ven-aamoris · 2 years
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cat, chem & coffee = happiness
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ven-aamoris · 2 years
Things 4th year students know that 1st year students would stress out less if they know:
Sometimes you need to skip a class. For mental health reasons. To finish projects. To take a break and recharge. It's fine, you can skip that class and nothing bad will happen.
It's okay to occasionally hand something in late, especially if it's a small project. You won't flunk out because you're 5% class reflection was a day or two late.
Talk to your profs!!! They want to hear from you! Go to office hours. Ask your questions. Go over assignments you don't understand before you do them, or assignments you didn't do that great on when you want to improve.
And if you're comfortable doing so, tell them when and how you're struggling. Not every prof will be understanding, but a majority of mine have. More often than not, when I talk to my profs about how ADHD is making it hard to get things done, they help me work out a plan to make it happen, and adjust deadlines accordingly.
Go see your tutors. At least in Canada, universities have free tutoring services for their students. If you're struggling with content, see a tutor. If you want to write better papers, see a tutor. Even if you're a good writer, we can help you get better at it.
Apply for scholarships/bursaries. Even if you're not starving. Even if you're grades aren't great. The funding is there anyway, if no one claims it it just sits there being useless.
Sleep is as important as studying. For God's sake get some.
A's are not mandatory. Only a handful of students actually get them. You will still graduate and have your degree if you never get an A.
And this might be the most important one: FIND YOUR PEOPLE! Whether it's the club for your field, or a sports team, or a pride center, or even if it's just a bunch of other people who hang out in the lounge that has the foosball table. You can't do this alone. If you constantly feel like an outsider everything is much harder. Find a community, or a club, or a cause where you feel at home and you can be yourself.
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ven-aamoris · 2 years
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april 6th 2022
hey there - i've been so busy lately that i haven't had time to unwind and to relax. fourth year has been exhausting to say the least (and it's only the first semester)
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ven-aamoris · 2 years
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Friday ! It was!
a hectic day, yet productive. I'll continue with my bio now. And I guess I'll wake up early tomorrow.
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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absolutely looking forward to caring about nothing but this book for the next several days. also — filter coffee.
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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feels like i haven't posted on here in ages! but a very late happy new year guys, i hope 2022 treats us with a bit more kindness.
here are some of the highlights from my trip to london, god how i wish i could live in the inner skirts of london forever </3
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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katyluise via instagram
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
Kafka’s message to his lover Milena:
“… you understand! , You can not stay by my side for two days … I’m loose, I’m crawling on the ground. I, silent all the time, introverted, gloomy, grumbling, selfish and black. Will you take the life of monasticism, as I have! I spend most of the time in my room or in the alleyways alone. Would you be patient to live far from your parents and friends and even from any other relationship, as long as I can not imagine collective life in a different way? I do not want your torment, Milena get out of this cursed ring that imprisoned you, when I blind love! .. ”
His beloved Milena replied:
“And if you are just a corpse in the world … I love you”
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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but please, let me escape.
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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Space Erik Olson
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
My new setup. View over a lake, rainy day, black coffee
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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The Passion According to G.H., Clarice Lispector
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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I've been studying non stop this past few days because exam season is coming for me and I'm not ready (like at all).
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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Susan Sontag, from As Consciousness is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks, 1964-1980
Text ID: —to fill myself up. I always feel like I’m eating when I’m reading. And the need to read (etc. etc.) is like an awful raging hunger. So that I often try to read two or three books at a time.
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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the blueprint
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ven-aamoris · 3 years
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aftermath of my first exam of the week - jan 2022
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