veridique · 3 years
        * * *
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   “At last! You come to your senses.”
 Though she could hear the muffled footsteps growing closer, she couldn’t determine any other details the way that he could. Busy little mind indeed. She hurried to a rickety old stepladder leaning against the store room wall, lifting it swiftly and quietly. Once in place, she climbed up to the topmost wooden step, balancing carefully, and stretched to place the sturdy hair pin she’d just extracted between his teeth.
 As to reaching his hands? Well, he’d just have to put his own strength to the test, wouldn’t he? What was all that exercise for if not for this moment?
   “Together.” Irene confirmed, her hand resting for a moment on his side. “But today the lock picking is all you. Just how you like it.”
        * * *
The only thing stopping Holmes from retorting was the hairpin between his teeth. Cheeky, cheeky woman. He grunted an indignant reply when her hand left his side and braced to pull himself up. Biting off a groan, his muscles tensed and protested after being stationary for so long. He couldn’t deny that he won’t be feeling everything for the next few days and how colourful the bruises would look, but Holmes pushed through, curling his body up so he can grab his only means of freedom.
The pin was impossibly delicate between his fingers. Holmes licked the lingering taste of metal on his lips and he fumbled only once before the left cuff snapped open, just in time for the man to walk in. Holmes dropped on his back, chaining his cuffs around the man’s neck. That earned him a fist to the jaw before the man staggered and slammed him to the wall, knocking all his breath away. Holmes held fast until Irene decided she would join the fray.
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“Any time, now—!”
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veridique · 3 years
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key words: self-assured, courageous, intuitive. you are an expert at overcoming your demons and should be proud of how brave you have consistently shown yourself to be. others are amazed by your perseverance, strong personality, and unapologetic uniqueness. compatible with: coffee, freshly baked bread.
tagged by @omniishambles​ tagging: all of you~
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veridique · 3 years
@enduringtiime​​ cont. from here
“Wiggins should watch what he’s saying,” he muttered, dark eyes assessing the boy's foot. Holmes kept his expression calm and his touch firm yet reassuring. He needed more information before they can begin treatment. There was only one logical next step to take.
“I am going to take you to see the good Doctor at his practice,” he stated, tying his scarf around the boy’s calf in a makeshift tourniquet in hopes to slow down the spreading. He had never seen anything like this before. The realisation filled him with equal parts excitement and dread. He put all of that aside and watched the streets for a hansom to carry them.
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“Now Henry, tell me everything.”
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veridique · 3 years
        * * *
 Irene returned a more subtle smile, but one that was brimming with sympathy. Amused sympathy. Mocking? No. Teasing was the word, with one dark brow arched up at him.
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   “Well I’d hate to interrupt you, Sherlock…unless, of course, you need a little assistance?” She replied, able to see his fatigue from here. He was a stubborn man, desperately intelligent, but also full of pride. Occasionally he was smart enough to trust her when he really ought to.
 And he really ought to, this time. Although she didn’t like to see him in too much discomfort, there was something to be said for watching the Great Detective squirm just a little.
        * * *
How she could look down on him when he was literally above her was one of the few mysteries of the world he was willing to leave alone. No, he was not afraid of the answer. The sharp glitter of amusement in his eyes were hidden for a second as Holmes closed his eyes, looking as if he was taking a much needed respite.
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“Someone is coming,” he said quickly instead of answering. “Six foot tall, wears a sling on his left arm.” He might have bit the bloke when they captured him before, but Irene didn’t need to know that. And looking at her this time, “He’s alone. Together you and I can take him by surprise.”
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veridique · 3 years
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@vxctorx​​​​ ||   “you certainly have a busy little mind.” [ welcome back, friend! ]
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“Just enough to fill my time, my friend.” He flipped the notebook in his hand, scribbling a string of sentences only he could read. It seemed like he had forgotten Victor was even in the room.
0 notes
veridique · 3 years
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@omniishambles​​​ ||  “you certainly have a busy little mind.” from Irene!
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Holmes barked an exhausted laugh. It was a feat from a man hanging suspended nearly two meters aboveground. His shoulders felt as if they were about to pop any moment. At least her presence here meant that they were done with the charade—unless Irene Adler had something else on her mind. He so dearly missed Watson’s steadfastness.
He cast her his most charming smile, lips turning up in a perfect curve. “Oh, busy, most certainly. Little? I should hope not.”
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veridique · 3 years
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I really did.
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veridique · 3 years
turning on the tide by jeana rae drugging, abuse mention.
“lie back down, sweetheart. that’s it.”
“you deserve to be happy and safe, to know that you are loved.”
“how come you never listen to the radio?”
“sure, honey. no problem.”
“you ever feel anxious like that?”
“you drugged the juice.”
“cool it, cool it.”
“shhh. hey, look at me.”
“talk to me honey. where are you? what’s going on?”
“you’ve been very responsible, sweetheart.”
“you certainly have a busy little mind.”
“just, i’m a big baby, that’s all.”
“please talk to me. tell me who and what and where, please?”
“forget it. i’ll do it myself.”
“it meant a lot to me, the way you took care of me.”
“do you know you are loved?”
“your parents should love you and protect you and take care of you. honey, they should never, ever hurt you.”
“do you still think you need to throw up?”
“maybe that’s why i’m sleepy today.”
“waaaaah! life is hard! it’s so hard to be alive.”
“i’m going to take good care of you, i promise.”
“anyway you’re a lifesaver.”
“honey, i just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“i think we’ve avoided things long enough, don’t you?”
“i’m so happy to see you looking rested, my darling.”
“you’re very good at that, figuring out where people are coming from and using that against them.”
“you don’t remember me?”
“it’s in here somewhere.”
“i’m so sorry. i fucked everything up.”
“you drugged me again.”
“talk to me, baby, please? i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“are you comfortable? shoulder’s not hurting too much, i hope.”
“this has to be our little secret.”
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veridique · 3 years
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veridique · 5 years
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"I know you can hear me, You selfish bastard...” [Requested by Anonymous]
By: thejennire
✦Send your request [x]✦
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veridique · 5 years
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veridique · 6 years
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Sherlock Holmes: A game of shadows
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veridique · 6 years
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veridique · 6 years
He lightly inclines the golden crown of his head in good humour with an ease which no doubt comes from practicing bows at royalty for nearly all of his life. His wavering gaze lingers upon the other’s offering for but a moment before he curls his fingers around it. ❝——And to yours.❞ He clinks his glass against other’s in a silent salut before downing the clear liquid, unable to prevent the involuntary shake of his head as its potency burns the walls of his throat. After a moment’s recovery he is prepared to offer his final verdict.
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  ❝——This is actually superb! Provided that we don’t collapse due to intoxication in the next hour or so, this could make for a rewarding hobby. Speaking of which, I am planning on finally starting my own winery.❞ He announces with much enthusiasm as he leans back against the sleuth’s working table. ❝——I have already found the most ideal vineyard in Tuscany. It has the perfect soil, the perfect altitude. The only thing left to do is to go down there and seal the deal. You should come with me when I go.❞
Holmes smacks his lips, mentally cataloguing all sorts of taste exploding on his tongue—and burning his throat. That right there is the generally intended reaction. He doesn’t expect to get it right the first time but Victor looks pleased about the baijiu, and that’s enough of a validation to put a proud smile on his face.
“Ah— Tuscany.” Letting his eyes draw close, Holmes pictures the scene. He’s never been there himself, but a man can be as well-travelled compared to one who is well-read. The incessant exposure of travel channels might have a hand in that, too. “Your enterprising soul knows no bounds, I’m sure, but how exactly does attitude play into making wine?”
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“Do dour farmers make sour grapes?”
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veridique · 6 years
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197K notes · View notes
veridique · 6 years
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Jude Law as dr John Watson 
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veridique · 6 years
a waifu
more HDD space
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tagged by : @watsonofagun & @vxctorx
tagging : all you beautiful people.
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