versace-turquoise · 3 years
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this 50′s hungarian comic strip I’d never heard of until now is so damn cute for something that also gets so horny
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versace-turquoise · 3 years
My sins trying to catch me.
A passenger jet takes to the air 10 seconds before the plane in front of it lands | source
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versace-turquoise · 3 years
“I could fix him” well I could make him the third happiest man in connecticut
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versace-turquoise · 3 years
when we try to befriend cats we mimic their meows and get down on the ground to their level and try to gently coax them to interact with us right
that horrifying entity mimicking human noises at us maybe just thinks we’re cool and wants to pet us?
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versace-turquoise · 3 years
every time I see the word smol in the wild 
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versace-turquoise · 3 years
Don’t let people make fun of you for liking japanese culture.
I am living in japan right now and let me tell ya:
There are people here who can’t speak or understand English who play nothing but Missy elliot and ludacris, even in businesses like housing offices and restaurants.
There are people who have cowboy hats and dead cow skulls in their home because they idolize what they assume American homes are like.
There are people who learn English strictly through music videos and American television shows.
There are entire karaoke bars with english songs often sung by people who have no idea what the lyrics mean.
Japan often takes American shows like the powerpuff girls and make japanese versions of them.
They often mistake common Americans for celebrities. I have been mistaken for Micheal jordan, tiger woods, Shaquille o'neal, Tyler perry, and saddest of all: queen latifa.
The act of sprinkling English into your japanese sentences is considered cute and cool and is popular with teenagers. Bonus points if you happen to use it correctly.
Japanese stores sell shirts with english on them and people buy them not knowing that most of those word combinations are nonsense.
Don’t let someone shame you for singing an anime opening, using japanese in your sentences, wearing clothing with japanese on it, ect. If anything, this is just one more thing that you have in common with them.
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
i love you
there are so many ways i could say i love you,
the way our hands fit perfectly together makes me feel like we belong.
i hear your voice everywhere, even in my head,
it keeps me company when i’m lonely and when you’re not here,
when i’m not with you i feel like a piece of me is missing.
when i’m with you though there is a sudden overwhelming feeling of harmony and everything clicks and makes sense.
you and me, we make sense.
you can’t tell me otherwise.
we understand each other on a different wavelength,
we connect like two lost puzzle pieces,
our souls have met before in another life, i’m sure of it.
our souls have loved one another before, maybe not always perfectly and the right way
but they have tried
and i will love you again and again,
endlessly until i get it right
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
the same blastoise.
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
lifehack: when you see a Take One candy bowl in a restaurant, wait until noones looking and shovel candy into your pockets. god may judge you but his sins outnumber your own
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
reid: *gets a papercut reading his book 20, 000 words per minute*
morgan, shaking his fist at the sky: HASNT HE SUFFERED ENOUGH, GOD??
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
“Ten-year-olds are the most frightening people on the planet. I think we all remember being ten, where making eye contact during recess meant you were going to have a Pokemon battle, and the winner got to keep the loser’s lunch money.
“But as an adult, seeing the kids who are off on their Pokemon journeys, swaggering along, ready to fight anybody and everybody they meet, up to and including God, it really hits you. These children will fight you, and when they win, your best bet is to just throw twenty dollars on the ground and flee in the other direction.
“The worst ones are the ones with six Pokeballs on their belt. You’re like, I possess one elderly Snubbull, and for all I know, you’ve got a Rayquaza in one of those balls. 
“And sometimes, you hear stories. Like, ‘a ten-year-old boy dismantled Team Rocket’. Or ‘a ten-year-old girl dismantled two terrorist organizations and then tamed the primal manifestations of earth and sea’. I think you could tell me a ten-year-old did anything, and I wouldn’t question it. 
“To be honest, I think the Pokemon Leagues are just there to keep those kids occupied so they don’t just take over.”
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
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some words of encouragement from the gaang <3
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
love how siu has like, complex well fleshed out characters and then sometimes he just goes off the rails like. heres a crazy little bastard flame man with pigtails. here’s a green dog furry lord his name is paul. paul. here’s a shit-throwing monkey. and you know what the dude has like a billion characters and ten million storylines to keep track of he deserves it
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
During the 5 years between s1 and s2
Shibisu: There’s a Taco Bell, you want anything
Khun: For Bam to not be dead
Shibisu: ....
Khun: ......
Shibisu: I only have $12
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versace-turquoise · 4 years
sokka was the only kid in that show with social skills and a brain and he effortlessly charmed literally every. single. person. he met especially royalty no matter the age or nation this is why the writers had to nerf him and make him a non bender cause if he coulda bend anything the show woulda been called sokka and his good pal the avatar and its main conflicts would all be resolved by the third episode tops
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