vennycreations · 4 years
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The Big Bad Wolf isn't actually bad. He's actually a super cool guy. And he didn't meet her when she was eight. He met her when she was eighteen. He was freshly twenty one and very nervous about his secret of being a werewolf would get out. There tends to be a stigma about werewolves in the fairytale community. People tend to be scared of them. Not Blanchette, or as she's more commonly known, Little Red Riding Hood. Actually, Briggs originally nicknamed her that when he ran into her on the edge of town. he was playing his fiddle that he likes to play to calm himself down and she walked up and commented on how pretty it was. Horrified that an actual person was talking to him, he seemed weird and strange, but Blanchette, not having ANY boundaries or sense of self-preservation just kept on talking to him and soon, he was comfortable around her. She had been going into the forest to visit her grandparents, who were a King and Queen. She asked him to accompany her and he gladly did. The rest is history. When he told her he was a werewolf, he was so nervous, but turns out she had known since she had met him. "It's easy to tell who we are from everybody else. From the smell." Turns out they were both werewolves. (Blanchette actually comes from a royal lineage of people who are secretly werewolves.) ANYWAY ONTO THE KIDS
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forest Hood    Bio: Forest is a sarcastic dude that is kind of an antisocial shut-in due to obvious reasons. He has to keep the secret that his mother boinked the "Big Bad Wolf" and had two kids. The Queen Blanchette (aka Red) and King Briggs Wolf are known to be lovely humans and not werewolves. They keep their secret well and hope it will stay that way. Forest respects his family and ain't at all ashamed, but he has to keep the secret for his mother and father's well-being. Forest is always the smartest and most responsible person in the room and knows it, but he doesn't flaunt it the way Ambrosia does.    About Forest Hood:                ~The moon pin he wears is to keep a lot of his wolf features hidden.                ~He is the best secret keeper due to having to keep the secret of his own existence.                ~He loves music. He loves listening to it, playing it, and writing it.                ~He loves racing Gray in his free time as well. He and Gray are super close.                ~Forest is obsessed with sweet fizzy drinks like soda and bubbly water. He loves them. His favorite is Sprite.                ~Forest loves napping in sunny areas like a... cat?                ~Forest has super bad Enochlophobia (aka phobia of large crowds) and hates being in them. He has bad panic attacks when he is stuck in a crowd. He also hates loud noises accompanied by large crowds and will instantly become more sensitive to them in certain situations.
~ ~
Gray Wolf    Bio: Gray has a very chill, calm, go-with-the-flow personality and doesn't really seem to be a nervous guy. He freaks out on the inside. He is super scared about his parents secret getting out. He is the one who shows it the most, but no one knows who his mom or dad are. He's an open werewolf, but he is supposedly an orphan and not very well-liked around school. He doesn't mind though, because he has his bestest little brother to watch over and love.    About Gray Wolf:                ~Girls fall for the bad boy stereotype, so they fall head over heels for Gray. Gray really isn't a bad guy, though, and when the girls discover that, they drop him like a rock.                ~Charmant and Gray are secretly friends. Charmant will always try to hang with Gray in public or around school, but Gray knows Charmant will never be seen the same if he hangs out with him, so he avoids him like the plague when in public. When they're alone, they mess with each other and work out and toss a ball or frisbee around.                ~Gray loves messing around, but is toned down about it. He never wants to draw attention to himself.                ~Gray will tear anyone apart that messes with his brother. Someone was picking on his brother once and that's why everyone avoids him/hates him. Because he once beat up a kid. Beat up, meaning, clawed his face... Gray avoids people he isn't close to now...                ~He has a serious sweet tooth and he and Forest will find any soda and candy they can get their hands on and FEAST                ~Beloved once tried to befriend Gray, but Gray told her to fuck off because he doesn't want to hurt anybody, but Beloved will not give up. She hopes one day he'll chill out and realize how good they could be as friends. She secretly dislikes they way he is so callous in his rebuffing, but she never sees him with any friends so she wants to give him one so why not her? She hopes one day she'll break down his walls. Gray just wants her to leave him the fuck alone. He is also pretty jealous of Beloved and how cool and calm and chill she is, but he won't even tell Forest that.                ~When a werewolf gets riled up or angry they become dangerous. Gray does not have a moon pin so he has to stay calm or he will become volatile. This explains what happened when Gray attacked the boy that bullied Forest. He lost control and now he pushes people away (like Beloved and Charmant) because he doesn't want to hurt them.                ~Gray has Athazagoraphobia (aka the fear of being abandoned). He hates being alone and will freak out when he is. You will never see him alone and if you do, call help.                ~Gray really hates his tail being touched, so can you please not, like actually he hates it.                ~He is really a night owl and hates waking up early because of it.
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vennycreations · 4 years
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First Picture:
Grimhilde aka The Evil Queen and her daughter, Everly
Everly    Bio: Everly is a QUEEN at thinking of others, a strange trait if you know who her mother is. She vies to be a good person and not follow in her mothers footsteps. She wants to be a good person and not let her mother's decisions define her.    About Everly:        ~Her mother (who, yes, is permanently trapped in the mirror) always tries to sway Everly's decisions, but Everly aint havin that shit.        ~Everly stresses about how people percieve her, so she tries her best to seem friendly and outgoing, but it's really not her, she prefers to hang to the back, but that just makes everyone think she's plotting... but really she's thinking of what she and her best friend are going to do that day        ~Her best friend (previously mentioned) is Topanga, a half-cat, half-mage that is ALL fun! They bring each other out of their shells and are the only one that the other can be truly honest with. Everly is super in love with Topanga, but doesn't know if she likes her back        ~She knows Ambrosia, albiet faintly, and finds her flippancy with others feelings very cold, this startles Everly because Ambrosia is what everyone calls "the vision of perfection."        ~Everly can lose her temper very easily, so she tries to stay away from potentially angering or fearful situations for fear of scaring (or worse, hurting) somebody        ~She hates using her magic for fear she could bring something dark to wherever she is, she is convinced her magic is evil        ~Everly has claustrophobia because she lived with her mother in the mirror realm before her mother used the last of her own magic to free Everly (the mirror realm was quite small and dark and terrified the shit out of Everly)        ~Everly loves fruits, especially kiwi. She loves the sweetness of them and has actually become quite skilled at making with fruits
Second Picture:
Maleficent and her son, Bane.
Bane    Bio: Bane is gentle and kind, sensitive and thoughtful. He adores the caring nature of Maleficent and loves her like a true mother.    About Bane:        ~He is an animal whisperer. He can talk to all animals, big or small. And he LOOOVES ANIMALS.        ~Bane can turn into a dragon-like creature like Maleficent, but his has feathers in a lot of places.        ~His feathers have a mind of their own and poof up when he's excited or lying so he's a horrible liar.        ~He loves romance novels and is working on three of them at the moment. Maleficent is horrified, but reads them when he goes to sleep in the morning.        ~He was flying around one day, when he saw a princess peaking out of a tower in the middle of the night. He thought that was curious so he went to go ask if she was okay and they became best friends. He and Love are besties now        ~Bane is obsessed with the idea of love and hopes to find his own love one day. (He hopes it's Beloved Rose.)        ~Bane has a massive crush on Beloved Rose. He's hopeless.        ~Even with her questionable personality, Bane greatly enjoys the company of the one he calls "Mother." Maleficent cares deeply for only one creature and Bane is without a doubt her whole heart. He would give his life for Maleficent and she would give hers for him.        ~He hates fighting and all form of sports. He's not super athletic.
Third Picture:
Cheshire Cat and Matthew Hatterson (aka Mad Hatter) are the fabulous gay dads of their daughters Topanga and Jinx.
Topango Hatterson    Bio: Topanga is that "up for anything" type of friend. She's wild and crazy and super, duper wacky. She's got a sense of creativity that concerns everyone, even her dads, but she has a friendly heart.    About Topanga:        ~Like her sister and her father (Cheshire) she can turn into a cat at will.        ~She is the super-social best friend of Everly, so she helps her bestie break out of her shell when she can.        ~Topanga is one to forgive easily, but she never forgets. She has a memory like a steel trap. (She has a photographic memory x1000)        ~She loves making no sense to others. She loves to just speak jibberish with her sister and fathers and everyone is like "whatever its who they are"        ~Topanga looooves fashion, especially accessories (like hats)        ~Topanga hates Ambrosia (but she doesn't even know her she just knows that she makes Everly feel bad sometimes and Topanga don't roll with that)        ~Topanga is obsessed with tea, thanks to her darling father introducing it to her at a young age Jinx Cat    Bio: Jinx is a literal shit. She causes so much trouble and wreaks so much havoc, her parents need to reprimand her so much (but are secretly super proud lol)    About Jinx:        ~Just like her sister and father (Cheshire) she can turn into a cat at will.        ~She causes trouble all around the kingdom, but never intentionally puts her friends in danger. Intentionally.        ~She is blunt to a fault. She never hides the truth and hates lies, but sometimes this causes her to be a lil rude. She always apologizes profusely though. She never means to be rude.        ~Jinxx hhaaaaaaates the princesses. They just seem so snooty and uptight, live a little jeez.        ~Jinx's most fave person EVER is her poppa. Cat-Dad is best dad.        ~Jinx acts of her own free will, but inside, she knows everyones judging her and she hates it. It hurts.        ~She has a fear/hatred of unicorns and she doesn't know why.
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vennycreations · 4 years
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First Picture:
Queen Snow White, King Charming White, and their daughter, Princess Ambrosia White
Ambrosia Blossom White    Bio: Ambrosia is kind at heart and only has good intentions, though those intentions can come off as patronizing,she cares deeply for others, but can sometimes get lost in her own world and emotions and not think of others as easy, she loses her empathy very easily    About Ambrosia:        ~Ambrosia believes her destiny is to rule her kingdom with a strong hand and give new life to it. She believes she will make an amazing Queen.        ~She has a serious sweet tooth. It's an addiction. She will eat what she can whenever she can, if it has sugar in it. Though she is one of those girls that just "can't gain any weight cause my metabolism is insaaaane."        ~She loves meeting new people and being part of people's lives. She super open and friendly and can be irritatingly bubbly.        ~Ambrosia will avoid confrontation like the plague. She hates fighting and despises people not liking her. She doesn't bode well with negative emotions and frankly, she doesn't want to snap. She also greatly despises rude people, but will still attempt to be their friend because that's just the kind of person that Ambrosia is.        ~Ambrosia's favorite pastime is singing.        ~Ambrosia loves boys... one in particular...
Second Picture: 
Queen Aurora Rose, King Phillip Rose, and their daughter, Princess Beloved Rose.
Beloved "Love" Rena Rose    Bio: Love is a very fun and funny girl. She enjoys having a good time and being comfortable in your own skin. She thinks girls shouldn't be pressured to wear dresses and froofy clothing and should wear what they wish, hence her baggy sweaters and casual look.    About Love:        ~Love is a serious night owl and crazy insomniac. She has lot of trouble sleeping so she uses the time for preparing herself for the future. She doesn't think she could handle that kind of pressure of ruling the kingdom. However she underestimates herself in that department        ~Yes, she is wearing Heelys. Heelys are the dopest thing ever in her opinion. She never goes anywhere without hers. She also loves skating and is a goddess at it.        ~Because of her insomnia, she gets nightly visits from the nocturnal best friend she has named Bane. Bane is a kind soul that she connects with and they both love romance stories.        ~Love is also good friends with Topanga and Jinx, and although she thinks Jinx is a bit much, she greatly enjoys their company, especially Topanga. Topanga is so much fun to be around and has an infectious happiness that Love ADORES.        ~Love LOVES parties. Please invite her to all of them, she and Topanga will be the life of ANY party ANYWHERE        ~According to Sarah, Beloved has the "biggest dick energy" hmmm        ~Beloved is loved by all and adored world-wide. She loves knowing people and hates being disliked. She is like Ambrosia in this way.        ~Beloved is also second inline, alongside Hope, both watching Ambrosia and Charmant be the spotlights. They both don't mind, but Beloved always feels like the last resort, even behind Hope. She always feels the need to compete with Hope, but she hates it and feels bad for her emotions.        ~Beloved is the most prepared in every situation, but this stems from the fear of not being prepared enough and failing at any task she is given. She does not want to fall short in the eyes of her people.        ~she can literally pick up any instrument and in a few hours knows exactly how to play it. That’s always her little party trick
Third Picture:
Queen Cinderella Verre, King Henri Verre, and their children Princess Hope Verre and Charmant Verre
Charmant L'Amour Verre    Bio: Charmant is a kind boy, with kind intentions, though his vanity is a big part of his life. He doesn't like to judge people by anything other than true character.    About Charmant:       ~Charmant cannot wait for the day he becomes the next King. He wants so much to take on the responsibility and show the world what he can do.        ~He is very protective of his world and of his family. He knows there is not much he can for his sister to get her to chill, but he knows she can take care of herself just fine.        ~Even though he is vain, he has crippling self-worth. He wants to prove to a world that already adores that he can be great because sometimes he truly believes all he is is a pretty face with nothing behind it. He's super depressed...        ~He hates having to juggle a bunch of things at once, he's working on that because he knows he will be dealing with ten times what he juggles now as King        ~He realizes to be King he has to marry Ambrosia, and frankly, he's ready for that. He can't shake this feeling something is wrong with his decision to marry Ambrosia, but Ambrosia is very cordial and sweet to her future husband, so he tries to ignore that feeling in the back of his mind.        ~He loves riding horses. It's like his FAVORITE pastime        ~If he's not riding horses, he's working out Hope Maribeth Verre    Bio: Hope's goal in life is to protect others. She wants to build a big shield around the kingdom to protect them from everything. She has the biggest heart out of any of the new line of royalty.    About Hope:        ~Hope is a total butch lesbian        ~Hope is an amazing sword fighter and can take her brother anyday and lay him flat on the ground. That being said, her favorite pastime is fencing with her brother for fun.        ~Hope is SUUUUPEER competitive        ~Hope despises the idea of love, especially the "arranged marriage" kind of love. She doesn't know how her brother can stomach it.        ~If Hope feels her hair start to tough her shoulders, she will immediatley chop it off. She hates long hair, it gets in the way when she's working out, training, or sword fighting.        ~Hope avoids her own feelings like the plague. She's got some serious issues, but she represses the hell out of them. Real healthy there, Hope.        ~Despite not being super girly or liking girly things, she LOVES dresses and thinks they're dope as hell        ~Hope is a scaredy cat and can get scared at the drop of a hat, but she hides it pretty well
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Blackout, Stella Nova, and Twinkle Shine (our Bon Bon and Lyra kid) as Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod 
It’s a nursery rhyme
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Pucca art series
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Sarah’s is Night Fury and Elise’s is Spiderguy
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vennycreations · 4 years
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First Picture:
Chrysalis was scared. She had just lost all of her subjects and no longer had anything. All she had lived for for decades, centuries even, were her subjects. She no longer had any. She ran. All she could do was run. She needed to survive, to breed a new generation of changelings. Not those new, sickeningly vibrant changelings. The real, dark colored, bug-like changelings. After running and running for so long, she comes upon a hidden village, a hidden race of creatures called Kirin. After changing into a pony body she felt comfortable enough in to keep for a while, she stepped into the city and approached the pony she would make fall in love with her. Rain Shine was the leader of the Kirin and a perfect fit to carry Chrysalis’s children. She would fall for Chrysalis and become the mother of the future changelings of Equestria! One problem, though. ~ ~ ~ Chrysalis: *massaging Rain Shine* Is this fine, Rainy? Rain Shine: Of course, my dear. Chrysalis: *continues massaging* ........ Chrysalis: Rainy, darling, I know we’ve been together for a few months now and... Rain Shine: Yes, dear? Chrysalis: Well, I wanted to know if you’d like to take our relationship to the next level? Rain Shine: *gasps, pausing before saying* Cosette, I’d love to- ?: *interrupting* Rain Shine, the town was wondering when you were signing off on- Chrysalis: *interrupting* Excuse me, you will address Lady Rain Shine as- ~ Chrysalis freezes her movement, shock filling her mind. She met eyes with the most beautiful creature she had seen. She looked like a pony had been set ablaze. She had a fiery red mane and a bright, bubbly look about her. It irked Chrysalis more than it should, but Chrysalis found she couldn’t look away from her, her heart racing. Chrysalis tried to shake the feeling away. It was hatred, it had to be. ~ ?: Sorry, my name is Autumn Blaze. I haven’t met you yet, but I’m pleased to meet you. Chrysalis: N-Nice to meet you, but as you can tell we are busy at the moment. Rain Shine: Nonsense, dearest. I will go sign some papers, allowing use of the public theater for a religious service and we can go right back to... *Rain Shine turns away from Autumn Blaze as she rises, wiggling her eyebrows at Chrysalis* our activities and conversation. Autumn Blaze: Thanks Rain Shine! ~ Rain Shine disappears from view and Chrysalis is left helpless with Autumn Blaze, not sure what to do or say. ~ Autumn Blaze: When Applejack told me that you were roaming not far from our territory, I didn’t believe you would make yourself known, Chrysalis. Chrysalis: *shocked* What are you talking about? Autumn Blaze: As good of a disguise as that is, I sent your name to them and they checked all Equestria records. There isn’t a record of a “Crackle Cosette” in any Equestrian databases. Chrysalis: *now mad out of fear* I swear, you little freak, I will rip your head off your body- Autumn Blaze: *laughing* Oh no! I won’t tell anybody. I mean, what’s a better chance at turning you good than you living among some of the most temperamental creatures. You gotta be good or you’re gonna set us off. ~ Autumn Blaze proceeded to flash her eyes red and wink unashamedly at Chrysalis. Chrysalis’s cheeks flared red and she felt her heart beat faster than it was before, if that were even possible. ~ Autumn Blaze: I swear I won’t tell anyone, just... don’t throw away this chance at a new start. ~ Autumn Blaze moved closer to Chrysalis, crowding the smaller creature’s space. ~ Autumn Blaze: This is a chance for you to find the good in yourself. ~ Chrysalis proceeded to look around, seeing no one was in sight and transforming into her true form, the large, dark form towering over Autumn Blaze. Chrysalis flared her nostrils, expecting the small creature to run, but Autumn simply smiled, running her delicate clawed hoof over Chrysalis’s cheek. ~ Autumn Blaze: Beautiful ~ Chrysalis stood, frozen to her spot, her only movement being transforming back into her pony form as Autumn Blaze walked away. She was left with a strange heat in her chest and a weird feeling in her heart, wondering what spell or magic that tiny pony creature had placed on her.
Second Picture:
"Chrysalis, just cause the rest of them don't see how amazing you are, doesn't mean no one does! I do!" Autumn called out to Chrysalis, only watching as she stormed off. Autumn sighed when Chrysalis made no move to stop and ran towards the taller creature, moving in front of her, walking backwards. Before she could get a word out, Chrysalis spoke. "You don't understand. I used her... I..." Chrysalis broke off, her words feeling forced and cheap. "You were still broken, but don't lie to me. I know that look in your eye. I saw it when Rain Shine looked at you." Autumn paused. "I just want you to know you're pretty." Autumn's eyes drifted to Chrysalis's form, causing the mare to blush, then shake her head as if Autumn's lingering gaze startled her. "I'm not pretty. I'm hideous and I like myself that way." Chrysalis snarled and continued walking. Autumn continued backwards. "You are an amazing pony and have learned so much and have grown even moreso. I believe in you, Chrysalis. There is good in your heart." Autumn pressed her hoof to Chrysalis's heart, stopping the dark creature. Chrysalis could feel the tears in her eyes, could feel the pang of pain in her heart. It hurt almost as much as seeing the look in Rain Shine's eyes as she gazed upon Chrysalis's true form. Horror, complete and utter betrayal, and disgust. "I-I..." And for the first time in Chrysalis's very long life, she cried. She felt a wave of sadness cover her like a thick blanket and press against her shoulders with a force she had not felt in her lifetime. Autumn was on her in an instant, placing her hooves around Chrysalis in a hug, holding the pony tight with warm hooves and a kind heart.
Third Picture:
"Bubblegum?" "No." "Fluffy Buns?" "Absolutely not." Chrysalis sighed staring down at her fluffy little foal. "I think she would grow into Strawberry Death quite well." Autumn's head slowly turned to glare at Chrysalis. "Now it's my turn to say absolutely not." Autumn shook her head, laughing a bit to herself. "I'm sorry, but what is Strawberry Death?" Chrysalis was caught by surprise, a common occurence she found with Autumn. Chrysalis kinda liked it. "Well," Chrysalis began, her voice suddenly feeling gone, "my mother used to mix strawberries with rose thorns. It was the only thing I would eat when I was little and I wasn't eating love yet." Chysalis paused for a long moment. "I should have been eating love by that point, but I wasn't. But she stuck with me and fed me Strawberry Death every day. It's still my favorite thing to eat." Chrysalis frowned. "I think that's why I haven't changed. I never thirsted for love clear until I was a teenager." The black bug horse's head shot up from staring at the ground. "My mother was killed because the changelings were dying." Chrysalis felt tears form against her eyes. She had learned in the last year to not shut them out, but to embrace them. "They were dying because she was feeding me her love. Then they killed her when I was a teenager and I suddenly felt the thirst." Chrysalis's whole past had been shattered in front of her, all because she had been trying to find a name for her baby foal. Chrysalis scooped the little fluffball in her arms and snuggled her against her face, careful of the egg in the sling around her neck. Autumn couldn't help but look up at the bug creature snuggling their brand new foal. "I love you." she whispered. Chrysalis smiled and blinked, leaning in to peck Autumn on her nose. At that moment, a guttural screech sounded from around them. It took the pair a moment, but soon they realized the noise had come from their foal. "Got some pipes, little one. What an echo!" Autumn laughed and clapped her hooves, holding them out for her tiny ball of fluff. Chrysalis swung around to meet Autumn's eye. Autumn did the exact same movement, almost causing them to knock heads. "Echo." they both said in unison. Autumn smiled even wider than she had been and held Echo up in the air. "I dub thee Echo."
A short story way of telling Chrysalis and Autumn Blaze’s story
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Fluttershy and her two older kids Pandemonium (not deserving of the name she's a teddy bear so they call her Panda or Panda Bear) and Chamomile. This was before the youngest was born. Before hell started. When there was still happiness. ~ Fluttershy happily resides in her old cottage with her two kids and Discord. They were both happily in a relationship with Tree Hugger before the latter decided she was better as a free soul and left her lovers, (and her kid) to be raised by Flutters and Discoball. ~ Panda was the product of Fluttershy and Discord Chamomile was the product of Tree Hugger and Discord
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Star Flare
"Actually, according to the encyclopedia of-"    Parents: Princess Twilight Sparkle and Captain Flash Sentry (RIP)    Gender: Male (he/him)    Cutie Mark: A pink/red/magenta crown, symbolizing his talent for executive decisions and his ability to lead    Age: 22    Nicknames: Starry, Star-Star, Princess, Little Prince, (Silly Nickname: Fluffy)    Bio: Wise, studious, and determined
Stella Nova
"I will protect you with all my strength, until my last dying breath... oh calm down, Starry, that won't be for years."    Parents: Princess Twilight Sparkle and Captain Flash Sentry    Gender: Female (she/her)    Cutie Mark: A green and purple shield on it with the house of star surrounding a moon, showing her destiny to be part of the guard and her talent/ability to protect with precision    Age: 18    Nicknames: Nova, Novie, (Silly Nickname: Stellaluna, her mom called her this after the character in the children's storybook)    Bio: Strong, level-headed, and caring
Berry Twist
"I'm great at keeping secrets. I promise you can tell me! I won't tell a soul! I Pinkie Promise!"    Parents: Princess Twilight Sparkle and Captain Tempest Shadow    Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)    Cutie Mark: A silhouette of a pony in a trenchcoat, signifying Berry's ability to sneak through the shadows and stay hidden with ease    Age: 7    Nicknames: Berry, Bear-Bear, Baby Bear, Grizzly, Lovebear, Snugglebear (literally anything ending in bear)    Bio: Sneaky, loveable, and cautious
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Flurry Heart
"If anyone can disembowel a full grown stallion, hide the body and use his guts as threatening devices for future criminals, it sure as fluff will be me!" *cue adorkable smile*        Parents: Princess Cadence and Shining Armour        Gender: Female (she/her)        Cutie Mark: Crystal heart with a crown in front of it, symbolizing her talent for leading under pressure (hint to her being a guardpony)        Age: 26        Nicknames: Flur, Aech (H) (Silly Nickname: Lil Blizzard)        Bio: Bold, loving, and smart
Lancelot (Brave Heart)
"Is there a prince of singing? Or a prince of showtunes? Or maybe even a lord of musicals?"        Parents: Princess Cadence and Shining Armor        Gender: Male (he/him)        Cutie Mark: A pink gem, two swords crossed behind it, symbolizing his place in Crystal Kingdom royalty and his clear cut destiny to lead        Age: 22        Nicknames: Lancelot (everyone calls him this), Lance, (Silly Nickname: Softy)        Bio: Silly, thoughtful, and emotional
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Callisto (Callisto Celeste)
"Kiss my butt tattoo."       Parents: Celestia and Thorax       Gender: Female (she/her)       Cutie Mark: A glowing, Yin-Yang symbol sun showing her ability to create peace and be a tie between different worlds       Age: 21       Nickname: Callie, Lissie       Bio: Irresponsible, immature, and motherly
"I am not short, I am small enough to fit in ancient ponies robes, therefore, you are too big."        Parents: Celestia and Thorax    Gender: Male (he/him)    Cutie Mark: N/A    Age: 17    Nicknames: Polly (He hates it lol) (Silly Nickname: Sunny Bunches)    Bio: Cocky, impatient, and wise 
"Romance is around ever corner. No, Python, not every corner- no not that one. Python! What did I just say!?"    Parents: Celestia and Thorax    Gender: Female (she/her)    Cutie Mark: N/A    Age: 17    Nicknames: Della (Silly Nickname: Glitter Guts)    Bio: Steady, calm, and level headed 
"There is no taxation for a smile. Give a smile, get a smile or I kick your ass."   Parents: Celestia and Thorax   Gender: Female (she/her)   Cutie Mark: N/A   Age: 17   Nicknames: Py (Silly Nicknames: Willow Wart)   Bio: Super wacky, silly, and energetic
Callisto and her little triplet siblings
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Constellation (Scattered Constellations)
"Ack, there goes the 7,342 balloons I was going to shove into Callisto's room in an hour."    Parents: Luna and Sombra    Gender: Female (she/her)    Cutie Mark: A blue moon with white wings on either side, a diamond hangs above the moon, conveying her destiny to lead and raise the stars    Age: 20    Nicknames: Connie, Stellaluna   Bio: Happy, playful, and very trusting
Blackout (Blackest Shadow)
"I'm smiling on the inside. Trust me. No, actually don't."   Parents: Luna and Sombra    Gender: Female (she/her)    Cutie Mark: Golden crescent moon, glowing, with black bat wings, showing her destiny of leading the night and raising the moon    Age: 17   Nicknames: Blackout (Silly Nicknames: Mister Brighteyes, Empress of Darkness)    Bio: Not expressive, quiet, and sarcastic
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Our Celestia and Luna Series
This series describes the fall of Celestia and Luna’s homeland, Vana, a city of alicorns. They were two of the three to survive the attack of the draquonecquii, the other being their personal guard, Pierced Dawn. Pierced became a mother to them then.
Pierced Dawn was very protective, even though the first creature they ran into on the ground was a puny, skinny unicorn.
Celestia raised the sun for the first time.
The two sisters became the rulers of Equestria and Pierced Dawn headed the army/soldiers. Luna is beginning to feel the pull of the Tantabus and feeling left in the shadows.
Luna began to feel the Tantabus take hold of her and fell to its will in certain situations. Celestia ignored the signs.
Finally, the nail in the coffin for Luna was Pierced Dawn’s death. Dawn was very much a mother to them and Celestia was older than Luna and found herself not needing Dawn as half as much as Luna did. Luna gave over fully to the Tantabus after Dawn’s death.
Finally, the battle to end all battles happened and Celestia’s baby sister was sent to the moon.
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Luna visiting her pen pal in his cell in Tartarus. She has grown quite fond of him. His story is not what it seems...
~ ~
Sombra made mistakes. He knew he deserved to be jailed like he was. His actions caused the terror and enslavement of an enitre race. He closed his eyes, straining to look back at the past. He wished he had never been born. He wished he had been born different, at least. He thought, if he had been born normal, flourescent pink or blue, with a brightly colored mane and light eyes, he would have fit in. He would have sparkled like the rest of his peers in the warmth of the Crystal Heart's love. He would have never had weaker magic if he had been born normal. Maybe then, he would have never wandered into the Library of the Crystal Empire Mage, scouring the shelves to find any book that would help his young horn grow and become more powerful. He never would have met the Mage himself and never would have latched onto the father-figure he saw in him with such vigor. Maybe then, the Mage never would have handed him the book about dark magic and led Sombra to the day he could only stand by and watch as the older stallion enslaved the entirety of the Crystal Empire. Maybe that never would have happened. He wished he had been born different. "I like you just the way you are." Luna whispered through the bars of the cell. "Only you, Moonbeam." Sombra sighed back wistfully.
Sarah and I ignore the last season btw cause it wasn't the best and we didn't like a lot of it. Not that it wasn't cool to watch! But we just didn't agree with a lot of it. If you can't tell, our headcanon of Sombra is different than in the show. Sombra was dark colored in a world full of bright colored ponies and he had weaker magic than all of his peers. He was seen as an outcast. An orphaned, weak, pitiful outcast. Sombra went into the Mage's Library one day (the library we see Sunburst in when he reunites with Starlight) and searches and scours for a book to help strengthen his magic. The Mage sees him and leads him in the direction of dark magic, taking the young unicorn under his metaphorical wing and teaching him all he knew. Together (along with the dark magic corrupting Sombra's mind the same way the Tantabus had with Luna) they could take over the Crystal Empire. Before Sombra could realize what was going on, it was too late and he was forced to watch his people lose what they loved most: each other. Sombra is terrified. In his terror, he kills his mentor in a heartened attempt to save the Crystal Empire. But it's too late. The dark magic has come too far, though, and takes over his mind, turning him into an evil being. Now left to lead the Crystal Empire alone, he follows in the footsteps of his mentor and forces the Crystal Ponies into slavery. He is defeated by Celestia and Luna, seeming to disappear, but no. He comes back (in Season 3), the darkness even stronger, but when the light of the Crystal Heart's love hits him instead of the power of the Elements of Harmony, the darkness is banished from his heart and horn. This causes his body to dispel of all evil, turning back into his old self. He is shocked at what he has done and breaks down, apologizing to the princesses. He still must be jailed, though, and he understands, allowing himself to be locked in Tartarus, playing ball with Cerberus in his free time. Cerberus could tell he wasn't truly evil. Luna, who had been shocked alone by the confession of his story, so similar to her own (the darkness took over my body and I lost control), found herself intrigued by the stallion. She begins sending letters to him, asking him simple things like his favorite ice cream and his favorite color. They get into deeper things, like both of their intentions and what they feel they did wrong and what they would have done. In the end, Luna ends up visiting him many times, even freeing him for trips to Canterlot, in hopes of reformation. During one of those trips, Luna becomes pregnant with Constellation. After Constellation is born, Celestia sees he is truly good and releases him on promise of reformation and good intetnions. Blackout was born within that time. Within the time Luna is pregnant with Blackout, rumors of dark magic being used in cities in Equestria spreads to Canterlot. Who do you think the ponies of Equestria first assume is doing it? Sombra is forced on the run. To this day, Luna has no clue where he is. All she knows is that he is safe and alive.
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Momma Trixie paints neon lights in the sky for her lil baby Quintessence
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Sunburst must now save Starlight from his evil big sister. But Starlight has a massive lil crush on Sunset and would rather just hang out in her strong and beautiful hooves thx
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vennycreations · 4 years
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Sunset saying goodbye to her lil bro Sunburst and heading off to Celestia’s School of Gifted Unicorns
Ignore the absence of cutie marks lol the only one who shouldn’t have one is Sunburst
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