venusisnotreal · 2 years
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New beginnings, start of HND.
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venusisnotreal · 3 years
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Hannah Hoch (Dadaism) 1889-1979 Hannah Hoch is a German Dada artist who was influenced by Pablo Picasso, known for her Photomontages, the images in her work are rearranged compositions made from multi-media to critique the German Government. Similar to Frida Kahlo her work focused on issues that deeply connected to her, themes of feminism, criticising the government around gender. Her work often reflected the birth of beauty standards for the woman in media. “The Beautiful Woman, 1919” is a famous collage that has female body parts along with different car parts, this was to convey industrialization, and how women where ‘supposed’ to look. I feel this piece articulates the objectification of womxn in a beautiful metaphor of a ‘new and improved car.
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venusisnotreal · 3 years
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Frida Kahlo (surrealism) 1907-1954 Frida Kahlo is a surrealist artist from Mexico. Her works covered deep themes of heritage, identity, the human body, and death. She didn’t identify her work with the surrealist movement but has been put in with the movement as her work was created within that time. Kahlo dealt with health issues throughout her life, she found painting self-portraits as a means of recording her identity and regaining empowerment through doing so. She had also dealt with a divorce that had a major impact on her mentally which is evident within her works. One of her most recognizable paintings is ‘Self Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird’ In this painting Kahlo uses a lot of symbolism, the thorn necklace is a common religious symbol that represents the sacrifices in her own life, the hummingbird around her neck represents death, the black cat symbolizes bad luck and the monkey represents evil.  
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venusisnotreal · 3 years
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Cop26 exhibition hosted by @re.plyskateboards and @routeoneglasgow on Instagram
Thank you so much for having me @routeoneactive
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