trying something new!! idk how good/in character it is though. lmk if this is something you want more of or nah i just thought it was a good way to get asks
(Asra, Julian, Nadia, Portia, Muriel, Lucio, You)
"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we'd never met?"
"Well, you wouldn't have a life at all... Neither would I, I suppose."
"Darling, I would be dead."
"Unbearably repetitive. It is an ugly thought we needn't worry ourselves with."
"No! Of course not. I think we make a great team, don't you?"
"Yes. I don't... I don't think I could get rid of you. I want— I'm used to you being around."
"Yeesh— not. Not good. I don't think I could've handled being dead much longer, MC."
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I had to repost this he's literally so gorgeous the ethnic features also and it he when it he he when *roasts self slowly in fire*
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Drew this before the last one to get used to drawing him again. Artstyle hard to keep consistent.
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Is it just me or is Julian literally SO Panic! At The Disco coded. Like every time I hear it I go "omg dr devorak wtf" you know like DOES ANYONE ELSE GRT IY?!??
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Another emotional rollercoaster for you guys uh it's my best friends birthday tomorrow and I spent all day speed crochetinh a birthday kitty cat and then i mafe a card and i taped a rock in it and stickers and petals and decided I would go spray a ton of my perfume on it so it would smell fancy but then i was walking to the bathroom and there was a mouse and it ran in my brothers room and i slammed the door so it couldn't go out because I was freakinf out okau im gonna cry myself to aleep now love you guys muahmuahmwah
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Can't we just boycott Dorian at this point? 😭😭😭 they clearly won't care about anything we, as a fandom, have to say unless it affects them monetarily so why not just stop buying merch and stop using their shitty app?
I already had my own issues with Dorian bc I don't like how they promote the game at all (this including using Asra x Julian as publicity and totally swiping Nadia and Portia under the rug) but after seeing that shameless post on insta I'm baffled, and I'm saying this as someone that joined the fandom last year, I can't imagine how much displeasure the older side of the fandom is feeling.
They think they can just take the one game they use to capitalize and shit on it to promote their app? Totally discrediting all the thought and effort it has behind (that they didn't put on it) that's gross, and there's a part on their post that rubbed me in the wrong way bc what do they mean taking years to develop and plan is bad??? That's what makes the game good??? It has soul and you can connect with the characters because it was beautifully created, it has so much potential but Dorian only see it as a way to promote their platform and grab cash easily.
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My first time animating on my computer!! It's Portia doing a 2 second turn whehehehe
You guys would get more but opentoonz was trying so hard to fuck with me and I am ready to chokeslam my pc so this is uh.
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 10 days
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Gives you the shitpost ashamedly
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 10 days
I kinda want to adopt a pigeon actually
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 16 days
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 1 month
I've been listebimg to Hatsune Miku songd gor 4 hours straight and I can now taste my lungs and see from my clavicle thamk you for coming to my ted talk also I'm onmy period and can't srop crying
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 1 month
Welp I hope you guys enjoy those I'm going back into my coma now
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 1 month
Naptime With Asra (and Then Portia a Little Bit For All The Portia Fans)
In this household, naptime is all the time
Previously, Asra used to cram himself into any spot that looked comfortable and snooze there
Now, they tend to choose spots that they know you'll be able to fit into as well
Or at least spots they think you'll fit into
Today the shop is closed. You hear a faint "MC?" across the room and you have to scavenge for a sleepy magician, who is stuffed behind the couch with outstretched arms
If you choose/manage to squish yourself in there with him, you're getting folded into him immediately. This is pretty great but please note that neither of you can move. It's basically the equivalent of falling into a one block wide two block deep hole with another player in Minecraft
Once you settle in and get over the general stuffiness of the space it's the coziest you'll ever be
You can feel his chest moving against your back as he breathes, but he's completely silent other than the occasional contented sigh
Soft daylight filters through your window, creeping into the nook you're stuffed in, it illuminates the motes of dust floating around you
Faust is draped over your thigh, basking in a pool of sunlight
When you wake up you're sore everywhere. Asra is curled into some inhuman pretzelish shape around you, and Faust ended up looped around his forearm like the world's cutest bangle
She was absolutely convinced she didn't need a nap at the time, but melted immediately when you pulled her into the fluffy rug with you
If she was doing something she's restless as a goose in a bucket and you just can't get her to hold still
But you could certainly hold her, and she is very soft and warm
Before you know it she's out like a light
You lay on your side atop the rug, tendrils of Portia's hair swaying across your face as she snores quietly
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 1 month
The Arcana Characters Eating Some Weird Shit
(Consists of: Nadia, Portia, Muriel, and about one sentence of Lucio at the very end)
Asra dragged her into the marketplace one day and handed her a steaming hot dish of... something
The something on the paper plate was a strange gelatinous cube with large suspicious looking flakes inside
Just looking at it she was panicking
Is she really willing to ingest this? Is this what her subjects eat regularly? Does she need to fix that...?
She bravely grabs her cutlery and, with a skaky hand, takes off the corner and goes to place it delicately in her mouth
Oh dear, she's not fully sure she can do this
She does not
Needless to say, Nadia has officially learned her lesson, and that is Asra doesn't know what food is
From that day onwards, she denies any food Asra offers her. Actually she might never eat street food again
Trust issues from this point onwards
It all started when Nadia wanted to thank her for being such an amazing staff member
She wanted to treat Portia to a meal of sorts, but didn't want to simply order it for her. No, she wanted to do something more personal
So Nadia cooked for Portia
Portia sat down, curious to see what the countess had in store
She smiled excitedly as Nadia placed a meal in front of her and–
As she saw what was on the plate, a realization hit Portia like a freight train
Nadia has never needed to cook in her life
She's not sure if the food(?) is burnt or raw, and if you're wondering what it was, so was she
Panic bubbled up in her throat as she looked up into Nadia's serene, beaming face
Not wanting to be rude, Portia began shovelling the entire thing into her face, not bothering to breathe or chew more than strictly nessecary
Unsurprisingly this didn't end well and she started choking
Nadia no longer cooks
As a kid he ate a lot of strange and concerning shit
However, as an adult he quite likes the luxury of being able to make himself consistent, boring, nutritional meals that won't make him violently ill, so you probably won't see him eat anything too strange
...unless you make it
One fateful evening, you were finishing making a stew. Muriel was out chopping wood and wouldn't be back until a little later, so you decided to do something nice for him and bake a batch of lemon biscuits for dessert
The stew was gently simmering over the stove as you finished up mixing the batter
While this happened, Innana walked over to you and sat on your feet in hopes of getting a munch
You lifted a piece of meat out of the pot, holding it so that it cooled before you gave it to Innana
Unfortunately she took this as a sign to leap up and grab it, which resulted in her flying paws knocking the bowl of batter into the soup
The stew had turned lumpy and thick with flour, the batter had begun to sink and separate into the pot
You chose to make something else for dinner, so you left to get new ingredients
While you were gone, Muriel must have had a serving of the battersoup thinking you had already eaten (due to your absence)
He trusts you to cook using safe ingredients and will probably ingest whatever you make him no matter what it is
You walk in on him having a second bowl
He'll eat weird shit if he makes it himself and that's on hubris cunt
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 1 month
HC for how the M6 would react if after the upright ending, the black plague happened.
(A/N: this was supposed to be funny... it is not funny... also this has been marinating for so long i can't finish all of the m6 so it's just asra and nadia I'M SORRYYYYYY)
For context: The red plague is over, you tell the devil to suck it, you and your LI are happy and in love and then some dumbass gets too up close and personal with a rat, beginning the black plague.
You're coming home from a trip with him when you enter the city and notice the streets of Vesuvia are completely empty
Before you can even reach your shop you know something is terribly wrong
Asra turns to look at you, worried
You decide to visit the palace, surely Nadia would be able to explain what was happening
When you get there, a single guard is posted inside the gates wearing a plague mask
"In light of the recent plague outbreak, the countess will not be seeing any visitors," the guard says, unmoving, monotone as if they had turned away many before you
A moment of stunned silence passes before you feel Asra grip your hand with his own
He's shaking
Asra's brain is so hectic that the only thing he can think of doing is getting you away from here. So he takes you back to the shop and he's stuffing everything he possibly can into a travelling bag
They're completely unresponsive when you speak to them
...but when you take both of their wrists in your hands and ask them how they're feeling they immediately shatter
Full blown panic attack
He can't stop thinking of your charred bones in the ground, can't stop imagining you so ill that you can't walk, can't stop dreading that you'll want to stay in Vesuvia and try to help people and end up dead all over again
He can't stop
They're sobbing now, wrapping their arms around your waist and burying their face into the space above your clavicle so they can listen to your heart beating through the pulse point in your neck
You stay like that for hours
He's no fool and he knows he can't mourn you like this when you're still with him, so when he finally parts with you, it's to ask you to run away alongside him
Asra's begging you to leave with him, but he's not going to go without you. Not again
If you choose to leave with him, he's taking that chance to whisk you away as soon as you're ready
Takes you to his cottage in Nopal so you can both lay low until the new plague relents
If you're adamant about staying, he'll stay with you
Knows that if you fall ill and he's not there to help you he won't ever forgive himself
He's willing to stick with you in Vesuvia, but just know he'll hate every second of it. Every moment is spent filled with his fear for the both of you
Whatever you choose, the whole ordeal digs up your shared traumas, so, yk, all in all both of you are doing pretty terribly
You're having constant nightmares about being cremated alive
He's having nightmares about finding your bones in the ground, about being unable to save you and all of your loved ones
On nights like those, you cling to each other and try to offer the most comfort you can
Before the outbreak even happened her intuition told her something bad was going to happen
As soon as her suspicions are even slightly confirmed she's sending out warnings to all Vesuvians
To the average person she appears uncannily composed about the whole ordeal, but you know how much of a toll it has taken on her
Nadia's people are dying around her AGAIN and she's as frantic and upset as you've ever seen her. She is so very determined to do better than last time
She wants to be a better ruler
She's imposing rules on quarantines, finding ways to supply food and water without spreading the disease, attempting to help those who are already sick, she is trying
Her stress levels have long surpassed even Julian's
She's overworking herself and most days you think you're the only thing keeping her sane
It consumes her
Part of the reason the plague affects her so heavily is because she knows you died from it
The very fact that someone as wonderful and lively and beautiful as you could have their life torn away from them haunts her. She can't let that happen if she has any say in it at all
Wants to keep you safe despite the fact you're the court magician, tries to keep you away from it all but isn't sure if that means sacrificing the rest of Vesuvia
Nadia might actually explode so be nice to her please...
It's no longer Lucio's good time party town it is now trauma central
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 1 month
Would the Arcana M6 still love you if you didn't know how to balance chemical equations:
(A/N: yeah I should definitely know how to do that by now but uhh. science class struggler since day one)
Asra literally brought you back from the dead, he would absolutely still love you is that even a question. They uh. They can't really help you, though, because they don't know how to do that.
Nadia absolutely still loves you, she helps you learn how to do balance chemical equations because she's got a big brain full of knowledge and stuff. The most competent star student ever
Julian would still love you, he would try to teach you but (truth be told) he either forgot how to do that or just never learned at all. Asks people he considers more knowledgeable about it
Muriel loves you, he also grew up on the streets as an orphan and spent most of his adult life in the woods. What the FUCK is any of that
Portia still loves you!!! She also roundhouse kicks your sciencework out the window. Now you are no longer plagued by this. You're welcome
Lucio is on fire what is happening to him. There's a lot of stupid all up in his brain space
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vesuvianhermitcrabs · 1 month
The Arcana Characters As Old People:
(It's only Portia Muriel and Lucio..)
Her handbag is absolutely enormous. Why? Because it's full of secrets, MC! Okay in all seriousness it's actually full of lollies and stolen napkins and spare change and yarn balls and her calendar with all her grandbabies' birthdays on it and probably a couple jars of soup
There are grandkids. So, so many grandkids. It doesn't matter what barriers there are, there are grandkids. Portia will find a way. Even if you have to pick some up off the street
This man's back problems are unfathomable
You would think he'd have become grumpier in his old age, but getting old morphed him into an even bigger softie than before. Goes to the docks often to give the kids there candy and sweaters he's made for them (he crochets a LOT now)
The children living at the docks adore him. Whenever you go with him to visit you see him dishing out hugs and pats on the head and it probably sends you into cardiac arrest (again) (rip MC)
He built two wooden lawn chairs so you and him could sit in front of the hut and sip tea and do other old people things
Even more of an animal whisperer in his old age, birds land on his shoulders, young deer curl up on his lap, and you've seen bears politely sit next to him when he's fallen over in the woods and can't get up
You think it's because he's spent his whole life caring for the woods and now it's caring for him back
The two of you visit Khamgalai a lot more nowadays, just to catch up (and you can relate to her more now, you oldies)
He has a wooden walking stick which sits next to the door
Every five minutes he remembers aging is real and looks at you with the most shocked look before going "I'M OLD." in the most despaired voice
Owns 576 skincare products (they don't work, he's literally like 80)
He's still kind of entitled but he's less of an ass nowadays. I mean, don't get me wrong, he hasn't changed much, but he's certainly a lot wiser than he once was
You're not sure what his father looked like. However, now that he's older you can see that he really takes after his mother Morga. I mean, he always had, but especially now. This revelation makes you all the more attracted to him (which you aren't quite sure how to feel about)
Tells complete strangers not to end up like him if they even remotely resemble him when he was younger
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