verawitchy · 3 days
i've been reading a lot of books about urban naturalism recently, and the one big thing they all talk about is how you HAVE to stop seeing nature as something that happens somewhere else. nature is not just charismatic megafauna and state parks and mountain ranges. nature is that abandoned lot that's growing native milkweed in it. nature is the murder of crows that lives in your block. nature is the moss growing on your roof and the dandelions growing in the sidewalk cracks and the song birds at your neighbor's birdfeeder. and you should care about it! you should notice it! that's YOUR nature!
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verawitchy · 3 days
I think all computers should have cd slots and all phones should have headphone ports send tumble
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verawitchy · 11 days
If you're a trans girl who likes trans girls, please reblog this <3
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verawitchy · 12 days
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Published in “Transvestia” magazine #38 (April 1966). I think original art could be by Bob Tupper.
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verawitchy · 2 months
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verawitchy · 2 months
About thoughtforms
I had to think about this yesterday randomly, that to me, the concept of talking to and being friends with an invisible entity that helps me go through life, which is how most pagans I've seen talk about their deities, is not a new concept to me. I've had "imaginary friends" ever since I could think. And while there's obviously a big difference between a deity and a thoughtform, the concept it very similar. At least for me it is.
Yesterday I remembered an aspect of a relationship to my longest thoughtform that I had forgotten for literal months. I hit him up like "hey, remember we used to do this?" And he just said "yea we did, what about it?" He wasn't mad. Not even upset that I forgot about it. That I don't talk to him every day, not even every week. That sometimes, we only talk when I have something to ask of him.
Now, like I said earlier, a thoughtform is no deity. But I've known him for years. Way longer than I even knew witchcraft was a real thing. And I realized that this could help me so much getting close with the divine. Understanding that a deity will not be mad at you if you forget about them is kinda crazy for us humans. We'd feel hurt if our friends forgot about us.
The demons (or gods) are not our human friends. They're our divine friends, and they do not get upset with you for stuff like that. I've gotta thank my thoughtform later for randomly showing up and reminding me of this.
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verawitchy · 2 months
hating furries is just a silencer on the gun that is hating on lgbt+ tbh
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verawitchy · 2 months
where are the girls without boobs drawings. I'm seeing the boys with boobs. but where are the girls without them? like. idk. you're supposed to be drawing transfems, right? why do they all look the same? they all have boobs and big hips. even if they have tummy you make sure to give them a slut waist. they're all always perfectly clean shaven. enough of this shit. draw a fucking brick. give her some stubble. don't give her tits. draw a girl with some laryngeal prominence. do SOMETHING to indicate that you find non-standard gender presentation acceptable in transfems as well. ANYTHING.
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verawitchy · 3 months
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All the illustrations included in this month ​🇵​​🇦​​🇹​​🇷​​🇪​​🇴​​🇳​ reward!
You will find high resolution files, time-lapses, original files (layered), brushes and more!
Thanks to the support of anyone that decides to join my Patreon. I can keep creating art as an independant artist. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 🥰
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verawitchy · 3 months
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verawitchy · 3 months
Posting all of the pills that make you green comics here now, enjoy? I guess?
regret rates
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talking points
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you problem
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modern invention
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unethical experiments
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think of the children
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side effects
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making sense
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this rocks
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verawitchy · 3 months
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verawitchy · 3 months
That boy who was labelled "gifted" in middle school and internalised that if he wasn't smart then nobody would care about him, is actually now a girl who's internalised that if she isn't pretty then nobody will care about her
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verawitchy · 3 months
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girls when they're about to commit a dark magic ritual
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verawitchy · 3 months
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I relate to this so much. for years, even after I knew that I was trans, I thought that I didn't really experience gender dysphoria. it was only after I started transitioning that I realized how much it had affected me
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verawitchy · 3 months
does anyone have that picture of the mlm couple kissing with a wlw couple kissing on their shoulders I can’t find it
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verawitchy · 3 months
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"How To Be That Girl" // Ryoko Kui
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