velmaaguilar · 5 years
Is Your Website Accessible?
Making your website easy to use and accessible for everyone is crucial not only from a marketing standpoint but also as a way to meet online standards. New rules for accessibility known as WCAG 2.0 are approved by top web developers and the guidelines can help you ensure that your site is up to date. Understanding accessibility standards and how to meet those requirements is critical to create the best possible user experience.
Websites need to be accessible for everyone, especially for those with disabilities. The WCAG 2.0 presents guidelines on how to present web content that will be easy for everyone to use. Having an accessible website is not only beneficial for your brand but it will help you stay compliant with ADA standards and avoid a potential lawsuit.
You can make your website more accessible through certain tactics such as more description alt tags for graphics and audio descriptions of videos to help those with vision problems. Closed captions are also very important for all of your videos so they can be accessible to the hearing-impaired. Other tactics such as text descriptions for hyperlinks, html tags to describe forms and controls and text-based formats for documents can help make your site accessible through audio.
For all aspects of your website you need to consider how to make it accessible those using screen reader software programs. Adding descriptions of images, links and buttons will mean that the visually impaired will be aware of all the information contained on your site. Using text for all audio and captions for video can ensure that no one will miss out on any of your content.
An accessible website not only keeps you within legal standards it is also very positive for your brand and allows more users to take advantage of your site.
The post Is Your Website Accessible? appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/is-your-website-accessible/
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velmaaguilar · 5 years
The Top Instagram Bots for Gaining Followers in 2019
Once a new year starts, many opportunities rise and shine as well. In the social media world, where Instagram bots which help you gather more Instagram followers are one of the most useful tools, everything is possible. The good news is that, unlike 2018, which has been a rather turbulent year for the Instagram bot industry, 2019 seems a more prolific year for Instagram lovers out there. Check out our top Instagram bots for gaining followers in 2019 and choose the one that suits your needs best.
The Top Instagram Bots for Gaining Followers in 2019
1. Social Steeze
You get the chance to grow your account with this amazing Instagram bot called Social Steeze. You might really like this one, as it is one of the few tools which do not rely on buying your followers, but build your audience through their engagement service. It might not be the fastest way to reach a huge audience at once, but it is definitely steady. Affordable, trustworthy and reliable, this tool will allow you to create genuine marketing for your page.
2. LikeSocial
Another useful tool is LikeSocial- a great option if you are in a hurry to gather as much audience as possible fast and easily. If you’re not among the ones patient enough to brand up slowly and want fast results, this might be the perfect tool for you. Not only will you obtain fast followers, but you will also receive likes, which is desirable if you want to become popular and get fast engagement. You can also enjoy automatic views of your Instagram, all these packed atractively at a fair price.
3. Follow Adder
Instagram lovers say that Follow Adder is currently the best Instagram bot on the market. In some respect, they might be right, as this bot has the ability to manage both Youtube and Instagram accounts and we all know how important these are if you want to be an influencer. It saves time while engaging with relevant pages and searching hashtags associated with your page and because of these and a lot more, you will not be able to resist purchasing it.
4. RiseSocial
Another way yo gain followers easily is by using RiseSocial. As the name already suggests it, this Instagram growth service will provide you the right help as to be able to manage your page better and enjoy popularity faster- all these at a rather fair price
5. FollowingLike
This one might not be the best bot on the market, but it’s for sure useful. Flexible and smart, it allow you to manage multiple social media accounts at once: Instagram, Tumbler, Twitter, Pinterest are only some of them. Enriched with many features, this bot was designed to make your page more popular over night and help you promote your services faster and successfully.
With such great help offered by Instagram bots, you do not have to worry about anything regarding your popularity. It’s all set to go well if you choose the one adapted to your needs and wishes.
 The post The Top Instagram Bots for Gaining Followers in 2019 appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/top-instagram-bots-2019/
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velmaaguilar · 5 years
Do-It-Your-Self UX Site Audit
At some point, every business needs to do a UX audit of their site to make sure that everything is running properly and resolve any issues that come up. Although an audit might seem expensive and time-consuming, it is actually possible to take care of it yourself and minimize the amount of money and time you spend on the process. Audits can be an important aspect of website upkeep and also a quick way to increase efficiency that can ultimately lead to more sales.
A UX audit is basically an assessment of your business’ website and helps determine if there are any flaws on it that will affect the user experience. Before starting an audit it can be helpful to consider the purpose of the website and what you hope to achieve. Knowing what your goal is can help pinpoint problems that might be preventing your website from serving its overall purpose.
To perform the audit you can ask someone outside of the company to browse the site and follow a few guidelines so that you have an unbiased view of what a typical customer might see. The person performing the audit can click through to each page and view each part for at least five seconds. They can then decide whether they feel the site is inviting, user friendly and clear enough for the shopper to understand what they sell and how to buy their products.
You can also provide the auditor with a list of scenarios to help you figure out how easy it is for users to find specific parts of your website and perform tasks. If there is any missing information or if load time is too slow, these will be issues you need to fix to improve usability. A DIY UX audit can be an easy and more affordable way to gain valuable information so that you can resolve problems on your website and create a better experience for users.
The post Do-It-Your-Self UX Site Audit appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/do-it-your-self-ux-site-audit/
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velmaaguilar · 5 years
What You Should be Doing on LinkedIn
 LinkedIn can be a powerful tool to network, reach a highly targeted audience and get people familiar with your brand. For most marketers, their LinkedIn strategy may not be as up to date as their other social media campaigns on Facebook or Instagram. Although you might focus more of your energy on other platforms, spending time growing your network on LinkedIn can be a great outlet for reaching more users.
In order to have a growing audience on LinkedIn you need to maintain your presence on the site instead of updating it only occasionally. Creating a consistent posting schedule of at least once a month can help increase followers six times faster. Once you have a substantial following you will get a significant amount of more page views from your existing followers and are more likely to see increased engagement.
LinkedIn is all about networking and connecting with other people in similar industries. The same applies for businesses that are using LinkedIn for marketing. To connect with more people and increase followers you should start joining groups and engaging with others on LinkedIn. You can answer people’s questions or collaborate with people so that they get to know a little about your company and what you do.
You should also make sure to revamp your profile and keep it up to date in case it was something you created some time ago. Use catchy headlines and descriptions that showcase your brand while making it clear right away what you can offer. A completed profile with a brand logo will make your page seem more legitimate and professional for people that are discovering you for the first time.
The most important part of LinkedIn is simply staying involved, continuing to post and engaging with people as often as possible.
The post What You Should be Doing on LinkedIn appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/linkedin-network/
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velmaaguilar · 5 years
Quick SEO Tips for Videos
 are turning more and more to video content to reach their audiences online because people consume videos more than any other type of content. If you are creating YouTube videos but are not able to get your content to show up in a search engine then certain SEO strategies can help improve your rank. Using SEO for videos can help grow your channel and increase views for your YouTube content.
Using Keyword Research– Knowing the right keywords to use can help you reach more people and get your video seen. You can start by making a long list of potential keywords and finding out which ones appear the most in YouTube’s suggest feature. Suggested keywords are the ones that people type most often into YouTube so they can be especially useful for SEO.
Create Quality Content with High Retention- Getting your website to rank better means having viewers who tend to watch the video all the way through. Audience retention should be as close to 100 percent as possible in order to have your video show up in YouTube search results. Your videos should contain useful information or remain entertaining throughout the whole clip so that viewers are more likely to watch until the end.
Include Keywords in Video Content and Titles- When you have an idea of which keywords will be the most effective it can be helpful to actually say those keywords in your video. YouTube will recognize the words in the audio and incorporate that into their ranking. Also make sure to use keywords in the title of the video and the description to get an even bigger boost in your rank.
Creating good quality YouTube content with the right keywords is the best way to get better ranking and more consistent views for your videos online.
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source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/quick-seo-tips-for-videos/
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velmaaguilar · 5 years
Copywriting Tips for 2019 Online Marketing
With all of your marketing efforts through social media, SEO, and other strategies one of the most important things to focus on is having great content. Writing high quality content that people find interesting, relevant and useful to them will naturally help boost your marketing campaigns. Copywriting that works most effectively will be both appealing to the reader and help you rank well for search engine bots.
One key element for copywriting is knowing your audience and the type of content that they will want to read. Thinking about your audience helps you come up with the right topics, tone and subject matter that will be something that resonates completely with them. Consider your audiences goals, desires, fears and the things they want to learn to improve their lives.
You should also try to create engaging and attention grabbing headlines and introductions that will keep your audience reading. Certain phrases may work to get people interested or make them feel compelled to read such as “reasons why”, “things you need to know” etc. Your introduction should also help convince them that you are going to answer their questions and give them the information they need if they keep reading.
The visual appearance of your content can also have an impact on readers and prevent them from clicking away. Breaking up content into smaller sections or adding bullet points and lists can make things appear more readable and less dense to those who are skimming for information. Adding certain media like photos, videos and gifs can also make your content look more appealing and engaging to readers.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that your content needs to provide some real information. Readers who are searching the internet for answers will want to engage with content that meets their needs and addresses their questions directly.
The post Copywriting Tips for 2019 Online Marketing appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/copywriting-tips-for-2019-online-marketing/
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velmaaguilar · 5 years
Reddit Drives Huge Traffic- Are You On It?
Most marketers focus their energy on apps like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat but they may not be familiar with other platforms that are quickly growing in popularity. Sites like Reddit are becoming more important for the online community as users consume hours of content on the app. Reddit can seem different and confusing at first for marketers who have never used it before but it can be great for highly targeted content to reach a bigger audience.
Reddit is a highly customized experience created by a very engaged online community but marketers haven’t yet fully embraced its potential. Businesses that are able to become part of the community and add value to it will start to see major benefits including increased traffic, a more recognizable brand, a way to showcase and test new products, and being able to reach your audience based on their interests. The customization on Reddit can help you connect to a niche audience and reach the people who will be the most interested in buying your products.
A recent report revealed the extensive reach of Reddit which has grown rapidly to reach around 1.4 billion views per month. The platform was recently redesigned which also helped increase video views, posts and engagement with users. After all of this growth, Reddit is now the number 3 site in the U.S. and number 7 globally.
Engaging with people on Reddit can lead to new followers and a major traffic increase to both your Reddit page and your company’s website. Reddit users like to engage with posts and interact with the things that interest them. If your company creates relevant and interesting content then you can start to see huge increases in your engagement, overall traffic and sales through your web page.
The post Reddit Drives Huge Traffic- Are You On It? appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/reddit-drives-huge-traffic/
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velmaaguilar · 5 years
5 Reasons Your Google Ads Aren’t Getting Results
With paid ads most marketers expect guaranteed results but unfortunately this isn’t always the case. Some businesses struggle with low conversion rates from their Google Ads or their ad doesn’t show up in search results because they made a simple mistake. Drivings sales with paids ads isn’t always a simple fix but there are ways to make sure you get more results from Google ads.
1. Disapproved Ads or Keywords Once you create a Google ad, it goes through an approval process before it becomes active. Many businesses are not aware that their ads have been disapproved or have limited approval because of some issue with Google’s advertising policies.
2. Poor Ad Scheduling If you don’t set a specific schedule for your Ad to run it can automatically run at all hours of the day which usually leads to low impressions. Targeting your ads at the right time of day can ensure that your audience is seeing them when they are more likely to be searching.
3. Poor Location Targeting If you haven’t set up your location targeting properly you may be getting low results or your ads may not even show. Your targeting should not be too narrow but it needs to be set to where your target audience is searching.
4. Your Landing Page Doesn’t Match If your ads are showing but you have low conversion rates it could be due to your landing page. When customers click on the ad they need to be directed to a landing page that matches the specific keywords.
5. Negative Keywords or Low Bids Marketers creating negative keyword lists often will accidentally match negative keywords with targeted keywords which prevents the ad from running. Keyword bids that are too low can also mean the ad won’t run.
The post 5 Reasons Your Google Ads Aren’t Getting Results appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/5-reasons-your-google-ads-arent-getting-results/
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velmaaguilar · 5 years
What are Your Content KPIs?
Marketers need to be able to create quality content that not only reflects their brand well but also gets real results. It is important to be able to measure the success of your content through your KPIs or key performance indicators. Having KPIs in place will give you some measurable values of how effectively your company is achieving your top objectives in marketing campaigns.
Establishing KPIs starts with clearly defining what your business goals are on a strategic and logistical level. When you have a list of goals it can help you consider how certain metrics or KPIs tie into that goal and how much your performance should reflect your success. You should be able to keep track of your business goals and KPIs so that you know the scope of your marketing campaign.
When you consider KPIs for your marketing campaign you can choose different metrics that you think will best determine the results of your content. They could include measurable changes such as traffic volume, engagement, content effectiveness or resolving audience needs. If one of your business goals is to reach more people, then traffic volume and engagement will be important KPIs to track with your content.
Using analytics to measure KPIs will be crucial throughout the course of your marketing campaign. As you receive data from your content you can be creative in translating it so that you are able to apply your insights in different ways to adjust and improve your content. KPIs can help you come up with new ideas to create content that you think will get better results.
The most important thing about KPIs is to take action and use them as a way to make progress in your marketing so that you are able to reach more goals with the content you create.
The post What are Your Content KPIs? appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/what-are-your-content-kpis/
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velmaaguilar · 5 years
Can You Still Get Organic Reach on Facebook?
Anyone managing a Facebook business page may have noticed the drop in views, interaction and organic reach in general. It can be more difficult to reach people through organic posts on Facebook now since Ad content has dramatically increased and made the news feed more competitive. Marketers may struggle to get any engagement on their organic posts due to the sheer volume of content being published on Facebook from other businesses.
Facebook has also recently changed its news feed algorithm which has caused an even greater drop in organic reach for many marketers. The platform made a change to shift the algorithm so that users would see more posts from their family and friends rather than businesses. In spite of these changes, it is still possible to see some valuable reach from your organic posts if you are careful about the type of content you publish and when.
Understanding the different factors that come into play when Facebook ranks certain posts above others can help you generate content that will show up in people’s news feeds. For example, Facebook ranks live videos higher in the news feed and videos with higher watch and completion rates. It also ranks based on certain words that indicate important events such as “congratulations”.
Familiarizing yourself with how Facebook’s new algorithm works can help you choose the type of content that is more likely to be seen. Your organic posts that facilitate more interaction and incorporate video will have a greater reach than other types of posts. Content should be infrequent and highly targeted in order to get more of a response.
Ultimately, marketers need to get smarter about the way that they post rather than publishing as much content as possible. They will also need to balance plenty of paid content with their organic posts to continue to expand their customer base.  
The post Can You Still Get Organic Reach on Facebook? appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/organic-reach-on-facebook/
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velmaaguilar · 6 years
Dealing with Fake Reviews
Small businesses often have to deal with annoyance of reviews on their Google business page, Yelp or other site that are fake, negative reviews with low ratings. When someone owns a small company it can be obvious to them when someone writes a review that was not a client. Random people on the internet, disgruntled employees or other competitors may make fake profiles simply to post negative reviews of a business that they have had no interaction with.
Unfortunately it can be a bit challenging to prove to Google that those reviews are not valid in order to have them removed. You will need to carefully monitor your reviews and be able to make a case as to why they aren’t valid. Even though you may know for certain that these people were never customers, you need to be able to show Google, Yelp, Facebook or other websites that these profiles are fake and not legitimate complaints.
If the reviews don’t comply with community standards, the reviewer has a clear conflict of interest, they included profane language or if they are impersonating someone else then the website might remove them. There is no guarantee that the review will be removed but it can be worth trying to contact the website if you know for certain that the review is false. If you can’t get it removed, sometimes it can be helpful to write a response to the review and address their complaints politely so that other users can see both sides of the situation.
If negative reviews are a problem, often the best way to combat them is to work to attract more positive reviews so that they negative ones are less noticeable. Getting more consistently positive reviews on the page will eventually make the negative ones seem questionable to users.
The post Dealing with Fake Reviews appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/dealing-with-fake-reviews/
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velmaaguilar · 6 years
What is Brand Bidding?
Companies involved in pay per click advertising may be familiar with the term brand bidding for certain search terms. Brand bidding means that marketers who are purchasing ads for search terms on Google bid on the brand terms of a third party. Essentially it means that your company’s website will appear when the user searches for a bigger brand name.
The concept behind brand bidding is that smaller, less known companies can get more traffic by being associated with more popular brands in the same industry. If a small, local shoe company bids on brand terms like “Nike”, for example, then their website will appear in search results and users might click on it during their search. The goal in brand bidding is diverting user attention to choose or at least become more familiar with a similar brand to the one they are searching.
Certain brands may not authorize other companies to bid on their brand name and only allow a group of affiliates to bid so that traffic is directed to approved pages. This can help block out certain bidders which may divert traffic away from them with their brand bidding practices. Technically brand bidding is allowed by Google and some companies have to be very vigilant to prevent it from affecting their traffic.
For the companies that allow brand bidding or simply ignore it, smaller brands can take advantage of using their notoriety to get better results from pay per click advertising. Bidding on specific brand names can result in a higher rank and more traffic overall. Most importantly, there is little risk involved since you only pay when users click through to your website.
Brand bidding may be threatening to some bigger brands but it can prove beneficial for unknown brands that want to increase their visibility.
The post What is Brand Bidding? appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/what-is-brand-bidding/
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velmaaguilar · 6 years
4 Old SEO Tactics that Will Retain Their Value in 2019
2019 is on top of us,and everything is bragging about the changes it will bring. The story is no different when it comes to the online marketplace, especially SEO.
But apart from the changes, its time we discuss some tried and tested methods that will retain their relevance this year as well. So, following we will discuss some old SEO tactics, you shouldn’t leave behind.
1. Featured Snippet
The new year will bring its changes, but you can’t overlook some proven tactics. Featured Snippets will remain strong in the upcoming year as well. These are the condensed clips of information where are placed on top of SERP.
These provide search engine users with a summary of content along with the link to their website. They take more than 10% of organic traffic. This is why you must curate your content accordingly.
There ware more likely the short answer to long tail searches. If done right, they have a major and positive impact on your reader’s user experience. The search engine users are tempted to lookright for their snippets instead of below results. You need to benefit from this by carefully putting together your data and content. It helps to keep your content to the point.
2. Mobile
For years, we have been seeing Mobileoptimization in new year SEO trends. We hate to admit that 2019 will be no different. Yes, there are some major changes introduced in the marketplace, and you must accommodate them if you want to stay in the picture.
Mobile search has surpasseddesktop search, and Voice Base search will take it to new heights. Google has already made a big move with Google Search along with every other brand introduce their own assistant recently. But we expect the mobile search trend will reach new limits this year and it will be a major factor that will help your sites rank. Scottsdale SEO expert insists on implement a new strategy that will accommodate voice search.
3. Quality Content is Still Important
This is an age-old story; the quality of your content remains on top. If you want to succeed online, then you must make qualitative and relevant content, just avoid oversaturation of it. The fact is, people are selective about what they read, watch and explore.
Therefore, its imperative that you invest time and effort in your content. 2019 will be the year when we will see major implementations in Voice search, AI, personalized search and others. So, take them into account if you want to navigate through competitive waters.
4. Internal Links
Once you create good content, you will need to promote it. Therefore, you must link your content internally to other pages of your site. This means you will have to edit some old posts to include new links.
As you take care of that, you will have to focus on external links. These are the links you get from other websites. Google relies on external links to determine how good your post is. This makes sense as link building is important to rank higher.
The post 4 Old SEO Tactics that Will Retain Their Value in 2019 appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/4-old-seo-tactics-to-use-in-2019/
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velmaaguilar · 6 years
Basic YouTube SEO Optimization
Most businesses have begun to realize how crucial it is to use YouTube as part of a media marketing campaign. In addition to making lots of great video content, incorporating some optimization techniques can make your YouTube videos more effective through greater visibility in a search. SEO strategies can help ensure that your video comes up first, not only in a YouTube search but also through Google and other search engines.
YouTube allows users to manually add their own title, description and tags to make it easier for people to find your content. The first step in optimizing your video is using these options to your advantage so that you increase your visibility through the right keywords. You can use lots of keywords research to make sure you are adding the right terms that focus on user intent and make it more likely for them to find you.
Tags are important because they add keywords to your video and help classify the content. Make sure to only use relevant tags and avoid simply adding popular tags to make your video more visible. Picking the right thumbnail can also be helpful in appealing to users so make sure to pick an interesting image that shows your content is exactly what they are looking for.
Other advanced settings can also help improve visibility such as allowing embedding of your video. If your video can be embedded it means anyone can add it to their website which increases the rate at which it will be shared and viewed. Videos can also include a call to action so that the viewer can continue by clicking through to your website or other content you have created.
Part of optimizing means distributing your content as much as possible so that you can increase views and extend your reach. Make sure to share your videos on all social media to get better results.
The post Basic YouTube SEO Optimization appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/basic-youtube-seo-optimization/
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velmaaguilar · 6 years
Slack VS 5 Alternatives
Many modern businesses enjoy the benefits of using a messaging service like Slack in order to chat and collaborate with coworkers. However, Slack isn’t the only option for this type of communication tool and some are turning to alternatives to help facilitate workforce interaction. Here are some of the best alternatives to Slack.
1. Fleep This communication tool is useful in its integration of email as part of its features instead of trying to replace it completely. Users can chat through their email inbox using Fleep and still use the regular email format to communicate.
2. Google Hangouts Although it is not a free service like Slack, Google hangouts but it is an effective tool for sending direct messages and communicating with coworkers. Google Hangouts uses “rooms” as thread based conversations for people to collaborate on projects or ideas.
3. Workplace by Facebook While Facebook isn’t a traditional platform to use at work, it actually has tools available for collaboration so that a team can live chat even with other companies. Chatting with outside companies can minimize some of the issues that come up with more traditional email conversations.
4. Microsoft Teams As part of the Microsoft Office 365 tools, teams allows companies to use instant chats, audio/video calls and other features. Microsoft teams is mainly used in larger enterprise companies but smaller companies can use the free version of the tool if they don’t have a Microsoft plan.
5. Stride Many people use Stride as a free version of group chat, video conferencing and other built-in collaboration tools. It has unique features to increase productivity such as isolating and saving specific tasks from conversations.
While Slack may be the most well-known workplace chat tool, there are plenty of equally useful alternatives that make it easier for coworkers to collaborate and share ideas.
The post Slack VS 5 Alternatives appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/slack-alternatives/
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velmaaguilar · 6 years
Best Social Media Analytic and Reporting Tools
Any time you work on a social media marketing campaign, it is crucial to utilize analytics tools. Having good analytic and reporting tools is a way for businesses to evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns. Reviewing and paying close attention to analytics makes it possible to adjust social media campaigns until they get the kind of results you are looking for.
Finding the right analytics tool for your business means being aware of the most popular tools that have proven effective for many different kinds of companies. One of the biggest and most utilized tools is Google Analytics for both the performance of your website and your social media campaigns. Google Analytics allows you to see which platforms, specific posts or advertisements brought more people to your site.
Another great analytics and reporting tool is through Brand24 which is created specifically for web and social media monitoring. Brand24 is a paid tool that helps you analyze the performance of keywords on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. You can also track engagement, influence, hashtags and other important aspects of your social media campaign.
One of the best social media monitoring tools is Cyfe which allows businesses to sync up data from many different kinds of marketing campaigns. Cyfe is especially powerful because it has multiple dashboards and integrations so that you can analyze many sets of data. It is useful not only for social media campaigns but also other marketing tactics like email, SEO, and online advertisements.
There are many analytic tools that can make it easier to keep track of your social media campaigns and look at data from your platforms to determine their effectiveness. Exploring different options can help you make sure that you choose the right tool for your business’ specific needs.  
The post Best Social Media Analytic and Reporting Tools appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/social-media-analytic-tools/
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velmaaguilar · 6 years
Instagram Shopping 101
Since Instagram added shopping options to the newsfeed and more recently to the stories feature, more businesses are finding ways to showcase their products to potential customers. Shopping posts appear as sponsored ads as users scroll through their Instagram account or when they are watching a series of stories. Instagram shopping posts allow you to tag products so that customers can click through to your website where they can purchase the specific item you are advertising.
In order to use Instagram shopping you simply need to set up a business profile in Instagram and add a shop section through your Facebook business page. Your Instagram account will then be reviewed and approved so that you can have access to the shopping feature. Once the feature is available you can add product tags and stickers to your posts and Instagram stories.
The shopping feature is beneficial to both businesses and customers alike because it allows brands to increase their visibility while helping shoppers find the products they will love. Businesses can provide appealing images of their products and tag up to five products per photo or video. With Instagram stories you can add one product sticker per story with colorful text that users can tap on to see more details about the item.
Instagram may also add a shopping channel on the Explore page which will allow users to browse through multiple brands and products based on their interests. People will be able to discover new businesses as companies also will be able to expand their reach to a bigger audience. The shopping feature overall is a way for people to view products that they might not have found on their own.
Using Instagram shopping is crucial for both small businesses and larger companies that want to reach people where they spend the most time online.
The post Instagram Shopping 101 appeared first on SEM Blog & News - SEO, PPC, Social, Marketing & More.
source https://www.emarketed.com/blog/instagram-shopping-101/
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