vercajna · 3 days
Sometimes you stress yourself out to the point of tears and then u have to coax urself off the ledge by reminding urself that nothing is ever that fucking serious . It works out how it works out the point is we put in the effort
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vercajna · 3 days
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Virginia Woolf in a letter to Violet Dickinson
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vercajna · 22 days
“To try to not be more interesting but be more interested” literally changed my life perspective btw
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vercajna · 22 days
reminding myself that every day! doesn't work sometimes! need to literally force it to go into my brain sometimes! so as not to kms! but yeah so true!!!
giving love is not a waste
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vercajna · 1 month
‘we need to talk about the brat summer to demure fall pipeline’ i know this is all just for fun but how does it feel to have your sense of self just tossing in the wind like a lost plastic bag
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vercajna · 2 months
the commodification of friendship is the most annoying thing to come out of the internet in ages. like actually i love to break this to you but you're supposed to help your friends move even if it's hard work. or stay up with them when they're sad even if you're gonna lose sleep. you're supposed to listen to their fears and sorrows even if it means your own mind takes on a little bit of that weight. that's how you know that you care. they will drive you to the airport and then you will make them soup when they're sick. you're supposed to make small sacrifices for them and they are supposed to do that for you. and there's actually gonna be rough patches for both of you where the balance will be uneven and you will still be friends and it will not be unhealthy and they will not be abusive. life is not meant to be an endless prioritization of our own comfort if it was we would literally never get anywhere ever. jesus.
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vercajna · 3 months
The Raven Cycle feels like a faded summer begging to be remembered but it’s been so long that you can’t really recall the finer details. You just know the warm feeling it left with you, and the smell of lemonade
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vercajna · 3 months
scared about my horrible life. oh well at least there is arts and crafts
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vercajna · 3 months
i am not brave but sometimes i am made brave by my friends which is to say i am made brave by love
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vercajna · 3 months
do you guys ever like forget you're interested in something until you start engaging with it again and you go "oh wait i'm like crazy crazy about this yeah"
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vercajna · 3 months
when ronan said “it was the gnawing suspicion that you were leavable, that you were too much trouble” and gansey said “they were always walking away from him. but he never seemed able to walk away from them.” and adam said “lonesome means a state of being apart. of being other.”
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vercajna · 4 months
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gentle kisses
biting air
soft blankets and tears
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vercajna · 4 months
idk i just wanna sit in a dark library at night in the candlelight wearing an oversized sweater and exchange glances over my book to my lover while the rain pours outside and feel at peace with the world
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vercajna · 9 months
“women in stem” I say after using proportions to calculate what chapter the characters kiss in the 980k word fanfic I’m reading
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vercajna · 1 year
"Why should you wish to behold me?" he said. "Have you any doubt of my love? Have you any wish ungratified? If you saw me, perhaps you would fear me, perhaps adore me, but all I ask of you is to love me. I would rather you would love me as an equal than adore me as a god."
— Luceis Apuleius, "Cupid and Psyche" from "Metamorphoses"
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vercajna · 2 years
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Rainer Maria Rilke, "The Prodigal Son." The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke (translated by Stephen Mitchell)
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vercajna · 2 years
"wolfstar is like my favourite ship everr" bro just say you're queer and emotionally unstable
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