velconx15 · 2 months
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ko-fi commission for Autistic Papyrus Lover. thanks for the support!
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velconx15 · 2 months
This time, for video games.
Some key information:
They are striking so all performers will have protection against AI
The struck companies are those signed to the Interactive Media Agreement
The listed companies by SAG-AFTRA include Activision Productions Inc, Blindlight LLC, Disney Character Voices Inc, Electronic Arts Productions Inc, Formosa Interactive LLC, Insomniac Games Inc, Llama Productions LLC, Take 2 Productions Inc, VoiceWorks Productions Inc and WB Games Inc. Though this may not be everyone.
Important things from the FAQ:
Some games from struck companies are non-struck (due to the Collective Bargaining Agreement still being in effect)
Localisations will be affected if covered under the Interactive Localization Agreement
Actors who are part of SAG-AFTRA cannot work for non-union or independent/low-budged productions during the strike unless they are signed to an Interim Interactive Media Agreement, Interim Interactive Localization Agreement or a Tiered-Budget Independent Interactive Media Agreement
Similarly to the previous strike, struck work cannot be promoted. This includes accepting awards for performances in struck games. This does NOT include hosting/performing a skit at an awards show and San Diego Comic Con (the latter due to the close proximity to the calling of the strike)
As implied by the point above, SAG-AFTRA performers cannot partake in panels related to struck games or companies, including finished games produced by struck companies
The best way to check if a game is struck is to use the search tool provided by SAG-AFTRA
Most importantly: You are NOT being asked to stop playing video games, as highlighted in the FAQ for creators and streamers. This does NOT cross the picket line. Though please do talk about the strike and show your solidarity
I expect to see the same amount of support from y'all that we saw in the last strike. Just because it's video games doesn't mean performers deserve any less support and protection.
Also please reblog with any additions (with sources - we are NOT here to spread misinformation)! And please correct me if anything listed here is incorrect.
Video Game Strike FAQs | SAG-AFTRA (sagaftra.org)
SAG-AFTRA Members Who Work on Video Games Go on Strike | SAG-AFTRA (sagaftra.org)
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velconx15 · 3 months
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girl dad
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velconx15 · 4 months
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"I must feed the young ones!!!"
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velconx15 · 4 months
Concentration camp.
They built a concentration camp.
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I don't think words can describe what this other than genocide.
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velconx15 · 4 months
nobody better be posting about the met gala without mentioning the giant pro-palestine demonstration going on outside
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velconx15 · 4 months
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If you're having trouble keeping up with what's going on in Palestine because of US news coverage of university protests, here are some articles you can read and a video you can watch:
While CNN & all the other mainstream media try to paint the university protests as "pro terrorism" (which they're not, they're literally anti-war protests.) Palestinians are being slaughtered by the minute.
Please don't stop speaking about Palestine.
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velconx15 · 4 months
🚨 Students at Harvard University launched an encampment in support of Gaza in Harvard Yard moments ago, calling for an end to Harvard's moral and material complicity in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.
Harvard has invested over $200 million of its over $51 billion endowment in companies with ties to zionist settlements in the West Bank, while most of its investments to the zionist entity are kept secret.
The students are demanding financial transparency regarding investments related to the zionist entity, as well as genocide and occupation in Palestine; divestment from these investments and reinvestment in Palestine; and dropping all charges against student activists.
The University has suppressed student voices in support of Palestine time and time again, suspending the Palestine Solidarity Committee just this week on baseless grounds. They have also enabled attacks on pro-Palestinian students from the media and politicians. Today, the students say enough is enough, and that they will no longer tolerate their institution's support for genocide.
This brings the number of ongoing encampments to 19, with more to come.
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velconx15 · 4 months
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velconx15 · 4 months
This elderly woman was one of the leaders of demonstrations against the Vietnam War in 1968, when she was a student at Columbia University. Today, 56 years later, she returns to the same place and says, "Palestine must be free."
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velconx15 · 4 months
Among those arrested in Atlanta today were Noelle McAfee, Chair of the Philosophy Department at Emory University. You can hear her ask the PhD student taking the video:
“Can you call the Philosophy Department office and tell them I’ve been arrested?...I’m Noelle McAfee, I’m Chair of the Philosophy Department”
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velconx15 · 4 months
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🚀 People trying to blame Iran for this measured and calculated “escalation” conveniently ignore the facts. The real question is why are the UK and US so quick to condemn Iran for its attacks tonight, but so unwilling to condemn the Israeli attack on Iran’s embassy in Syria?
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velconx15 · 4 months
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velconx15 · 4 months
Sadly I see less people talking about this, at least what I am seeing. The war hasn’t stopped! Keep spreading awareness!
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Palestine will be free! 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Here are ways to help, if you can’t donate help spread awareness to those that can
If you’re a zionist you can gladly unfollow and block me right now
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velconx15 · 5 months
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Brave little 13 y.o. Alma, saying "Save everyone else and help me last!" when she came out from under the rubble it broke my heart to see her and her precious ribbon
please watch her video till the end, she's only 1 out of thousands of children
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velconx15 · 5 months
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Rafah is under attack!!
Rafah is the last 'Safe Area Zone' in Palestine and it's being bombed currently
twitter thread to explain what's going on
Do your daily click for Palestine!
Donate to CareForGaza if you can!
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427 notes · View notes
velconx15 · 5 months
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