Accounts Training Online
Accounting course descriptions
Accounts Training Online  Notwithstanding meeting with your guide all through your time at Tippie, you'll additionally utilize the course arranging worksheet—it will enable you to comprehend what courses you have to take for your major, and also enable you to arrange for when you'll take them. Plan your course plan with the worksheet and read about the courses you'll be taking underneath.
ACTG 210. Prologue to Financial Accounting. 3 hours.
Ideas and guidelines hidden the planning and examination of outer reports; elective impacts and part of bookkeeping in the business condition and capital markets. Course Information: Previously recorded as ACTG 110. Broad PC utilize required. Understudies from different divisions and schools can agree to accept this course at the Accounting Department website page www.business.uic.edu. Expansive segments are equipped towards clients of budgetary information while little areas are for preparers of money related data and in addition for Accounting majors just to enable them to pass ACTG 315. Prerequisite(s): Non-CBA understudies must have a UIC GPA of 2.5 or higher. Class Schedule Information: During fall and spring terms, consolidated area last, most decisive test will be hung on Monday of finals week from 6 to 8 p.m.
ACTG 211. Prologue to Managerial Accounting. 3 hours.
Accounting Course  Administration arranging and control; cost ideas and estimation; cost bookkeeping frameworks; investigation of cost and volume-benefit connections; standard expenses and changes; and spending readiness. Course Information: Previously recorded as ACTG 111. Broad PC utilize required. Expansive segments are outfitted towards clients of budgetary data while little segments are for preparers of money related information and in addition for Accounting majors just to enable them to pass ACTG 315. Prerequisite(s): ACTG 210. Bookkeeping majors require a review of C or better in ACTG 210. Non-CBA understudies must have a UIC GPA of 2.5 or higher. Class Schedule Information: During fall and spring terms, joined area last test of the year will be hung on Tuesday of finals week from 6 to 8 p.m.
ACTG 315. Middle Financial Accounting I. 3 hours.
Hypothesis and guidelines identified with resource valuation, income acknowledgment, pick up and misfortune acknowledgment, and their effect on wage estimation and budgetary position. Course Information: For attractive advance in the Accounting significant, understudies must get a review of C or better in ACTG 315. ACTG 315 might be rehashed just once. Exchange credit from another College or University is not acknowledged for ACTG 315. Prerequisite(s): Average review of B or higher in ACTG 210 and ACTG 211 with both taken at UIC; or a review of C or better in both ACTG 210 or identical and ACTG 211 or comparable and a passing evaluation in the Accounting Placement Exam (APE). Enrollment for this course is just through Department of Accounting site. Data on APE is likewise accessible there.
ACTG 316. Middle of the road Financial Accounting II. 3 hours.
Chosen subjects in bookkeeping and budgetary detailing including: income explanations, wage charges, long haul obligation and leases, ventures, subsidiary securities, and possibilities and worker retirement advantages and investors' value. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C in ACTG 315.
ACTG 326. Cost Accounting. 3 hours.
Outline of cost bookkeeping frameworks; exchange costing techniques; costing for basic leadership; planning and execution assessment. Course Information: Extensive PC utilize required. For tasteful advance in the Accounting real, understudies must get a C or better in ACTG 326. ACTG 326 might be rehashed just once. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in ACTG 210 and grade of C or better in ACTG 211.
ACTG 355. Business Law I: Commercial Transactions. 3 hours.
Business exchanges including: contracts, offers of products, debatable instruments, and secured exchanges. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): A passing evaluation in ACTG 211 or the equal.
ACTG 394. Extraordinary Topics in Accounting - Undergraduate. 3 hours.
Researches chose contemporary bookkeeping points utilizing readings in both scholastic and expert diaries and in addition cases for examination. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): A passing evaluation in both ACTG 316 and ACTG 326.
ACTG 396. Autonomous Study in Accounting - Undergraduate. 1-3 hours.
Autonomous investigation in affirmed points; composed report arranged under the direction of an employee is required. Course Information: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in ACTG 316; and Grade of C or better in ACTG 326; and presentation of a noteworthy and accommodation of type of endorsement to the division head one week before the start of the semester.
ACTG 417. Progressed Financial Accounting. 3 or 4 hours.
Money related bookkeeping hypothesis for business mixes, solidified budgetary proclamations, global exchanges and speculations, and association bookkeeping. Course Information: 3 undergrad hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): Grade of D or better in ACTG 316.
ACTG 435. Reviewing. 3 or 4 hours.
Prologue to the review work; moral and legitimate condition; review guidelines; destinations and systems; materiality and review hazard; inspecting; examining in a PC situation; announcing. Course Information: 3 undergrad hours. 4 graduate hours. Broad PC utilize required. Prerequisite(s): Grade of D or better in ACTG 316.
ACTG 445. Government Income Tax I. 3 or 4 hours.
Ideas and arrangements of government pay tax collection as pertinent to singular citizens, associations, people and trusts. Course Information: 3 undergrad hours. 4 graduate hours. Credit is not given for ACTG 445 if the understudy has credit for ACTG 508. Broad PC utilize required. Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in ACTG 315.
ACTG 446. Government Income Tax II. 3 or 4 hours.
Ideas and arrangements of government salary tax collection on enterprises and organizations; uncommon issues in redesign, liquidations, and individual holding organizations. Course Information: 3 undergrad hours. 4 graduate hours. Broad PC utilize required. Prerequisite(s): A passing evaluation in ACTG 445 or the proportional.
ACTG 456. Business Law II: Business Organizations. 3 or 4 hours.
Business organizaions, including: office, general organizations, restricted associations, partnerships, constrained obligation organizations, securities directions, chapter 11, suretyship, bailments, genuine property, wills and trusts, bookkeeping risk. Course Information: 3 undergrad hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): A passing evaluation in ACTG 355 or the proportional.
ACTG 465. Administrative and Non-Profit Accounting. 3 or 4 hours.
Monetary exchange examination and recording framework; spending planning and control; ideas and standards hidden the money related reports of administrative and non-benefit associations. Course Information: 3 undergrad hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): A passing evaluation in ACTG 316.
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