veryfemyfemy · 2 years
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the great work (lead to gold, man to machine), oil on hardboard
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veryfemyfemy · 2 years
May 11
This day I faced my father I gave my all tears and courage to tell him all the way I felt lately and said straight to him if he needs help then do it go to a therapy if its a must because way back May 9 he was problematic and he was the one driving during our trip to home town to vote. It's scary (the way while he was driving he was talking, venting and like you know what like hopeless person would do) I was pouring tears while sleeping with the thought "if this will be my last day then so be it I forgive everyone and myself it's tiring to all of us" and this was along a mountainous highway. As we arrived to our residential area I went straight home and to the bedroom and slept my head hurts. As I woke up, the election results fueled my headache again. I don't know man seems like the worst day. I am all focused all work since last month coz' I really want to get off this country. Taking risks and all. I Haven't took track coz it was chaotic, the election, my fam' financial situation, my goals and such current doings. I really should pursue my plans as it was. I don't want a future of regrets and pain.
I love my parents for just letting me flow on my passion and our family relationship is just doing fine. I admit we were not on the higher class now SOON WE WILL BE. MANIFESTING FINANCIAL STABILITY FOR THE FAM.
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veryfemyfemy · 2 years
Day 108
A lot of happenings that past days but today I just wanna vent. Had actually a good time at work but well a little bit not a good but bruh I wanted to lecture my parents that shit really happens IDK but like he aims to please everyone although understandable due to reputatiom and status shit. I admit we aren't that powerful people but bruh all of us the same respect and trust are hardly gained but you are not to please everyone. And in a business there is Plan A B C and so on whatever happens its on purpose or unforseen or real accident so must really have a good backup or etc.
9:54 PM PHT , April 18, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 75
Cut my hair while preparing then off to office. The usual preparing everything since there is only 2 days left before opening. WHOOO ENERGIES TO US TILL THIS EVENT ENDS WHOO!
11:58 PM PHT, Marcg 16, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 74
Backlogs rush at morning. Our director got a hit on getting mad so there stayed at home to finish layouting tasks then rushed to event office. Homebound after office. Then continued logs at home.
11:49 PM PHT March 15, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 73
As a continuation for yesterday's log, off early to catch up some event but due to some other deadlines headed home instead. Sleep for the whole aftie then backlogs at night.
Backlogs again at morning then headed to event office. Got a call from sleepover work and it went smoothly.
Skies went gloomy bruh.
10:04 PM PHT, March 14, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 72
From sleepover work, went home for other backlogs. Then head to city mall Exhibit soft opening had a small cocktail then head off to event office. Sleepover work cancelled due to some events attended by the writer. So sleepover work continued for event office.
1:22 AM PHT, March 13, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 70
For yesterday's log, woken up early to rush edit the paper work until what we can then preparing stuffs for ingress. Had a ritual before transferring exhibit artworks to a mall. Then ingress. After ingress, went off home to leave some stuffs and had a packaging task and backlogs. Then to a seminar. After attending the seminar, off to event office work. Was so late finishing tasks so I didn't get to go to sleepover work so went home after a late stay at event office.
For today, had film backlogs and other stuffs to finish from desktop work. After finishing those headed to event office had meetings and tasks. Went to courier office to send out the one I packed yesterday. Then went back event office to continue backlogs. Late aftie is to the sleepover work and had a long call overnight and other backlogs. Phew!
11:19 PM PHT, March 11, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 68
Early morning backlogs. Nap a bit before heading off to the city. Photoshoot all aftie. There was a certain misunderstanding with a government agency and my appetite was lost due to anxiety rose. Still I focused on getting on the document and ask help for misunderstanding. The misunderstanding was disclose yet need to attend a training for tomorrow hopefully it went smooth. Went to hop off at event office for a little bit presence then off to sleepover work again. Meeting virtually then backlogs 💀👀
11:38 PM PHT March 9, 2022
Day 68
After the sleepover work, went home to get the camera and off to event office. Had a small documentation at Avong and back to event office meetings and discussion as well as backlogs.
After event office, off to sleepover work.
8:52 AM PHT March 9, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 68
After the sleepover work, went home to get the camera and off to event office. Had a small documentation at Avong and back to event office meetings and discussion as well as backlogs.
After event office, off to sleepover work.
8:52 AM PHT March 9, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 66
Started doing tasks. Packed off things for sleepover work. Off to the city, to the office. Meeting as I arrived. Off to Another office work.
Was doing fine until this word problem bruhhhh this XML stupid shit. *sigh*
11:22 PM PHT March 7, 2022
Day 66
For yesterday, Morning backlogs then went to reopening of a park as part of city' famous festival opening. Was damn warm weather and kinda crowded. I stained a bit of my shorts LOL period days.
Went to workplace for the items to be delivered then off to "Avong". Reciever wasn't there coz' she was stuck at home so off to office for meeting and such.
Called by reciever to be delivered at their house so went there and offered another assist service. Was supposed to be staying long but a live was scheduled for the later time so went home as done dinner there then there the live.
After the live, went back to backlogs then other stuffs. Now kinda loaded so WOOOHHH LETS GO BITCH.
12:18 AM March 7, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 66
For yesterday, Morning backlogs then went to reopening of a park as part of city' famous festival opening. Was damn warm weather and kinda crowded. I stained a bit of my shorts LOL period days.
Went to workplace for the items to be delivered then off to "Avong". Reciever wasn't there coz' she was stuck at home so off to office for meeting and such.
Called by reciever to be delivered at their house so went there and offered another assist service. Was supposed to be staying long but a live was scheduled for the later time so went home as done dinner there then there the live.
After the live, went back to backlogs then other stuffs. Now kinda loaded so WOOOHHH LETS GO BITCH.
12:18 AM March 7, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 65
For the 63rd, Off to work then to visit associate prod after but he wasn't there so had a small talk with his son then home and took a nap and I was up for a pre-ordering schedule coz' aiming at the first 2 hour benefit LOL but realizes that it PM not AM so did backlogs instead and slept after.
Yesterday logs goes work then meeting after then overtime since I'm gonna be on 3 weeks on another office. So, night went backlogs then preparing stuffs.
12:08 AM PHT March 6, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 62
No plans after since overtime again. This weird weather again LOL. Clouds also feels heat so they sweat after a warm whole day 😂😂
10:40 PM PHT March 3, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 61
Was concentrated typing this then my brother interrupted hearing the knocking sound WTF
11:59 PM PHT March 2, 2022
Day 61
Work. Erranded for the product requested at the city. Then work again
Workplace Fellowship! Milktea and Pizza combo for today and the Film is 스플릿 (Strike) year 2016 directed by 최국희.
Lessons dropped/shared as recalled:
-There is only one lane (In life, whether you like it or not, we only have one ending. If you want to become a pro, it'll be only im one thing. You can be Jack of all trades but you can really be only a pro in one thing.)
-Follow the demand
Had a little bit headache due to warm weather but already cooled off the night.
Was supposedly to visit associate producer's studio but worked overtime so will visit anyday this week.
11:41 PM PHT March 2, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 61
Work. Erranded for the product requested at the city. Then work again
Workplace Fellowship! Milktea and Pizza combo for today and the Film is 스플릿 (Strike) year 2016 directed by 최국희.
Lessons dropped/shared as recalled:
-There is only one lane (In life, whether you like it or not, we only have one ending. If you want to become a pro, it'll be only im one thing. You can be Jack of all trades but you can really be only a pro in one thing.)
-Follow the demand
Had a little bit headache due to warm weather but already cooled off the night.
Was supposedly to visit associate producer's studio but worked overtime so will visit anyday this week.
11:41 PM PHT March 2, 2022
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veryfemyfemy · 3 years
Day 60
New month!
Head off to work task overloaded but still great. Was tired after so some backlogs off course after work.
9:54 PM PHT , March 1, 2022
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