vian-k · 2 months
Pass and play. Never mine but just my turn
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vian-k · 2 months
Make sure to heal all of your wounds otherwise you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you.
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vian-k · 3 months
No matter how strong I get.
The weight you have on my heart is heavier than anything I will ever lift
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vian-k · 5 months
Even if I found myself in the deepest recesses of hell.
I would be truely at peace because God gave me enough heaven for an eternity.
When he gave me just a moment with you.
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vian-k · 6 months
I wanna write "I miss you" on a rock and throw it on your face, so you know how much it hurts to miss you.
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vian-k · 7 months
Falling asleep on a call is another type of connection <3
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vian-k · 7 months
I mustn't look at you too much or I won't be able to take my eyes off you at all. There are times when my longing for you overwhelms me so often I can only think of you with teeth clenched. You wouldn't believe the type of person I could become if you wanted it. No I didn't imagine my life being alone with you the way you do. If I want the impossible I want it in its entirety, entirely alone dearest, I wanted us to be entirely alone on this earth, entirely alone under the sky and to lead my life, my life that is yours without distraction and with complete concentration in you. Nothing unites two people completely especially if like you and me all they have are words. You were at once both the quiet and confusion of my heart.
The heart knows not the boundaries set by society. It follows it own course and ours led us to each other. We loved as the stars love the moon, from a far but with a burning intensity that illuminated our souls, our love was a flame that could not be extinguished even in the face of destiny's curel designs. To love you was to defy all conventions and yet it was the truest and purest love I have ever known. The love that dares not speak it's name has nothing to do with it. My love for you is like the ceaseless tides, eternal and unyielding. We were both prisoners my queen, chained by duty and honor and yet in each other's arms we found our freedom. Your smile could light up the darkest of nights and warm even the coldest of hearts. In the realm of love there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. Our love was a secret but in the quiet of the night our whispers were louder than any proclamation.
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vian-k · 7 months
HBO special
Help a Brother Out
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vian-k · 7 months
She had the beauty of a gazing star
The voice of melody
And the heart of pure joy
Like an angel sent from above
Her eyes were as mysterious as the skies
That ought to have attention
For it was their right
The window to her soul demanded attention
Her voice was harmony and melody brought together to make a rare combination
This was done for persuasion of every heart
Her body and beauty were that of a goddess
Not merely made but rather designed then crafted by the hands of God
Her heart was as sweet as honey
As joyful as a warm hug
Where she pathed, happiness was spread amoungst the people
Is she the perfect being?
Is she really perfecte?
Is she the goddess of beauty?
Or is she beauty in it's purest form?
Yes ,the fascination of beauty still lives strong in me.
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vian-k · 8 months
We all ran away from home but all ended up in Rome!
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vian-k · 8 months
When you're stressed out over your finances and your financial burden comes to comfort you.
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vian-k · 9 months
Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
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vian-k · 9 months
Don't be a pretender when you are a contender.
Don't be a contender when you are a pretender.
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vian-k · 9 months
Most people are working hard but are not hard working
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vian-k · 9 months
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{Words by José Olivarez from Citizen Illegal /@fatimaamerbilal , from even flesh eaters don't want me.}
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vian-k · 9 months
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{Words by L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea/ Jacqueline Woodson, If You Come Softly}
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vian-k · 9 months
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Sue zhao/Ryan O'Connell
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