ventidepressi · 5 years
Miss Spink and Other Mother strike again
It’s one thing when it’s just one of them, but both of them has me looking like this:
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I told Miss Spink about an issue with my car insurance. She, of course, turned it into a huge thing and started freaking out. Anything for attention, right? The teacher in me should have known to ignore her attention seeking, but my anger took the best of me. In the midst of loudly arguing/speaking with my mom on the phone, who comes in the room? Other Mother, wearing her “please calm down” smile. It looks like this, emphasis on the squinty eyes:
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Would be great if she’d kindly mind her own fucking business. And then she just stood there like a creepy eavesdropper.
The bright side, I go on vacation starting this weekend. The not-so-bright side is that my birthday is this week and I’m wondering how badly they’re going to fuck it up.
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ventidepressi · 5 years
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Miss Spink thinks she’s being funny.
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ventidepressi · 5 years
Miss Spink plays 20 questions
Miss Spink (birth mom) has convinced herself that we don’t spend enough time together. I guess me having a full time job and going to school full time allows for plenty of free time to see her, never mind the 2 hour drive. Let me tell you something about Miss Spink. She’s fucking bored. She’ll text and call me and tell me all about how much she misses me. Which is sweet at first, until it’s just her being so obviously vindictive. She begs for money. She manipulates men. She’s roughly 60 yrs old and acts like a teen, and sometimes reverts to a childlike mentality. She literally throws hissy fits.
Anyways, we were on the phone just now and instead of having a normal conversation, I was immediately greeted by several intrusive questions.
“How was your day? Did you get enough sleep? I’m not feeling so good today, how are you feeling? Are you coming to thanksgiving? What time are you coming? What are you bringing? Where’s Wibey, what is he doing, how’s his new job, how’s his dad, how’s his mom, how are you and him, what time is he done work, are you mad at me, why are you giving me attitude, do you want to just get off the phone?”
It’s one thing asking questions for purpose or conversation. It’s another win you’re literally drilling me. To the point where I don’t want to tell you the truth on how I’m doing because you’re only asking as a formality anyway. See she does a little thing called narcissistic formalities. She’ll ask a question hoping your response will be a long the lines of “Good. You?” And then next thing you know she’s off, driving the point that the attention is on her now, and she can tell you all of her bullshit in order to manipulate her into feeling bad for her. She’s great at it.
So now I’m gonna take a nap and probably not wake up until tomorrow.
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ventidepressi · 5 years
The characters of my story
So in order to keep my life some what private, as ironic as that sounds, I’m going to give you a character reference list. I often compare my life story to the 2009 stop-motion animation Coraline. So, if I say any of these names, this is who I’m talking about;
Coraline: Me
Wybie: My beloved boyfriend
Miss Spink: My birth mother (twin)
Miss Forcible: My Aunt (twin)
Other Mother: Boyfriends mom
Father: birth dad, deceased
Other Father: Boyfriends Step Dad
Mr. Bobinsky: Boyfriends Real Dad
It’ll probably get confusing
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ventidepressi · 5 years
Listen up, because I won’t be repeating myself.
I made this blog entirely to vent. I doubt anyone is ever even going to see it, or take interest in it. It’s about me, early 20s college girl who’s been circling the drain circa 2013. That year fucking sucked. Had an abortion, broke up with my super shitty ex, started dating my current boyfriend who was also circling the drain because of his also super shitty ex. We fell in love. Within six years, we lost a lot. My dad died of cancer, I lost my childhood home and basically got kicked out by my narcissistic controlling mom. Next thing you know I’m barely 18, living with my boyfriend. I had to learn how to go to college on my own, transfer to a new one, and find grants without any guidance. It sucked, but I just graduated with my associates last year and it’s a journey I finally made some progress in. On the bad side of things, his mom became super controlling and narcissistic as well. At times, worst than my own mom. You’ll see in my posts to come. He lost his grandma, which was earth shattering. Lost some childhood pets that were like children to us. Got a new car, but then lost his job. It’s been rough. All while living under the roof of his crazy mom and lazy step dad. Yikes. I know it’s not really exciting or worthwhile for most blog enthusiasts but it’s real life. It’s my story, and I have to tell someone besides my cats.
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