I forgor ro say because i was busy. But i dont mean any of this fkr current momsnt
Tbey just reflect how i felt at lrevious poijts in life. And i thought it was a really cool post. Nowadays i know what was because of my actions. And what was not. /info
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i wish i was easier to love
u.k / u.k / yves olade / japanese breakfast / ross gay / u.k / u.k / u.k
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I forgor ro say because i was busy. But i dont mean any of this fkr current momsnt
Tbey just reflect how i felt at lrevious poijts in life. And i thought it was a really cool post. Nowadays i know what was because of my actions. And what was not. /info
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i wish i was easier to love
u.k / u.k / yves olade / japanese breakfast / ross gay / u.k / u.k / u.k
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self-flagellation and self-bullying are all bad motivators for change BTW. it can be hard to escape from a spiral but genuinely u have to be nice to urself or nothing will change
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i wish i was easier to love
u.k / u.k / yves olade / japanese breakfast / ross gay / u.k / u.k / u.k
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so im defintely not an expert or anything
but i dont think ribs are supposed to be hurting when you excercse right?
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Overstimmmed. Overstummed. Overstummed. Wanna rip my ears off. Hmmm. Okease dknt have a metldown
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Im goijf yo claw my fuckinf ears kht
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i hate the similaraties between me and you. you've ccupied so much of my life. i have consoled and comforted you. i have held you while our parents raised hell. i've protected you and cared for you. i told you how my brain was affected and you still sided with him. and i realise th sheer fucking irony in the sitatuion. because this s exactly how i hurt my qpp. or in simiair fashion. and it fucking wrecks me to realise. im lying questioning ajfturning but mostly. i find myself hating what i am. and i find myself haunted. as i stare at all the artworks you made. and i wan to burn them. you underminded my abilities so fuckign much. took credit for my work. claimed pieces ofmy work because of your part in them and i hate them. wish i could burn away all the parts of me that resemble you.but when you realise your senses. know this Alex. i will not let you in. gods even myway of speaking reminds me of you and i hate it
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im alone. im alone im alone im alone im alone im aloen im alone im alone im aolone im alone im alone im alone im alone im alone im alone im alone im aloen im alone im alone aim ialone im aleone im aoen
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ig uess this was as good as anything to ut in perspective i changt trust anyone. i dont know man. you saw what happened. yeah but. no im serious C. so m i Rob. cancceling yourkids brithday isnt great. its not good response. and isntead f sating calm hes taking it ou on you. guess im not shit
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we'll get trought htis right? you have to. we do.
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look im not happy about it eoither. just. breathe please
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but he did change. untill he cancelled my birthday that is
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i guess. i really. i just. i dot know. i guess i jsut. dont mean that much.
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i thought my da changed
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