veronicawv · 23 hours
the single most exhausting thing about being a radfem is the constant misinformation of what radical feminists believe. “RADFEMS THINK WOMEN ARE JUST VAGINAS!!” have you literally ever seen a single post by one radfem that says anything remotely close to that or are you literally just lying.
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veronicawv · 8 days
was watching a nature documentary with my dad on ostriches and he was like "do you know the male ostriches are more beautiful than the female ones? it's unfair to the ladies!" and I was like "the male ones evolved to be pretty because it is their job to attract and convince a female why he's the best genetically and should mate with her" and he laughed and was like "you're right actually" and then I had a small existential crisis about how in nearly every other species female is default and the nonperformance of female animals is not taken as anything but desirable and how the most pathetic thing about our species is this great, unjustified, unnatural reversal that traps women in a cycle of unequal distribution of labour. like the only reason most of these female animals keep male mates when they do is because they actively improve the space, are exceedingly fit and attractive, or have proven thoroughly efficient for the advancement and safety of the unit. meanwhile, the human female does the protecting, maintenance, hunting, herself, has reduced selection autonomy, is bullied or coerced into accepting an unfit or genetically inferior male (which WILL alter her own genetics and not just her offspring's), and cohabits with a fucking predator who is more of an economic and safety liability than a pro for the unit. some female animals truly out here living in communities to assist and protect them or with males that perform multiple tasks (or die trying) and women are straight up cohabiting with their number one parasite. worse, they're worshipping these parasites. they're constantly placating and performing for them. human society is so absurd. you really can't look at the rest of the animal kingdom and not feel like we are the most debased and mind-fucked of all other female animals on the planet. literally none if this is rational.
TLDR I'm fucking jealous of those ostriches
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veronicawv · 13 days
Yepp, this is how it happens!
Moment of Realization
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I may not be an artist, but god damnit I can draw a stick figure and steal PNGs!!! This was a very fun experiment for me!!
Style is VERY MUCH inspired by @felixfeliccis Check him out!!!
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veronicawv · 13 days
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As gender identity ideology begins to spread in Japan, signs are being posted on the doors of public restrooms specifying that the women's toilets are not for men, and that this rule is a protection against voyeurism.
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veronicawv · 13 days
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veronicawv · 16 days
Indeed, they're technically and scientifically not dead. Bad news for you: your sperm is technically alive, as well. The sperm count of a typical moid is 20 to 150 million sperm per milliliter. You condemn MILLIONS of babies to DEATH every time you're not ejaculating inside a woman! Better stop spanking it, it's murder! :(
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veronicawv · 16 days
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veronicawv · 16 days
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veronicawv · 16 days
“Male loneliness epidemic” is just men realizing that without a certain level of societal human trafficking they have to be palatable to other people and they just refuse to do that
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veronicawv · 16 days
Doctors in the delivery room are punishing babies by forcefully assigning them the wrong genders! If a baby looks like it might not fit into the norm, it gets misgendered! The doctors' decisions are based purely on societal expectations, and not anything physical at all!
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[ID: Spongebob fish meme.
Top text: Wait you actually think gender assigned at birth is a one-to-one reflection of biological sex?
Bottom text: I thought we were all aware that birth gender assignment is a fundamentally social and legal process that imposes a normative view of sex onto the individual and punishes those who don't fit into those norms
End ID]
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veronicawv · 16 days
dont stand between a man and his toys
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veronicawv · 16 days
isn’t it interesting how they’re “teens” in all the p*rn results but “grown women” when justifying the content
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veronicawv · 16 days
Why is this tagged as cat?
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veronicawv · 16 days
I was born with four fingers on my right hand therefore I defy the biological reality that humans have ten fingers. I will need a flag, a hashtag and a couple of people I can harass about this online
you only need to look at the way being intersex is often referred to by doctors and by TERFs to understand the damage the "sex is biological" rhetoric does
in case you're not familiar, the term I'm referring to specifically is DSD or Disorders of Sex Development
to someone who truly deeply believes that sex is natural, being intersex will always be disordered or defective. they insist on continuing to label us (intersex folk) as "men with DSD" or as "women with DSD" in order to reinforce the sex binary. they will not let intersex people be proof of the truly social nature of sex as a category, because they will not even see us as intersex. delete "sex is biological, gender is social" from your vocabulary. please and thank you
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veronicawv · 17 days
Notice how ALL 'asexuals' are women. ALL OF THEM
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this exchange between OP & a sane commenter under yet another "I'm asexual but I still like sex sometimes" post is such a perfect example of what I've been talking about. some women nowadays are identifying as asexual because their view of sex has been so horribly warped by porn & misogyny. I mean she is quite literally saying "being asexual gives me an excuse to not have sex w/my partner if I don't want it "...girl you shouldn't need an excuse to not fuck your bf when you aren't in the mood. the validity of your consent is not at all dependant on what label you use! what a fucking horrible sign of the times that young women think they are the abnormal ones for not wanting to give their men an all access pass to their bodies.
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veronicawv · 17 days
It's a fetish
i get jealous when there's another trans woman that i see as infringing on my niche. get your own beak shape you skank the insects are mine
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veronicawv · 17 days
*men rapes women*
Oh no, what are the terves going to say about us now???!? :((((
Alright, imma be a lot more blunt than I normally am because I’m tired of this shit.
There’s no law that says you hafta listen to the extremely flawed podcast that outlines the allegations against Neil Gaiman, but pretending it’s a conspiracy based on 0% evidence doesn’t make him not a predator, it makes you ignorant of the case against him at best, and an enabler or conspiracy theorist at worst.
And for the love of Christ, keep trans people out your fuckin mouth while you’re defending that piece of shit. He’s not one of us, we don’t claim him, and using us as an excuse for why the very credible allegations aren’t valid puts us in line of fire of those TERFs. Using us to protect your fav doesn’t make you an ally, it makes you an active threat. Do better.
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