veriqus · 5 years
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I’ve discovered the ultimate life form
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veriqus · 5 years
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This ex yakuza member and his wife going grocery shopping together is the cutest, most pure thing I’ve ever seen
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veriqus · 5 years
As the California pipevine plant was displaced from San Francisco by urban sprawl, the California pipevine swallowtail, which relies on the pipevine plant to feed its caterpillars, also disappeared. That is, until a biologist named Tim Wong made it his mission to repopuplate the species in his own backyard.
Armed only with a cutting of California pipevine from the San Francisco Botanical Garden, Tim created a screened in butterfly enclosure in his backyard and began to reproduce California pipevines.
As new butterflies were born, Tim would donate them to the San Francisco Botanical Gardens where their pipevine host plant could still be found.
“At first he brought them in by the hundreds. Now he brings them in by the thousands every few months.”
While most of us don’t have the power to create habitat for endangered rhinos or tigers, anyone with a little bit of outdoor space can help create habitat for endangered insects!
You can:
-plant a pollinator garden with native nectar-producing plants
-plant host plants of local butterfly species
-leave piles of fallen leaves or sticks in your yard as habitat for native bees
-avoid using pesticides (or use them as sparingly as possible) around your home and yard
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“Improving habitat for native fauna is something anyone can do. Conservation and stewardship can start in your very own backyard.” -Tim Wong
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veriqus · 5 years
when ur in a really bad mood and one mildly inconvenient thing happens
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veriqus · 5 years
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“My family really wants me to get a boyfriend.  And they’re pushing it hard.  I have five grandmothers.  Actually my grandmother has four sisters, and I call them all ‘grandmother.’  They’re the ones who raised me.  They brought me to school.  They gave me whatever I wanted: toys, dresses, horse riding lessons.  They completely spoiled me.  But all of them are very conservative.  And every time I go home to visit, the conversations seem to get narrower and narrower.  There’s nothing about how I want to live my life.  Or my plans for my career.  It’s always: ‘When are you coming back to Hungary?’, and ‘Did you get a boyfriend yet?’  When they were young life was very difficult without a man.  All of them got married around the age of eighteen.  So they think I’m running out of time.  They’re obsessed with me meeting someone, and they always have the perfect person in mind: nice boy, tall, curly hair, great family.  They’ve introduced me to five boys already.  The last time was an ambush.  I was home on holiday, and they told me a ‘special someone’ would be joining us for Sunday lunch.  He was ‘studying to be a lawyer,’ and ‘so very handsome’, which turned out to be a bit of an exaggeration.  It was so awkward.  They sat him right next to me.  They kept saying: ‘Isn’t she so pretty?  Can you believe she’s never had a boyfriend?’  And whenever there was silence, they’d say: ‘You have this in common, so you should talk about that.’  This went on for two hours.  His face was so red the entire time.  After he left, I set a rule: no more introductions.  Never, ever again.” (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
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veriqus · 5 years
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This is Pickle
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veriqus · 5 years
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Guardian News: “‘You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,’ climate activist Greta Thunberg has told world leaders at the 2019 UN climate action summit in New York.”
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veriqus · 5 years
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veriqus · 5 years
8 years old. College reading level. The weight of the world on my shoulders.
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veriqus · 5 years
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veriqus · 5 years
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Legend of Zelda Paintings made by Orioto
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veriqus · 5 years
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veriqus · 5 years
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A very powerful American toad creates ripples in water with his call. [Anaxyrus americanus] [x]
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veriqus · 5 years
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Does anyone know what happened?
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veriqus · 5 years
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veriqus · 5 years
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pipimi tries to explain the concept of himbos to popuko
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veriqus · 5 years
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Pokemon T-shirts made by InksterInc
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