versutevillain7 · 5 years
There should be a lot more nuance here, I can't quite address it all.
Organic foods are often much safer, it just depends on the product. Glyphosate is a proven carcinogen, and organic products are grow without having glyphosate applied. Unfortunately the pesticide can leach through the soil and be carried by the wind from neighboring fields, but it does still mean organic crops have significantly less glyphosate than non organic ones. This is one example, I would make a similar arguement about the use of growth hormones. It is very unfortunate that if an organic cow is sick, giving it anti biotics means it is no longer organic and must go to another farm. Anti biotics should be used selectively, not witheld.
MSG might not be a dangerous chemical but it functions like salt in our diet. Too much of it and it can cause high blood pressure especially because it has to be used in conjunction with salt for it to not taste wierd.
When people talk about GMOs they are generally refering to transgenic organisms, ones that have genes from other species spliced into their DNA. It is usually pretty simple and harmless but there are multiple cases of gene splicing that have resulted in human illness and animal cruelty, such as with phospho pigs. Transgenic crops and stock animals haven't been around for more than a decade or two and we still don't know the long term effects on our bodies and the environment. I believe most GMOs are important additions to farmers' portfolio but it would be naive to say there is no risk and we know everything. GMOs should be labeled at least.
That comment about foods like fries and pizza is a lot to tackle. I agree its fine to eat, especially if you've had all your micros and fiber in a day. I eat a good amount of fried foods just to get enough calories as a poor vegetarian. Maybe mention eating saturated fats, salt, and starch in moderation, especially considering the number of notes.
Things food snobs are wrong about
“Organic” isn’t better for you or for the environment. It actually means nothing of any significance at best and is sometimes even the more wasteful, more hazardous option.
A shitload of “natural” food including a lot of imported produce is grown and harvested through slave labor in inhumane conditions.
Pizza, fried chicken, french fries, fast food, candy bars and chips ARE nutritious. They are loaded with good things. Just because they have an abundance of excess fats and might not be healthy as a staple doesn’t mean they are “nutritionless” or that their calories are “empty.” Those are hokey buzzwords pushed by the people in charge of how much you pay for the alternatives.
Eating healthier costs more. Much more. Looking down on people for their reliance on cheaper food is extremely classist and expecting everyone to be able to live off fresh veggies and cage-free meats is insultingly unrealistic in the modern world.
“Processed” literally only means the food went through some kind of automated process. This can be literally the exact same thing a human being would have done to the food for it to be labeled “unprocessed.” Being processed does not make something less healthy.
Chemicals with long, scary names are part of nature. An apple is full of compounds you probably can’t pronounce. A shorter ingredients label only means they didn’t bother listing all 300 things the product is actually made of and HAS to be made of.
Preservatives, artificial flavors and other additives are not the devil. Most are harmless and in general they are part of the reason you haven’t already starved to death or died of a food borne illness.
MSG is not bad for you at all.
The fact that something might be made of “scrap” meats like pig snouts or chicken necks only means one thing: that we didn’t waste perfectly normal, edible meat.
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versutevillain7 · 5 years
God someone said it
im so mad bc “atlas shrugged” is such a raw fucking title. thats an EXCELLENT name for a book. a man holding the weight of the entire world on his shoulders is so moved by his disdain for the current state of things that he exerts the force to shrug. indifference to the nth degree. that’s fucking metal. then you read it and it’s just about hating poor people.
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versutevillain7 · 5 years
living in the countryside really strikes the fear of god into you at the most random moments. you’ll just make eye contact with a cow or stare for too long into a brook and all of a sudden you’ll think something like “these are old bones and i am merely a passing occupant” and then you have to go and put the kettle on to cope
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versutevillain7 · 5 years
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Bagworm Moth caterpillars collect little twigs and cut them off to construct elaborate tiny log houses to live in (photos: Melvyn Yeo, Nick Bay)
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versutevillain7 · 5 years
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trans mlm love
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
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$235,000/3 br/2630 sq ft
Waco, TX
built in 1907
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
If I fuck w/ you, anything I do for you isn’t a favor, it’s all love. Just look out for me when it’s time.
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
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Historically Sacred Items/Offerings to each of the Ouranic Theoi! I made this for my Hellenic polytheism group on discord, so I thought I’d share this information with all of you as well.
All information has been taken from theoi.com as well as various historical books on the gods, and I have decided to make this powerpoint so that other people don’t have to sift through all the pdfs and books themselves.
Make sure to click each image to get a fullview! Ευχαριστώ!
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
also this is just a reminder that im a white person and when i say “white people are shitty” i am including myself because detaching myself from white people is absolutely ridiculous as i do benefit from white privilege and to ignore that would be ignorant as fuck
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
i just walked past the apartment beneath mine and through an open window i could hear my downstairs neighbor crying faintly while the song jolene played in the background and im just like… bitch are you okay…?
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
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(1547957456691.jpg (JPEG 画像, 1600x1143 px) - 表示倍率 (56%)から)
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
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Guy has killer style
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
for mary oliver
on this walk i watch the blue pine trees bend under the weight of snow, & i think, god is in that, & i think, you are in that too. in the sharpness of the sunset, in the tenderness of the robin’s footprints, in the sweetness of the river wending through the forest, i can feel your soul tugging at me as it prepares to rise. look up! you ask me, so i do, grinning in spite of griefs wanting to claim me. for yes, my hands are chapped & healing is a process built on inches, but you understood better than anyone the way winter means keep moving forward one step at a time. understood how endings are the same violet color as ink on a page drying. & how love will shatter the skylines of our hearts like a flock of dark geese lifting into flight, filling us with music. you sing in me now, as you always have. later when i crouch in front of the fireplace, blowing on tinder, i’ll imagine you, bright-eyed, rinsing a colander of fresh blackberries while your lover presses her lips to your temple & you mull over a poem half-composed. for now, it is enough to know that soon you will be nestled in the heat- shell of a brilliant star: running your fingers over the boughs of heaven’s lilac trees, laughing with your lover as you catch each other up on everything you’ve both missed, gifting odes to wayward angels who flicker past.
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
so much smol
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versutevillain7 · 6 years
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E.A. S��guy 1920s art nouveau insect illustration
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