for a while. even if it was reduced to 80-85 i would have been happy. waiting so long for a tv to turn back on is frustrating, especially if you know survivors are working on a gen near that specific tv.
The time a TV is disabled after a Survivor removes the Cursed Tape has been increased to 90 seconds (was 60 seconds).
THANK YOU AGAIN BHVR. it never made sense (to me) why survivors turning off tvs had them off shorter than when you projecting to them. this also provides some sense of security to survivors working on gens and reduces the amount of time they have to work on turning tvs off.
Projection now has a 15 second cooldown. Since there is no longer a range limit on the Condemned effect, we need to limit how frequently this can happen.
am i upset about this? yes, but also no. my play-style doesnt include me teleporting constantly, but having a cooldown is nice to have so you can plot where to project next.
cursed tapes
Getting hit with a Basic Attack while carrying a Cursed Tape will apply one stack of Condemned.
WHERE WAS THIS WHEN SADAKO DROPPED?? THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. and now carrying a tape is so much more lethal than it was before.
When a Survivor carrying a Cursed Tape is hooked, all other Survivors gain one stack of Condemned and the Tape is destroyed.
JKFHAOFHAOHFIU AGAIN WHERE WAS THIS???? the tape being destroyed is also nice, since when survivors get unhooked they run to get rid of their tape.
Holding a Cursed Tape no longer passively builds Condemned.
hot take: this shoudnt have been in the game in the first place. most survivors keep the tape until they're at 6 stacks then get rid of it anyway (its me. im survivors.)
Cursed Tapes can now be placed in any TV other than the one they were retrieved from.
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thats all. i just want to be outplayed by survivors. though i can understand why they had the original mechanic in the game originally. this also provides a sense of safety if multiple survivors are working on a gen.
The Onryo can no longer be stunned while Demanifested.
i have to see how this works before i place a final judgement on it. do we just eat the palette? do we walk through it? LIKE WHAT HAPPENS?????
Chases are prevented when Demanifested, making it more difficult to keep track of The Onryo’s position.
this is the same as other stealth killers (wraith), so i have no real issue with this change. its also nice that survivors wont know you're there due to the chase music playing
Demanifesting now removes Bloodlust, similar to other Killer Powers.
again, its the same as other killers, so i dont really care about this one.
this rework is amazing! i cant wait for this to go live. i might have to stop playing survivor when it does. one thing i want is more cosmetics but other than that this is everything i could ask for.
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velaralilas · 1 year
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velaralilas · 1 year
dead by daylight's issues
i just watched SpookyLoopz's most recent video about how he feels currently with the shift of content in DBD, and he made some very valid points. i reccomend watching it before reading on.
tl;dr- he says that the two newest killers, The Knight and The Skull Merchant, are boring to play against and play as and that DBD is becoming stale.
i very much agree with this. i, myself, am a content creator (i stream on twitch- and am currently planning my revival after a two month long hiatus) and DBD is one of the main games i play. now, i didn't fully get into DBD until May/June 2022, roughly when The Dredge came out and the game was celebrating its 6th anniversary. I am still a baby at 300ish hours of playtime. even within the limited time i have interacted with the community, as well as playing the game and learning the ropes, there has been a serious shift in the culture surrounding the game. from metas to the camping/tunneling problem, these problems seem to have no end.
The community is going to be the thing that kills Dead by Daylight within the next year or so- i feel. im going to outline the main things that i see when playing myself.
playing survivor
while playing as a survivor (my main game mode), the tunneling and camping is horrendous- especially for persons like me who have TTV or YT in their username. there have been countless times where i was pushed out of a game because i am a streamer, or because other creators are in a lobby with me, they assume i am a part of a swf (survive with friends). ive also had killers that hold myself and my friends hostage since they assume we're streaming- not becuase we're creators, but becuase they think we are actively streaming in that moment.
another thing i see often is fellow survivors disconnecting seemingly randomly. now, i, myself, am guilty of disconnecting from a match- everyone has their moments- but the type im talking about is when they see a killer they dont like (im excluding The Plague and The Clown from this becuase emetophobia and colourophbia is real), if the killer brings a mori, or if they feel like they're losing after getting downed. i have played with someone who is toxic like this and it is insufferable because this puts you at such a disadvantage later in the game. stop abandoning teammates just because The Legion brought a mori. Killing yourself on hook to get out a game is still bad- dont get me wrong- but at least its more tolerable than straight up leaving.
the survivor meta is purely influenced by whatever the current killer meta is. dont ask me what is considered 'the meta' i dont know and dont care. i think you should run perks that suit your playstyle, not to be one with the crowd. if you wanna sneak around, be a gen jockey, get chased all game, make builds that will help you! coordinate with the friends that youre playing with! this makes the game so much more fun that using a build you saw a big time content creator use.
playing killer
oh boy, here we go.
to start off, i am a Sadako (The Onryo) and a Freddy (The Nightmare) main. Sadako is my number one best girl.
playing the killer is so stale and unbearable. from bully squads to toxic survivors its so much worse than it used to be. the highest rank i got to when i was playing everyday for 6-8 hours a day was Gold 2 (? i just remember being in gold) and it was amazing back then. nowadays people are bringing gen rushing builds and want to get in and out of games as soon as possible. dont even get me started on the end game shit talking people will do if you do bad as a prestige 12 killer.
the current killer meta, from my understanding (again i dont care about the meta), is generator regression and aura reading. i see a lot of pain res/dead mans switch (pain res blows up a generator and forces you off of it, when someone is hooked on the scourge hook, and dead mans blocks it for a short time- for those who are unfamiliar), call of brine/overcharge/pop goes the weasel/eruption being used interchangibly. its all about regressing gens from getting done. wheres the spice? how about tracking perks or chase perks? on Sadako i use a lot of aura reading because its useful with her power, same with Freddy. i never see killers using perks that work well with the killers power.
speaking of powers, lets talk about the two latest killers, The Knight and The Skull Merchant. they suck ass! the knight allows you to camp hooks without needing to be there, and the merchant can track you on the map with drones. these are doing very little to solve the tunneling/camping issue the game has. they are also really boring. their powers are meh, their chase music is meh, and the skull merchant doesnt even have a new map, just a refurbished shelter woods, tell me how thats fair.
final remarks
we as a community need to do better. need to be better. stop with the toxicity, the cheating, everything. i understand that this really isnt possible, people will still find exploits and play competitively, but there is a way to go about it that doesnt make you a piece of shit.
we cannot expect the devs to give us anything good if we buy up bullshit like the latest DLC. the only way to truly fix the tunneling, camping, and toxic players is to change as a community, to make the game fun again. the group that takes everything seriously and competitively is going to keep destroying the culture around this game until is so unberable that people who just want to have the slightest bit of fun go somewhere else.
i love Dead by Daylight. i really do. i've made some amazing friends and made a start to streaming with it. however i feel that if we dont change as a whole, its going to continue to grow staler and staler until its cold and barren.
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velaralilas · 1 year
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velaralilas · 1 year
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Zero Escape 999 Week (2021)
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velaralilas · 1 year
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i miss 2014
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velaralilas · 1 year
love seeing my two mains in the same place
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They'd respectfully hate eachother
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